Lots of views to the previous post - no replies! I'll try to express the idea more clearly.
I'm new here and find the amount of games overwhelming. I want to find more weird and original games like the You are a Tree game and Loren Schmidt's stuff but the number of games here makes this very difficult. There has been suggestions to creating gaming subforums which might help, if you had a subgenre called weird shit.
It would make things much easier if each game had a small avatar and then a post in a thread would have that avatar to the left of the thread title. I think this might be do-able with the forum technology - if not should be a straightforward plugin. this way you can see the avatars that look interesting to you much more quickly than reading all the threads with vague titles like "here is my new game...".
The forum users have an avatar - why can't the games?
It would look like this
