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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsA Hole New World (Released finally on 19th of may!)(NES-like Action Plattformer)
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Author Topic: A Hole New World (Released finally on 19th of may!)(NES-like Action Plattformer)  (Read 21693 times)
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« on: October 29, 2014, 02:36:03 PM »

Hi there! :D

A Hole New World is a 2D platform arcade game with NES aesthetics and today's playability where you play as the Potion Master (and his fairy friend, Fäy) through different worlds in a quest to send all the demons back to their own dimension, while they gain new powers by defeating the demon bosses.


Some of AHNW's features are
  • Unique gameplay mechanic (or that's what we thought XD) that will let you play like never before. Upside down!
  • 48 different colors, 64 sprites simultaneously on screen (maybe some more) and Ultra High 240p resolution!
  • 5 sound channels orchestration made with Famitracker
  • Challenging Bosses
  • Multiple Weapons and super powers to gain
  • Several different endings
  • Nintendo classic looks, today's gameplay!

We succedded with the Greenlight and also with the Kickstarter project, so we are very happy and we are now developing it as good and fast as we can. Thank you all for spreading the word!! :D

About us & the game
We are a group of friends that meet each other by playing Go. All of us love games and want to make a living by developing games, so we started a little company called MadGearGames ^_^

The original A Hole New World was created for Ludum Dare 30 in 2014 as an intermission while we were developing our first game Ninja Trials (in hiatus right now). While developing A Hole New World we liked it a lot, and in top of that it got a quite good reception so we decided to make the game bigger and better.


02/05/2015: Version 0.88 (we summarize here all the updates from 0.72 until this one)
- We ported ALL the stages from libGDX to Unity.
- Steam integration.
- We improved the controls and animations of the potion master (new animations for shooting up and down, etc).
- New power for the last stage, including double jump and some kicks
- New enemies for stage 5.
- Parallax backgrounds in all first 4 stages.
- We improved some bosses to make them more fun.
- Lots of bug fixing.
- New musics and sound effects.
- NPCs. They are some of the backers from Kickstarter (the ones that paid certain amount to appear in the game). You can interact with them and see how they react.

[... Kickstarter Campaign and lots of inner releases ...]

02/05/2015: Version 0.71
-Total rework on protagonist's graphics
-Added Fairy gameplay
-And a lots of more improvements!

22/03/2015: Version 0.60
-Did we say Double Jump already?
-Frozen enemies!
-Graphics Improvements.
-Maps improvements.
-Weapon system improvement (you can shoot all your weapons up and down now, etc).
-Stage 4 boss improvement.
-Improved Cutscenes.​
11/03/2015: Version 0.59
-4th stage Fully playable (with more flow! and more colorful tiles!).
-4th stage MidBoss.
-4th stage Boss.
-New music for 4th stage boss.
-New 4th stage sounds.
25/02/2015: Version 0.57
-4th stage at about 80%
-New kinds of zombies.
-Zombies on fire. ZOMBIES ON FIRE!!!!!
-New enemies: Tamed Slimes, Ghosts, Stone Eyes and Bloody Monsters.
-New sounds!
-Updated manual.
10/02/2015: Version 0.55
-New stage! (work in progress)
-5 New enemies! (and one of them is a big one)
-New music and sounds for the new stage and enemies!
-Improved weapon system
-Fixed cloak color in victory cutscenes
-Zombies! And blood! and guts!
-Improved camera
-Visible savepoints!!
19/01/2015: Version 0.50
-Cutscenes super improved!! (some of them) + one extra cutscene.
-New weapon added!!
-Now you can shoot up and down (while jumping)!!
-Now you can crouch!!
-New pause and start menus!!
-With cool new sounds!!
-Now you can save state!!
-And you have infinite continues!!
-And you continue in the checkpoint!!
-Hints to understand lighting breakable things.
-Forest stage is more fair now. And has better colors.
-Lightning bug (and many other) fixed.
-Improved manual (just in case anybody reads it XD)
21/12/2014: Version 0.41.
-Reduced the collision hit boxes from enemies
-Changed visuals for all spikes making the collisions more fair (bigger spikes! XD)
-Changed the visuals and the way you kill golems (harder!)
-Breakable blocks
-Victory animation for the protagonist
-Changed the visuals to make more intuitive the angry attack from the 3rd boss
-Eliminate the ability of the little clouds to throw ice shards in the 3rd boss
-Small changes in cut scenes
-Improved the speed of the lightning weapon (and reduced the range)
-Yeti mechanics improved
-Invincibility extended when player is  hit
-Big changes to adjust difficulty in 2nd and 3rd stages
-Improved HUD image for 3rd boss
08/12/2014: Version 0.40.
Added a whole new third stage. At least 2 different ways to advance.
Added 5 new enemies for 3rd stage.
Added a new final boss for 3rd stage.
Added 4 New songs.
Added 2 new cutscenes.
Added 2 new stage elements that affect gameplay.
Added a changeable boss room.
Added a whole new bunch of sounds for the new stage.
16/11/2014: Version 0.30.
Added graphics for new weapons.
Added core collection after battle.
Added change weapon system.
Added lightning weapon.
Added "New Game +".
Added "Stage Finish" song.
Added "Cutscene" song.
Cutscene enhanced with the powerup & Game+ screens.
Fixed various minor bugs (1up allowed to jump higher, Engrish text).
31/10/2014: First release. Version 0.02. First two stages complete.
29/10/2014: First Devlog Post

