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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsSuper Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management
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Author Topic: Super Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG: Devlog 99: Resource Management  (Read 85354 times)
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #500 on: June 15, 2016, 03:09:08 AM »

Tony is a person of exceptional character as far as people go. He's not only a talented composer but a very humane person. He's also very reliable and a team player. He doesn't see the game as just a gig but he's willing to get involved, this is just *so* important in the indie game community.

I always find it off putting when people contact me to get involved and are clearly into this for the money. Getting paid for your work is to be expected but to put this first foot forward is a major turn-off for a project manager. With no budget or a very limited budget, people need to feel some emotional connection to the game otherwise it leads to problems down the road. When I say into it for the money:

"I want to make sure I only invest x$ worth of work." is just the wrong mindset for indie gaming. I think the appealing mindset is: "I want to be a part of this" first and foremost. This isn't to say that it means that you'll be exploited, far from it. I personally judge people by their actions. When I see people willing to put in the time and the effort, and I am determined to do my best to reward those people as much as possible.

I think there lies a major difference between contractual work for major studios and indie game teams.

Level 0


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« Reply #501 on: June 15, 2016, 03:14:41 AM »

started up the tutorial and the text was stretched out on all resolutions. Everything else seems fine. I'd send a screenshot but I have no idea how  Sad

Drawing Art for JAGO (an imaginary game I thought up of.)
Level 2

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« Reply #502 on: June 15, 2016, 03:37:44 AM »

Well I know what I'm testing out tonight! Thanks for getting the Mac demo up. I'll share feedback when I can. Smiley

Working on something new!
Follow me @CrabbyDev.
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #503 on: June 15, 2016, 07:14:25 AM »



@zorg: Here's your answer from the programmer:
Sure thing.  The current height of the camera in the scene is 300 pixels.

That means that they would need to use a resolution that Unity doesn't offer (could be done in windowed mode).  I will reset the camera size to 320 pixels (which gives them a choice of 640, 1280, or 1600 vertical resolution for integer zoom) and rebuild first thing tomorrow.  I'll post the new builds to DB for you to update the links.

Level 9

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« Reply #504 on: June 15, 2016, 08:05:11 AM »

I'm playing in windowed mode, but the pixels looked distorted, no matter which option i chose. That's why i was asking. Thanks for the answer. Smiley
Level 6

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« Reply #505 on: June 15, 2016, 09:32:16 AM »

Tony is a person of exceptional character as far as people go. He's not only a talented composer but a very humane person. He's also very reliable and a team player. He doesn't see the game as just a gig but he's willing to get involved, this is just *so* important in the indie game community.


I think there lies a major difference between contractual work for major studios and indie game teams.

Been chatting recently with your composer, Tony. He's a cool dude. Reading the devlog makes me think that y'all are equally friendly. Following this both cuz I'm interested in the game, and cuz I'm loving the team. Good luck, gents! I'll play the Mac version soon!

I'm flattered, you guys! Thank you so much. I do my best to be invested in each project I'm involved in. What's the point in working on something if you don't care about what you'd be creating?

Again, I appreciate the kind words from you both! It's a pleasure to work with you, Etienne. I also say confidently that you are one of the most organized developers I've ever worked with. Honest, open, and organized!

Composer | Orchestrator

Soundtracks include:
Kharon's Crypt
Call of Saregnar
Level 1

I'm not too sure what to put here

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« Reply #506 on: June 15, 2016, 09:37:45 AM »

Alright, time to give some feedback 'cause I'm loving what you've done to this Smiley
I'll just write my feedback down a bit as a ramble of what I noticed, liked and disliked.

cute little intro with nice audiovisual feedback
Menu for now is a bit simple, but works in such an early state for sure. Might be nice to add some more animations, moving things and a less monotone background later.
Characters look good and readable, but anti-aliasing never really is a good idea with upscaled pixel art, it makes the characters look a bit too messy and busy for the eyes
Tutorial explains everything well and in a simple way, good job on that Smiley
simple and intuitive controls, also nice.
Spelled "defense" wrong
Nice interface, especially the attack option cross thing, but right now stuff like the hpbar and timer kind of clash with the background, making it visually busy. I recommend making the background less attention-drawing to the eyes or putting something  behind the hud items.
There's no background music in the tutorial, probably a bug though I guess?
Funny idles, I like em Smiley
background could be a bit prettier in my opinion, but that's probably more something I should respond on at pixelation, if you're still posting there

After playing this a bit, I can say that I've had quite some fun playing this, and seems like a pretty good way for people to learn japanese or at least the characters, especially Kanji. Will you also have a place where you'll be taught the stroke order or can practice the stroke order? Also, will you also do katakana and kanji, or just hiragana?

