knifeySpoonie: Thanks. I would really like to add more little details in the animation, but for now I am happy with how it is turning out.
DevLog #7Added some small changes to the game that led to some big effects on the gameplay. Instead of charging the generator while you are close to it, now you have to spend "Junk" and convert it into "Energy". This adds a whole new strategic element to the game, because now you have to choose either to wait and gather more to be able to build gadgets or charge the generator and fight now.
- new art for processors resource
- processor resource will now fly to you if you are in range
- I've added the ability to turn on and off the main generator ( Gamepad Y )
- generator's lights will consume resource "energy" during night
- now you need to use "junk" in order to create "energy" ( 1J for 2E )
- fixed some bugs with generator's animations and created turn on/off anims
- all new art assets for robot "Clap-Clap"
- obstacle Magic Chest now spawns gems instead of cherries
- added new sounds for: convert Junk to Energy, sentry shoot, obstacle-failed experiment shoot, robot destroyed, boss Ghzax beam and rocket shots