« Reply #11500 on: May 10, 2021, 12:39:18 AM » |
Hey there! I'm DDRKirby(ISQ). You may know me for my "9-bit" style chiptune music, or for some of my Ludum Dare games. Most notably, Samurai Shaver, Goodnight Meowmie, and Ripple Runner.   I make up one half of Cocoa Moss Games, a collaboration between myself and a friend where we make cozy games together. I'm joining here in the hopes of maintaining a devlog for an upcoming music game of mine, tentatively called "Rhythm Quest". Although I've already made many games of my own, this will be my first self-published commercial game project. I'm both excited and a bit intimidated to be taking the dive into working on a commercial game in earnest! Hope to see you around.
Level 0
« Reply #11501 on: May 11, 2021, 03:28:37 PM » |
Hello, My name is Firahs. I am an enterprise developer that's been doing game dev on the side. My hope is to one day turn my side-hobby into a full time job  I've recently released my first game "Deep Ship Alpha" to the google play store. It's been something that's been giving me a ray of light during these otherwise "unique" times
« Reply #11503 on: May 15, 2021, 01:42:14 PM » |
Hi, my name is Peter, I'm a motion designer by day and a wannabe game dev by night. Benn fiddling with different game engines for many years until I got really hooked into UE4 which is now my engine of choice. I've been doing some small projects over the years and recently decided to make a full game, hopefully, I'll be able to share it here someday.
« Reply #11504 on: May 17, 2021, 11:05:26 AM » |
I have always had a terrible time telling anything about myself.
I love music (mostly rock & pop from 1950s to 1990s and classical), musicals (Les Miserables must be my favourite one), anime and a bit of history and other science stuff. I work professionally as a programmer. I'm a sucker for adventure / narrative games like Uncharted, Dear Esther, Amnesia, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, SOMA, Max Payne... The list could go on and on here, but I do play pretty much everything else, too, except MMOs and sport games.
Most of all, I'm excited to be a part of this wonderful community and I hope to post my first devlog soon enough!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 02:17:31 PM by mentor93 »
« Reply #11505 on: May 18, 2021, 12:41:16 AM » |
Hello, I am Yababa. I am new to the creation of playable video games. I hope to learn from others on the forum, collaborate and build life-long relationships through the process of game development. At present I am learning Unity, Phaser, and GameMaker Studio 2. That is all I can think of at the moment. Lastly, I can currently studying Spanish and my native language is English. Shouts from New York City.
« Reply #11506 on: May 19, 2021, 05:43:42 AM » |
Hey everyone! My name is Mary, and I'm a solo indie game developer based in New York City. I'm currently working on my first commercial release for part of a 90 day game jam. I'm still a student so I have less time than I'd like to devote to game dev, but I manage. You can visit my website here(yes, it's just a google site): https://sites.google.com/uamaker.nyc/panaceastudio/home#h.ozundj3b8hm9You can follow me on twitter here, where I post daily updates on my game: https://twitter.com/PanaceaStudioNYThat's all. Thanks for reading!
