Alright so I think its time for me to bring this topic back!
I have not been posting publicly about this game at all, but I've been working on it quite a bit.
I have remade the whole damn game in Game Maker Studio 2, which I am much more familiar with. It also now has a new resolution and feels a lot more smooth than before.

I've been working on a little vertical slice style demo for a few months, based on the game's prologue, before you reach the city proper.
I am planning to send this to some publishers soon.
Still haven't decided on an actual name for the game, though I have a few in mind.
A few major improvements so far:
- Enemy encounters are now actually based on the enemies on the map around you at the start of a battle.
- You can now be interrupted by enemies when you are searching a treasure chest or opening a door.
- Bashing a door open or forcing a lock makes noise, which alerts nearby monsters which come to investigate.
- Enemies chase the player with much better pathfinding (now uses an A* algorithm. It used to just be the regular RPG Maker "move towards player" thing). Pathfinding also accounts for the size of monsters.
- Enemy movements in battle are now smooth, and use scaling in addition to unique frames.
- Character portraits in battle have little animations to go along with their attacks.
- Items can be randomized, and are sometimes unidentified, enchanted, cursed etc.
Work on this is still pretty slow! I'm still working on Barkley2 and doing some freelancing, but it has been very steady. If I can get some funding, I might be able to speed this up though. That's what I am hoping for!