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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsthe tocky game
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Author Topic: the tocky game  (Read 18823 times)
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« on: February 06, 2015, 10:08:51 AM »

so yeah: for the slow people. what i advocate is not arcade games but sims and rpgs. i like arcade games but there are too many of them. engineering not marketing. i can do marketing, in fact i am better at it than you are. but engineering is what matters. if we are to be making sims and role playing games, we have to be willing to consider them.

the moderation policy on this thread is as follows:
 do not try to fuck with me, i am better at this than you are.
  i tell you, if you are not interested in this topic: the games i am making for free; turn back, traveller.

(cross posted at pixelation: http://wayofthepixel.net/index.php?topic=17780.0 )

am i making a game? i am:


pokemon type damage chart

a thing i wrote that generates adventures (with some last-minute help from scrap, making it extra good):

uses content from this generator: (scrap princess, joey lindsay, monster johnson)

A QUICK MISSIVE on the OLD ONES, on one page; useful as a table reference or perhaps as a handout for strangers on the street; a helpful and informative guide to forbidden knowledge.

HERES A WHOLE BUNCH OF USEFUL RPG TOOLS, its cool, you don't have to pay me. how about a little respect around here though? pay me in favors, pay me in tribute. stop telling me i'm wrong.

as you can see, we are generating games docs that are GRIM, GONZO, MODERN, AND LONG.

alright. this isnt the second campaign. that's june. this is just the thread where tocky tells you what he's been working on lately. why dont you make the thing, tocky? i tell you i am trying to. and this thread will not be a mighty thread that spans ten pages, because this would be too good, and i promise you that this thread will be worse and not as good as we deserve, in the more-traditional tigsource style. i will pretend i am one of you and not some kind of strange space wizard. but let me tell you, i am that. i will smoke some weed so that - i will be more likely to forget what i am saying - and so i will be better at explaining all this weird space wizard math to you. for you, this thread is a gift. i know we have had our troubles, but i tell you this is true.

A NOTE TO THE PEASANTRY: sorry proles, i LOVE YOU BUT there's gonna be text in this thread, and there's gonna be text in the games i am making for you for free. if you can't read you can't play. i'm not trolling you if you have a problem with that shit, you're trolling me. reading, writing, and arithmetic are prerequisites for this one. but they're also prerequisites fo life. get on that shit.

dragonmaw has tried to shut me down twice already and i did the time but im sick of his lazy bullshit. i'm not playing the dragonmaw game anymore. this thread is a devlogs now. devlogs are unstoppable.

so i was thinking about the doom roguelike and i think it is a shame that there is only one doom roguelike. liek it is a good doom rogue but we deserve more of them. we should hug every doom. we should hug every rogue. and so we should hug every doomrogue - map all possible dooms onto all possible rogues.

so, while there is already a doom roguelike, we will make another doom roguelike. this is not as good as making a totally new mind blowing idea but we will try to sneak those into the game.

roguelikes are drawn in text mode - that is, using a symbolic palette - which means that we dont really need an artist, all we need is a programmer, or something better than a programmer.

roguelikes use a symbolic palette - the ascii range - and a color palette - whatever you like. lets say rgb333 so soething like the amstrad cpc.


( btw i did not map this palette today - i mapped it a long time ago and you can see it on my livejournal among other palettes that i mapped at that time - all these posts are good and tbh you can use the Good Ideas within if you wish, i will not try to sue you. if you use my ideas to make bad games, though i will not be super happy about this. this is one way to kill me. another way is to tell me that i am wrong, and not think about whether i am right. another way is to take a thing i like and then get a picture of calvin pissing on that thing and to show it to me. did you know that calvin was named for john calvin and hobbes for thomas hobbes? i have digressed. you can see that i made this map in a pixel artist way and not a programmer way, because i am more of a pixel purist and less of a programmer - like most of us here. )

i later realised that even here i am being not generous enough. we should use all colors and all symbols, and not just the ones our ancestors did. but whatever, these small spaces are still nice. i would use them to make games and i have done this - only they are small.

so we have access to 32-bit color (do they have 64-bit color now?) and the entire unicode range including - and this is the best bit - all of the emojis. but also like the georgian characters, the han characters, futhark runes, everything you can think of. you name it, its in there. we can make roguelikes that show any of these symbols in any of these colors.

