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« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2009, 02:07:31 PM » |
I had thought so, but spiders seem to immediately activate, no matter where they're placed. Big spiders, too. Stranger still, the big spiders seem to die in one hit. Anyway, more levels! This time it's a tower: may be a bit frustrating, but enjoy!
Capt. Zeroth
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« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2009, 07:14:45 PM » |
TEMPLE A (for a lack of a better name) This is another challenging puzzle. Some challenging enemies, too. 44444444444444444444444444444B4444444444 4444444444B44444444B444444444444400n088O 4444444B4444444444444440004B444440444BBB 4444444444444444444000404004444B40044444 44B444444444444b04B04P404B0044444404]0:4 444444444444440000404L4044>000000R0B[0[4 444B444444B444jB00&04L404444B44044B44044 B444444444444B4404444Lj04444444000B00044 44444444444404440B444L4440$0000044404_44 2444444B422200X404(04L04444444444B404B44 2244244222200444044044P44B44444444404444 2222222222200200000022L244424B2222404244 1222121111100200000022L22422222222404222 1111111111100100000021L22222222222404222 1111111111100100000020L21112222211404111 111113311100010000001P111111111111404111 113333333100j30000001L1311331111134^4133 333333333003330000003L333333333333444333 333333330033000000003L333333333333333333 33333330003003@0B^j0sL33333333388880i3i3 333333300330333id33333333333333111103333 333333300i3j03ii0iB3333333333338888%i3i3 33333330iii3fi7ifiBifi33333333311111iii3 33333330i08iwiwwwwwpww333333333333333333 33333300i0iiw3wpwwwwwwi33333333333333333 333333000Ri3w3wwwwwwwwi33333333333333333 333333000iiiwiwwwiwi33i33333333333333333 333333303iiiwi33iwwww3333333333333333333 33333330033iwwwwwwwww3333333333333333333 33333333fi3wwwwwww33ww333333333333333333 3333333i0fiwwwww33333w333333333333333333 3333333ij00wwwwwwwwwwp333333333333333333 CAPT ZEROTH CAVE 4 0 0 NONE ![](
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« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2009, 07:51:18 PM » |
|, somebody had to do a level like this. EDIT - Oh, and it may not work properly a small percentage of the time. If you wind up dead, just reload the level.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 07:56:58 PM by Fifth »
William Broom
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« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2009, 09:33:54 PM » |
Haha, just got around to playing this. It's excellent! I thought of doing something similar myself, but I never would have managed to make it as elaborate as you did.
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« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2009, 11:47:36 PM » |
Fifth, not only is that an amazing level (that I didn't even realize was possible), but it's also a great test case. I think it'll really help me fix a few of the long-lingering bugs in the engine*! chutup, same with your Helm's Deep level. Thank you! * Partly because it generates so much blood and so many explosions, which I think occasionally cause the game to hang.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 12:02:55 AM by Derek »
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« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2009, 12:24:35 AM » |
Holy hell this is awesome.
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« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2009, 08:28:51 AM » |
OK, that was fun. And one time I was exploded by a frog instead of falling below, but it was still sweet.
I was thinking of making a level filled with traps and danger, but the way forward is actually scripted. Maybe having certain blocks designate points where you should jump, so that everything just barely misses you.
Level 0
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« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2009, 11:06:48 PM » |
Spider Temple ![]( I used a couple of tiles in weird ways, so it might take a little to figure out what to do. The level takes up most of the map. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44&000444444+444+444+4444444444444444444 400000044440000000000&444444444444444444 40000000440000000000000004444bbb44444444 4P44400000000000+00000000044000004444444 4L4++0k00k000000000000440004000004444444 4L444444444lllllllllll444000000004444444 4L>000000$<44444444444444400000004444444 4L44>000<4444444444444444440000004444444 4L004P0P4000&444444444444444BBBBB4444444 4L004L0Lj0000444444444444444BBBBB4444444 4L+0BL0L40000j444444444440s&BBBBB&s04444 4444444440000444444444444444BBBBB4444444 44444444j00004444444444440s4BBBBB4ss4444 4kkkkkk440000j44444444444&&&BBBBB&&54444 44B4B4B400000444444444444444BBBBB4444444 4000000400000j44444444444444000004444444 400000040j000444444444444444000004444444 40000004P4444444444444444444000004444444 4000000BL044444444444&&&&&44000004444444 4004&4&4444444444444&S00S0&4000004444444 4P44444400044444444400000000000004444444 4L44400B000044444444s0000000000004444444 4L4440444000b4444444440000&4000004444444 4L004^4440000044444400000004000004444444 4440004444444044444400444004000044444444 44440044444440444444s00S00s4000444444444 4404404000004P44444444000444004444000444 4000400000000L44444400000004044440000044 4000400000000L444444004440044444400*0044 40@0B00000000L4444440000000B0B0B0**X**44 4444444lllll4444444444444444040404444444 DUDERS CAVE 1 0 0 NONE
William Broom
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« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2009, 04:02:41 AM » |
If anyone played my zelda level they would have noticed the collapsing tiki traps glitch. It happens because tiki traps will destroy themselves if they have nothing beneath their base, but they only do this if they're activated by the player drawing close enough to them. By stacking tiki traps on top of each other you can make a chain reaction.