Level 0
« Reply #11507 on: May 20, 2021, 03:33:52 AM » |
Hi my name is Martin, but I use the nickname Kwej. I'm from the Czechia (Czech Republic, previously known as Czechoslovakia) and my first contact with computers was on a local ZX-Spectrum clone called Didaktik Gama (8-bit, RAM 80 kB). At that time I didn't understand the program code, I only knew a few basic commands. I was just a gamer or occasionally I drew something or tried to compose music in editors.  The next computer was an Amiga 500 (32-bit, RAM 1 MB) but connected to a black and white TV. Besides playing games, I also drew graphics in Deluxe Paint and composed music in Protracker. Later, with color television, I found that my graphic creations took on unexpected colors - literally.  A few years later we had Amiga 1200 Magic (32-bit, RAM 18 MB).  And in high school I finally got basics of programming, so I started programming in AMOS Professional. But I didn't have anyone around who also had an Amiga, and we didn't have internet either, so no one but me ever saw or played these creations. Kind of sad. And I think I created a lot of interesting features: - screensaver in menu - random selection of music in the menu and in game - ability to expand graphics and music - ability to merge your scorefile with an external one - ability to localize the game directly in the menu - automatic detail level according to computer performance In 2003 I left the Amiga and bought my first PC and my creativity was over for a few years. Then I started composing music again and created a few apps for my work and a few for personal use (tools I just needed). Lately mostly related to translating games into Czech, which is my current hobby. My small Czech localizations: - AntVentor - Flockers - Frederic: Evil Strikes Back - Gas Guzzlers Extreme - Goetia - Kung Fury: Street Rage - Manual Samuel - Return of the Obra Dinn - The Chaos Engine - The Swapper - Whispering Willows
Level 0
« Reply #11508 on: May 21, 2021, 12:14:58 AM » |
Hello everyone! We are T-Bull Team, a developer from Poland. We create games for mobilephones (for example Top Speed, Moto rider: GO, InfiniteCorp, etc.) and now we try ourselves doing simulators for Steam. We want to share with you our progress by posting devlogs, we are also open to suggestions. Hope you will enjoy our company on this forum 
« Reply #11509 on: May 23, 2021, 10:35:53 AM » |
Hello Game devs,
just another indie developer here. I hope to work in a large game company one day as either a writer, designer or both. As of now I get by in the culinary industry. So far I've written for 5-ish games, not including my own, and I have received payment for 3 of those. I have designed for one team, not including any team I've started. On my own I've attempted like 10+ games. I've almost finished like 2 of them so far. My last one, before this text one, did "go gold" but was still more than I could chew.
Anyway, I wish everyone good luck on their games!
« Reply #11510 on: May 25, 2021, 02:05:23 AM » |
Indie dev developer here. At the moment have another full time job. I hope I can make a good game and become a full time developer 
Level 0
« Reply #11511 on: May 31, 2021, 05:57:16 AM » |
With a proud history of more than one month, Caffeine Withdrawal Games is currently a one-man-show located in the sometimes nice city of Bucharest, Romania CWG is working on its first title: Tape Recovery Simulator 96K [with a capital K] http://caffeinewithdrawalgames.com/TRS/details.html. It even matches the motto "Never before built games"  I'm Claudiu, #1 developer at Caffeine Withdrawal Games!
« Reply #11512 on: May 31, 2021, 11:47:50 AM » |
Hey everyone, I'm Rowan- a 19 y/o game developer from Scotland ^^ I previously released Drifting Cloud [a small snake/tron-like arcade/party game] on Steam 3 years ago, since then I've been improving at gamedev gradually and I'm finally getting close to releasing a new game. Planning on making a devlog about it soon! Looking forward to interacting here  Feel free to follow me on twitter etc. if you're interested \/\/\/
Level 0
« Reply #11514 on: June 02, 2021, 03:22:13 AM » |
Hello everyone! I'm a mathematician and a programmer interested in game programming. Games have always been a huge part of my life and for 6 years I have been learning Unity and doing some game projects and prototyping with it. Now I have decided to try to finish one game project. I joined here mainly to get some feedback on the project, since if there is no interest to that game I should not spend time on it so much. Also I'm hoping at some point to find someone who can do graphics stuff to collaborate with. https://yrdvaab.com/
Level 0
« Reply #11515 on: June 04, 2021, 02:40:51 AM » |
Hello fellow developers  I'm Niels from the Netherlands. Currently working on a 2D Data Oriented game engine as part of my graduation. I study Games Development, also in the Netherlands. Consoles and handhelds will always be special to me. I barely play games on my PC. As a developer I love to port games to consoles and work as a systems programmer. The last game I worked on commercially was Megabyte Punch for the Nintendo Switch. I think I spent most of my game time on the Nintendo 3DS playing Pokémon, TLoZ Ocarina of Time or Yokai Watch. Though on consoles I love to play Splatoon, The Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Project Cars, etc.