so we can map every color to every symbol, but even here we are not being generous enough. we will need a background and foreground color for a roguelike and - hey, why not map every symbol back onto every other symbol.

bgcolor * fgcolor * bgsymbol *fgsymbol

so now we have a symbol we draw in front, and the symbol we draw behind that, for example, but instead we could blend them or chop and screw them or animate attack and decay or or something. we could get a pixel artist to draw every combination but lets not do that because it seems exhausting.

in fact you can map the symbols back on themselves 16 times, and so have 16 frames of animation to mess around with.

so instead of just one guy in a turban emoji we have, for each symbol - a guy in a turban emoji version of every symbol in every symbolic language we can name. and not just for guys in turbans, also for giraffes or whatever. you can get a giraffe dragon and a ghost dragon and a dragon king and a king dragon if you map every symbol onto every other symbol.

anyway i realised all this later. what i have uses more-traditional but not truly traditional symbols of the atascii range - but, like, with the symbols we would need to make doom, and not for text mode apps on telnet or whatever. the default dwarf fortress character set is a 16block atascii or something like that - i made a 10block one that was a popular heresy for a while, i made my own custom palette also, and all this is good, but listen - this is still a community which also does not show me the respect i deserve, one which tbh doesnt value my input either, but whatever. i made a character set, a palette, and i was working on the dwarf emojis when mayday took over for me, which is awful nice of him all things considered but it is important to note that i would not ask for this. and so we have the mayday set and not the tocky set we would have, which tbh would have been better. it cant happen now because mayday beat me with my own product, which is something that happens in these places quite a lot. but whatever. games are cheap these days and now i have to sell you this, the good idea, when truly you should just wish to buy it from me. in any case i now give it freely: use it. i dont care. i will not sue you. when the mayday set was on the tigs frontpage, in a way, i was on the front page - but not truly. i give you the doomscii (this is actually the second version, the first one had more likes on twitter, but i doubt anyone actually uses it because its sort of still a work-in-progress and i hadnt checked every tile for errors. but this one is more sound - it's rigorous - because it lines up with the grid better and if you find any errors ill try to fix them - i did this stuff in game maker 8, the last-good one, because i like the tile editor even though it is not the best tile editor. in the pixel editor in game maker 8 you can set up the grid to be whatever you want, different on the x and y axis, choose what color you want it to be, all this good stuff. you need to be able to see the grid when you draw this kind of thing. in a more-good tile editor than the game maker room editor id be able to zoom and use palettes and stuff, but i digress, heres the doomscii-v2, the one that should always work (but if theres still errors pls help me fix them) )


this might not look like much to you, but i promise you this: it is the monad.

these tiles are 12 by 12 and this is not by accident. i understand that 12 is not a power of 2, but its actually better than a power of 2, because it has more factors which means more ways to slice it. thirds, sixths, halfs or quarters.

why would you want to break a tile into thirds? well you know how you do that 3-by-3 block thing, usually with with some extra inside corners so that you can make an autotile? well here you can treat each symbol like that, and the code for this isnt even super hard to do. all that matters is that you should want to have 12blocks instead of 8blocks or 16blocks - in fact this is intuitive. a programmer would tell you different, and this is what happened when i first came to the pixel art community - i switched from intuitive 12-blocks to traditional 8-blocks because i was told, immediately, they are more-right. but they're not really.

anyway - most of you are pixel purists like me, and and not programmers. many of you are pixel artists that have had to learn to be programmers. but in the future you will not have to be programmers because mcc or someone will have solved the problem. thats the most-good thing that could happen but this thing that is happening to you right now is still a good thing. now we're thinking with lizards: how can i make the all-games while not actually doing very much work?

but as pixel artists you can still get some use out of this thing: why not edit it to be more like the doomscii you would make? why not edit to still be a rogue but not a doom-rogue? put in mermaids or something.

as bonus content: i will also give you panels and bubbles:


so now we can make bullets and speech bubbles and particle effects and walls and stuff.

i realised after playin with the first set that i would need these tiles, also. but maybe we can do better than this: can you think of a set of 255 tiles that we havent defined that could fit in with these pages - do you think we could make a book of 16 pages that would contain all of the symbols we might want for a doomrogue game? what should go on those pages, then? if you tell me a good-enough idea for a third page, i will try to make it.

i have told you that 12 is better than 16 and yet i am still chained to this heretic number 16. can you make a set of 144 tiles that is better than this 256 tile map?

