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Author Topic: Leilani's Island  (Read 514433 times)
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« Reply #1040 on: January 19, 2020, 11:23:35 AM »

For sufficiently deep gameplay (and your game surely has enough depth), a sort of demo is imho more than welcome. It doesn't necessarily need to be a full-blown 'attract mode' like in SEGA games of the '90s, though. I liked the 'demo level' of Super Mario World, showing off what Yoshi can do. Another interesting place to have it was in the 'high score table' in Commander Keen (video).

Alternatively, it could also be small cutscenes à la Pac Man between levels, if the techniques only need to be mastered one after another.

Level 10


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« Reply #1041 on: January 19, 2020, 07:08:49 PM »

How do you manage to go this insanely deep into a topic with every post man Shocked

Well they take a long time to write, but knowing that people read them and enjoy them makes it worthwhile! Smiley

For sufficiently deep gameplay (and your game surely has enough depth), a sort of demo is imho more than welcome. It doesn't necessarily need to be a full-blown 'attract mode' like in SEGA games of the '90s, though. I liked the 'demo level' of Super Mario World, showing off what Yoshi can do. Another interesting place to have it was in the 'high score table' in Commander Keen (video).

Alternatively, it could also be small cutscenes à la Pac Man between levels, if the techniques only need to be mastered one after another.

Well the game already does have an attract mode on the title screen Smiley

This is done by running the normal gameplay but with a recorded set of inputs. The game runs at the same framerate as the recording was made at so it (hopefully) doesn't de-sync.

For the small how-to-play videos I would want these to just be part of a menu, which could be opened from the pause menu, which is why it would be too messy to use the same system of playing back recorded inputs for those, there's already an instance of the game world in existence.

I love the idea of attract modes and intend to use them to show some cool tricks; the how-to-play screen would be a nice extra on top of that which explains the controls for each move. A how-to-play screen is also easier to find as it doesn't require the player to do nothing for a while Smiley

Level 10


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« Reply #1042 on: January 19, 2020, 10:41:31 PM »

I love your dedication to polishing every single aspect of your game so much!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 07:26:59 AM by Schoq » Logged

♡ ♥ make games, not money ♥ ♡
Level 8

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« Reply #1043 on: January 19, 2020, 11:47:47 PM »

This is done by running the normal gameplay but with a recorded set of inputs. The game runs at the same framerate as the recording was made at so it (hopefully) doesn't de-sync.

I do this in my engine for debugging things! Although despite rolling my own random number generator, it still manages to de-sync which is really bloomin' annoying. Tongue I hope you have better luck with yours staying in sync!

Me, David Williamson and Mark Foster do an Indie Games podcast. Give it a listen. And then I'll send you an apology.
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« Reply #1044 on: January 20, 2020, 01:50:17 AM »

I do this in my engine for debugging things!
I don't even develop games and I have some version of it - the previous web-app I built had a Google Maps like function where it saved all app state in a compressed URL, which let people instantly re-open or share a session with others.

I ended up with a ton of bookmarks for edge-cases that broke the app for quick checking Wink
Level 10


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« Reply #1045 on: January 20, 2020, 09:32:18 AM »

I do this in my engine for debugging things!
I don't even develop games and I have some version of it - the previous web-app I built had a Google Maps like function where it saved all app state in a compressed URL, which let people instantly re-open or share a session with others.

I ended up with a ton of bookmarks for edge-cases that broke the app for quick checking Wink

I do also use the input recording feature for debugging! It's so handy when something is difficult to reproduce; also the fact that I can set breakpoints to investigate what's happening which would normally prevent me from doing the controller inputs required to actually make the bug happen. It sounds like the website version is super useful too.

Additionally I use the same recordings as playtesting logs, so playtesters can send me the logs and I can literally watch the whole session. I do get some occasional desyncing issues here - I'm not sure where they come from, the same recording will have consistent desyncing each time it's played back, but I don't know if it's being recorded badly or played back badly. But it's not a player-facing feature so as long as the recordings I use for the attract mode work, it's good enough Smiley

The recordings contain regular reports of the player's position, which I use to display a 'desync' warning on screen if it doesn't match the player's position in the simulation, so at least I don't have to try and guess whether it's playing back correctly or not.

Other quality of life features include it being easy to play the recording - I just drag and drop the file into the game window and it loads into the appropriate level and starts playback. I have a fast forward button that speeds up everything, which is a general feature that also applies to normal gameplay for quick debugging and things. There's also a 'rewind' button that displays a black screen while it restarts the recording and simulates everything as fast as possible until it's 6 seconds away from where you were. If you're not too far into the recording it works really well as a quick jump-back-and-watch-that-again button.