« Reply #11516 on: June 04, 2021, 09:06:43 PM » |
Don't worry, I'm not a bot (I came here from the forum rules thread).
Level 0
« Reply #11517 on: June 05, 2021, 10:14:40 AM » |
Hi. You can call me Eric, I am from Finland and I am Bible believing Christian.
I like all things creative like music which I have done for like 8 years, but also programming and photography. Over a decade ago I also used to draw a lot. However mostly I have done music. Recently I have been interested to do some poetry and pixel art too and also actually finish some presentable games.
During my life I have of course been into games; mostly for Nintendo stuff starting from NES, skipping SNES, then going to N64, Gamecube and Wii. My relationship with games is actually rather complicated; I used to play a lot - perhaps too much - and at the Wii times felt that I use too much on gaming, then getting rid of all my stuff and then later getting back to games. I do not play that much these days and am more interested in the creative aspect of game making.
My favorite games and game series are:
1) Pokemon - I really like the battle system in Pokemon. The best times with games was with the Pokemon Battle Revolution playing against random people over internet - something I could not do before and I really did not have anyone to play with before. I think my favorite games from this series are the Gold, Pearl, Heart Gold and the Sun versions.
2) Megaman - first Megaman game I had was Mega Man 4 on NES and my friend had Mega Man X3 for SNES, but it was long time until I played the series again. Around when I got Nintendo 3DS I found Megaman Zero and Megaman ZX series games. I really like the gameplay (platforming, shooting and bosses) and music in these games. Also although the story is probably not that great, I like how the story of Zero develops through the X and Zero games.
3) Metroid - Here I like the exploration aspect of the games and the atmosphere. Prime 2 is my favorite.
These three series have affected me most in the direction of my musical style and game ideas.
Game development seems like this ultimate challenging cross-discipline creative endeavor. Having a certain game idea for years I try to get it actually to the prototype phase. I actually did make a tiny demo version in 2016 but I try to make it the project more organized and easier to work with. It has really been on off (mostly off) free time activity, but now I actually realize I have to finish it someday. I was actually thinking to make a devlog of it and after looking around the internet TIG Forums looks like the best place to do it for now - if I am going to do that devlog (not sure). So that's how I got here.
I do not plan to be full time game developer or any kind of entrepreneur. I want to keep the creative things as a hobby and have something more physical as a pay job - now I am doing part time office cleaning. So yeah... I might make a devlog here at some point to get feedback and all. Before that I just look around and comment on some projects I saw here before. If you are a from Finland or a Christian you can send me message if you want - it is always nice to see other Finns and Christians. Of course you can put me message anyway even if you are not from Finland or a Christian if you have anything to say. So yeah, see you around.
« Reply #11518 on: June 06, 2021, 08:27:50 AM » |
Hi! My name is Yali. I lived in India, now in Russia. When I got to know Unreal Engine, he completely captured me. I did various projects in it: architecture, interior design, level design, etc. Then graphic animation and blueprints fascinated me more than anything else. I started making animations and then developing video games. I conceived a game using EPIC Games' Twinblast hero and made several levels. There is even a movie trailer (see on my YouTube channel) But then I realized that it would take a lot of time to implement this game. And life and family require income here and now. Therefore, I postponed this project. As I continued to create games for customers and track trends in the gaming world, I had an idea for a new game. Which will be much easier and faster to create, with simple mechanics and simple gameplay, for a relaxed game for your own pleasure. The main thing - this game must be realeased, quickly and without delay. My 7 y.o. son helps me, he gives me some ideas for new levels There are already good reviews from gamers about my trailer on Facebook, Reddit, YouTube. They ask about the demo version. The demo version of the game will be released around July-August 2021. I want start to publish my devlog here.
I hope to any your support to indie developer!
Thank you
JM Games
Level 0
« Reply #11519 on: June 06, 2021, 09:44:50 AM » |
Hi everyone, I'm an aspiring indie dev.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 07:54:41 PM by JM Games »