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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 2042672 times)
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« Reply #1180 on: September 25, 2008, 03:59:38 AM »

Long time lurker, recently registered.

I'm a 24 year old swedish linguist, or aspiring to be at least. Currently working on finishing my degree in japanese before I move on to the next hill.
My father has always been working with computers, albeit not in any positions actually requiring him to have any real skills with them, but as a result he always snuck home some of the latest hardware for me to play with when I was a kid, and he also got some nifty videogames for us when I was small, and I got hooked immediately. With the obligatory military service and all the partying and sexhaving after that, I didn't really focus on gaming for a long while until a couple of years ago, mostly on the pc. I made a huge leap forward a little over a year ago when I got my first PS2!! :D Not exactly moving with the times, but I'm catching up!

When I was younger I spent alot of time exploring programming and coding and such, but most of that was forgotten when I switched from a technological education to the language-oriented one. But nowadays my fiancée, working hard as a designer at a firm in jolly old England have relighted my creative spark, and now I'm doing concept designs whenever I have time, and recently my mind is flooding me with tons of game concepts, which demands tons of writing on my part. Hopefully I'll rediscover some coding and be able to throw up lots of stuff here that you all can laugh at and belittle!

When it comes to games, some of my all-time favourites are the Fallout series, lots of JRPGs (Chrono Trigger, Shin Megami Tensei series, some Final Fantasies, etc), Silent Hill, Psychonauts, Half Life series, and Tons of old retro games.

Looking forward to wasting alot of time here on these forums!

Well, that was alot of text that noone's going to read...
Let's all just post pics of ourselves drunk or something instead!
Level 0

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« Reply #1181 on: September 26, 2008, 08:48:30 PM »

I'm geel9--making games since...er...uh...oh geez...


Anyways, yeah...I make games.
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« Reply #1182 on: September 27, 2008, 07:23:59 PM »

Hello.  My name is Sean and I've been sober now for... I mean... I like pie. Beer!

Ok, all seriousness aside, I got hooked on these video game things when I was about 3 or 4 and my parents bought a ColecoVision.  I spent the majority of my pre-kindergarten life shooting cookies at na'er-do-wells in Buck Rogers and jamming to the sweet tunes of Gyruss.  I never managed to beat level 4 in James Bond Embarrassed, and I have a recurring nightmare where I'm being chased by walking hot dogs and fried eggs.

Mega Man is probably my all-time favorite, frustrating-as-hell, I-did-NOT-touch-that-spike!-you-evil-evil-developer, game series. <3

Someday, my friends and I will finish one of our game-type projects.  Until then, I'll continue to be but a spectator, and use those-that-have (finished a game) as part of the source for my determination.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 12:32:54 PM by Nekura » Logged
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« Reply #1183 on: September 28, 2008, 06:04:50 AM »

Hi, name is Jon, live in Sweden (like half of the TIGforum it almost seems like).

Have stalked around these boards for a while now, but didnt feel that I could contribute in anyway. However thanks to some post here I found the beautiful Construct, that works pretty much exactly the way a game making software should work in my fluffy dreams.
Hopefully it will enable me to finally finish a game.

I´ve always been in to games of all sorts, even before I had access to something that could play videogames.
My weekdays are usually spent in the woods waiting for the commies to attack. But my conscript time is comming to an end, and I´ll have to find something that can print me money.
Hoppfully that moneyprinting machine includes either making visual effects for movies/tv or making games.

When waiting for the commies I look like this:

And this the obligatory drunken picture of me holding a big, manly drink made of testosterone and boobs. I hold it becouse it makes me feel like a man. It also makes me look like I have friends. Friends that can take pictures of me, so that I dont have to pay the bartender to be my tripod.

Favorite games:

And a shitload of finnish freeware games. Why all these great freeware games but almost no AAA gamestudios?

