Level 1
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2015, 04:26:58 PM » |
Ok so, Bast ultimate ability: Sacrifice is done.  This is one of the parts that was missing. When Bast dies from the effect of Sacrifice, enemies involved in the attack will receive damage equal to 70% of the overall damage Bast received from the effect of the skill. The other part, as I explained before, involves Bast not dying and instead of damaging enemies she is healed. I won't make a GIF of that for now since, well, I actually have to do some work on the UI and you know, show important things? like, HP bars and that kind of stuff. I'm gonna be working on the UI so that I can release a very early-pre-alpha-test demo. For now you will only be able to battle hordes of slimy slimes but hey, killing stuff is killing stuff regardless of the enemy 
Level 1
I've never really known what to put here.
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2015, 01:19:11 AM » |
Wow, this is incredible work! Great job, it really does need way more attention. That multiplayer looks really smooth. Abilities are awesome. Awesome awesome awesome Keep going :D
Level 1
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2015, 07:40:08 AM » |
Wow, this is incredible work! Great job, it really does need way more attention. That multiplayer looks really smooth. Abilities are awesome. Awesome awesome awesome Keep going :D
Oh stop it you There's still a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go for the game but hey thanks a lot :D I really really appreciate it. I'm doing my best to have a small playable demo soon, maybe next week 
Level 1
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2015, 06:01:40 PM » |
Well, now there's information to tell the player what's going on with them! Also there are HP bars for all the characters and names for players  I was debating between improving all the other menus of the game and adding the game state to have a more playable version, and I think I'll go with the game state thing. So, next I'm gonna be implementing a decent game state to properly tell you if you win or lose depending on the situation. After that a very itty-bitty-tiny demo. (Secret, shhhh: while I'm doing this, I'm working on the new character. Here's a small clue, he is able to travel between dimensions bringing new weapons with him each time he does)
Level 1
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2015, 06:15:44 PM » |
Well, while I've been working on having a demo that people can play in some way, I decided I would implement wall jumping. Mostly for 2 reasons: it's cool, and it will allow players to make better use of vertical space. I want to give players a lot of movement freedom to have more fun while fighting enemies.  So, yeah. Wall jumping! :D
Level 1
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2015, 06:50:43 PM » |
Spent most of this week working on the build. I tested it today with some friends and turns out there are quite a few networking bugs that need to be fixed before I move forward. These bugs are mostly related to error replicating data from the clients on the server. I want to get rid of these bugs as soon as they appear because I want the networking engine to be in a stable state as much as possible, since this game is intended to be multiplayer.
Also, the new character I was working on turned out to have a very complicated design. The reason for this is that he is able to change his skills while he plays, this poses a pretty difficult design challenge since the skills have to be different enough to justify the skill switching and to also make him as interesting and fun to play as possible. Since I don't have him 100% figured out, I will pause his development to work on another character that is completely designed.
For now I call him the Thunder Swordsman, and his play style will involve very fast attacks and high movement. I have a few cool ideas for him that I want to implement and see if they work. He should be really fun to play and very fast paced because of how his skills work.
I'll work on him as soon as the networking bugs are fixed and the build is done so that people can download and play it. I will be focusing on implementing his skills before making the actual character so that I can save time and test things more quickly.
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2015, 08:07:03 PM » |
Hey, this devlog seems really cool! I will keep checking this post.
FK in the Coffee
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2015, 11:36:09 PM » |
This game has some ridiculous juice  What are you developing this with?
Level 1
I've never really known what to put here.
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2015, 11:48:37 PM » |
Maybe I am being way too critical, but if you want some feedback, those health bars stand out way too much for me, in turns of colours and contrast. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems like everything is polished and then there is a a rectangle slapped underneath. Perhaps use the colour scheme, have hearts instead, or rather than a rectangle, (this sounds stupid) use a colour scheme and a rounded texture with dots in it, to signal the health (4 dots in the bar - 40 health, I dunno) This whole post is pretty critical, (sorry!) but I would love too see everything mesh together as well as the rest of your game has. Feel free to ignore the above 
Level 1
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2015, 06:55:17 AM » |
This game has some ridiculous juice  What are you developing this with? Hey! Thanks :D I'm currently using Unity 4.6 but after I'm done with the build I'm working on I will be moving to Unity 5. Maybe I am being way too critical, but if you want some feedback, those health bars stand out way too much for me, in turns of colours and contrast. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems like everything is polished and then there is a a rectangle slapped underneath. Perhaps use the colour scheme, have hearts instead, or rather than a rectangle, (this sounds stupid) use a colour scheme and a rounded texture with dots in it, to signal the health (4 dots in the bar - 40 health, I dunno) This whole post is pretty critical, (sorry!) but I would love too see everything mesh together as well as the rest of your game has. Feel free to ignore the above  No problem! I really appreciate the feedback  I know the UI stuff is quite rough, it's mostly because I'm trying to prototype faster and therefore I'm trying to not spend more time than needed with art right now. Like for instance, the main purpose of the UI that I made right now was to give enough feedback to the player so that they would know what was going on, so that's why it looks like just rectangles slapped there (because they are!)I like the dotted HP bar idea tho! As soon as I do another UI pass I will definetly try implementing it to see how it looks! Thanks again for the feedback  it's always welcome.
