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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsSuper Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management
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Author Topic: Super Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management  (Read 85380 times)
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #380 on: February 04, 2016, 02:36:36 PM »

@c023-Dev: Thanks! My motivation is back anyway.

Just My Personal Perspective: If you're a part-time or hobby developer (IMO meaning you're not a legal business entity with income), then it's hard to draw a line in the sand of people helping you achieve your dreams. If you're not paying them to work for you, you don't have much you can say to them (other than maybe "thank you").

Well, here's my opinion which is also very personal. It's not as a contradiction of yours, it's just me talking about the same topic.

I don't think volunteering for something should automatically imply that you don't have to keep your word or do something sub-par. Now I'm talking about people contacting me to contribute to the game on their own volition.

If a person contacts me to say: "Hey, I'll build your website for free! I just want to participate!" I was undecided about getting a website until then because I didn't have the time or the desire to work on it. This contribution makes me decide to get one. I then invest in buying a domain. Said person then says he changed his mind. Sure, he was doing it for free, but does it mean he can just say he will do something and then quit at the drop of a dime?

I mean, sure, he could, we didn't sign any contract, so legally, he can. I do think it's wrong on his part of offering something if he doesn't end up doing it. Yes, I have done the same thing before so I'm not holier than thou. It did made me realize how much it sucks for the person on the receiving end however.

As I manage the project, I base my decisions on what people tell me. If someone tells me he will do something, I can't start not taking into consideration what that person said because that person isn't getting paid (of their own decision). I have offered certain people a sum of money for their services only for them to refuse even if I insisted and then quit (or actually never ending up doing anything).

I guess the reason why because a person would refuse to get paid is because they didn't want to really commit to anything and that should've raised a red flag but I didn't see it coming.

To work long-term, you need partners. To create partners, you're going to have to give up some control. If you don't want to do that, you really need to pay contractors. Once you find good partners, you stick with them for as long as you can both handle (which is easier said than done). Not saying these are the only two ways to make it work without being a full-time developer, but it's damn near impossible if you treat people you're not paying as employees when they're not...

Totally and that's what I learned. I don't agree with the rhetoric of: "I'm doing it for free so I can do whatever I feel like doing" and the best way to prevent this kind of attitude (which is or isn't justified depending on your viewpoint) is to just pay contractor (which is what I'm currently doing).

Just to give one last example:

If someone sees that my fence needs painting and offers to do it for free, in my opinion, it doesn't give them the right to rush/mess up the job because it's voluntary. Nobody asked you to volunteer. If you offer your services, I think you should still have the same work standards (i.e. doing your best).


Level 2


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« Reply #381 on: February 04, 2016, 03:18:20 PM »

Yeah, you are applying to morals and (work-)ethics here mate sadly, both those things are very rare and often faked.

Without wanting to sound negative... I like folks and I won't curse anyone for faults since I have my share too. It's just good to learn how to deal with... the mess (for the lack of a better word).

Like Oldblood said: all these things are best learnt by doing it. Enjoy the grind to grow!

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #382 on: April 08, 2016, 05:18:18 AM »

... and tons of games were pixel art platformers. I mean tons. I mean regular platformers and metroidvania and rogue like games.

It slowly dawned on me then that my game would just be a speck lost in a galaxy of similar games. The same jumping mechanics, bosses, platform jumping etc… I’ve long lost interest in the platforming genre due to what I feel is its repetitiveness. I mean, I would never spend some of my time playing one unless it really put forward something really, really unique and creative.

This led me to the conclusion that my game would likely be just one among many. Probably somewhat successful but nothing unique.

I thought that the idea of doing something “average” was really depressing and really not what I was going for with this game. I’ve always been interested in the more “experimental” games and yet I was working on something which was painfully common.

3. I think that, if this had been the only issue, I could have gone along with it and force myself to finish it. But besides the drop of motivation that came with doing a platformer, I realized I strongly disliked designing levels. Level design is really not my thing. It doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I also find the obligation of tiling everything to be sort of break on my creativity at times.

4. When I started working on a platformer, I believed it would be a good pick because it would be simple to code. Man was I wrong. Tons of bugs were appearing and it was becoming increasing frustrating to not only have more and more bugs as the game development went along, but painful to see that bugs who were supposed to have been fixed weren’t. That was a total pain in the neck. Physics weren’t realistic and tons of bugs remained even after a lot of beta testing.

So, what's next? In devlog 80, I'll explain what the new concept of the game will be about. But I can tell you it'll be a mix of side-view rpg inspired by Super Mario RPG but which is also educational. Sounds weird? Might be! But I can assure you it'll be unique. It might fail, but at least it'll be a breath of fresh air!

Also, some recent animations:

Stay tuned!


Level 10

...Not again.

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« Reply #383 on: April 08, 2016, 05:40:21 AM »

Glad to see you back.

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« Reply #384 on: April 08, 2016, 06:09:09 AM »

Kudos for the bold move, that must have been a tough decision. Also, inspired by Super Mario RPG?... Hand Money Left Addicted Hand Money Right
Level 2

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« Reply #385 on: April 08, 2016, 11:39:48 AM »

whew I was worried that this died

Working on something new!
Follow me @CrabbyDev.
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« Reply #386 on: April 08, 2016, 05:28:23 PM »

It is alive and well! I am delighted to continue working on the game's OST as it delves into a new direction.

In light of this announcement, I've uploaded the the latest public pre-release track for the game's soundtrack: The Workshop!


