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Author Topic: Balding's Quest: Milestone 3 Development  (Read 101117 times)
Senior Editor, Hero,
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Bee Mixsy

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« on: December 21, 2008, 04:16:39 AM »

- - -
This thread is for the development of Balding's Quest.
Post your ideas, maps, objects, graphics, sounds, and whatever else here!  Every bit helps.

To find out more about BQ and to get the LATEST BUILD, go here:

- - -
Milestone 1 saw Guy running and jumping like a champ.
Milestone 2 saw the engine and tools put in place.
Milestone 3 will be about building the gameplay, assembling a reservoir of tilesets, maps, sounds, objects, effects, etc., and improving/expanding the engine and tools.  (So we can start putting together the final game!)

How can I help?
I'm glad you asked!  For now, everyone should make anything they can -- maps, objects, whatever.  Experiment and get familiar with the tools and scripting language.  Meanwhile, I'll post what I'm working on for the next update, along with whatever I might need.  Feedback is always welcome, as well!

All content in BQ is fully open and editable.  And very easy to add to!

Tools, Tutorials, Guides:
Snakey has made an Incredible External Editor with a visual browser for all objects, tile group selection, undos, zooming, and other wonderful things.  (It's a WIP, so be sure to give feedback and request what you'd like to see in the future.)

Dragonmaw wrote a sweet Map Editor Tutorial for the in-game editor.  (Which should also be useful for BQed.)

I also filled out a Script Function Guide, so now there's no excuse for not creating crazy objects, enemies, and creatures!
- - -
Scroll down to see a General Community To Do list...

Next update: M2 v.1.0.4

I'd like version 1.1 to have the foundation of the game in place.  All the core abilities and global objects, a basic map screen with a string of fleshed-out levels, a healthy amount of content in the Reservoir for new map-makers to work with, and the code/tools/everything tightened up as much as possible.  This will be the seed for making the final game and the version I'd like to spread around, to get as many contributors as possible.

Community (General) To Do:
Look through the folders of the game -- you can (and should!) add to anything in there!  But here are some ideas:

Background images can be used by anyone for any map.  I'd like to see at least one or two unique background images for each tileset theme, as well as a number of general backgrounds that could be used across themes.  If you can do graphics, this is an easy place to contribute!

Borders are similar to Backgrounds, in that they can add flair to any map.  Re-coloring the existing borders and drawing new styles would be cool to see.

I'd like to maintain a consistent style for the game's audio, but I'd be willing to work with people to remix their tracks to fit.  Each theme needs at least one song, but by the release of the final game, I'd like to see multiple songs per theme.  Also: Game Over and Victory tunes would be appreciated!

This is a great way to contribute!  Making new tiles for the existing themes and creating new themes helps everyone.  (A lot.)

Maps are also always awesome.  And the more familiar folks get with the Editor and game, the better and better they'll get.  It's also a good way to gauge what needs to be added next.

With the generalized objects, it's now super easy to create new objects, or re-skin existing objects.  Drawing alternate sprite sheets for the game's objects and effects to match the different themes is great place to start.

Animations for Guy tend to also be very much helpful!

Make Child scripts of the Generalized Global Objects (usually in ALL CAPS in the Scripts folder) to make exciting alternate objects.  (For example, once the generalized walking enemy script is in, you can simply fill out a list of parameters to turn it into practically any standard game enemy.  No logic necessary!)  But also, I encourage you to make new objects and enemies!  I can generalize them later to be used by anyone, but I'd love to see strange new elements added to the game.

Bug reports, general feedback, feature requests, object ideas, gameplay ideas, EVERYTHING is always very much appreciated!

BMcC To Do (for the next version):
Yo!  I'll handle all additions to the code, Guy, and global objects for now.

- Fix moving objects in the Editor while Paused
- Basic Tileset browser
- Quick-load Objects in-map
- Improve Tile Type Mode display
- Map Tile Type and Start Value to arrow keys?
- Basic Options screen

- Find and kill Effect Bug
- Fix LUA typos
- Profile, optimize in most needed places
- Attach Object script function?

- Ghost-check crouch-to-stand
- Adjust acceleration curve
- Magnet item
- Gun item
- Hang From Ceiling
- Belly Slide
- Climb objects?

