« on: November 03, 2014, 12:05:18 PM » |
Beta Update #1 is out! Subscribe now at http://runicrampage.com/beta About Runic Rampage combines elements of Beat'em Up and Hack'N'Slash. Imagine Golden Axe meets Gauntlet! Currently in development for Mobile/PC/Mac.
Story Since their mighty rune stone is lost and the four heirs to the king have disappeared, the dwarven Kingdom is doomed. You are Grimbard, one of the few dwarfs left. On your quest to save your village you discover the truth about the happenings which led to your nations downfall. Features- Push, Uppercut, Groundsmash! Firewall! Play your combos and defeat your enemies with powerful magic!
- Handpainted look combined with procedural level generation provide endless beautiful battlegrounds for engaging challenges!
- You're just a small dwarf, right? Go RAMPAGE and your foes will tremble in fear!
- Dark ambient soundscapes, heroic fantasy music and pieces of furious heavy metal.
That's the soundtrack of a raging dwarf! - Relics of your fathers – Regain the lost armor sets of your ancestors and upgrade your
gear in the forge. Screenshots (mobile preview)Links Facebook: facebook/RunicRampage Website: runicrampage.com
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 10:56:24 AM by Dr.Electro »
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 12:30:43 PM » |
After working on Runic Rampage for quite a long while now i finally decided to put it in the devlogs. In the past years i worked mainly on content production - speaking of assets, textures, enemies - and i had absolutely no time left to update the progress i made in forums and Facebook. But now its time for the fun part - getting the last features in the game, implementing some scripted events, adding sounds and tweak, balance, polish.. repeat. I am currently working on the Bossfights and brainstorm some interesting behaviors. Dark Shaman (Desert)- Attacking the player with an Axe (pushback effect) in melee combat
- Switches over to range Attack and casts auto follow magic Projectiles
- After some time he summons Skeletons
While in summoning state the Boss is most vulnerable. (Because he didn't attack  )
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 12:36:19 PM » |
You ad me at Golden Axe meets Gauntlet  Very nice work and I applaud the dedication and time you put into the project. Video looks great btw. Will there be a two player mode?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 12:15:33 PM » |
Thanks macepoodle! Yeah, i want to integrate a coop lokal multiplayer mode for the standalone version - the game is fully playable with gamepad atm. Today the IGF entries went live - so many great games to explore Click here for the Runic Rampage IGF entry!I have finished the Shaman fight - needs a bit of balancing though. Cursed Satyr- Chasing player and attack with strong melee damage
- Summons thorns which slows your movement
- The player shouldnt attack the Satyr directly but 6 thorn brushes to free the fountain
Still have to model and code the thorn brushes. 
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2014, 03:28:49 AM » |
Created the thorns for the pillars. 
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2014, 02:48:07 AM » |
Everything put to gether:  Now onto the attacking behaviour: the player should cast thorns in straight lines, which hurts and slows the movement speed of the player.
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2014, 06:32:52 AM » |
Finished the Bossfights for the Shaman and the Satyr. Have a look at some blurry gif footage.  
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2014, 12:21:03 PM » |
I have started working on the <b>Oger Lord</b>. Its core mechanics are defined - ground smash with his club.. this should be an area of effect damage and pushes the player back
- after each ground smash sometimes rocks fall from the caves ceiling
- the player should attack the oger after the ground smash, because the boss needs some time to get his club off the ground
There will be a 4th boss.. kind of a mage - not sure about its mechanics. Some suggestions?
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2014, 05:10:49 AM » |
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2014, 02:16:44 PM » |
Nice game, the video part with metal music looks very funny. Is the game speed - for that part - just for the video? I think the "normal" game is a bit slow, at least as a video - maybe if played could be perfect...
And, you know what, the counter over the "RAMPAGE" text looks like an error for me, the number should be completely visible. For the mobile version are the controls based on virtual pad?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2014, 12:46:42 AM » |
Hi mrKaizen.. thanks for your feedback! - Yes the game speed at the end is just for the video.. but there are some buffs in the game, which increases your speed - but not as fast as in the video  - You are right about the combo counter.. i'll put the text in the background. Below is a screenshot of the mobile onscreen controller - i try to make the controls as easy as possible .. nothing more frustrating than having 5 buttons or more on a virtual controller.   oh forgot: do you think that the running speed is to slow or the overall speed?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2014, 12:51:22 AM » |
will follow this game.
Indie games I have purchased: Spelunky Shoot 1UP
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 03:32:14 PM » |
Hi mrKaizen.. thanks for your feedback! - Yes the game speed at the end is just for the video.. but there are some buffs in the game, which increases your speed - but not as fast as in the video  - You are right about the combo counter.. i'll put the text in the background. Below is a screenshot of the mobile onscreen controller - i try to make the controls as easy as possible .. nothing more frustrating than having 5 buttons or more on a virtual controller.   oh forgot: do you think that the running speed is to slow or the overall speed? I agree with the controls, looks fine for me btw.  About the speed: for me the overall speed would be better if increased. Ok, maybe the second part of the video is too much, but the first seem a bit too slow 
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2014, 09:50:49 AM » |
I took a break from the bossfights and started working on the menu UI. You can upgrade your equipped set in the forge. The forge evolved from something like this:  .. into this:  Still have to redesign/reimplement the upgrade mechanics.
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2014, 11:03:27 AM » |
I worked more on the ui of the forge. The screenshot shows the forge panel. You can socket upgrades on items of your equipped set. Some upgrades are only available to specific gear, e.g. attack speed or critical attack are only available for weapons and gauntlets. Upgrades start with the copper value. Once forged you can upgrade to silver, gold and diamont (which adds a 2nd effect). You can unlock additional equipable sets which contains items with unique upgrades adding gameplay behaviour. I wasnt sure if i should add stats numbers but decided to not do it because there isnt something to compare and you would always choose the next one. What do you think about it?
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2014, 08:30:07 AM » |
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2014, 04:16:39 AM » |
In the game there is no time left, to manage your inventory. Instead you will be rewarded when you complete a level! The Chestpick lets you pick 3 out of 6 treasures - so choose wisely!  Collect items to complete a set containing gear, weapon and trinket.   Once unlocked and equipped you can forge additional attributes to your gear, like bonus to critical attack, damage reflect and other stats. Each set features a unique tech tree and you will discover mighty combinations and magical effects bound to the sets previous owner. In each level of Runic Rampage you will find mighty emblems which enables their bearer with elemental and magical powers. By skilling up your Control over these effects you will unlock even more powers.  Still have to refine the forge process. Any crits and comments? Cheers! Please subscribe to our mailinglist for beta! Or send PM Care about the game? Please Like Runic Rampage on Facebook.
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2014, 12:47:56 AM » |
My only gripe with all this is that I think it has too few shadow, something when I look at a lot of these screen, like the plants don't have visible shadows, structures don't cast shadows and also, in the screen with the UI, I think you could add more shadows behind those bars etc.
Othervise I like it =)
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2014, 06:31:27 AM » |
Yeah I think you could get a lot out of studying a game like Diablo 3. In fact here's the GDC presentation on the development of its art. More specifically, how the character and the environment contrast one another. http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1015306/The-Art-of-Diablo