While there's already some pretty great visual feedback going on, it's still a bit too scarce imo. you don't do a lot during typing games, so people love flashy things like over the top explosions, particles or animations that simply feel good. My biggest advice right now would be to just add lots more of that visual feedback during the typing, and perhaps some more sounds when typing and all that crazy stuff. go wild! :D

-Music doesn't loop in the menu
-There can be more than one pan head in the menu buttons if you spam the up and down arrows a bit or mouse over any of the buttons that aren't currently selected by the keyboard
-Small graphical glitch with the random panhead:

So yeah, you guys did a wonderful job changing the entire concept into something different, and this'll definitely be something I will enjoy a lot/will be helpful to me and will probably buy it or back the kickstarter when the time comes ^^
Keep it up, and I hope this has helped you a bit!

Huge Swords and Tentacles Devlog
"If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy"
"You have to tell your hands to freaking do the stuff until your hands know it by their tiny hand hearts"
Level 2

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« Reply #507 on: June 15, 2016, 12:35:16 PM »

Okay, time for some feedback.
I personally enjoy how each group of cards is randomized. It adds challenge.
I would suggest maybe randomizing the background, at least for demo purposes, as I think the dojo is a little bit stale once you do a few fights.
The tutorial could include a demonstration of which cards mean what in Japanese. I've never learned/read any Japanese before, so I may be a bit biased.
This game is looking great though! As someone who doesn't know Japanese, this game could be very useful to help someone like me learn.

Working on something new!
Follow me @CrabbyDev.
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #508 on: June 15, 2016, 03:46:42 PM »

Thanks for the feedback you too.

Characters look good and readable, but anti-aliasing never really is a good idea with upscaled pixel art, it makes the characters look a bit too messy and busy for the eyes

This is quite possibly because the font is too small and was upscaled without respecting the image ratio. I could redo a bigger entire set of font to fix this. Long story short, I agree and I'll fix that.

Spelled "defense" wrong
According to the Cambridge, ''defense'' is spelled with an ''s'' in American English and with a ''c'' in British English:

defence UK, US defense /dɪfents/

There's no background music in the tutorial, probably a bug though I guess?
There should be the battle music, yes, added to the fix list. I'd like to have more unique tracks but it'll depend on how the KS goes/budget.

background could be a bit prettier in my opinion, but that's probably more something I should respond on at pixelation, if you're still posting there

Granted, it's definitely still rough for sure. I'll do another one.

After playing this a bit, I can say that I've had quite some fun playing this, and seems like a pretty good way for people to learn japanese or at least the characters, especially Kanji. Will you also have a place where you'll be taught the stroke order or can practice the stroke order?

Neither. There are actually already games which provide this feature on the 3DS and I don't think drawing with a mouse would be fun or functional to be honest.

Also, will you also do katakana and kanji, or just hiragana?

This requires clarification.

A Kanji isn't necessarily always a word on its own, it can have a general meaning which will change depending on what it is combined with. I don't want to get into imposing a single meaning for each kanji, it would be misleading and inaccurate. Which is why the game focuses on vocabulary, not Kanji.

Of course, Kanji can be found in the game, but they'll be as words not as general abstract concept. This is therefore more useful as a general meaning for a Kanji is interesting but a word is more concrete and less prone to different interpretations.

The Kana (Hiragana and Katakana) are there and then you have useful words. Words which are recurrent in the language at a very high frequency. No grammar.

While there's already some pretty great visual feedback going on, it's still a bit too scarce imo. you don't do a lot during typing games, so people love flashy things like over the top explosions, particles or animations that simply feel good. My biggest advice right now would be to just add lots more of that visual feedback during the typing, and perhaps some more sounds when typing and all that crazy stuff. go wild! :D

Yes, I do have a bit more ideas in store to make things more exciting. There's still so much content on its way that it'd be long to describe it all. But yes, things will get more dynamic for sure. The time to type the words will be reduced quite a bit too so this should keep you on your toes.

So yes, it has helped a lot!

A question that has had come up is why only limit to Japanese. I'm just not sure mixing more languages in the mix would be wise, I feel players would be smothered.

Okay, time for some feedback.
I personally enjoy how each group of cards is randomized. It adds challenge.
I would suggest maybe randomizing the background, at least for demo purposes, as I think the dojo is a little bit stale once you do a few fights.
The tutorial could include a demonstration of which cards mean what in Japanese. I've never learned/read any Japanese before, so I may be a bit biased.
This game is looking great though! As someone who doesn't know Japanese, this game could be very useful to help someone like me learn.

The cards at this moment are the Japanese "alphabet" so they don't mean anything on their own  Wink

Background will be redone.


Level 1

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« Reply #509 on: June 15, 2016, 04:25:02 PM »

looks cool - is that earthbound font?

Level 10


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« Reply #510 on: June 15, 2016, 04:37:05 PM »

So I had played it before, and I kinda went into feedback mode immediately. Hope I didn't ramble too much.
One thing I forgot to mention : I'm not quite sure about the title music...

« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 04:59:03 PM by alvarop » Logged

Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #511 on: June 15, 2016, 04:39:43 PM »

@dweedes: It's the Apple Kid font also used in Earthbound, yes.