- Default Value scripts for Global Objects (to protect them from future updates)
- "Weight Trigger" global object
- "Trap" global object
- "Shooter" global object
- "Guard" global object
- "Goomba" global object
- "Fan" global object
- "Magnet" global object
- "Teleporter" global object
- "Spring" global object
- "Barrel" global object

- Magnet
- Revolver

- Ice
- Sludge
- Metal
- Improve: Water, Spikes, Lava
- Platform Stop, Platform Turn
- Disappearing Platform, Reappearing Platform, Timed Platform
- Breakable Wall, Bombable Wall
- On/Off Switch Tiles
- Thin Platform

- Whatever anyone else does!

Quote from: What I Wrote At First For v.1.1
This means the most common objects will only need to be scripted once, and map-makers will be able to create Child scripts with a simple list of parameters to alter the object.  (For example, you could create a Platform Child for your own map, with the animation file, dimensions, speed, etc. adjusted to taste, and everything would just... work.)  This also means all the important stuff will be consistent, easy to maintain, and interact with the game's simulation in every way possible.  The first set of Main Objects shall be: Moving Platform, Box, Teleporter, Laser, Trap, "Thwomp," Basic Enemy, Switch, Door, Weight Trigger, Spring, Fan, Magnet, Shooter, and Object-Spawner.  (Yes, Wind and Magnetism will be added to the simulation!)

I think handler functions should be added for the Tile Types, so objects may react to them consistently, and without extra work.  New Tile Types shall be: Water, Conveyor, Falling Platform, Destroyable Platform, Ice, Sludge, Wind, Magnetism, and Disappearing/Reappearing Triggered Tiles.

I think an extra value should added to each tile and object in-editor.  That way, extra scripts wouldn't have to be created for, say, doors being rotated a certain way at start, or switches changing a certain "Key."  New scripts would only need to be made for more dramatic changes, like the animation file and dimensions.  (Of course... we could probably figure a way to quickly change those in-editor as well.  Have to see if it's worth the trouble.)

As stated before, there should be more handler functions, so objects react consistently and to everything.  But, Guy must be expanded as well!  New moves and items for Guy shall be: Hang from ceiling, Hang from/Climb objects, Belly slide, Wall slide/Wall kick (maybe), Swim/Dive, Magnet, Umbrella, Jetpack/Helihat, Pick up/Throw objects (Bombs, Keys, etc.), Teeter on edge/Look up (hello, Spelunky!), General "Sword," General "Gun," Pull(?), Shield, Blowdryer (for blowing things Tongue), Hammer/Ground pound, and Ride Vehicle (possibly).  This should give map-makers a huge amount of possibility.  I'm going to need lots of animations. Wink

A nice code cleanup should make everything easier to work with on my end, optimize some things, and eradicate the few quirks that are left.  (The collision flags being the biggest problem at the moment.)  I'll also make the engine even more external, by having things like Tile Type be defined from a file.

Gotta get in a basic World Map, Global Values and Objects, Save Games, and that sort of thing.  Should be super easy with the system already in place!

I'd like to make things more user-friendly.  And I'd like the scripting language to be more solid/easy to understand.  Basically, any feedback I get, I'll take into account.  This next version should make it easier than ever to create content for the game.

An ongoing list should be started for everything anyone's contributed, so they're credited properly in the final game.  I don't wanna leave anyone out by mistake!

« Last Edit: February 27, 2009, 11:06:29 AM by BMcC » Logged

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 04:19:18 AM »

ALSO:  Gotta put up the Scripting Guide, basic Tutorials, FAQ, blah blah blah.

Level 10

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« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 06:56:24 AM »

This sounds pretty good.  Christ, when it comes down to make the actual game, I'll bet the BQ engine is going to just read our brainwaves and put it together for us. :D

I'd actually put the Scripting Guide pretty high on the priority list, because the easier it is for people to learn, the more stuff we'll have to play with (assets and ideas both).  I'd love to help out with that.  I have kind of a fetish for writing documentation for games.
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 12:52:37 PM »

I'd actually put the Scripting Guide pretty high on the priority list, because the easier it is for people to learn, the more stuff we'll have to play with (assets and ideas both).  I'd love to help out with that.  I have kind of a fetish for writing documentation for games.

