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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsSuper Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management
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Author Topic: Super Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management  (Read 85381 times)
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« on: January 05, 2015, 01:48:59 PM »

Early Access:


A Toasterific Adventure:
Finally fulfill your lifelong dream of taking the role of Pan, a sentient japanophile slice of bread and full time bounty hunter. Chase down the most dangerous cybercriminals in a destructive toaster power armor and become the richest (and only) living bread that ever existed.

The Game Features:
Super Toaster X is a roleplaying game which objective is to learn Japanese vocabulary while having fun. The goal is to have dynamic, interactive combat inspired by the Super Mario RPG by Nintendo mixed in with the exploration of the Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studios.

It features:
*Randomly generated dungeons

*A unique character progression system based on mastering Japanese vocabulary

*Strategic battles where your survival depends on correctly guessing vocabulary cards.

*Dozens of offensive and defensive abilities each with their own, unique features and effects

*Dozens of various foes with their own strategies and abilities

*A vocabulary card collecting aspect (gotta catch them all!)

A Playable Build
There are currently a few prototypes floating around the web but we're currently working on polishing our newest build for Greenlight. Keep your eyes peeled!

« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 05:29:01 AM by Zizka » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2015, 02:18:32 PM »

If you're reading this, you're very welcome to discuss this project with me.

There isn't very much to discuss, it seems that you have made some animations and want to make a game with it.  Shrug However, I'm interested to know what you're going to be making the game in, are you using Flash? Have you ever made a game before? What made you want to make one? I'm interested to see where you go with this, have fun with it!  Smiley

Level 0

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« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 02:22:12 PM »

I like the character, i don't think i've seen a toaster character before where the face is on the toast. I think the character works best when it is doing things that play off of the humor of the basic concept.  For example, the crouch animation nails it. I would hope to see other abilities/animations that are cleverly tied to the concept.

Some ideas:

- upward attack: shoot the toast upwards to hit some overhead target (toast would then drop back into the toaster)

- horizontal attack: use the power cord as a whip

- if you hold the crouch button too long, the toast burns, causing smoke to come pouring out.  maybe toaster guy makes coughing sounds.

- you could jump into pools of water and electrocute all enemies in the water.

Chris MacAdam
Level 2

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« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2015, 02:53:23 PM »

For the walking animation the problem with the arms is that they move in the same direction as the legs. When the leg steps out, the arm also stretches out. Normally it would be opposite, when your leg stretches out your arm is behind you on that side.

I like the idea behind the main character though! Keep on going with it!

Level 3

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« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2015, 03:07:17 PM »

Here are some ideas to tweak the animations a little:
- For the walk cycle, rotate his body a little.
- Add a little 'bob' to the idle animation. Right now it's a bit static.
- You really need some animation where the toast pops out of the toaster for a brief while. Smiley I was hoping the jump would include that.

For enemy robots, maybe other household appliances? Why not watch Brave Little Toaster for some inspiration?

If you're not confident programming, do you need to program? Have you considered GameMaker or something similar? Or modding some sidescroller? Not sure what's out there, but I would imagine there's something...

Anyway, good luck.

Level 4


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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2015, 04:04:30 PM »

- You really need some animation where the toast pops out of the toaster for a brief while. Smiley I was hoping the jump would include that.

Yeah, could make for a fitting fight move. Maybe with different levels of toasting, like a charged attack.

Level 0

"beeeep" - a synth

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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2015, 04:34:24 PM »

This little toaster is great! I love the burning/smoking idea too.  Some other thoughts:

You could plug into electrical outlets to get health.

If you take damage, the bread falls out and you have a count-down to retrieve it.

Maybe you collect different types of bread for different power ups!
Rye to jump high. Bagel for further dash. Whole-grain for extra health. Invincible grilled-cheese mode.

As far as enemies/NPCs go, you could have a lot of fun with either a kitchen appliance or breakfast food vibe.  Coffee

I'm excited to see more!

These web letters will take your internet hole to my ear-paintings!! http://www.trevorblackmusic.com/
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2015, 04:52:46 PM »

Thank you for the warm welcome and most importantly, your input! It really is appreciated, big time.  Hand Thumbs Up Right

There isn't very much to discuss, it seems that you have made some animations and want to make a game with it.
Well, I meant in the future, as for right now, you’re right, not much to say but I did get some neat ideas.