Nevermind, fixed.

I will watch this tomorrow and take some notes and will tell you what's what. Thanks (and be a bit envious at your total lack of French accent when you speak).
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 01:52:11 AM by Zizka » Logged

Level 10

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« Reply #512 on: June 15, 2016, 11:50:36 PM »

Hehehe... this looks funny. Yes, I know alvarop fixed his comment in response to yours, and you just cited his link and it was auto-expanded into an embedded player - it's actually kind of annoying how even links in [url] tags get converted to embedded players.

Super Toaster X mobile confirmed!
Level 9

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« Reply #513 on: June 16, 2016, 06:43:55 AM »

Hey Zizka, i think you are on the right track, but there are things i would approach differently. My main critic point is that you should convey the feeling of a fight in another way, imo. You need more action, the fighters are idling too much.

I think it would be cool to literally throw cards at the enemy and the enemy should follow the same rules as you and throws cards back (slightly different method for attacking and defending). I created some mockups:

Let's say the cards have randomized stats, based on the stats of the attacker - your stats or the stats of the enemy. If you guess a card correctly, you will get the positive effects of the card (+life/+energy). If you are wrong, you will get the negative results (-life/-energy).

The enemy attacks and throws cards from the right to your left half of the screen, you have to guess them. I'd prefer to apply the card effects immediately to convey multiple hits and have a more dynamic fight (instead of guessing 5 cards in a row):

The player attack mechanic i have in mind works like this: You have a personal card pool and three cards from this pool are shown in your half of the screen. You chose one card you want to use for your attack and throw it in the screen half of the enemy:

Now the enemy has to guess your card and you can learn from his mistakes or correct guesses. Cards are added to your card pool if it has been thrown at you (similar to the Monkey Island sword fights) so you have the opportunity to throw a card at the enemy which you don't remember correctly, yet. Another mechanic of the card selection would be to remember the cards the enemy does not know to deal maximum damage. The enemies could have an intelligence stat which allows them to guess cards right with a higher chance and even learn (increasing the chance for a card they guessed wrong or even adding cards to their pool).

So, basically, you need faster iteration cycles, like throwing punches, imo. Smiley
Level 6

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« Reply #514 on: June 16, 2016, 08:12:45 AM »

One thing I forgot to mention : I'm not quite sure about the title music...

What about the title screen music caused you some apprehension? The track starts slow and progresses into a faster section. Since the title screen currently doesn't have any "intro" sequence, that was my personal vote (and I reached out to Zizka regarding this) as what I'd adjust within the music if necessary. I'd love to hear your thoughts and I'd be happy to think it over and address it appropriately!

Composer | Orchestrator

Soundtracks include:
Kharon's Crypt
Call of Saregnar
Lex the Abstract
Level 0

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« Reply #515 on: June 16, 2016, 12:06:45 PM »

Hi all.  My name is Jeff, and I'm the programmer Zizka found to help him with Super Toaster.

Just thought I should introduce myself, so you know who is putting all those bugs into these demos for you!   Tongue
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #516 on: June 16, 2016, 12:10:58 PM »

Alright, new version v.017. I've replaced the link in the previous post too. Normally the bugs should be fixed and the dungeon generator should be working.

Windows v.017

Mac OSX v.017

As for the other comments, I've read them and will reply shortly a well constructed reply.

Lex the Abstract
Level 0

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« Reply #517 on: June 16, 2016, 12:33:29 PM »

Yeah, just a quick FYI...  Each color in the map the generator makes will be a (potentially) different region.  Right now it just displays a map of the dungeon it generated, since we don't have everything put together for the exploration mode.
Level 0


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« Reply #518 on: June 16, 2016, 01:25:36 PM »

Had no Idea you were working on this project. I love it Smiley. Hand Metal Right
Level 5

Super Toaster X

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« Reply #519 on: June 16, 2016, 02:12:52 PM »

Alright Zorg, here's my reply about your concept:

The enemy attack phase is not clear to me. I've read it over and over but I'm not sure I understand.

To be honest, I'm not too keen on having enemies guess cards. I think this would make things complex on the programming side (AI) for one thing and I guess having them guessing correctly or incorrectly a card would involve a fair bit of NRG which I'm not too interested into either.

I did think about having the player have the choice of guessing one of his cards though so I do think this could be interesting. I am not yet sure how to implement this however. The thing is, any changes about the game engine involves a lot of work for the programmer so I need to make sure the change is not only for the best but also fleshed out enough so that I can guide him in the direction I want the game to take.

I also agree that the combat requires more dynamism however. This is something I am thinking about when I work on the game. I am not convinced by the card mechanics you are suggesting however. I hope you'll let me know if you have more ideas/suggestions. I'm very open about the direction of the mechanics but can't promise I will follow every suggestion though. But yes, those are essentially what I'm looking for the most for the game.


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