Level 8

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« Reply #1046 on: January 22, 2020, 07:05:52 AM »

Ooh, adding the position to the data seems a nice idea to check for where stuff de-syncs! I literally just record which frame a button changes state into a CSV file, so a 5 minute recording of gameplay is like 14K, but I'd happily bulk it out with that kinda' information. Smiley

Me, David Williamson and Mark Foster do an Indie Games podcast. Give it a listen. And then I'll send you an apology.
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« Reply #1047 on: January 24, 2020, 06:44:19 PM »

Ongoing Polish

My recent medium-term focus has been working towards a new build that I can send to playtesters. The last one was in October 2018 so it's been a while! There are still some big things left to cover - I'd like to add one more level to the game before then, and the game's sound effects are in dire need of some attention. But I've been working through a huge list of smaller to-do-list items to polish the game up. I'll cover some of them here to give an idea of the kind of tweaks I'm making.

Intro cutscene tidy up

An intro cutscene at the start of the first level has been in the game for ages. It's mostly intended as placeholder, but for now it provides at least a little context to kick the game off with.

(Old version)

When I first added the cutscene it was hacked in with the tools I had available at the time.

The big line running through the scene here is a sequence that I was using to make entities appear at the right time and trigger various other things. I set up each point of the sequence with a 0.6 second delay - and if I wanted a longer delay between the events I would just put lots of extra points on the sequence line! You don't really have to understand this system to see that it's messy.

What's worse is how I prevented the cutscene from being played again if the player died and restarted the level. I actually had two separate copies of this starting area - one with the cutscene and one without. A checkpoint was triggered when starting the level which, if you died, put you into the second version of the area. It worked ok but it makes it twice as much work to change any of the layout of the area!

Now I'm making use of my scripting system to run the cutscene, the same as the boss intro cutscenes. It tells the player which anims to play, makes the crates appear, etc. It's much neater, and easier to edit! Also now there's only one version of this intro area, and the script can be smart about either doing the cutscene stuff, or not, as appropriate.

(New version)

Big Block effects

I don't know if I've shown these big blocks before. But anyway, I haven't made as much use of them as I'd like so I'm trying one out in the intro area.

It needs to be hit multiple times to get the powerup out of it. Previously there were no effects for this - so now it's more satisfying to hit.

Exclamation Block effects

This is another type of block that's been in the game basically forever but I haven't used too much in levels, which I intend to change. When a normal block is hit, the hit continues in a chain reaction to the other side. The exclamation mark block is different in that it continues the chain reaction on all four sides.

The effects for this were really lacklustre before, and it was also hard to follow. I've improved the effects and added a delay.

(Old version)

(New version)

Added slopes throughout the game

Following on from the recent addition of slopes to the game, I've done a pass through nearly every level, adding slopes to the tilesets and then sprinkling them throughout the levels where it feels appropriate.

Shiny Shells

Shells in dark lighting used to look a bit dull.

(Old version)

Now the shine on them isn't affected by lighting, so they stand out nicely!

(New version)

This actually makes use of the composite sprites feature that I added recently. The shell animation is now made of two layers, one of which (the shiny overlay) is not affected by the colour tint of the lighting. No code needed! Smiley

Alert states

Some enemies have visible alert states to show that they're currently reacting to Leilani's presence. I realised I'd forgotten to add it to one type of enemy - these digging machines.

So they now have nice red eyes when they're activated. They also now turn off when they get stuck, as it looked strange for them to remain 'alert' when they were trapped in a space.

Mouse wheel scrolling

As mentioned here, a couple of the game's menus feature scrolling. You can now scroll using the mouse wheel!

More boss polish

The game's current two boss fights have been given a little more attention and improved some more. You can't underestimate how much polish a boss fight needs! Changes range from tweaking boss intro cutscene animations, to tweaking behaviour during the fight, and just tightening up timing to help the fights flow smoothly.

Auto-grab instead of Hold-to-grab

Leilani can grab objects and enemies. The first implementation of this used a 'Grab' input that you had to hold in order to pick up objects. This can be thought of as the Mario method, where holding the run buttons allows picking up some objects. Letting go of the button would make Leilani kick the object (or drop it if holding the down direction).

I've now changed it so Leilani grabs objects automatically. There's now a 'Kick' input which kicks the object when it's pressed. This can be thought of as the Wario method! In those games Wario tends to pick objects up automatically.

I actually like both styles of input in different ways. Having a 'Grab' input makes sense in that while you hold the button, Leilani holds the object - so there's a logical correlation there. On the other hand, kicking the object is a powerful interaction, and it doesn't quite feel right for that to be instigated by letting go of a button. Tapping the 'Kick' button to do the kick makes the kick feel more active.

For now I'm keeping the inputs simpler by going for the 'Kick' button with automatic grabbing. The player already holds the 'Roll' button quite a lot of the time, and it feels a little awkward to start factoring in another button that you have to hold instead (especially when playing on keyboard). Tapping a 'Kick' button now and then feels like it requires much less dexterity.