However, I'm interested to know what you're going to be making the game in, are you using Flash?
I am using game maker.

  Have you ever made a game before?
I have made other games before, but always part of a team but I was mostly active in creating art assets.

What made you want to make one?
Hmm… that’s a good question. I’d like to make a living from it. It’d like my folks to be proud that I’ve achieved something like a great video game. I have a job but I’m working on this when I have free time.

I like the character, i don't think i've seen a toaster character before where the face is on the toast. I think the character works best when it is doing things that play off of the humor of the basic concept.  For example, the crouch animation nails it. I would hope to see other abilities/animations that are cleverly tied to the concept.

Some ideas:

- upward attack: shoot the toast upwards to hit some overhead target (toast would then drop back into the toaster)

- horizontal attack: use the power cord as a whip

- if you hold the crouch button too long, the toast burns, causing smoke to come pouring out.  maybe toaster guy makes coughing sounds.

- you could jump into pools of water and electrocute all enemies in the water.

I totally agree about exploiting the character more. I tweaked the jump animation and the crouch one. The crouch one lacked dynamism and the jump one wasn’t exploiting the toaster idea enough.

Here are the new versions:


So I really liked the up attack idea and decided to give it a shot. I decided to make it a charge attack (I only read Quicksand-T’s message after!) Great minds think alike I guess!

It doesn't go too far up but that's easy to fix. I just wanted to show you idea behind it. Hand Joystick
As for the whipping idea, it’s a good idea. The thing is, I want the toaster to use a ranged attack like in mega man, not a melee like attack like with Zero. I also feel that, gameplay-wise, it’s more interesting to shoot things than to whip them like in Castlevania. I might implement the chord as a weapon you acquire after defeating a boss however (like a sub-weapon). I’d be great if all my sub-weapons could be toaster-related (I hadn’t thought about that before reading your message). Same thing with the water, I find it would be too limited of a use (wouldn’t be used often enough to warrant making a sprite/coding it). Keep your ideas coming though! Won’t be easy coming up with new ideas for all sorts of attacks!

For the walking animation the problem with the arms is that they move in the same direction as the legs. When the leg steps out, the arm also stretches out. Normally it would be opposite, when your leg stretches out your arm is behind you on that side.

I like the idea behind the main character though! Keep on going with it!
Hmm… I might have gotten confused here. I’ll look into it, thanks.

Here are some ideas to tweak the animations a little:
- For the walk cycle, rotate his body a little.
- Add a little 'bob' to the idle animation. Right now it's a bit static.
- You really need some animation where the toast pops out of the toaster for a brief while.   I was hoping the jump would include that.

Good idea for the walking cycle. It is missing something.

As for the idle, it’s missing something, true. Not sure about the bob though, I’ve already used that in the new crouch animation (see above). Let me know if you have other ideas.

The new jump animation does the bread thing you mentioned.

If you're not confident programming, do you need to program? Have you considered GameMaker or something similar? Or modding some sidescroller? Not sure what's out there, but I would imagine there's something...
Yup, using game maker.

For enemy robots, maybe other household appliances? Why not watch Brave Little Toaster for some inspiration?
I’ve never heard of that show.
The thing is, I want the stages to be themed related. So, I’d need to think of household appliances related to each specific stage.

For example: let’s say the stage is water based, I’d need household appliances that I could turn into enemy robots. I’m open to the idea but it’s just finding enough enemies you know.

@Quicksand-T: Added!

You could plug into electrical outlets to get health.

I like that a lot. Electricity definitely needs to be there somewhere in the game mechanics.

If you take damage, the bread falls out and you have a count-down to retrieve it.
Hmm… you mean like in Yoshi Island? I didn’t like that mechanic much… just a question of taste though (also, it might be because of that annoying baby crying sound). I’d rather use a life bar for now. But, as I said, always open to other ideas.

Maybe you collect different types of bread for different power ups!
Rye to jump high. Bagel for further dash. Whole-grain for extra health. Invincible grilled-cheese mode.

