Spooky Pooky is a 2D metroidvania for PC, Mac and iOS set for release in 2016.
Horatio Bones is a curious lad.
Working late one night at the Nefarious Science Corporation he strays into a deserted sector and unwittingly triggers ... The Machine.
The Machine strips Horatio of his fluids and organs ~ he finds himself reduced to a living skeleton trapped in a specimen jar!
The horror!
Thus begins the longest night of Horatio's life as he travels through a dangerous and bizarre world in search of Restoration.
Some samples from the latest devlog entry are as follows ...
Presskit, mailing list and out-of-date GIFs can be found at
http://fistfulofsquid.com/spookypookyFinally, the original first post follows below ...
Spooky Pooky is a 2D platfomer with big pixels and 16 colours. That's right, the 1980's are back with a vengeance.
As with
QB1-0 this game is written in C, initially for iOS, and OpenGL for pixels.
You play [unnamed protagonist] who stumbles across a mysterious castle/lab. Pressing buttons you shouldn't you are accidentally
pookified by The Machine - all your flesh, blood and organs are stripped and scattered around the forbidding building. You must traverse the levels collecting blood and organs whilst avoiding the other macabre experiments that roam the facility.
Honest, it's not as gruesome as it sounds - not with my pixel-art skills ...
Y'know, it's for kids.