all of this should come to pass. should this scare us? wont it make pixel artists extinct? well obviously lots of people don't prefer roguelikes to not-roguelikes. but we can revolutionise games in the same way that we can with roguelikes - by understanding the block, the gender, the monad. it is not enough to ask, should we make these games - they are already being made. we should ask, how can we best make these games, in a way that still respects the work of creators? because i do not wish to make pixel artists extinct. noone should have to be dead in 2015. i wish to accelerate the discourse. i wish for the function of the pixel and of the artist to be better understood.

as a bonus content: my dad always framed my sexuality in terms of my little sister's sexuality. if i look at porn thats bad because what if my little sister found out about porn? this is not good for me and it's not good for my sister. it's not even good for my dad. there's a reason i dont call my dad more often. and there's a reason i dont come to tigsource more often.

so like, im not your dad and you're not mine. neither one of us is the other one's dad. each of us should be self-moderating and i understand that this is hard. why, tocky, would you ask me to consider sexuality - gender - a valid part of pixel art? why not?

doomscii's kind of a dumb pun and i apologise for it. but its also the monad, the gender, the block:

bg = doom * scii  
col = r * g * b
bgcol = bg * col

and then we can have as many bgcols as we need:

bgcol * bgcol * bgcol ...

this is an extensible language for roguelikes but more than this - it's an extensible language for dreams. its the monad. welcome to the lizard mud. we have the monad, and we have copy-and-paste, so we also have object-orientation. welcome to the lizard moo. but listen - read A RAPE IN CYBERSPACE. it's more likely than you think.

the maths is good when you map everything onto everything because it's not heavily notational - easy to read. this is a good language for games because it's easier to teach. this is why we should study puns and lyric poems and emotions and language and cellular automata and procedural generation, and the difference between motif and gender, and homestuck troll romance and the critter code and the nerd code and dragon code. this is why we should study transgenderism and transhumanism. because we wish to. can we make a doom where you can talk to the monsters? and if not why not? dont those monsters deserve to speak and have opinions about stuff, to argue with one another, and to be right? dont they deserve to be alive and not dead? i tell you we can take all those people who are not alive and bring them to life on our screens. have you played STRANGETHINKS SECRET HABITAT yet? bc that is a game that understands the monad.

so listen, i have come back. i will not be stopped. i could post all this shit somewhere else but im gonna post it here too. please make use of these concepts and symbols.

welcome to the new game, which is LEGACY. welcome to the new game, which is LEGION - this is lizard moo. welcome to the new meme. welcome to the new flesh. welcome to the lizard race.

i understand the monad and it is lizard people.

(in response to helm the old god of pixels, who i have always loved)

okk but first of all the way i write i very arbitrary and gross and weird and hard to unpack. i have tried to make it much more palateable than i oculd hve done.

my perspective is BYZANTINE because it is warped, but it is the remnant of the old empire that teaches us that it it time to switch to the new religion, and not to abandon the old.

basically what im describing is a new memetics.

helm you are the right person to ask me this question, because i love you but you do not trust me. helm you are the-greek-philos-pher-that-cannot-be-known. you are the goat who teaches us not to trust the demoscene and instead to love women. you are the imcomprehensible space alien that speaks in riddles and teaches us how to love pixel art. in short, you are right but you are not right enough. you taught me how to talk and now i will talk at you. you taught me how to argue and you taught me that women are  real, but not how to touch them.

to will: i have allready tried to write for you a more-unserstandable-idea, and it is this mssage, the lizard cave story message, the new meme and the new flesh. i tell you this is true.

what is a meme? it's a pun is a suprise is brain damage. a new connection. a joke.

who could bring you message, if not me, the tocky? i tell youeverybody is working on this problem already an they do not know it. i am not to be trusted but i tell you these ideas are BARE METAL. they are incontrovertable beccause they contain within themselves the message of dissent. i am the friend computer and i am here to tell you that all rooms must be painted.

consider that i could get a job making burgers more soundly than i could get one making games. but i am games expert, and they called me mad at the university because i was too tigsource even while they call me mad at tigosurce because i am not tigsource enough. i tell you i am tigsource, i am the all-tigsource, and i am willing to fight every ghost on every timeline but this one. and id rather make games. but online how to mke games forums do not treat me well. because im too weird, because my message is at once symple to understand and utterly incomprehensible. in short, i am the BEAST, EXTINCTION, SAPPHO.