Good idea, harder to implement. See, spriting a bagel would work but I’d need to use varieties of bread which are instantly recognizable. Rye and whole-grain would be hard to identify I think, what do you think?


Level 0

"beeeep" - a synth

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« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2015, 10:58:18 AM »

The thing is, I want the stages to be themed related. So, I’d need to think of household appliances related to each specific stage.
Maybe each level/world is a different room in a house.
-Start off in the kitchen where blenders/coffee makers are friendly to learn platforming mechanics. You could burn the toast to create a smoke cloud that serves as a temporary platform to reach higher places!
-Move to the dining room to fight forks/knives and learn combat. Ranged megaman-style weapon would be tough, unless you just embrace it being weird and give the toaster a handgun or something. Shrug
-Then bathroom to battle toilet paper & plungers to learn water-based combat (that jumping in water to electrocute enemies idea is amazing and hilarious.)
-Then move through the living room, bed room, attic, etc.
-And then back to the kitchen to fight all the people you thought were your friends because it's been remodeled? A la Kingdom Hearts' Dark Destiny Island world.

If you take damage, the bread falls out and you have a count-down to retrieve it.
Hmm… you mean like in Yoshi Island? I didn’t like that mechanic much… just a question of taste though (also, it might be because of that annoying baby crying sound). I’d rather use a life bar for now. But, as I said, always open to other ideas.
Maybe stick with the health bar, and when it hits zero the bread falls out and you have 3 seconds to grab it, just as a second-chance avoid game-over thing?

Maybe you collect different types of bread for different power ups!
Rye to jump high. Bagel for further dash. Whole-grain for extra health. Invincible grilled-cheese mode.

Good idea, harder to implement. See, spriting a bagel would work but I’d need to use varieties of bread which are instantly recognizable. Rye and whole-grain would be hard to identify I think, what do you think?

Yeah, rye and whole-grain would probably be identical with a sprite of that size. Maybe just light bread/dark bread/bagel/grilled cheese. What else do people put in toasters? Forks?  MAYBE THE FINAL BOSS IS A BABY WHO WANTS TO PUT A FORK IN YOU AND YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IT!! Or like...give it enough baby formula to take a nap?

And to bookend each level, you jump out of the toaster and face-plant onto sandwich ingredients. 

These web letters will take your internet hole to my ear-paintings!! http://www.trevorblackmusic.com/
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« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 12:59:03 PM »

more ideas:

- health meter is a stack of bread, every time you get hit a slice of bread flies out of the character.  When you loose your last slice, you die.  The pickup to restore health is a bagged loaf of bread.

- charge the toast attack longer to increase the vertical range of the attack.

- use the power cord as a bionic-commando style grapple instead of a whip

- use the shiny chrome of the toaster as a mirror to reflect lasers to defeat enemies or solve puzzles

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2015, 01:20:46 PM »

Day 3rd:

(by the way, I don’t know if it’s obnoxious if you update your log often. If it is, let me know and I’ll space updates a bit more. I tried finding rules about this but couldn’t find any).

I didn’t get as much time working on STG today, I had my other job in the morning and dentist in the afternoon (for a whopping 600 bucks! Owch)./my life.

I did a lot of thinking however (today and yesterday).

I like the idea of the game taking place in a house. Each part of the house being a separate stage with a related boss at the end.

I’ve drafter a few ideas so far.

Bathroom: boss: Toilet Guy (I’m thinking of calling the bosses “guys” instead of “man” in order to slightly different from Mega Man.

This is the level I want to focus on for the technical demo. I want a technical demo to iron out the gameplay elements and fix what doesn’t work regarding the game as a whole. Once that’s taken care of, I’ll work on the other stages and their respective bosses.

This will be a water stage. I’d like to have bubbles coming up on which the toaster can jump to get from one area to another.
For enemies, I don’t actually need that many. In classic mega man stages, you have 3 or 4 different enemies based on each stage.

I’m brainstorming at the moment about this.

Hair-blower: blows hot air, can push hero from platforms into pits.

Electronic toothbrush? No idea how to implement it.

Hmm… pretty hard to implement… do you guys have any ideas? Something “mechanic” in the washroom…
Kind of stuck at the moment. It needs to be something that could be a robot. So a toilet brush wouldn’t work because it’s not electronic.