Watching this gif, when Leilani catches the enemy in mid air, the moment feels a bit flat - it could do with a bit more 'bounce' or some kind of effect. Something else for the to-do list Coffee

Level 10

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« Reply #1048 on: January 25, 2020, 01:43:30 AM »

Watching this gif, when Leilani catches the enemy in mid air, the moment feels a bit flat - it could do with a bit more 'bounce' or some kind of effect. Something else for the to-do list Coffee
You could make her put her arm behind her head in anticipation as the enemy comes within two, three pixels of being grabbed (also would signal to the player that she's about to grab it), and make it aggressively SNAP towards the enemy when she actually grabs it.
Level 0

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« Reply #1049 on: January 26, 2020, 06:24:40 AM »

Watching this gif, when Leilani catches the enemy in mid air, the moment feels a bit flat - it could do with a bit more 'bounce' or some kind of effect.

I believe it looks flat because the object eases into position when caught. Nothing slows down when you go to catch it. Think of a baseball being caught in a glove - there’s a definite snap into the glove as the baseball velocity suddenly just stops.

I think the fix here could be as simple as just stopping the object abruptly when it’s caught as opposed to smoothly easing it into position, even if that means the object jumps a few pixels so it will be in the correct position.
Level 6

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« Reply #1050 on: January 26, 2020, 02:23:14 PM »

I can confirm that snapping is typically better feeling. Here's an example of little men placing logs onto a construction site from a game I was making a while ago. The "snap" was implemented instead of a lerp, since it was simpler and felt better. The snap feels "real", like it really lodged into the right spot suddenly.

Level 10


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« Reply #1051 on: January 26, 2020, 07:08:08 PM »

Some good suggestions here, thanks!

The smooth lerp works well when Leilani is picking up an object off the floor but you're right, does look bad when catching something from above. I've had a quick go at a snap & bounce for this situation.

You could make her put her arm behind her head in anticipation as the enemy comes within two, three pixels of being grabbed (also would signal to the player that she's about to grab it), and make it aggressively SNAP towards the enemy when she actually grabs it.

This is an interesting idea, I'll keep it in mind as I play the game more and think about how the grabbing feels. These kind of contextual character reactions can be quite cool. I think Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze does this kind of thing where, if you're holding the climb button, DK will reach out for nearby vines and things like that.

edit; fixed the img tags
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 06:31:56 PM by Ishi » Logged

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« Reply #1052 on: January 27, 2020, 05:12:55 AM »

The GIF isn’t showing up in the post, but I looked at it using the link. The smooth easing still looks great for picking up the object, and the quick snap looks MUCH better for catching it. The snap also somehow makes Leilani look even cooler!
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« Reply #1053 on: January 27, 2020, 06:11:12 AM »

That slow-mo crank Kiss
« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 07:43:22 AM by JobLeonard » Logged
Level 2

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« Reply #1054 on: January 27, 2020, 09:47:01 AM »

I feel like the catch animation could use maybe 1 extra frame of Leilani raising her arm, between the standing hand position and the current raised position.

On Exclamation Block effects: although there are very good reasons for it, it still feels kinda weird to see shells bounced out sideways from the blocks. Maybe it's because the blocks itself are all facing the same way (upwards) and it just doesn't feel right when the same looking blocks have different effects to them.

Chinese localizer and influencer. Translated Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, The Count Lucanor, Katana Zero, Dicey Dungeons, and involved in the localization of Reigns, The Curious Expedition, Desktop Dungeons, etc.
If you have questions about Chinese loc and publishing etc., find me at Twitter @SoM_lo
Level 6

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« Reply #1055 on: January 27, 2020, 12:52:36 PM »

Looks really good!
Level 10


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« Reply #1056 on: January 29, 2020, 05:18:34 PM »

The GIF isn’t showing up in the post

My bad, fixed now Smiley

I feel like the catch animation could use maybe 1 extra frame of Leilani raising her arm, between the standing hand position and the current raised position.

I feel like that would take away from the nice snappiness of the new anim.

On Exclamation Block effects: although there are very good reasons for it, it still feels kinda weird to see shells bounced out sideways from the blocks. Maybe it's because the blocks itself are all facing the same way (upwards) and it just doesn't feel right when the same looking blocks have different effects to them.

Yeah, the main reason is that when solid things come out of blocks (like powerups) they will normally come out on the opposite side from where you hit the block. Otherwise if there's something in the way, it'll choose another direction based on some sort of priority rules. This is dynamic depending on the situation (e.g. if breakable blocks nearby have been destroyed or not). The pre-collected shells that come out of the blocks aren't really solid but follow the same rules for consistency, and also because in a chain of blocks it looks messy if the shells that pop out overlap the blocks that are next in the chain.

Due to the dynamic nature of it, giving the blocks a different look for each direction wouldn't really work. Hopefully it's just a rule of the game that becomes natural over the course of play. Coffee

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« Reply #1057 on: January 31, 2020, 07:26:13 AM »

The catch sequence is looking really good now! I love how Leilani’s arm lowers slightly from the weight of the object when caught.
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« Reply #1058 on: January 31, 2020, 09:18:23 AM »

I'm a bit amazed by how the catching animation looks kinda janky in slomo but perfect in real time

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« Reply #1059 on: January 31, 2020, 02:58:22 PM »

It's like our brains do the required tweening
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