I also enjoy moviemaking:

You shouldnt watch them if you are homofobic. No subtitles, they are no masterpieces however, so your not really missing out on something great.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 06:45:05 AM by jonaw » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #1184 on: September 28, 2008, 06:11:44 AM »

Oh crap, NOSTALGIA RUSH! That game was swell

And welcome Gentleman
Level 0

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« Reply #1185 on: September 28, 2008, 06:31:35 AM »

Oh crap, NOSTALGIA RUSH! That game was swell

And welcome Gentleman

Oh yes. I have lost count of how many times I dreamed about playing a sequel only to wake up and be disappointed as fuck that it was only a dream.

edit: When I was a kid that is. =)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 06:43:08 AM by jonaw » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #1186 on: September 29, 2008, 06:30:04 AM »

When waiting for the commies I look like this:

You scare me.
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« Reply #1187 on: September 29, 2008, 06:39:01 AM »

Hi, my name is John, I'm an American (*booo* *hiss*), and I'm posting my intro because an older boy told me I have to if I don't want to get monocle-whipped.

I've been a self-taught hobbyist game maker since 1981. My first computer was an Apple ][+ and I cut my programmer's teeth on Applesoft BASIC. Since then I've learned many other dialects of BASIC, 6502, some 68000, Pascal, some C and various C-like scripting languages. I'd like to someday learn Python, GPU programming, and explore XNA development. I've also been very much interested in 3D computer graphics since those early days, particularly ray tracing and procedural systems such as fractals and cellular automata.

My formal education comes from film school which I attended primarily because of my interest in computer animation and love of movies. The films Star Wars and Tron were an extremely influential part of my formative years. I actually get to apply my learning as an occasional editor of surf films. Other ways I whore myself include graphic design and web work. I have an interest in screenwriting, but what I really want to do is direct.

Some games (along with their developers) that have inspired me are Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Robotron, many other 80s era arcade games (particularly Atari), pinball, Colossal Cave, Zork and all other Infocom games, Sierra/On-Line Hi-Res Adventures and the various Quest series, Wizardry, the Ultima series, Star Raiders, Adventure (2600), M.U.L.E., Pinball Construction Set, Arcade Machine, Carmen Sandiego, Karateka, Lode Runner and other Brøderbund games, Castle Wolfenstein, Robot War, various early Epyx/Automated Simulations games, Starflight, SimCity, Pirates!, the Zelda and Mario series (and Nintendo in general), Doom, Quake, Half-Life, and Counter-Strike.

I've programmed on a couple of commercial indie games you've never heard of. These days I use Game Maker for rapid prototyping and general procrastination. Moderating at the GMC forums is especially helpful for the latter. I also run a Game Maker scripting site, GMLscripts.com, and a (for the moment) failed game development news aggregation service not worthy of mention. So forget you read that last part.

What interests me today are seeing a return to smaller, faster games development; the exploration of games as a tool for learning and self-expression; the future of gaming and virtual reality; and the democratization of game making in general. Money also greatly interests me. I'd very much like to make a living from my games. Games which sadly don't exist. See procrastination above.

« Reply #1188 on: September 29, 2008, 09:56:47 AM »

Hey xot

I believe I have seen you on the GMC. Why, I think you are/were even moderating there? Nice to have you here Gentleman
Level 1

summer rain (soon)

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« Reply #1189 on: September 29, 2008, 01:53:53 PM »

My first computer was an Apple ][+ and I cut my programmer's teeth on Applesoft BASIC.

Heh, it's like looking into a mirror. =)

DEMAKE compo entry: Road Trip: Southwest USA
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« Reply #1190 on: September 29, 2008, 02:06:26 PM »

I believe I have seen you on the GMC. Why, I think you are/were even moderating there? Nice to have you here Gentleman

Right you are, kind sir. I'd recognize [M]edieval anywhere. Cheers Beer!

Heh, it's like looking into a mirror. =)

Yay, another old fogey!
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 02:09:41 PM by xot » Logged

Level 1

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« Reply #1191 on: September 29, 2008, 02:24:02 PM »

Hello! I'm Labbed. I live in Sweden and I'm 18 years old. I am very interested in games and making games. And I am also very interested in programming. I want to learn programming as much as possible so that I can make games. I know you don't have to be a programmer to make games, but I think using tools such as Game Maker is, uuh... I can't really explain. But I feel you don't have full control over what you're doing. And there is bugs in the Game Maker engine that I can't fix and such. And it's not completely your own thing when the game is complete. That's how I feel...
BUT I have enjoyed Game Maker a lot. And I have seen great games made with Game Maker so don't get me wrong! When I was 12-16 years old, I spent most of my free time in Game Maker. But I just made a lot of simple games and tests. Nothing serious. I could never finish any project. I just started new ones all the time Tongue

My first "real" programming experience was QBasic. I played around with that a lot, making everything from programs that prints your name and plays "cegcegceg" rapidly, to Block Ball games with only one block at a time.
Now I'm learning C# in case you wondered.