Any ideas?



- use the power cord as a bionic-commando style grapple instead of a whip
I thought about that too! In bionic commando you can't jump though. I'm uncertain if I should have both jumping and grappling hook. I like the idea. Would be a nightmare to code though I fear. But I like the idea and I'm not saying no.

- health meter is a stack of bread, every time you get hit a slice of bread flies out of the character.  When you loose your last slice, you die.  The pickup to restore health is a bagged loaf of bread.

That's a nice idea but I admit I prefer the idea of charging yourself from a power outlet to restore health more.  Hand Joystick

I really like the power chord idea though, I really do. I think it would be a great game mechanic to add. The spriting wouldn't be hard. It's the coding of the whole thing which worries me.

I also have no idea as to what the shooting weapon might be... a pistol would be a bit common I think.

Level 1

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« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2015, 05:50:12 PM »

super toaster is super adorb

Wannabe indie game developer
Level 4


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« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2015, 06:33:32 PM »

Hmm… pretty hard to implement… do you guys have any ideas? Something “mechanic” in the washroom…
Kind of stuck at the moment. It needs to be something that could be a robot. So a toilet brush wouldn’t work because it’s not electronic.

How about an electric shaver?

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2015, 07:12:19 PM »

Day 4th:
Thanks! I’m glad you like it!
Good idea for the electric razor (I thought about that while I was taking my shower yesterday)/my life.
I just need to find one or two more and I’ll be set for the first stage.

I got some good news, I figure out something for the long-range weapon.  Hand Thumbs Up Right

The power chord idea stuck in my mind (thanks metlslime!). I thought it was a great concept and had to implement it somehow.
So I decided the actual plug would act as two “cannons” which would fire electric bolts. It will also be easy to sprite a charge electricity shot that way! I don’t know about you but I really like it.




No, anger sign is too much.




Getting closer.


ever closer...


Not quite...


Yup, not quite perfect but I'm happy with it. Good enough.

I’m undecided as to whether or not an actual stage should look like an actual bathroom or living room for instance. What I mean is that while I think it should be called washroom or living room, both stages should have some distinct elements while not representing an actual bathroom or living room… does it make sense? I think if I want to actually design a real bathroom, it would involve a lot of limitations when it comes to designing levels. Besides, a bathroom is pretty small compared a living room, so some stages would be bigger than others… In Mega Man, most stages are more less equivalent length wise (correct me if I’m wrong about this).

For the bathroom level, I’d like part of it to take place over a bath (TG has to cross the bath by jumping from soap bubble to soap bubble). Falling in water could either mean instant death or taking some damage. I’m tempted to go for instant death.
As far as checkpoint are concerned, I’d like to use the power outlet idea. In order words, you shoot your power chord in the outlet to both recharge your health and save your progress. Dying would restart you from the last power outlet you’ve visited. I think it’s a good way to implement that idea.

So that’s about it for today. The running cycle is still bothering me to be honest. I’m not happy with it compared to the other sprites and animations so far. I’ll definitely tweak it further to make it look better.

I’m glad you’re participating and sharing your thoughts. It’s more fun this way and I think everyone can get good ideas. For those who are wondering, I’m keeping track of the users which are participating and those names will be added and thanked as support in credits. I’m getting a bit ahead of myself though, still a long time to go before getting to ending credits. But still, I thought I would put it out there, I would feel uncomfortable leaving out people who were generous enough to share their ideas and suggestions (even if I don’t take each one of them).


Level 4


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« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2015, 10:28:02 PM »

I’m undecided as to whether or not an actual stage should look like an actual bathroom or living room for instance. What I mean is that while I think it should be called washroom or living room, both stages should have some distinct elements while not representing an actual bathroom or living room… does it make sense? I think if I want to actually design a real bathroom, it would involve a lot of limitations when it comes to designing levels. Besides, a bathroom is pretty small compared a living room, so some stages would be bigger than others…

The SNES game Super Bonk might be a good reference for that kind of level design- there's a whole staged themed on a typical house setting, with Bonk in miniature.

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2015, 05:49:36 AM »

Day 5th:
Hey guys!

