« Reply #80 on: December 22, 2008, 10:18:26 AM » |
Brown glove is the pitcher's mitt. It's practically useless, though  .
real art looks like the mona lisa or a halo poster and is about being old or having your wife die and sometimes the level goes in reverse
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2008, 10:19:14 AM » |
Brown glove is the pitcher's mitt. It's practically useless, though  . I don't agree. It's pretty useful in Area 3, where throwing becomes more important.
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2008, 10:21:48 AM » |
Interesting. I found it in area 2, where it proceeded to make me overshoot every enemy by about 30 feet and eventually kill myself with a rock
real art looks like the mona lisa or a halo poster and is about being old or having your wife die and sometimes the level goes in reverse
« Reply #83 on: December 22, 2008, 10:25:15 AM » |
Brown glove is the pitcher's mitt. It's practically useless, though  . I don't agree. It's pretty useful in Area 3, where throwing becomes more important. Really? I hardly ever throw stuff in this area. I usually just carefully descend, avoiding most enemies, and look for the exit when I'm on the lowest floor. It's awesome how there are many ways to play this game. 
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2008, 10:57:37 AM » |
This game needs a nice beefy trailer video that shows some of the stuff that the impatient don't notice before giving the game a C+. 
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2008, 10:58:57 AM » |
Maybe you could increase the ghost time from two minutes to two and a half or three minutes?
Also, there needs to be a way to redo the tutorial. I'm trying to hook my friend on it and he keeps dying, so he has to redownload it every time.
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2008, 11:15:59 AM » |
This game needs a nice beefy trailer video that shows some of the stuff that the impatient don't notice before giving the game a C+.  I was actually trying to record some gameplay footage to make a nice video, but I tried CamStudio, GameCam, ZD Recorder, FRAPS and Taksi, and none worked well 
« Reply #87 on: December 22, 2008, 11:23:09 AM » |
I agree with Zaphos. Every level is easily completable in less than 2 minutes, but new players might not know that, and prefer to explore, before realizing that they're now screwed.
This game needs a level editor. It would go perfectly with what we already have. Maybe even a campaign editor? Lode Runner is the key, Derek! Look to it for inspiration!
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2008, 11:56:34 AM » |
I just tried pushing Spelunky on a friend of mine and he deleted it when he didn't beat the first level on his first try. You know what killed him? The ghost.
« Reply #89 on: December 22, 2008, 12:07:23 PM » |
I like it, it's got me hooked. Ditto on the ghost timeout being too short, I keep having to leg it for the exit on nearly every level(love level 5+ they look ace :D). Also, if you can push a block into a shop and have a spare bomb, you can crush the shopkeeper and liberate all the items (with previously mentioned bomb)  I've also noticed that you can use up your flares in the main/scores screens.
Powergloved Andy
« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2008, 12:34:03 PM » |
Overall I'd give this game a C+ It's pretty decent. But not great. But pretty damn impressive for your first GM game.
You're crazy, Andy.  This game might not be for everyone, but it's the new Nethack. It has more replay value than anything I've played in a long time. And it's the first game that I've been motivated to play from breakfast until bedtime for about five years. Yeah but there are so many things that can be improved. I am not falsely judging his works. This is my personal beliefs. The game, is fun, and nice, but overall could use a little tweak, that's all! This game needs a nice beefy trailer video that shows some of the stuff that the impatient don't notice before giving the game a C+.  I have played the game extensively. I was not impatient, I bet I spent more than 4 hours playing it, just testing out the nooks and crannies. This is what I truly believe the game deserves as of this moment. I state that it's fun and it has some really good points, but it has some things that need fixed too. I'm not going to just kiss his ass and say it's a great game just because he's Derek Yu! There are bugs that need fixed, and things that need to be tweaked... that's all!  I still have love and respect for indie developers from the smallest of games, to the most epic. But, if I don't feel like the game is as good as it can be I'm going to say something about it. 
« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2008, 12:39:49 PM » |
I think if Derek made a crap game, we'd all tell him. I know I would... 
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2008, 12:41:51 PM » |
Yeah but there are so many things that can be improved. I am not falsely judging his works. This is my personal beliefs. The game, is fun, and nice, but overall could use a little tweak, that's all!
It's also not finished, so, normally people would not assign it a 'score' yet. I have played the game extensively. I was not impatient, I bet I spent more than 4 hours playing it, just testing out the nooks and crannies. This is what I truly believe the game deserves as of this moment. I state that it's fun and it has some really good points, but it has some things that need fixed too. I'm not going to just kiss his ass and say it's a great game just because he's Derek Yu! There are bugs that need fixed, and things that need to be tweaked... that's all!  I still have love and respect for indie developers from the smallest of games, to the most epic. But, if I don't feel like the game is as good as it can be I'm going to say something about it.  I don't think you've seen more than a quarter of the game, so judgment does seem premature at that point.
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2008, 12:43:11 PM » |
I resent that Andy, you're obviously implying that people are saying the game is great because it's Derek's game, whatever that means 
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2008, 12:55:11 PM » |
Andy, Super Joe was several months ahead of you and for that he won the honour of having his name in the credits.
All you're going to get is some time in the tiger pit.
« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2008, 01:03:35 PM » |
I'd rather not hop onto the andy-bashing train, but I have to ask the following question: have you beaten level 4 yet? There's a bit more depth to this game than you may see at first. Like Benzido said, it's the new Nethack. This isn't a 2D exploration platformer. It's actually much more like a rogue-like, cleverly disguised as a platformer. Regardless, the greatest rewards go to those who continue deeper into the caves...
« Reply #96 on: December 22, 2008, 01:25:05 PM » |
I've been playing more, I really like this. I love me a bit of NetHack action, and a roguelike as a platformer may be blasphemy to some, but I think it's a masterwork, and has loads of potential 
« Reply #97 on: December 22, 2008, 01:43:54 PM » |
My thoughts are pretty similar to everyone else's.  It's a very addicting game, but the controls are a bit unintuitive, and the tutorial level needs to be repeatable. I would personally like the equip/change item key to be A or S, like Cave Story, and there should be another way to run besides assigning it its own key. Besides those gripes, this game is pretty much everything I want it to be. 
« Reply #98 on: December 22, 2008, 02:23:36 PM » |
I was being all awesome in my best run yet when X stopped working.
Powergloved Andy
« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2008, 02:30:02 PM » |
I resent that Andy, you're obviously implying that people are saying the game is great because it's Derek's game, whatever that means  Andy, Super Joe was several months ahead of you and for that he won the honour of having his name in the credits.
All you're going to get is some time in the tiger pit.
I wasn't saying anything like that  Jesus christ. It's a fun game. It's a good game, but things could be better. Haven't you ever heard of constructive criticism. I wasn't flaming the game, or Derek, in any way, shape, or form. It's a good game, a good concept, and is fun. But some things need to be changed. My grade still stands at C+...  If it wasn't fun I wouldn't have played it as much as I have... holy shit. 