What games do I like? Hmm... 2D platformers mostly. Like Megaman, Kirby, Metroid, Mario and so on... But I like other types of games as well. My favorite game is... Cave Story! And I know you guys know about this game. I mean... Cave Story Roll Eyes
I like Pixel's other games as well. Guxt is awesome!

I have played quite a bunch of freeware games in my life. Most of them were horrible (you know with stolen MIDI music and some really irritating sound effects and gradients everywhere and you get stuck in the wall all the time) while some of them were really good. And I want to make freeware games too. And now when I'm learning programming, this might be a good place to get help and inspiration for developing future games. So I'm gonna be here for a while i guess.

And that's all for me. BTW my grammar sucks. But I hope you understand anyway.

The purpose of Hadoukens is to block other Hadoukens.
LabChirp! | SASOD!
Level 1

summer rain (soon)

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« Reply #1192 on: September 30, 2008, 12:24:01 AM »

Yay, another old fogey!

Heh.  Well, sorta.  I was pretty late to the ][+ party, being a hand-me-down during the last throes of the II-series.

DEMAKE compo entry: Road Trip: Southwest USA

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« Reply #1193 on: September 30, 2008, 08:34:33 AM »

G.Reed here.  I was a huge fan of all sorts of games back in the day, especially PC and console platformers like the Commander Keen series, Jill of the Jungle, and, of course, the Mario and Sonic games.  I've kind of fallen out of the current generation of gaming, but I do like to play retro games once in a while.

I've been programming games since I was around six years old.  Most of the projects that I've undertaken have been long-term solo efforts, but I started out with QBasic, creating very, very simple adventure text games and the like.  I moved on to game creation systems and then eventually to full-blown programming languages.

My latest effort is "Little Square Things", a game inspired by old DOS/Windows 95 puzzle games, such as Chip's Challenge, Brix, and Sokoban, in graphics style and gameplay.  I'll probably be posting it in the feedback forum since it's virtually complete as of just today.  Here are some screenshots:

And here's a website, and here's a (now fixed) download link.

I'm looking to get into some other gaming projects, and I'll offer feedback in the feedback forum whenever I get a chance.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 06:23:06 AM by greed » Logged
Level 2

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« Reply #1194 on: September 30, 2008, 12:34:55 PM »

I bid you a good morning, day, night or whichever period you reside on our planetary rotational axis!

I am Lynchpin, a 25 year old software developer from Finland, and I've been lurking this site and the forums for many moons. I've always been infatuated with games and indeed, my career as a professional software developer started from said passion of mine! However, as a person of grandieur ambition and eccentrism, I haven't been able to embrace my love for designing little worlds for years...

Until recently. I've never really released anything to the public aside from a small Quake patch, around 11 years ago (dear Creator, has it been so long?) but as I'm finally getting my hands dirty on polishing my rusted C++ skills, I've began to develope a small game engine. Embarrassed

Now, before you attempt to bite my head off at that last statement, which is obviously a beginner's mistake, there's a little known fact to be known about me; I do not particularly enjoy using ready made SDK's or API's for my projects. I'm what they call a do-it-yourself-or-don't kind of guy, which is also the reason why I enjoy programming so much; I love to learn about the very smallest details and wish to master them all. WTF

I have, in fact, used both Allegro and SDL for various purposes, but found their capabilities or performance lacking. Thus, I decided to go the obvious logical route and learn OpenGL (due to cross-platform capabilities, I am an avid Linux user due to my daytime job) to write my own 2D engine.

Now, I shall rush myself to another section, another thread, to ramble on about my eternity project, Yggdrasil, which hopefully due to recent events will not be the Duke Nukem Forever that nobody ever heard of.