More info & Feedback Request
If you are from the press and you want info you can have a look at our Presskit here, or you can also ask us at contact at madgeargames dot com ;)

We would love to receive feedback from you, so if you have anything in mind, please tell us here in TigSource or in our forum :)

« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 07:10:34 AM by jjhaggar » Logged

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2014, 03:45:58 PM »


We've just released the game in itch.io. It's still in expansion status (aka early access), but there is already two levels and two boss fights.

Itch.io http://madgeargames.itch.io/a-hole-new-world

We'll try other stores soon.

While we do the rest of the game, the game prices will be reduced (all future updates will be free for first buyers).
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 04:31:44 PM by jjhaggar » Logged

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Daniel Pellicer
Level 2

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« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2014, 06:33:14 AM »

Hello there!

I'm the lead programmer of this game and also the guy that makes music and sounds. I wrote a little article in my blog about how I did the two first themes. I plan to upload the theme of the forest as well and maybe do a little explanation as well. You can check that here:

Also if you want to hear other works I've done, here is my soundcloud:
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 07:06:06 AM by Daniel Pellicer » Logged

Daniel Pellicer
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« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2014, 02:24:28 PM »

Now a little post about art and making of the game. This is a timelapse that was made during the ludum dare:

« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 09:18:45 AM by Daniel Pellicer » Logged

« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2014, 02:37:59 PM »

Sounds good, and looks pretty fun. I like the choice of weapon. The little arc makes it more interesting than a lot of thrown weapons. Looks pretty satisfying to attack with it. =D
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« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2014, 11:02:12 AM »

Thanks! Smiley We have just released a new version that includes a new weapon, we think it'll make it even more interesting Wink

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 1

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« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2014, 01:01:04 PM »

Heya! So I tried the game and it has a pretty neat premise with very smooth gameplay. The boss at the end of the second level was very well done, as was stage 2's theme (the music in general was quite snazzy.) I had a few comments too:

  • I'm not sure if it's because there's only two levels and you plan to change this once all four (plus the intro) are in the game, but the difficulty spike between level 1 and 2 was really extreme. Maybe you could reduce the number of enemies at some points? I had swarms of birds and spiders attacking me consistently halfway through the stage.
  • I like the enemies' behaviors overall, how they move and attack between worlds. Sometimes, snakes or spiders from the shadow world would pop out unexpectedly over a pit though.

Looking forward to playing the full version!

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« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 05:39:19 AM »

Thanks for the feedback!

About the difficulty: The first level is an introductory level to learn how to play and the second level is where the real action starts so we wanted the difficulty change to be easily recognizable. Anyways, as you say, I think we went too far so with the new levels that are coming soon (we plan to have a beta of the next one in two weeks) we will review the difficulty curve of the levels.

About the surprise attacks: Only enemies that are in the same world as you will be activated so actually you normally have a fraction of a second to see the enemies falling and if the fall they will come back :) Also be careful with the snakes because they mimetize with the bushes ;D

We are glad you are enjoying it and we will try to keep doing cool things. Keep yourself updated about new  releases!

