I can't do much at this moment, but I'll be playing around with this later! I already figured most of this stuff out, so hopefully I'll be making something awesome soon.
I'm amazed by how quickly people are picking this up!
I've updated the scripts so that there is no wait time after death, but you still get the death message (the modified version I posted in another topic).
The message displays somewhere in the middle of the layers, just like the "kick" and "monocle" messages...
Uh oh, editing Guy's script (or Include_Objects) is kind of a no-no! Just because it could get real rough for me trying to handle adding to, balancing,
and updating him. But that is some adept scripting! (You
sure you've never used Lua before?) Right now, if you press Enter on the Death screen, it immediately reloads the level, so it's not as important to have the death text load in the same map, but in the future, maybe Guy would create Victory/Game Over objects that handle this stuff. Actually, that's probably the route it will go, when there's more Global game information being recorded.
Also, looking at the script, you should just define variables in-script -- using the setFlag() function is actually for specific overrides and whatnot. Changing those values could easily break how the object should work!
But still, neat! I'm including your custom death text in the next update. (Of course!) Oh, also also: The text for an object displays on its Display Layer, set in its setUpObject() function (in DO_FIRST). Cheers.
Churned out a really rudimentary Mirror's Edge tileset and test map. There's no real flair at the moment, will be fixing that.
Woo hoo, the first user-made tileset!
Did I include instructions for the Tileset Grabber in the Instructions? If not, I should do that. You can just draw your levels in whatever program and rip the unique tiles that way.
I found a little problem in the NoSpinZone map. When you try to climb up with those pipes, but you go too far in them, you die.
I believe that is intentional... part of the challenge.
Yep! He did that on purpose, because he's cruel.