Ive been playing around in UE4 for a little while now and i think its time to start a log for a project I'm working on.
The project isn't anything too serious, i don't plan on making anything to flashy with tons of mechanics just something for me too work on while learning the engine and have fun
So my first game i was working on was this -
http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=38739.0And i ended up getting lost with too many mechanics and over complicating everything so i cancelled working on that.
For this project i thought of a game type that has literally the least mechanics as possible...an endless runner..but without the endless part

so i plan to just make set levels instead (What does that make it

). The player can progress by beating a timer or getting a high enough score to unlock more maps/levels.
At the moment ive been working on getting all the core stuff i need to get a complete game, character movement, pickups, scoring+timers, HUD and main menu's etc without jumping to much into the art, as an artist this is the part where ill spend ages making it look nice so i dont want to get bogged down with this yet!
Enough talking here's some stuff Ive got so far.
(Movement is still a little clunky..will fix that hopefully)

WIP of the bike model, could change I'm starting to dislike it.

Hud and main menu mock ups, im working on implementing those at the moment.

Cheers, hope to post an update of the working menu's and HUD soon