PD: By the way, thanks for buying the game! :D
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 04:40:13 PM by jjhaggar » Logged

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2014, 05:25:16 PM »

New update! Smiley

We have uploaded another release (v 0.40) with the following changes:

Added a whole new third stage with several crossroads (and at least 2 different paths), 5 new enemies, new stage elements that affect gameplay (ice & snow), and also its musics & sounds.
Added 2 new cutscenes.

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2014, 05:15:29 PM »

Another update, V0.41 is here! :D

Also we put a playtest request in the corresponding forum Smiley

Here is the changelog:
-Reduced the collision hit boxes from enemies
-Changed visuals for all spikes making the collisions more fair (bigger spikes! XD)
-Changed the visuals and the way you kill golems (harder!)
-Breakable blocks
-Victory animation for the protagonist
-Changed the visuals to make more intuitive the angry attack from the 3rd boss
-Eliminate the ability of the little clouds to throw ice shards in the 3rd boss
-Small changes in cut scenes
-Improved the speed of the lightning weapon (and reduced the range)
-Yeti mechanics improved
-Invincibility extended when player is  hit
-Big changes to adjust difficulty in 2nd and 3rd stages
-Improved HUD image for 3rd boss

And also some screenshots:

See you soon Wink

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2015, 02:29:25 PM »

New version released!! :D (if you want to help by playtesting it you can tell us here or by sending me a PM)

News on version 0.50
-Cutscenes super improved!! (some of them) + one extra cutscene.

-New weapon added!!

-Now you can shoot up and down (while jumping)!!
-Now you can crouch!!

-New pause and start menus!!
-With cool new sounds!!
-Now you can save state!!

-And you have infinite continues!!
-And you continue in the checkpoint!!
-Hints to understand lighting breakable things.
-Forest stage is more fair now. And has better colors.
-Lightning bug (and many other) fixed.
-Improved manual (just in case anybody reads it XD)


Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2015, 09:23:29 PM »

Hi! ^_^  Lately we were thinking that maybe we should change the design of the protagonist a little bit, so... We need your help!! :D

We would love to know your opinion: A, B or C? Thank you in advance! ;D

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 4


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« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2015, 09:31:22 PM »

I like your original design (or A). Nothing wrong with the others, but the first has a certain sense of character that they've lost. With a palette swap C would make a good NPC, like a shopkeeper or potion master or something.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 09:43:02 PM by Quicksand-T » Logged

Level 10

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« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2015, 09:46:28 PM »

The original design works really well with the NES-like style.

Version B would be my second choice, because it's still got a good silhouette that shows character from the side. C is just all hood, and while he looks decent at an angle, from the side he's basically just a hood and cape.

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« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2015, 04:37:41 PM »

Thank you for your feedback Quicksand buddies! :)

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 8

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« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2015, 11:14:14 PM »

I think B and C are better made. A has manboob-armor and a gorilla figure (no legs and long arms). I'm sure you could get him to work though, with a few touch-ups.

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« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2015, 12:52:56 PM »

10/02/2015: Version 0.55 released!
-New stage! (work in progress)
-5 New enemies! (and one of them is a big one)
-New music and sounds for the new stage and enemies!
-Improved weapon system
-Fixed cloak color in victory cutscenes
-Zombies! And blood! and guts!
-Improved camera
-Visible savepoints!!


Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2015, 09:22:11 AM »

25/02/2015: Version 0.57 released
-4th stage at about 80%
-New kinds of zombies.
-Zombies on fire. ZOMBIES ON FIRE!!!!!

-New enemies: Tamed Slimes, Ghosts, Stone Eyes and Bloody Monsters.
-New sounds!
-Updated manual.

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2015, 02:59:51 PM »

11/03/2015: Version 0.59 released
-4th stage Fully playable (with more flow! and more colorful tiles!).
-4th stage MidBoss.
-4th stage Boss.

-New music for 4th stage boss.
-New 4th stage sounds.

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
Level 0

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« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2015, 03:07:55 PM »

22/03/2015: Version 0.60
-Did we say Double Jump already?
-Frozen enemies!
-Graphics Improvements.
-Maps improvements.
-Weapon system improvement (you can shoot all your weapons up and down now, etc).
-Stage 4 boss improvement.
-Improved Cutscenes.​

Homepage: www.madgeargames.com
DevLog: A Hole New World (yes, "Hole", not "Whole" XD)
Twitter: @JJHaggar

Soon on Steam! https://goo.gl/vOcpdq  :D
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