Level 0
« Reply #11540 on: July 01, 2021, 04:51:47 AM » |
Hi, I'm just some guy... Some guy with a dream. A dream about telling stories, about making people think and feel, laugh and cry, sharing emotions. It's a dream about making games. If only it wasn't just a dream. So about a year ago I jumped head first into waters of game development. I know can't start by making my dream game, but we are all have to start somewhere, right? Well, wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it 
« Reply #11541 on: July 01, 2021, 05:44:32 AM » |
Hello ! So my name's Michał and tomorrow i'm turning 19. I live in Poland, where we drink Vodka and play The Witcher 3 every single day. I've been active on TIGScord so far, and now decided to start posting on the forum itself. I'm not gonna lie, whether I'm an expert, when it comes to gaming. I actually didn't have much contact with games for a long time. I started using a PC maybe 7 years ago  At first have been making animations in Pivot Animator and after some time switched towards 3D modelling in Blender, in which i've been creating for about 4 years so far, so maybe I can call myself a 3D Artist. At some point i've started thinking about creating my own video game, since it seemed to be a great way to test my 3D modelling skills and also a great opportunity to learn some new things. Now gamedev is one of my hobbies I do in a free time. I even created some simple games, but they aren't really worth showing off  About a year ago I've started working on a RPG temporarily called "Not Alone". I'll be creating thread abut it today and now you can check my first devlog on my YT chanel if you want :D
« Reply #11542 on: July 02, 2021, 11:58:53 AM » |
Hello everyone.
My name's Ben and I like making games. I still haven't mastered the art of scoping my projects correctly and I like to bite off more than I can chew. I've lurked here for years but I'm signing up so that I can share some of the projects that I've been working on whether they make it past the finish line or not. I love reading other peoples devlogs and I find them super inspiring and I'm looking forward to sharing my own.
Level 0
« Reply #11543 on: July 03, 2021, 09:23:39 AM » |
Hey folks, My name is Peter Adams - I have been developing games with a strong instinct to do so ever since I was a child, using whatever technology I could. I started off with games with toys and board games on paper, then upgraded to MS Paint when I got a computer, eventually I figured out how to make games on MS PowerPoinm With A LOT OF SLIDES ... think one slide for each condition. Eventually, I got my hands on an online tool "My game maker" or something, and had half of my class play it, that was a magical moment for me. There has always been something magical about having people play my game. My first public game was made in Flash and was called "The criminal game" which received 30,000 views on Newgrounds, which I followed by "Mineral rush" and "Mineral rush 2" each had 50,000 views on Newgrounds. Meanwhile, I gained fame on a Flash game called "Plazma burst 2" and was famous for my map designs and tutorials, my most viewed tutorial gained 170,000 views on Youtube, and I estimate many of my popular maps had several million plays each. I have also hosted successful Minecraft servers with unique concepts. As a kid obsessed with Runescape, it was physically painful for me to not know how to make something similar. I googled "How to make games" out of desperation. I studied Game programming in Oslo in 2018 and from there made two large RPG games and a real-time strategy game in Unity. After graduating, I worked as a Web developer for a year, and during my spare time programming an MMO. Right now I am building a software business and continuing to build a web-based MMO with Google Maps. Two weeks ago I released posted the game on Reddit and I gained several thousand registered users during the first night of the release, with a dedicated, loyal player-base, that seems high potential in the game. Check out my Newgrounds account: https://maxiecole.newgrounds.com/games/And the MMO I'm working on: https://internationalmafia.world/Cheers
« Reply #11544 on: July 04, 2021, 05:14:32 AM » |
Hi all, I'm Luke. I'm currently a games programmer at a UK Games Company, but I like to make games in my spare time too. Mostly inspired by 90s platformers and the like. Favourite game is probably Snake Eater or the Japanese version of Castlevania 3.
Level 0
« Reply #11545 on: July 05, 2021, 06:00:30 AM » |
Hi, My name's Csontos Máté and I started to learn game development a year ago.