Cheers! Beer!
Level 1

summer rain (soon)

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« Reply #1195 on: September 30, 2008, 03:18:23 PM »

I have, in fact, used both Allegro and SDL for various purposes, but found their capabilities or performance lacking. Thus, I decided to go the obvious logical route and learn OpenGL (due to cross-platform capabilities, I am an avid Linux user due to my daytime job) to write my own 2D engine.

I went through the Linux SDL->OpenGL progression myself, recently, and I can recommend GLFW as a bare-bones, cross-platform way to get basic GL window handling, input, high-resolution timer access, and TGA texture loading.  FTGL does a decent job at getting truetype fonts on the screen, too.  I'm with you on DIY from a minimal dependency point of view, but these things are nice little productivity boosters.

DEMAKE compo entry: Road Trip: Southwest USA
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« Reply #1196 on: September 30, 2008, 08:47:58 PM »

I went through the Linux SDL->OpenGL progression myself, recently, and I can recommend GLFW as a bare-bones, cross-platform way to get basic GL window handling, input, high-resolution timer access, and TGA texture loading.
Ooh, nice! I'll keep that in mind and look into it. Beer!
Level 0

Graphics Ninja

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« Reply #1197 on: October 02, 2008, 08:42:55 AM »

Hello, community.  Gentleman

I'm a 22-year-old artist from New Jersey, USA.  I'm a recent college grad specializing in 3D Animation.  While I'm new to the Tigforums, in terms of indie games, I've been on the scene for quite awhile assisting with graphics for my long-time friend, KNPMASTER's games.  I'm also the webmaster for The Games Page (http://www.thegamespage.com), which is pretty much our home base.

I've been a gamer ever since I was a kid, and I've always dreamed of coming up with my own cast of characters and using games as a format for telling their stories.  I've always found it much more entertaining to actually "play" out a story rather than just watch it play out.  However, let us not forget the first rule of making a good game, and that is FOCUS ON THE GAMEPLAY.

My influences for my art are of course the games I grew up with (ranging from the Atari 2600 to the NES to the Sega Genesis games of old), as well as just watching the world around me.  You never know what little nuance of the world is going to influence the next great thing you do.

That's me in a nutshell.  Can't wait to get started here!   Beer!

~MasterRaichu of The Games Page
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« Reply #1198 on: October 02, 2008, 03:34:09 PM »

Uh. Let's see. Paul Kowalewski (formerly named things involving Teal). 18 (I think). Been lurking for, um, 2... days. Already forgot how I got here. Been wanting to do games for a while, no actual completed games (except for, um, old gamefactory (ew) games from middle school) or any real game-making experience. However, I do have vague, pixel art. Actually, I haven't actually drawn in forever, but I've recently gotten back into pixel... doing. Apparently there's a lot of better more sophisticated pixelers here. I'll just say my style is minimalist and it'll be okay.

My computer's wack and says my graphic card is screwed up, hence I can't use or play anything related to Game Maker, which sucks, cause that's where I was intending to start.

I do too many things which results in not being skilled at any of them. I'm apparently a musician that doesn't really play music, amateur filmmaker (though on unwanted haitus due to everyone else having jobs and school.), graphic designer, used to draw / writer never-made comics, wanna-be fashion designer. If you want to check out any of those dumb things, click link in profile yes. I should probably find a / go to college. Any suggestions?

You'll probably never hear from me again because I'm too unproductive to get anything done and I'm in a ridiculous laziness slump. I don't even PLAY many games anymore.
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« Reply #1199 on: October 02, 2008, 11:48:21 PM »

Hello, my name is John Deiman. I'm a Flash developer who has made a ton of Flash cartoons for albinoblacksheep.com and has recently started working with ActionScript to develop Flash games. I'm known as ryoshenron throughout most of the intarwebs.

I've been obsessed with video games since the age of 6, and obsessed with computers since I got my first very own machine (a 286) at the age of 8. I've always enjoyed downloading and trying out freeware PC games and now I've decided to try my hand at creating one myself (that you don't actually have to download since it's in Flash :-P), and so I joined this community to get some feedback and support.
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