Hmm, yeah!  How would you like to help?

Today I could post the Milestone 3 Development thread and a list of all Script Functions with their parameters & returns, but, yeah, I guess, hm...  If you could learn how to make objects or maps or whatever, and write tutorials, that would be awesome!  Do you want me to walk you through it first, or do you just wanna figure it out, or what?

Edit: I'm really not looking forward to writing tutorials myself, so it'd be a big help!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 12:57:32 PM by BMcC » Logged

Level 10


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« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 01:16:04 PM »

His sword should be a rapier. They are more awesome than a simple blade.

Level 10

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« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 01:19:22 PM »

I call dibs on the Belly slide and Wall slide anims.

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 01:21:20 PM »

His sword should be a rapier. They are more awesome than a simple blade.

You just like saying "rapier." Tongue

I call dibs on the Belly slide and Wall slide anims.

You best call dibs on all the animations! Kiss

« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2008, 02:09:16 PM »

I think I have an idea for a map!
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2008, 07:53:19 PM »


« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2008, 09:11:01 PM »

I'm totally up for writing tutorials on BQ M2's editors and such! Since I've been fooling around with it.

Anyways, here's a map I did shortly after release:

Garbage Vents

And here's some scripted wall switches. Activated by kicks and trigger red objects, of course. RedSwitch03 is facing to the right, RedSwitch04 is facing to the left.

Red Wall Switches
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2008, 11:09:37 PM »

Totally cool!

And you wrote a Map Editor Tutorial.  This is the stuff of champions. Beer!

Level 10

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« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2008, 11:46:54 PM »

I made a map called No Spin Zone.
I was gonna make it a tower level but I ran out of ideas for vertical stuff. Dunno why I named it that tho. Anyway, the level maker is already quite easy to use, and yet you still insist on making it easier! Madness! Insanity! Awesome!

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2008, 11:59:45 PM »

Haha, oh man!  You use the screen looping in a clever way, and I so fell for climbing into the sideways tubes.  Smiley  Excellent.

(Though, I think I found a BUG while playing your map... Which is bad and good, I guess!)

« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2008, 12:21:06 AM »

I made a map called No Spin Zone.
I was gonna make it a tower level but I ran out of ideas for vertical stuff. Dunno why I named it that tho. Anyway, the level maker is already quite easy to use, and yet you still insist on making it easier! Madness! Insanity! Awesome!
It's alright. A few things:
  • It's really cluttered with background stuff, which can be a little confusing.
  • I can't for the life of me make the 4-tile jump. after climbing the tower area. Even when I wait until the very last pixel, he plummets to his death. Am I missing something? Disregard this, I am retarded.
  • Garbage doesn't affect anything under a ladder collision tile, even though it looks like it should. So there's no challenge to the beginning.
  • Remove the green arrows. It's no fun being told exactly where to go!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 12:30:14 AM by Dragonmaw » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2008, 12:59:34 AM »

Sweet Smiley
Thanks for the feedback, Dragonmaw, I updated it with your suggestions. Same link.

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2008, 01:07:04 AM »

I beat it. Cool

It was tough... but fair.

ALSO I fixed that bug!  Yay. Smiley

Mr. Yes
Level 5

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« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2008, 02:31:28 AM »

I can't do much at this moment, but I'll be playing around with this later! I already figured most of this stuff out, so hopefully I'll be making something awesome soon.

Level 0

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« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2008, 02:35:16 AM »

I've updated the scripts so that there is no wait time after death, but you still get the death message (the modified version I posted in another topic).
The message displays somewhere in the middle of the layers, just like the "kick" and "monocle" messages...

Extract the files to the scripts folder:

Update: Use this updated one if you already used the original:
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 05:10:00 AM by mike » Logged
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2008, 02:38:38 AM »

Churned out a really rudimentary Mirror's Edge tileset and test map. There's no real flair at the moment, will be fixing that.

ME Tileset and Map
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 09:23:59 PM by Dragonmaw » Logged
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2008, 03:02:43 AM »

I found a little problem in the NoSpinZone map. When you try to climb up with those pipes, but you go too far in them, you die.
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