Composer | Orchestrator

Soundtracks include:
Kharon's Crypt
Call of Saregnar
Level 8

if you don't comment, who will?

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« Reply #387 on: April 08, 2016, 05:45:57 PM »

good luck zizka, nice to see you haven't given up.
will you be salvaging any of the code, or will this be a complete restart?
simple to code, that's not always so simple to estimate. no matter what kind of game you make, it can get complicated. this can be UI related, physics, animation... take a pick. It can all be bloody hard, depending on what you are trying to achieve. It can also be really simple, but if the coder makes the wrong decisions, it can still end up as a buggy mess.
I've made my own 180 degree turn... my racing game is now a top down shooter.  Beer! to the new direction

Level 10

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« Reply #388 on: April 09, 2016, 06:11:31 AM »

Not that I dislike platformers, but I applaud this change! Try something new, or at least something too few people are doing at the moment.

Sounds like it will be a much more interesting game!
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« Reply #389 on: April 09, 2016, 01:43:41 PM »

level design seems to kill a lot of indies dead - so a completely get it - Smiley its so hard to get a fun playable mechanic, its often forgotton that thats just a small part of it - and 100 levels will take AT LEAST that many days !!  (usually loads more)..  Interested to see where it goes now Smiley
Level 1


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« Reply #390 on: April 09, 2016, 02:11:17 PM »

Good to see you back, I was missing your posts! Looking forward to seeing the new changes in direction, sounds very interesting!

Level 10


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« Reply #391 on: April 09, 2016, 03:55:25 PM »

Hope this change works in favor of the project. Seem to make the scope even bigger no?

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #392 on: April 09, 2016, 04:38:27 PM »


Thanks for the plethora of replies, I should stay away more often, hehe.

It wasn’t a difficult decision at all to make actually. If anything, it was liberating and a weight off my shoulder, sort of like when you break up after being stuck in a stale relationship with someone.
Now that I’m doing something I enjoy again, motivation is soaring.

I won’t be salvaging any of the code. I’m surprised you changed from your racing design. It was pretty neat when I tried it.

Totally agree. Also, the out-of-toaster concept just wasn’t working out as a platformer. It felt (and sort of was) shoehorned in and was just there to be there. It wasn’t fun and I couldn’t in all good conscience keep it.

But I still like the idea of the characters and the style of it. I wasn’t willing to give up. It just felt wrong considering how much time I invest into it.

So I had to think of an idea so I could keep on working on the game without having to start over.

And I have.

So basically, I will lose none of the art. Everything I’ve done for the game so far will be used for the new concept I have in mind. I did redo some of the animations (the older ones) so they look better however.

Anyways, thanks for the positive support. I hope you won’t be disappointed.

I am aware that some people will be disappointed with the path I’ve decided to take as it certainly won’t be as traditional as before.

I’m preparing the next devlog at the moment. I’m drawing a fairly big animation which will explain the whole concept. The reason why I don’t talk about it right now is because it’ll be hard to understand with just text (trust me, I’ve tried!).

Anyways, I’ve often felt a bit guilty when playing games as I felt I was *wasting time*. So I thought to myself, what if people could play games and learn things at the same time?

I browsed around and saw a few games who did that but I felt like the balance between fun and learning never really worked. It was either a game where you didn’t learn much or a learning activity which didn’t feel like a game.

As a teacher myself, I’ve always been concerned with making learning fun. I hope my teaching experience will come across in the game I’m working on.

@alvarop: it’ll actually be a lot shorter and approachable. I’ll explain why that is in the near future as I already have an idea as to how to approach the release of the game.

This was long, thanks for reading!

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #393 on: April 10, 2016, 01:21:01 PM »

Alright, this took about 10 hours to do but I think it's presentable now.

This should give you an idea as to the direction I'm going for now.


b∀ kkusa
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« Reply #394 on: April 11, 2016, 04:17:03 AM »

why japanese vocabulary?

Directly reminded me of Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle which is on steam.
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #395 on: April 11, 2016, 05:15:29 AM »

I'm glad you're bringing this point. The reason why I went for vocabulary instead of hiragana was to stand out from the crowd. There are actually plenty of apps to learn Japanese kana (hiragana & katakana). It'd sort of be the platformer story all over again.

As far as I know, only slime forest actually teaches vocabulary:

In my opinion, it looks awful and for having played the game, it's very, very boring (to me anyway). When I played that game (t to the risk of sounding arrogant) I knew I could pull this off in a way which would not only look tons better but also be a lot more fun to play.

I'm guessing hiragana battle teaches, well, hiragana. It's been done before and the hiragana are only about 50 characters which limits its appeal in my opinion.

I hope this answers.

Level 10

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« Reply #396 on: April 11, 2016, 05:23:16 AM »

An anthropomorphic toaster teachign Japanese makes no sense. Perfect fit for Japanese culture then Tongue
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #397 on: April 11, 2016, 05:26:51 AM »

Haha! It doesn't teach Japanese however, just vocabulary (it's sort of a RPG with Kanji flashcards really). Just clarifying!  Well, hello there!

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« Reply #398 on: April 11, 2016, 05:34:18 AM »

The reasoning still holds Wink
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« Reply #399 on: April 11, 2016, 05:38:28 AM »

Woah, that's a huge change! But you're right, there are dozens of platformers out there and if that's not what you wanna do, then don't. Do something that you like Smiley

The game just got weirder and I think that's something good.

Good luck Smiley

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