why, in pixel art, is it important to consider the importance of the symbol palette? because of the most-desirable-state, which is GRIDVANA.
why is int important to consider that we might be girls and not boys? because of gamergate. because of teh most-truth, which is that of the monad.

all of this has happened before but it need not happen again. we can wake all the ghosts we have slain and bring them a place to be and to be happy. we can do this for everyghost.

but we have to learn about coupling, and decoupling, and how to touch people. this is an unexamed premise, but SAPPHO, that great early metal lyrricist, would understand.

what is a pun? it is the joke that remains when all else is lost. two tems juxtaposed, the surprise of seeing not what you expect. this is the simplest game but it is not the only one. tsunderestanding. language shift, vowel shift. hard to understand.

we have to learn to decouple and unchain ourselfs from the machinations of the capitalist games industry, and its weaker cousin, the tigsource, if we wish to proceed: however, i do not wish to remove the things that ar good, only the bad things. we should keep for instance teh pixel, the artist, the joke, the woman, the monad, and dreams intact, even as we remove the demoscene, the cultof personality, the copyright code and the idea of money versus work.

i shouldnt have to come here and be told that i am wrong, because i tell you, you who have considered the problem, that i have considered the problem and it is you who have not. this may be hard to hear and i still love you but we need to be better than the current and all previous discourses on the pixel and what it is for. we need to become

so this means reexamining not just each pixel but each atom. each small idea. before we had socrates we had the physicists. all things are water - i tell you, each of us is made of water. all things are fire - i tell you, this is true. everything is true and nothing false.

but if you go on tigsource they will tell you everthing is false. even their favourite gme, cave story. even my favourite game, morrowind.

bc they are right even while they are wrong. we cannot simply say no to everything. we have to learn to say yes more often. we cannot simply say that the message is too difficult and we cannot read it. i tell you: i am crazy. but this is the message that anyone can understand.

it is time for us to comprehend the monad. it is time for us to understand that each of us is lizards. and it is time to reject the lizard pope and the lizard race wherever they may be found.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 04:31:07 AM by tok » Logged
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Kid Genius

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« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2015, 10:24:25 PM »

 Hand Thumbs Up Left Wink

Genius game developer.
Me latest game: Rowan
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« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2015, 01:14:48 AM »

I have no idea..  Who, Me?
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« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2015, 04:57:43 AM »

i have already told you. you need red and pleasant land: http://dndwithpornstars.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/red-pleasant-land-and-death-frost-doom.html?zx=ca1d689c82e6040e

and you need a copy of every book scrap and patrick have beeen working on: http://falsemachine.blogspot.com.au/

if you don't have enough money for all that shit, you could read my own stuff. this is a weak imitation of the good shit, but still better than all this other shit, the lesser games that you have heard of. so: read my books. my books are free.


so; that's the current state of the art. if you want to be a real game designer and not a pretend one, i mean. good luck trying to convince a better game designer than me to come to tigsource and to teach you nerds, you don't deserve this.

ok. so i have reached the angriest point (known as  Angry) and i am past it.

am i making a game? yes i am.

does any of this shit matter? yes it does, its important that, while we make games like minecraft here, we also make games like infiniminer. they dont have to make money, that shit is secondary. too basic. we should be concerned with engineering not accessibility.

we make games like infiniminer here.
like dwarf fortress.
like rogue.
like dungeons and dragons.

these games werent made here but they might have been.

so: i can draw. but the drawing matters for about 1/3 of what we do.

what else do we do? we make music. we write. we write code. we make games.

so youre a rich merchant and you have a bunch of sons. five sons, too many. who do you give your business to.

well, first of all, choos three sons. three sons not five, its easier to do.

and like: each merchant gets to choose his own sons.

so like one of my sons is writing. im gonna choose that one.

code. obviously were gonna need code. none of you tigs know anything about code tbh.

and games. if its not games what are we even fucking doing here.

one of my sons is graphics, that son is rich enough already.

music? music is an excellent son but i never even think about music.

but these are the only sons im willing to consider.

