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Author Topic: That Which Sleeps (Kickstarter LIVE)  (Read 49606 times)
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« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2014, 06:22:02 AM »

Continued Polish, Portraits, and Additional Mod Support

Lots of work over the past two weeks continuing to apply our new GUI look and feel.  In addition, we continued to work with Julio Iglesias, whose art you can see here, for some portrait work. Finally we spent a lot of time making sure every class in our game has an XML Serializer helper class associated with it.

Main GUI

We did a write-up on IndieDB about the updated GUI, so you can read that article if you want some layout information.  From the development perspective we added back in "Global Resources" which you see at the top, originally each Agent and POI had its own reservoir of resources, which makes the game much more tactical (you ferry resources about) but really didn't make the game more fun.  Now what we've added to compensate for that was an action you can take on a POI or Nation under your influence where you can siphon off some of their resources, slurp.

Standardized icons for Events, which was something that needed to be done for awhile - and created a new method for showing Agents on the left.  We MAY be changing that to a portrait but we'll see.  Icons for existing effects appear near the top, which makes sense, are tooltipped and can be interacted with by clicking on them.

I think we hit a good compromise here on keeping world real estate (being able to see the map) and getting a TON of functionality onto the page.  I'm a little sad about losing the old look and feel because they were incredibly modular, and now we're really set on fixed widths and heights, and have to work with scrollable panels.  Fortunately, NGUI makes that process very simple with a UIPanel and UIScrollable component.

At the bottom we added in a quick access to the Old One abilities when you are otherwise not selecting anyone, we're treating that bottom panel as "quick actions" based on what is selected.

Kingdom Screen

A sample of the new Kingdom Screen, you can see that we're a bit more into the "Theme" now.  I debated about the large banners, but I think I want people to really identify the nation with its insignia - really hammer it in.  The extra details in the box at the bottom can get squished, we may be lengthening the menu overall or lowing the font.

The other thing worth pointing out here is the Banners themselves,we now have high quality 3D banners used on the main map to represent armies, the larger the banner the bigger the army.  It really helps bring the world to life, and increases playability because you can tell at a glance general army strengths.


The Peddler

Portraits, which really help bring the game to life, are finally coming in.  I like the personality invoked for the character's, and we're going to continue down this direction.  We use the Agent portrait for the detail screen for the Agents, and a shot of the head for the Agent Select, and Agent Available Actions (bottom of the screen).

Mod Support
We've already discussed how core Mod Support is to us, and we went through again to ensure EVERY class and object has an XML Serializer Helper Class.  A lot of work, a lot of reward.  We also made sure that scenarios now load their localization files, so depending on your setting for language it will look for XXXXX_EN.xml for example when it tries to load information from the scenario folder.

Revving up, videos with the new GUI are all set and will be released week by week.  Work on trailer, then KS mid September if schedule permits.  Very exciting times, but it does "hurt" to have to be distracted from development.

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« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2014, 07:50:05 PM »

Just posted our first DevLog Video

.  I'll write up a full breakdown after this weekend.

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« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2014, 09:12:25 AM »

DevLog 1 Breakdown

Alright everyone, I'm going to break down the technical aspects of the demo.  Let's start with yes... the mic... I know - I had an old Microphone I thought would work, it didn't, so I put on my new PS3 Bluetooth headset I got used for 30 dollars... oh... so much worse.  This lead to me sounding like I'm recording the entire video underwater, developing in R'yleh, which I swear I'm not.

I have since bought a Snowball Blue microphone for 40 dollars, so much better and the quality of Videos 2 and 3 (4 and 5 aren't finished yet) is much better.  On to the video.

Intro Screen

So yes, it's a title screen - nothing to see here please move along.  The most important thing to note is that the effects here were generated by Particle Playground, a very useful albeit expensive tool for those who want to make some effects without much of a background in the arena.

The Particle Based Text effects are derived from their Logo example, which takes a simple font texture (we used Cinzel Decorative as a font) and spawns particles around the vertices, and a simple script that "disintegrates" them after a period of time.  The smoke particles are relatively straightforward, but also from Particle Playground which I've found is much simpler to get the effects "right" then using the base Shuriken system. 

We combined these effects with the fantastic Moody Soundtrack made by the absurdly talented Paul Giangregio whose work you can see here, and he also has some hilarious League of Legends parody videos (that you can see me in as well) - check out the Alistar Song.   His work pervades the game with the atmospheric feel that we wanted to achieve, and does some heavy lifting when the art lets us down.