So I’ve been thinking and I’ve decided I would hire a programmer for the game (for game maker). At first, I figured I would learn it on my own but I the time I would invest in learning and tweaking, fixing the code would be quite a lot. Considering that I’ve got the level design and the art to take care of, it would slow down the development of the game quite tremendously.

The reason why I’m sharing this here is because, if you’re reading this, you’re already somewhat interested in the project. So I figured, let’s try to see if someone from here would be interested in joining me for Super Toaster Guy.

What I’m looking for:

1. I’m looking for a person who’s already experienced with game maker. By this, I mean not just using the drag on buttons, but also experienced with writing code effectively.
2. I’m looking for someone who’s proactive. By this, I mean someone who won’t say: “I don’t know how to do that, sorry” but who’ll say: “I don’t know how to do that, but I’ll find out.” In other words, I’m not looking for someone who knows everything, that’s impossible. But I’m looking for someone who will do what is necessary to learn what he or she needs to.
3. I’m looking for someone who’s reliable. This means keeping true to your word, replying messages under reasonable delay, etc…
4. I’m looking for someone who’s dedicated. I mean someone who’ll be able to get involved and provide feedback and suggestions regarding the programming. Take initiative so to speak, regarding the programming.
5. I’m looking for someone who is legit. No stealing, no cracking, no shady business.

Payment: Hand Money Left Hand Money Left
I intend to submit STG for a kickstarter once the game is sufficiently fleshed out. This means that, until the kickstarter goes through, everything I do for the game is on my own time (without getting paid).

Now, logically, I expect the same from the programmer.

In other words, payment will be provided as long as income is present. This doesn’t mean that I’ll give up the game if the Kickstarter fails, but this means that payment will be delayed.

I realise this sucks (it does for me too, I’d rather be paid for what I’m working on) but that’s the nature of the beast. Right now I’m happy working on the game as a hobby and I’m hoping to find someone who feels the same way. Once the funding does get through however, whatever has been done for the game will be paid for.

More precisely, this can either be a royalty on each copy of the game sold, a % of the kickstarter (to be determined prior to the actual campaign so that I can determine the amount I want) or a certain amount for each function which is programmed into the game. This can be determined in private.

Knowing this and being aware of what it entitles, if you’re interested in participating and joining me, do write me a Private
Message and we’ll take things from there.
Just so I have something related to the game for now:

Two power-ups to restore health, dropped from enemies and available here and there scattered in stages: small battery and large battery.

Small battery:
Restores a bit of health.

Thank for reading! Next log will contain more development news.

@Quicksand-T: I remember Bonk! Played it on the turbo grafx 16. Didn't know if was on the nes. I'll look some videos on youtube when I'm designing the actual levels!  Hand Thumbs Up Right

Level 1

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« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2015, 06:46:37 PM »

i can honestly say im excited for super toaster guy!


Wannabe indie game developer
Level 0

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« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2015, 07:10:03 PM »

The animations are looking great so far! Will definitely be following this in the future!  Smiley
Do you have any idea what the narrative of the game is going to be like?

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2015, 03:33:50 AM »

Day 6th:

@Hambone: Cool!  Hand Thumbs Up Right

@Awkward Knight Games:

Nope, not yet. That's the fun part!  Well, hello there! I have this vague idea of a house being taken by miniature robots and Super toaster Guy coming in for the rescue but that's really just a draft. I want the conflict to be small scaled (saving a house) as opposed to saving the universe or something grandiose like that. I think that would fit nicely in the context of the game.

Graphic wise, a couple of new additions:

An explosion, when destroying enemy robots.

Fixed the battery, I like this version better.

I’ve also started working on the rope swing mechanics. Still not there as you can tell but it’s a start:

Discarded stuff:

Money to purchase upgrades:

Too cliché. I want something more original. Too bad because I liked the coin animation.

Health pickup:

Too cliché. The ideas of the battery is much better.

Concept for an enemy:

Not theme related and generally plain.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:53:01 AM by Zizka » Logged

Level 8


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« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2015, 06:17:49 AM »

Super Bread Boy.

Instead of using toast, you should use bread, but everytime you use the power cord (to swing etc.) then the bread gets toasted a little, until eventually he's completely charred.


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