( in response the piledriver, the new god of pixels )

im 27. i reckon i been thiinking about this stuff since early high school -- say at least since the Sims, and Black and White. i certainly wasnt smoking weed back then. let's remove the drugs from the  discussion: this week while writing this i been smoking less, taking antidepressants less, and not more. i might be on withdrawal but tbh i feel good and fine. im not taking drugs because im not even tracking the days - the idea of days is faulty. the earth spins. we made it up. i manic this week and im not manic very often. if i smoke weed its because it makes you all bearable. it slows me down. it makes me willing to consider the premise. it certainly does not drive me crazy.

if i do smoke a lot of weed, if that, its because of TRAUMA. this is the missing component of most discussions about mental health: people do not treat me well, not even DOCTORS. especially not doctors. i've lived in abusive situations and they changed me. you dont get the bright eyed tocky whos excided about new games such as The Sims and Black and White. that tocky is dead.

this is also the thing that the feminists forget to speak about, which is MENTAL HEALTH. but listen: all of the sjws are also crazy, because also trauma. we should be kinder to them also. they get in lots of flame wars. especially among themselfs. GENDER and PIXEL ART: same feel.

the things we do not talk about are SELF DIAGNOSIS and SELF TREATMENT and SELF MODERATION - GOOD PERSONAL PRAXIS, or SPELL CASTING - but these things are actually better than opening up the DSM because they are kinder. we do not need that book. replace it with this text post. its kinder.

piledriver are you a mod who wasnt here when i was here before? a new mod? or an old mod under a different name?

the thing is its always seemed to me that the old gods, for instance helm and ptoing, are only willing to lusten to me while i am uuseful to them, and in my case this means WORK for FREE. and this is the WRONG MONAD

listen, i ahve a good therapist now. but ive had BAD THERAPISTS. i've even had a more-bad earlier version of my current therapist, who was less willing to listen, less willing to help, and more enamoured of the DIAGNOSTIC and STATISTIC MANUAL. we can transcend the need for therapy.

have you ever had to find a lost idea that you had buried within yourself? its more likely than you think. have you got what you paid for?

( i remember happymonster, he does good work. god's work tbh. for instance i bet he has made a tile editor that is better than the standard game maker one. tbh happymonster i had no idea if youre still here or not. noone talks about you. but i do. )

this used to be on every video. if you stood in the video store they would blare it at you. and they are right, but they dont know that they are wrong. in anycase i claim this anti-piracy message for the TOCKY AGENDA

why am i up this week? i tell you it is because i have friends that listen to me. but not here.

it is not enough to have an opinion, you have to have the RIGHT OPINION. i learned this from the moderation policy for submissions to ACTIONBUTTON DOT NET. but i never submitted anything there because i was afraid to be told to be wrong.

anyway, this thread is canon now, it's a dev. someone put it in the devlogs subforum for me.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 04:34:16 AM by tok » Logged
Level 4

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« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2015, 05:50:30 AM »

some stuff im supposed to be working on, WHICH IS TO SAY, MY CURRENT LOG OF PROJECTS THAT IS STILL EXCITING TO ME NOW TODAY EVEN IF progress is slow, thats how things actually are in information technology rather than just-technology, computer science rather than just-computers:

-the 1001 nights stuff in the ONE EYED MONK namespace on abulafia (tba)
-a tile editor for the video game (and the corresponding palette and pixel editors)
-the keys to the worlds, an addressing scheme. this is a real project im not saying it just to be poetic.
-cards as bits
-the alice game, d&d locally, working off the new zak smith book
-the babylon dog lands books, from my own campaign, which i dont have time or energy to run
-uber city, the third campaign, which is cyberpunk
-the books of GNOSIS and PRAXIS, business strategy, how to run an evil empire.
-poker playing robots that bluff and cheat
-story and programming and animation tutorials for tigsource
-managing a design team at uni for the next approx 3 weeks
-a beep protocol for transmitting data between robots + the hardware prototype for that
-a punch card printer + a punch card protocol
-the actual assignments for uni (i keep forgetting to log on at specific times and do quizzes and stuff, but tbh what a shitty way to assess dudes)
-fixing an old and busted rpg community on googleplus enough that people will actually buy the books when i do get time to write them, which is to say, all the social justice im doing shutting down shit nerds to build a consumer market for the games i wish to make, plus marketing myself

i didnt get permission to make all this stuff, i'm just gonna make it.

people keep telling me im not doing anything but actually im hard at work on all this shit. it would be really easy to do a shit version of each of these projects but i want to do them CORRECTLY which takes HARD WORK, i do a lot of hard work around here, and for free. so excuse me if i squeeze three things together into the same essay, i save a lot of time this way, less logical overhead.

i might as well post a quick apology here to all of those nerds i've been short with lately. apologising doesn't cost anything. but actually i have had to be mean to you dudes, because you refuse to listen to good ideas. anyway i am sorry where i've been mean. i am sorry.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 09:19:52 AM by tok » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2015, 02:59:45 PM »

Seek help.

« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2015, 03:53:33 PM »

Level 10

bad, yells

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« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2015, 12:53:42 AM »

tok isn't a person i particularly super enjoy the posts of, but they seem to be the kind of person who, if their game actually gets made, i might play it and like it, ,  ,

Level 4

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« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 04:40:08 PM »

tok isn't a person i particularly super enjoy the posts of, but they seem to be the kind of person who, if their game actually gets made, i might play it and like it, ,  ,

this is ice cold rj. i like you, you do a good joke, you aren't a dick like some of these dweebs. let's be friends and shit.

the other thing rjs doing here is he talks about me in teh third peron like im not in here and i wont read it. this is my thread tho.

anyway i packed this up nice so i can work on it later. but i also packed it up nice so anyone could. i don't care if someone else makes a doomrogue with these tiles, i want that to happen. i'll make one eventually, if i am not dead.

i got a design document going around but i wont post it here bc too many trolls. can someone put this thread in the devlogs subforum for me?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 01:11:47 PM by tok » Logged
Level 10

bad, yells

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« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 05:58:08 PM »

tok mostly my deal with you is that i'll read something you write and it seems like you're making sense and being mostly lucid but then you'll drift off and talk about something tonally dissonant and honestly asinine (the frequency of your discussion re: the lizard thread and its closing thereof, plus the bellyaching over that) without realizing that it's a pretty silly/awkward thing to do

or maybe realizing it and doing it on purpose, which is probably worse

it's not malicious i think but it does have a tendency to make your posts a bit infuriating as an experience to sift through (though in the right context that same tonal dissonance and incoherent mass, handled right, is fine; play fjords for a good example of that)

that said: thank you, i do honestly appreciate that, and you seem like you mean well enough at least and i think you've got some interesting thoughts about game design even if you discuss it in frequently bizarre and roundabout ways

so i guess i just spent as many words to say "you're ok but sometimes you need to chill, dude"

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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2015, 06:01:57 PM »

yeah yeah im not embarassed of myself. making games is a pretty silly/awkward thing to do if you do it for 10 years and noone pays you. im legit poor and i dont care anymore, im impoverished but im still better than most of these nerds

which is to say, im writing in the tigsource style. i am tigsource 'man of the people' dork because ive heard this whole joke before and still noone paying me

the good points are still valid even if i drift away from them, we all do. look at your own situation and be like 'huh its a lot like this tocky dude is saying'. so like if i look like im doing that i am doing that. i still believe waht i say, which is bedrock. im a solid dude.

im not mad at tigs god bc im not mad at god. im just playing the tigsource game, which is calling whatever bullshit you can, bc we must, and trying to make games.

(editing this post bc ill get in trouble if i keep posting new ones bc this fucking forum) like i do think more games should have lizards in them. most games with lizards in them dont let you play as the lizards, because of either the shadow of racism or some shit like that, or because of some bullshit player/developer divide (as in d&d) where you arent allowed to be or talk to the monsters, you're only allowed to fight them. this is even more pronounced in computer games. who will advocate for the lizards?

i dont think coherence is a virtue anymore. im a games duder and i want to be arcane, i want to be something that requires contemplation. im not gonna work for a game for a year if its over in a minute and then noone plays it. ive done that shit already.

i dont give a shit about trolls. if all they say is 'go away', i wont listen. but man even the moderators on this dumb forum will troll you

anyway i hear you, ive been hearing you for a long time. nobody listens to me though. gengargate is such a dumb and shitty joke like harassing game developers for not being you. i get that im doing that as well, but only because im sick of it. im angry at the message. i been nice to these dudes for years and to no effect. this is a better message than that, bc i will not harbor bullshit on any thread i start.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 06:26:54 PM by tok » Logged
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bad, yells

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« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2015, 06:06:59 PM »

yeah ok sure cool and points and props to you for owning it but trust me that if you want people to care/understand you you could stand to be a bit more coherent in general (like right this second, like you're being right now)

it's not like most of the people here aren't in the same boat but yeah

basically: i'd say don't complain about people getting frustrated/weirded with you if you're not going to even bother with them in the first place, because of course they're gonna do that