« Reply #11546 on: July 05, 2021, 06:31:56 AM » |
Greetings! I forgot to do this when I joined yesterday, but better late than never. My name is Kecenr (pronounced Kitchener) and I'm working on a game called Cambria. It's written in Python using the PyGame module and is currently in alpha stages. You can learn more about it in the post I made in DevLogs. I'm also a musician. I've been playing the recorder for five years, piano for three years, and drums for two years. Even though percussion is my most recent musical venture, it is also the one I am most passionate about.
My main inspirations for making games are a certain bestselling sandbox game as well as games like Half-Life, Stardew Valley, and Cubic Castles. My philosophy when it comes to games is not to innovate, but rather to deliver a polished experience of things that have been done before so that players know what to expect yet still find enjoyment in what they play. Shovel Knight is a great example of this. It's a classic NES-style platformer, yet its execution is so good that it's still enjoyed by millions of players.
My first experience with code was probably with JavaScript on KhanAcademy when I was around 8 years old. I thought this was how all games were made, not realizing that this was a web-integrated framework of a web development language. Later I learned HTML and CSS and made a little website which has long since been taken down. I also learned Scratch and made some basic projects with that, including an unfinished horror game, which didn't end up being very scary at all. By the time I was eleven, I had given up on programming for a few years before returning to it just recently. I tried learning C++ and Java to no avail so I went with Python instead. I know it's not the most optimal language, but I'm not building an open world photorealistic 3D shooter here. Additionally, with JIT compilers like PyPy, you can run just about any 2D game at a consistent 60fps in PyGame.
This intro was a bit long so congratulations if you got through all of it, heh
« Reply #11547 on: July 05, 2021, 01:29:20 PM » |
Hi, I'm FreezyDude, and I'm an aspiring game dev. I also like Earthbound. And Terraria. And the Nokia Snake Game. And many other games.
« Reply #11548 on: July 05, 2021, 09:59:34 PM » |
I'm Lucier Blazquiz (not my birth name). I work on my own mostly as a hobbyist. I don't have grand dreams of money and fame I just do what I can for the sake of creative expression. I am currently working on a 2.5d RPG using some perspective tricks that come from my own experimenting. It's early in development but I'm already accumulating some early content to showcase. More on that later.
I'm glad to be here.
« Reply #11549 on: July 07, 2021, 04:52:25 AM » |
Greetings my fellow gamers! It is so great finding a forum of like minded individuals! I can't believe I've never found you before, most certainly an oversight on my part I'm sure.
I've been gaming for three decades now. I grew up playing games on the NES and SNES in the 90s and have been playing games ever since. My true love has always been for RPGs, from pen and paper to console and computer.
I look forward to talking with all of you.
The Jorth Magician.
Check out the new 16-bit RPG The Great War of Jorth. A war story with multiple story branches and endings. Find the demo on our website: workingman.productions
Level 0
« Reply #11550 on: July 07, 2021, 07:02:08 PM » |
Hi. I'm Tony!  I played a lot of DOS games (OMF 2097, Wing Commander, etc) and N64 titles (SBK2, MegaMan Legends, the Tony Hawks, etc) that inspired me, so I started learning about computers. I made stuff in Game Maker until I went to college for an unrelated field. I've fallen behind after being away from devving for so long, but I've rediscovered my passion for it, switched to Godot, and now I'm a solo developer (doing it all!) and working on my first game! I have lots of friends and three roommates who pull me away from working too hard. We like to relax and watch videos in a synchtube or play some games together. There is a group of musicians in a Discord server who have music making competitions every two weeks, and I sometimes try to squeeze in a track for it, for fun. When I'm not doing this stuff, I enjoy shopping and cooking with my girlfriend.  I'm hoping to get better at guitar and to start dabbling a bit in the Unreal Engine sometime within the next year, but right now, I'm focused on my project. I enjoy meeting new people and encourage folks to add me as a friend on here and keep in touch. Feel free to say hi to me on the Discord, as well!
"The murderer was Ms. Scarlet, in the Ballroom, BUILDIN' A SENTRY!"