Level 1
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2015, 07:11:51 PM » |
Soo.... I admit I've may have kinda sorta evaded the elephant in the room (buggy build not ready) because I didn't feel much like debugging thoroughly network stuff so... I worked a little bit more on the Thunder Swordsman. I don't have a name for him yet, but I can talk a little bit about him. He is a swordsman, ha, bet you didn't guess that! He uses a sword that is made out of lightning, but to be very specific about it, it's not like a weapon infused with magic lightning. Casmagi are characterised for having weapons, they are a physical manifestation of their magic, which I keep telling myself is different and way cooler than a plain "weapon + magic thingy". Any way... he is a master manipulating electricity and everything that derives from that. Because of that, I came up with a very good candidate for his ultimate ability: Railgun Not so important note: I made this skill because I recently just watched A Certain Magical Index (Anime, watch it, it's awesome) and I'm literally obsessed with it, specially with Misaka. OBSESSEDAs you can see I haven't even decided what colors will he have yet. But I decided that I wouldn't give any fucks about it and just went ahead and made the animation for his Railgun because I think it's so freaking rad that I needed to see it with my own eyeballs.
Fat Bard
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2015, 05:25:37 PM » |
Hey folks Patrick from Fat Bard here. This game is looking better and better (did you see that railgun GIF?). I ONLY play online co-op with a buddy who lives out of my country so I'm super excited to work on the game. Click on the link if you wanna hear what we're up to musically for this game  .
Level 1
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2015, 06:22:28 PM » |
Hey folks Patrick from Fat Bard here. This game is looking better and better (did you see that railgun GIF?). I ONLY play online co-op with a buddy who lives out of my country so I'm super excited to work on the game. Click on the link if you wanna hear what we're up to musically for this game  . track is awesome, awesome, awesome. So glad you guys are taking care of this part of Casmage :D Also, I have the so called "build" ready and HERE IT IS FOR THE WORLD TO SEEPlese remember this is a pre-alpha-demo-early-tester-test-build-of-testness and therefore it is a very very early build. There are bugs, there are thing that don't look quite right and stuff like that. IF you encounter any gamebreaking bug please let me know, but other than that I'm probably aware of why your character got stuck  . Also, if you intend to play this with someone else and are planning on hosting the server, you will have to do a portforwarding for the port you chose to host it from (default is 25555). If you don't know how to do this, you can go to this site they probably have a tutorial for your router. They don't have one for Casmage (yet  ) but you can just pick any other game and use the port you are using for Casmage instead. Alright so, now that the build is here, I can finish making the new character, and after that I will be focusing on making actual enemies that aren't just a mindless blob. Don't have much in mind for that yet, but we'll see about that next week.
Level 1
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2015, 06:59:32 PM » |
Not actual progress but I wanted to post here about the Casmage Album I'm making in Imgur as I go.
Level 1
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2015, 05:22:28 PM » |
Sooooooo I've been dealing with all the basic animations of the thunder swordsman, and I finished the last one:  Now, this doesn't mean I'm done, oh no, there's plenty of work to do to have this guy ready. Now I have to make the animations for all of his 5 skills (which I will describe once I post the animations), which will take me... well... should take me around 2 or 3 days I think. Which is fine for me. AND THEN after that, would come the skills implementation in the game. Lots to do and lots of progress too. Yaay :D
Level 1
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2015, 07:47:43 AM » |
I made a timelapse of one of the skills' animations for the Thunder Swordsman: Flash. This is his evasion skill, and it lets him teleport a short distance to wherever he is facing. 
Join Indies
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2015, 11:52:34 AM » |
Bumping because of slime.  I would be interested in seeing more of the co-op interactions. Online co-op is a great idea IMO.
Level 1
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2015, 05:43:17 PM » |
I would be interested in seeing more of the co-op interactions. Online co-op is a great idea IMO.
Yes! I will be showing a lot more of the co-op stuff as soon as the Thunder Swordsman is done (which is like... really really soon). Which will mean more work on enemies and actual situations were players interact with eachother :D In the meantime, I just finished the Railgun skill. It looks as sick as I was expecting, can't wait to vaporize a family of slimes with it  
Level 1
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2015, 05:15:10 PM » |
Alright! The Thunder Swordsman is done :D  Look how happily he's running! Skills:  Hack & Slash(2 skills): Attack enemies in front of the Thunder Swordsman, dealing damage and resetting the cooldown of the other skill. Using Hack resets Slash and viceversa.
 Flash: The Thunder Swordsman moves forward and becomes invulnerable while traveling.
 Chain Lightning: Hits all enemies around the Thunder Swordsman with an instantaneous lightning attack.
 Railgun: The Thunder Swordsman fires a projectile at supersonic speed by manipulating the electricity he produces, causing heavy damage to enemies in front of him.
Ok so, actually there's one small missing from the Thunder Swordsman, which is the Overload Charges. These are charges that he gains by using Hack & Slash when hitting enemies. These charges are needed to be able to use his other skills, and the idea behind them is that the Thunder Swordsman must engage in combat constantly in order to make the best use of his abilities. His playstyle is really fast and I think this mechanic enhances that. I will add them soon enough. Also, next I'm gonna be working on local multiplayer support, which shouldnt be too hard to implement. Now, the cool part is that because of the way the networking engine is implemented, there can be scenarios where 2 players are playing locally while also playing with someone else online, how cool is that? I think it's awesome and I love it :D