I'm sure there is a whole level in this...
Oh, and Kao, I really liked Somewhere.
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« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2009, 01:56:59 PM » |
If anyone played my zelda level they would have noticed the collapsing tiki traps glitch. It happens because tiki traps will destroy themselves if they have nothing beneath their base, but they only do this if they're activated by the player drawing close enough to them.
0_0 Weird stuff. Life Shrine! Infiltrate the ruins and defeat the undead hooligans that are all up in its grill. ![]( 444444B4400000b0000444444444444444444444 B444444440000000000040000000000000000G04 400400000000000000004040000000000T040404 4o$$0000000000000f000^4k000k00kk0004*0*4 44440k0000000d000d04444B444444444B444d44 444B44P444lllllllll442440-044B4444444044 44444<L>44lllllllll42B&00]02222222200002 422422L24244444444442>0002020k0002B00000 B2&0b202242B22222222B200n00202wpw22wwwww 24000000&22222222B0&2202200202wwww2pwwww 400000000cB20B2222j0000000]202wpwwwwwwww 000000]$$222w22B22202B0k00[202wwwwwwwpww 000002[2222ww2B20000$22222220]22wpwwwpww 00000<B222B2222200n$224t&2220[wwwww22w22 20000b22222002*0022242&v02B202222222222B B0000000t0000020022B220v0220022t00&B2B22 20000f00v0000k000222B2$v000000kvnjj222t2 2^M02B0f000222220b24222v0420022v2222&0v2 22B222220$00022200t42B2vt400022222B20000 222222BB22k00B2200v2222vv200022wpw220B0* 200t0&222222022B20v022bvv200]222ww220222 22kv222244B2072220v0tt0v^20022B222220222 2B2222B2242202B240v0vv0v22000222222202B2 22244422B22200<22^^0vv0^2220000tt2B20222 B2&0&00222440022222^^^^22B20000vv22B022B 2000000t2&00000b00222242B2t0kk0vv2440222 ~000004v200000000000*&2220v2222v02&000&2 B000004v20000000000022B200v0&02v0000X000 Bzkz0z2vb000k000f000022000v0004v0000@0]k 222B22>000002400]000000000000040020040[2 2B22B22222000000[04400000000262wp2B04422 2B24222B22^^^^^^2^^^^0M0^^^^B22ww2222B2B ALEX LITH LUSH 4 0 0 NONE Great game btw, Derek, and pretty dang fun to make levels for. I don't know how much more you're planning to do with the editor feature, but it would be cool if we were allowed to put down trees and headstones. Being able to use the metal ground from the 'psychic presence' events could allow for some more clever environments, too. Keep up the good work, chaps! ![Coffee](
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 02:22:14 PM by Omnilith »
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« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2009, 02:19:56 PM » |
Life Shrine! Infiltrate the ruins and defeat the undead hooligans that are all up in its grill. ![]( B444444440000000000040000000000000000G04 400400000000000000004040000000000T040404 4o$$0000000000000f000^4k000k00kk0004*0*4 44440k0000000d000d04444B444444444B444d44 444B44P444lllllllll442440-044B4444444044 44444<L>44lllllllll42B&00]02222222200002 422422L24244444444442>0002020k0002B00000 B2&0b202242B22222222B200n00202wpw22wwwww 24000000&22222222B0&2202200202wwww2pwwww 400000000cB20B2222j0000000]202wpwwwwwwww 000000]$$222w22B22202B0k00[202wwwwwwwpww 000002[2222ww2B20000$22222220]22wpwwwpww 00000<B222B2222200n$224t&2220[wwwww22w22 20000b22222002*0022242&v02B202222222222B B0000000t0000020022B220v0220022t00&B2B22 20000f00v0000k000222B2$v000000kvnjj222t2 2^M02B0f000222220b24222v0420022v2222&0v2 22B222220$00022200t42B2vt400022222B20000 222222BB22k00B2200v2222vv200022wpw220B0* 200t0&222222022B20v022bvv200]222ww220222 22kv222244B2072220v0tt0v^20022B222220222 2B2222B2242202B240v0vv0v22000222222202B2 22244422B22200<22^^0vv0^2220000tt2B20222 B2&0&00222440022222^^^^22B20000vv22B022B 2000000t2&00000b00222242B2t0kk0vv2440222 ~000004v200000000000*&2220v2222v02&000&2 B000004v20000000000022B200v0&02v0000X000 Bzkz0z2vb000k000f000022000v0004v0000@0]k 222B22>000002400]000000000000040020040[2 2B22B22222000000[04400000000262wp2B04422 2B24222B22^^^^^^2^^^^0M0^^^^B22ww2222B2B ALEX LITH LUSH 4 0 0 NONE Great game btw, Derek, and pretty dang fun to make levels for. I don't know how much more you're planning to do with the editor feature, but it would be cool if we were allowed to put down trees and headstones. Being able to use the metal ground from the 'psychic presence' events could allow for some more clever environments, too. Keep up the good work, chaps! ![Coffee]( Huh... I think your level is missing a row. From the top or the bottom, most likely.