Level 0
« Reply #11551 on: July 09, 2021, 06:44:59 PM » |
Hello, I'm a javascript-favoring engine dev, I just heard about this place. Greetings all! I have a few dozen browser based games I have made in the last two years.  Most of them use geometric primitives for graphics like this.
« Reply #11552 on: July 11, 2021, 12:07:56 PM » |
Nice and juicy for a primitive shape game 
« Reply #11553 on: July 12, 2021, 07:36:49 AM » |
 My name is Rafael, Rafellus on the net. I'm a software student since 2019, and have been invested in video games since my childhood. The first game I played was Super Mario Bros in a Polystation (a.k.a plug n' play console and bad PS1 imitation).  But the game that hit my heart at 100mh was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, all can be resumed in one phrase: The exact moment I lifted a rock and throw it, my heart and mind were captivated. I found incredible that a game on the screen could simulated the physical reaction like in real life, with such elegance and beauty. It was love at first sight.
-My beloved, Twilight Princess  Clearly bias, but until this day, is the only linear-game with almost not replayability that I have completed more than 4 times. After graduating from high school, I choose any carrear in College, passed the years got a ludicrous idea (at the time): create video games by myself. The idea was to learn art, music, programming, storytelling, etc. and create the most wonderful and fun game I could imagine. Obviously I felt short as soon as release how much I needed to accomplish such feat. All that was in 2016, feeling old  you too, right? Luckily, during the time I had for free on my job, I research different tutorials on all sorts of things. Despite the fact, that I got carried away (even research Machine Learning), I recollect more than 500 items researched. All written down precisely in a word document, categorized by field. The plan was settle, 4 years to learn, what I believed were the pillars of game dev, at that time: programming, visual arts, music and storytelling. And... I failed again, found my job too stressful and other things took over, with the time I had left I played games (like any good citizen  ). In 2018, I switch to learn only programming and trying to make that my official career path, 2019 got into the faculty, start studying. 2020 dedicated to investing my money, in an attempt to build a better financial future in order to try game dev again. In 2021, with my financial objectives marching well and some decent confidence on myself, I decided to start what I really want: to play around and share it with the world. To created anything fun, as other artist and game dev has done for me. My starting point is here: a YouTube Channel and my first statement for me and all of you that have the desire to start https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpjDOtvETe-TJa-lqx4kvwQ/Hope to see what we can make. 
Level 0
« Reply #11554 on: July 12, 2021, 08:49:06 AM » |
Hi everyone, I'm a young person just starting out in game-development on unity.
I got into games on consoles (first WII with games such as Mario-galaxy, the lego games and Skylanders) and then later the Xbox One where my favourite games became games like Life is strange, The walking dead, Firewatch, What Remains of Edith Finch etc.
Going to finish a programming course including graphics-programming at uni and probably looking to use the skills I will get there in a development job but right now I'm just making prototypes for fun as a hobby.
Level 0
« Reply #11555 on: July 15, 2021, 03:25:43 AM » |
Hello, I'm osminee (or Simon, but I prefer to call me by my nick), and I'm working on a small sandbox game called "gravelbox". It will be kind of similiar to Terraria, but it would be more realistic. Oh, I'm not that good artist, but I also draw! 
I like spinach asparagus.
« Reply #11556 on: July 15, 2021, 05:59:46 AM » |
I'm looking forward to seeing more of Gravelbox, have you posted any devlogs to TigForums or are there links to any social media accounts people can follow?
Level 0
« Reply #11557 on: July 15, 2021, 11:23:55 AM » |
You can see my twitter, I will probably show the updates here: twitter.com/osmineeAnd, of course I will post any versions on TIGForums Playtesting section!
I like spinach asparagus.
Level 0
« Reply #11558 on: July 18, 2021, 09:26:15 AM » |
here for no reason at all, just spending time o/
aboothered here, hello.
« Reply #11559 on: July 18, 2021, 12:50:39 PM » |
I uh... think you should resize your avatar 