Time to dust this thing off.
@BartsBlue: Semi-answered below
@Austinwoodmedia: I'll be in touch!
The game is progressing along. I hit alpha way back on May 15th but unfortunately it was the "notice severe design problems" kind of alpha instead of the kind that lets you sleep at night. This all came to light when I watched an experienced game designer friend play through the alpha build.
The main issue is that the game not only doesn't hold your hand, it breaks both arms at the wrist and zip-ties your pinkies together. The story itself is relayed in such a limited way, and the player is given so little guidance, that it's natural to A) get totally lost and B) not care.
None of this was a huge surprise. I could feel it coming for a long time but there's always been an excuse not to tackle it right away. Clearing alpha put the issue(s) at the top of the pile.
ProblemsThe ManifestFlipping through the manifest's 5 pages.
The manifest was designed as the main mechanism for deciphering people and events on the ship. The lack of context and bare presentation of were supposed to add an interesting level of sleuthing to the game. That would've worked fine with fewer characters and a shorter story. Unfortunately 60 characters, 10 disasters, and 48 flashback scenes is just too much and the structure of the manifest only adds to the confusion. A prudent solution would be to cut the characters/story way back but I liked those more than the manifest.
Interactive ObjectsInteracting with a lantern
Picking up the manifest
There are four types of interactive objects in the alpha: Doors, the Watchbox, Lanterns, and the Manifest. Doors are fine, everyone knows how those work. The watchbox is explicitly called out and gated. You can't proceed without opening it. Lanterns might be fine except that you have to look up to interact with them. The game goes out of its way to teach you that you shouldn't bother trying to interact with small things so having to hunt around for a small lantern switch is just bad business. The manifest is the only collectable on the entire ship, required for meaningful progression but not hard-gated, and easy to miss. Classic game design BS. This set of interactive items grew mainly from the need to find and pick up the manifest. In the game's logic, the manifest is in the Captain's possession and so naturally you need to board the ship and find it. My mind was totally wrapped up in that premise and it's only when I changed the player's central motivation that I could work out a fix.
Corpses Within FlashbacksA corpse within a flashback
In order to progress beyond the flashbacks accessible from skeletons on the ship, you have to find bodies
within flashbacks and "pull" them to the current time, at which point you can view
their death flashbacks. This is a neat system but it's one unexplained system too many. If you played the game at PAX Aus you would've been treated to numerous popup messages with graduated hints and clues about how you're supposed to advance since this concept is not introduced well. Nobody read the hints and so most people got stuck. I personally really hate getting stuck in games so this was a tall nail.
FixesI'm in a pretty tight spot with what I can do to fix this stuff. The game is totally married to the concept that you only get bits of story through flashbacks at moment-of-death, and you only access these flashbacks from the corpse of the deceased. So to tell a complete story, there need to be long unbroken chains of dead bodies reaching into the past, and gated areas of the ship to start off new chains with a skeleton here or there. Coming up with a story to fit these restrictions definitely took the longest time and has had the largest resource expenditure, so it can't really be changed at this point. Restrictions are good though so I had some structure to come up with fixes:
The BookOh look there's a book in the watchbox *
Table of contents, visible at the start
Selecting certain elements unrolls a closeup
Revealing one page of the book after visiting a corpse's flashback. Cued with music.
The Book takes over all the duties of the manifest in addition to explicitly listing chapters and every death in the entire game, initially as blank pages. As you find corpses and visit their flashbacks, pages are filled with information to help you assign fates and understand clues. The linear layout also makes explicit the flow of time, something which is totally lost otherwise as you're finding bodies in a very scattered chronological order. The Book's design grew from the idea of naming the flashbacks with chapter headings. Once I started thinking about those I was able to see the entire meta-narrative from a different and more interesting perspective. The big question of why there's a blank book with all the deaths is explained in the book's preface, and the handling of the book ties all the way into the game's ending. This is a big change from the previous "zero context" presentation but I think it's an improvement. And once again I've built some form of (really big) document in one of my games so, situation normal.
* Spot the UK/American English typoFewer Interactive ObjectsDoor and lantern status carried over from visited flashbacks
Now that the book replaces the manifest, and it's found within the same box as the watch, there's no need to pick up any items from the ship. That solves a major "item-importance" design problem that plagued the game since the beginning. I extended this even further and now the lanterns are no longer interactive. Instead, they behave like the locked doors and are magically carried over from their state in visited flashbacks. This removes some player choice but I consider lantern status to be pointless gameplay-wise and it leaves everything looking worse if the player never bothers/figures to switch them on.
Corpse HuntingCorpse hunting within a flashback
Instead of expecting players to implicitly understand that corpses within flashbacks are themselves special, there's now an explicit "corpse hunt" mode shoehorned in there. After visiting a flashback for the first time, as the music ends, you're put in a mode where the environment is reduced to wobbly outlines and any outstanding corpses are highlighted clearly. Walk up to a corpse, use the watch, and you're done. Some flashbacks contain multiple corpses and you need to find them all to proceed. Once all the corpses are pulled into the watch, you'll return to the current time where a ghostlike effect emanates from the watch and leads you directly to where the freshly-pulled corpses will appear, ready for their flashbacks to be visited. This whole process feels a bit uncomfortable with its modality but it so neatly draws the player along that I like it. Now it's possible to hintlessly progress through the game while piecing together its internal logic and story flow at a much more natural pace.
EtcThere were a lot of other small changes leading up to alpha and since. A couple I can remember:
Fate ValidationThe central mechanic of the game is to determine the fate of everyone onboard the ship. You do this by filling out a little sentence describing how they died or disappeared. It's always been up in the air how the player would know if these fate guesses were correct. None of the previous builds deal with it at all. One option is to just wait until the end of the game and tell the player how many fates are correct. I prefer something more immediate just for player satisfaction, but there's a problem that immediate feedback can be cheated. If I tell them their guess was correct right away, it's trivial for them to just try all the combinations and boom, game skipped. The solution I ended up with is to basically make it really hard to try all the combinations. The game now tells you when any set of 3 fates are correct. After entering the third correct fate (from any fates within the entire set of 60), there's a little fanfare reveal and those pages in the book are locked from editing. Cheating one fate is easy but cheating three fates requires just enough work, intent, or both that you'd be better off solving it the right way.
SVO FatesAt some point I standardized all the fates to use a Subject-Verb-Object format. So instead of saying [Person A] [was killed by] [Person B] [with a gun], it's now [Person A] [was shot by] [Person B]. This makes matching fates easier and is friendlier to localization, where sentence structure can be shuffled. It also lets me create more naturally synonymous fates, which was trickier before. Seeing how someone dies doesn't necessarily mean you can agree on how they died. Are they being crushed by falling rigging, or crushed by a terrible beast who pulled down the rigging? The fate system allows each death to have multiple correct fates so hopefully players won't get stuck by entering something they thought was correct but wasn't flagged as so.
To-do44 of 48 flashbacks are in the game as either complete or roughly complete. Some require a little work, some require a lot. I'm finishing up the script just now so most of the dialog/audio isn't recorded yet. I've only written 5 songs; I need 10 more. The ending is designed but not built. ~4 rooms on the ship need filling out. Assuming my fixes above actually hold, the sailing should be pretty smooth from here since it's no longer a design task but a production task within a functioning pipeline. Hopefully I can get this thing done before the end of the year but
we will see.
PAX WestI'll be showing the latest build at PAX West this year in the Indie Minibooth area, Sept 1st and 2nd. Come by if you're around!