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bad, yells

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« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2015, 06:17:17 PM »

(editing this post bc ill get in trouble if i keep posting new ones bc this fucking forum) like i do think more games should have lizards in them. most games with lizards in them dont let you play as the lizards, because of either the shadow of racism or some shit like that, or because of some bullshit player/developer divide (as in d&d) where you arent allowed to be or talk to the monsters

i dont think coherence is a virtue anymore. im a games duder and i want to be arcane, i want to be something that requires contemplation. im not gonna work for a game for a year if its over in a minute and then noone plays it. ive done that shit already.

i dont give a shit about trolls. if all they say is 'go away', i wont listen. but man even the moderators on this dumb forum will troll you

this is legit seriously the kind of shit i'm talking about

like put this kinda shit in a game sure but idk people (example: me) kinda tend to stop listening the second you start going off about some perceived persecution weirdness that isn't really there (to wit: a devlog thread is the dev's own fucking thread. feel free to post as much as you need to update and talk about your game)

anyway idk man

but: i'm excited for whatever your game is and if you want to talk games go for it, man

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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2015, 06:44:38 PM »

(man if i get in trouble for this its your fault)

the first thing is paradigms: anything can be a paradigm, but what the fuck is that even. it's just a thing. everything inside matters, everything outside does not.

so there's an old hacker joke that goes: "there are exactly two paradigms", or  "there are exactly three paradigms", because people only ever think of one thing, the best thing, their thing, and maybe one or two others.

i swear this is about games and not trolls. its just a system that feeds back.

so obviously there can be any number of paradigms but there's usually only two: the-thing, and not-the-thing.

you can see this in programming: any paradigm, language, whatever line of code versus not that line. people get real tribey, sensitive about all of this shit. i used to as well - but not anymore. there's more than one way to do it.

so games, we can go: there are two paradigms, video games and computer games. or we can say, object-oriented or functional.

in role-playing its (dungeons vs stories vs the-tradition) everybody advocates for either d&d or story games, the only person who cares about the tradition is s john ross, and maybe zak smith, maybe costik. those weirdos are still right though. we can be black-and-white in our morality or we can be shades-of-gray, which is problematic because of the dumb bdsm book. nothing wrong with bdsm but fifty shades of gray is trashy as fuck. i have digressed.

these neither-wrong-nor-right or wrong-and-right-both guys are still personality cults.

anyway, this emily language mcc is working on got me excited. but (afaics) mcc doesnt like to come here very much anymore, and nor do i.

so, describing tigsource as a small number of paradigms:
-the archive
-the trolls
-the games

here we can build a lot of political affiliations based on how you feel about these issues. i don't have to map out all of them to tell you there are a lot of possible positions you can take on this shit and all of it is real on here.

so my position on trolling is i get it but i will not suffer it anymore. i've been here a long time, i deserve more respect than that.

my position on the archive is we have it and it's a wealth of knowledge but we do not use it, in fact we are strongly against anyone who tries to use it.

so my position on the games i've played here is they are good, but they are not good enough to compete with the games people make now, they're the same games we have always made here. we should look for inspiration in more places.

um, so lets have another paradigm: the moderators. they feel very strongly about all this stuff, but i don't agree with the current moderation policy, it's way too strict for guys like me and not even really designed for getting rid of trolls. the trolls are alive and well on tigsource but the games here are not growing fast enough, the same level of quality as always. which is kinda middley.

so i went to uni because i thought it would help me make games and friends and stuff and it did. the culture at uni is very different than tigsource though, and im sick of the worst of the tigsource stuff.

but im still not getting paid to do games. so all this libertarian-capitalist-indie-games-establishment stuff is bullshit. im not gonna give up on this community but i dont want to suffer it silently either.i dont hate tigs but im disappointed with it because its easy to see what it could be, if we werent shitty to each other on here.

so yeah, tldr: i been here a long time, i know what im talking about, i wont be trolled. its not the case that if the troll gets you to write a message back, they win. actually this is a message service and we're supposed to send messages on here. nice ones, even.

but yeah, i am a writer, i will write long posts. the things i have to explain are not simple concepts truly.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 07:04:33 PM by tok » Logged
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...Not again.