Scenario Screen

The Scenario Screen gets all folders in your Scenario directory that contain a "manifest.xml" file, or in the case of running a non-english language it looks for "manifest-XX.xml" where XX is your iso language code, which indicates the scenario supports the chosen language.  The manifest file is small, containing only the information relevant for scenario generation - it caches the values chosen and passes them along to the actual Scenario itself when it is generated.  These files are all serialized into XML, easily modded in any program you'd like or even easier to mod in our in-game editor

Old Ones

The meatiest choice of the Scenario is which Old One to play, each has a very distinct playstyle and abilities that are fundamentally different and alter the way the game can be approached.  The values present indicate "how many agents" the Old One can control at game start and how many "Dark Orbs" must be filled before the Old One awakens - more orbs equals more power to use for abilities but also means you must be more subtle to time your rise with a properly weakened world.

Old Ones are drawn from the OldOnes.xml file in the Globals folder unless the Scenario has an OldOnes tag that has attribute 'UseGlobal = false'.   In either case, it will then read any Scenario Specific Old Ones and load those in as well. 

Abilities are part of an Ability Tree, with appropriately thematic descriptors, that are set in through the game editor.  Old Ones can have only two ability trees, but they can contain any number of abilities set to expose themselves by either a certain number of Dark Power Orbs or through events.  Abilities tie back by a unique identifier to a series of results, exposing variables to be changed and to a resultant event.


Choices are driven by two sections, one is an OldOneChoices section that tells the engine to show specific choices for Old Ones first - we make use of this for Sisyphus at this time - and then it loads the remainder from the manifest.xml file.  You can configure, the title, the descriptor, the icon, the background, and then of course the effects. 

Why did we do this?  Obviously we love King of Dragon Pass, one of the best games that no one had heard of
(until its recent re-release), and the THEME that game helps establish is incredible.  However, we also wanted to allow some randomization of the otherwise static scenarios that players interact with. 

Let me give you an example of what can be done, choosing to "smite the homeland of the heroes" triggers an alternate map that does not contain the island at the center, instead having a high danger quest area there.  Choosing to raise the black fortress adds a Unique Building to the great seal that is incredibly hard to quest against or siege, as well as providing an extra Unique Building slot.  Raising the Shadowmere puts that otherwise recruitable agent into the game already, terrorizing heroes as they quest and allowing your Agents to call upon him for aid - though it also increases ancient lore and increases the percentage of 'hunter' classes that spawn.

Small changes lead to much larger ones, and play styles vary accordingly.  Hopefully you enjoyed our first video, the second one is in the hands of the press and if they deem it worthy it should be up soon - otherwise we'll post it this weekend to all the usual channels.

We plan to Launch our Kickstarter September 22nd but this is prone to delay if we get absolutely no media coverage.

As usual, if you want to support us join our Mailing List


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« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2014, 10:38:10 AM »

You've got an interesting concept here.

I must say though, I'm not a huge fan of the art style on the map, the colors feel a little too washed out, and I feel like it looks a little bright and sunny for a game about being an elder god.

Never the less, I wish you luck on your kickstarter!
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« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2014, 01:52:46 PM »

Thanks!  Yeah we're not exactly 100% on the map either, but by design it's easy to swap out if we manage to raise sufficient funds to overhaul it to a more artistic style - it also can be fun to darken as you slowly burn and corrupt your way through the world.

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« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2014, 02:07:22 AM »

New Dev Log Video -

Feedback always welcome!

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« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2014, 05:14:06 PM »

Video Dev Log #3 - Combat

I haven't had the time to write a breakdown article here in  awhile on recent development, but I hope to get back to it after our KS launches.

Kickstarter Sep 22!

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« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2014, 07:05:07 PM »

Love the concept. Looking forward to the Kickstarter!
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« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2014, 11:52:31 AM »

Look no further!  Kickstarter and Greenlight are now up:


After the marketing finally dies down, I have a few articles on Genealogical Generation that I want to write up as well as some interesting developments that came up during the Combat redesign.

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« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2014, 12:22:59 PM »

Already backed! (Saw it on reddit).

Looks like you guys are off to an awesome start. Such a great concept, hope it does really well for you guys.
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« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2014, 03:36:50 PM »

Backed earlier.
Almost to 30% and over 100 backers already. Great start, guys!

Visit Indie Game Enthusiast or follow me @IG_Enthusiast to learn about the best new and upcoming indie games!
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« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2014, 11:12:17 AM »

Final 24 hours in the campaign, a little less than 7k to reach the final stretch goal

Visit Indie Game Enthusiast or follow me @IG_Enthusiast to learn about the best new and upcoming indie games!
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