Hello there!
We were doing a lot of work finishing the port to Unity and we couldn't enter here a lot. So I will do a little update.
Kickstarter went very good, and we were very happy with the response of the people. It was a lot of work and we had to make turns to be able to answer all the emails etc. but it was also a lot of fun to do it.
Then we were doing the port to Unity and a few weeks ago we started to do the steam integration. We tried with a couple of achievements and it's working now.
We also send a beta version of the game to everybody who backed the kickstarter and a steam key for all the people who got the beta key tier so that they can try each update we do (we do one update each 3 weeks)
Things we did:
- We ported all the initial 4 stages to unity
- We improved the controls and animations of the potion master (new animations for shooting up and down)
- New power for the last stage including double jump and pogo kick
- New enemies for stage 5
- We implemented parallel backgrounds in all first 4 stages
- We improved some bosses to make them more fun.
- Lots of bug fixing
- New music for the last stage
- New npc. They are the backers that paid certain amount to appear in the game. You can interact with them and see how they react
- Steam
This is what we are doing right now :D