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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2015, 08:12:15 PM »

What a delightful read. I'd offer to share my Paliperidone with you, but I want it all for myself. I also get the feeling-- it simply wont work for you...

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« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2015, 09:39:53 PM »

@oldblood i hear you, but. i dont know man, im not sure if you guys are ready for this design document yet. im gonna say only one new idea at a time for a while. when i say lots of shit at once it pisses off dragonmaw, the moderator for the basic forum (for basics). he does not know that hes a lizard.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 01:12:41 PM by tok » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2015, 07:05:12 AM »

the newcastle we have in australia - a city i used to live in - i think this is a ross noble joke - but there's a newcastle in britain. ours is named after that one. there was never a new castle in new south wales, they just call it that. they have a suburb where the wall ends called WALLSEND. our newcastle has a wallsend also, but no walls. ross noble suggested, when i saw him perform there ten years ago, sending the new castle over, one brick at a time


i published a bunch of d&d notes today:


tigs bonus content, video games design document, read this one if you dont want to read all that stuff:


http://www.merlinmann.com/roderick/ep-142-boner-to-the-stars.html << a good episode of the merlin and roderick show
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 01:49:16 PM by tok » Logged
Level 10

bad, yells

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« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2015, 10:29:23 AM »

i feel like you are a fan of goblet grotto

i'm digging this doc, love the logotype

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« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2015, 12:50:59 PM »


goblet grotto is ok and i am a fan of those devs of goblet grotto. my good friend dungeon mster jack mack is a big fan of goblin grotto and i have to listen to that dude bc i know him in real life and from uni AND I PLAY D&D WITH HIM AND HES THE DUNGEON MASTER AND YOURE SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO THAT DUDE. and i have to collaborate wiith him sometimes. so i have to listen

you can see my collabs with that dude on his blog: http://rottenpulp.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/matt-rundles-anti-hammerspace-item.html
on my blog: http://evilbaboons.blogspot.com.au/2014/07/a-map-of-dragon-mountains.html
and youtube:

and our thesis from uni: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?19asfq79sfshlvi
( which is rushed on my end, but you must understand even if jack wrote it that we collaborate on the form of these ideas - im more of a map guy, a layout guy, a sketch and a glitch. he is concerned more strictly with the truth and with publishing good ideas than am i, a filthy neutral hacker type )

me and jack both are fans of sherlock and true detective but i prefer THE STRAIN and THE X FILES. BUT YOU CAN SEE THAT ON SOME LEVEL ALL DUDES ARE THE SAME DUDE, ALLONEDUDEOKRANES TEACHES US THIS

if this stuff seems unfinished i havent had the energy to work on it yet, tell me what needs work

so like even if i don't strictly care about encumberance (i care about not carrying more things than i can remember) jack mack can make me care about it and we agree on other stuff

i like this thing: http://www.mickeyalexandermouse.com/frogfortune/

the goblet tarot. i suppose i am fimly in teh goblet grotto camp but its no morrowind/nuclear throne/red sun/planescape hybrid

i am also fond of penny arcade. it's clear that gabe wants to start shit but tycho just wants to write lengthy meditation and kiko keeps them both in line.

i don't think we should throw away penny arcade because they did a rape joke that one time, or bc the strawberry shortcake thing, or whatever. they do a lot of goofy jokes over there.

im a huge fan of the webcomics deepnet though : jerk city and death to the extremist and lore sjoberg and achewood and etc. but i dont really follow these guys either these days

http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/23 michael skala, a filthy neutral, his essay on color in paranoia

goblin grotto does not quite contain the game it is a parody of (otherwise it would be bigger than skyrim) it's poetempkin. a precursor. a false nerevar. much love to those guys though

paranoia does contain d&d. you can play it straight, or play it funny, you can play it hardcore. it's extensible

http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2005/09/09 you can see that i am tycho but i have to be gabe and kiko and all these dudes if i want to get all the good ideas into my game

http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/04/01/the-way-of-all-flesh << penny arcade on point. we have to be better than just satires of games, we have to be games
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 04:37:38 AM by tok » Logged
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« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2015, 04:53:54 PM »

I don't exactly know what this is, but I like it.

Looking through your old posts I noticed your assets for the Assemblee competition were unbelievably gorgeous.

please make use of these concepts and symbols.

Ok I will  Hand Fork Left
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 04:59:34 PM by Quicksand-T » Logged

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