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« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2009, 02:23:44 PM » |
Huh... I think your level is missing a row. From the top or the bottom, most likely.
Oh yeah, it was missing the top row. Thanks, fixed now ![Gentleman](
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« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2009, 02:26:23 PM » |
Oh, and Kao, I really liked Somewhere.
Awesome, I'm glad you did! ![Grin](
Capt. Zeroth
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« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2009, 07:43:31 AM » |
TEMPLE B Not related to TEMPLE A, this is pretty straightforward level. Difficulty level is intermediate. ![]( 1111111122222222112222121122222222222122 1111222222222222222222222222221122222122 2111222222222112222222222222222112221122 2111222222222112222122122222122122212222 1111222222221122221222211122212222222222 1112222211222222221200212222222221222211 1112222122222222222200M0M000000221222122 111222111122222222000022220n000222122222 44412122222221222000n2222222200000y000b2 [email protected]t0t1122222220000y012000000M0021110000002 v0v01#222224X422222200222220022120020002 v0022122222444111222*}00002200t220022222 t00t2111122111222221112220t110v210n00022 t00t221122220b00b021112B22v210v212112022 v00v0222200000000000000B00v<10t2122220j1 000v00$j$j000000000n020202v110v212t20022 0000002222100202000221K0K1v210v211v2j0s2 wpwww12rc21001^2^^01111211v2100211v22002 2wwp11pww21^^11212^122>0&0010002210s000D 112w2wwwww11212071212&00000100012t000$06 1pwwwww12wwwww2www110002+00100011v00021w 2111111112222wwwwp1100[211227001200$021w 2221112222222222ww120021112210021c22022w 21222222222222222222^0k~122120012w20012w 211222222222222212122111222120012w2021ww 22212221222122211112222221212002ww20j1w2 22122211222212222122222221212002ww1021w2 222221222222122222222122122120022110j2ww 222222222222112222221122212220000220222w 22222222222222222221212212222&&2$K0K2www 22222222222222222222222222222^^212212ww2 CAPT ZEROTH TITLE 4 0 0 NONE
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« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2009, 07:15:10 PM » |
I know this is technically a double post, but it's a new set of levels. is actually just a demo of sorts. It only has 4 levels. But don't think I'm done yet. I'm far from it. So, basic plot, guy comes to mountain to explore volcano, because he's heard rumors of intelligent life. They have several bases through out the volcano. He plans to seek them out so as to obtain their grand treasures. He'll face many challenges, but at each base he'll face a group of them, and obtain a new piece of valuable equipment.
Level 0
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« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2009, 08:01:34 PM » |
Thanks for putting my level in the OP chutup. I really like your zelda level,but I can't seem to get past that fat fish. I don't know if you did this on purpose but you can just beat the level by killing the snow beast guy and then using the ropes you get from him to climb up to the exit. I changed my spider temple level a little bit, do you think you could change the link in the OP? PureQuestion, I like the scenery in your levels, Its really cool. I especially liked how the entrance appeared in tropic island. It seems like you can put more stuff into each level though. Some of the levels you could probably combine into one. Sounds like a really cool idea though. Has any one tried my level yet? I put a lot of work into it. I think its pretty hard; I haven't beat it all in one run, but I have beaten each part. 1444444444444414441111111111111111111111 44&0000000000444+44444441111111111111111 4000000000000000000000044411114444411111 4000000000000000000000000411144bbb441111 4P400000000000000+00400B0411140000041111 4L4444000++00000000044440444440000041111 4L444444444lllllllll41140000000000041111 4L>0000000<44444444444440000000000041111 4L44>000<44411400k0000040000000000041111 4L004P0P411111404444P004004444BBBBB41111 4L004L0L444441404114L404004444BBBBB44441 4L+0BL0Lj00044404114L4040040s&BBBBB&s041 44444444400004400114L00B&&4444BBBBB44441 40K0K0K44000j44041144444444ss4BBBBB4ss41 4KKKKKK4000044404111111111400&BBBBB&0041 44B4B4B4j000444041111111114444BBBBB44441 400000044000000041111111111114BBBBB41111 400000040000j444411111111111140000041111 40000004P4444411111111444444440000041111 4000000BL04111111111144&S0&&440000041111 4004040444441111111114&00000000000041111 4P44444444444111111114000000000000041111 4L414000B0004411111114000000040000041111 4L4440444400b441111114000000040000041111 4L004^411400004111111400B0B0040000041111 4440004114444041111114004440040000441111 4444004444444041111114s00S00s40004444411 4404404000004P41111114440004440044444441 4000400000000L41111114000000040444000441 4000400000000L41111114004440044440080041 40@0B00000000L41111114s00000sB0B088X8841 4444444lllll4441111114444444440404444441 TURBOBURRITO CAVE 3 0 0 NONE
Loves Juno
Level 10
onuJ sevoL
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« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2009, 12:08:21 AM » |
I happen to be looking forward to the Mark Johns expansion pack.