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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperPlaytestingMalleus Goblinficarium - realistic dice-based combat sim
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Author Topic: Malleus Goblinficarium - realistic dice-based combat sim  (Read 3263 times)
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« on: March 28, 2015, 03:26:55 AM »


  • Deterministic tactical dice-based combat
  • Locational damage
  • 10 weapon types with special abilities
  • More than 20 items adding depth to combat scenarios
  • 4 character classes
  • Boss fight

Play? (Windows, 10.2Mb) | DevBlog | Twitter | itch.io | GameJolt
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 04:27:57 AM by ampersandbear » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2015, 05:36:36 AM »

straight off the bat: nice music!

there is a tutorial, nice! i took a while to find the +/- buttons the first time during the tutorial... silly me.
as the gameplay is not trivial you need the tutorial i think. also the yellow dice dice had me thrown the first time they popped up.

the combination of randomness and choice forces you to think. i played it out relatively defensively so there were quite a few turns where the skeleton and i both parried the blows.

i guess a diffrent stetegy would be to neglect defence and put the points into red and green and just going for the face!

« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 09:08:56 AM by fingerman » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2015, 10:37:58 AM »

Hey, thanks for playing!

Nice approach on strategies! I guess you will have a lot of fun with other classes, since each of them is played  in a completely different way and requires special tactical decisions to deal with stronger enemies.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 11:47:09 AM by NikB » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2015, 08:32:35 PM »

I love the concept, graphics are great and so is the music.  A few small user friendliness suggestions:

When drafting, I think clicking on the dice should be sufficient rather than dragging if the dice only fits in one slot (anything but yellow, right?)

If you're going to let the user use the keyboard, let the entire game be played with the keyboard.  [Click] to continue should allow for space or something.

I couldn't remember what the colored dice meant.  Words that stayed would be nice so I don't have to memorize them off the bat.

Overall, its a great concept and it was executed wonderfully.  I hope my comments weren't too nit-picky.



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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2015, 11:52:56 PM »

*Updated the game* (same link)

  • You can now mute music and sound independently.
  • Fixed some tutorial-related bugs and typos.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect soundtrack loop after choosing character class.
  • Fixed a bug causing parry sound to be played many times in a row.
  • Landing first-strike to the head would no longer freeze the game if enemy has no dice.
  • Choosing locked character is no logner possible.
  • You can now skip messages with [space]

Mr_Triage, thanks for the feedback, I tried to implement some of your suggestions!
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« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2015, 05:48:30 PM »


Great little game!
Lovely concept, and lovely graphics too.

I found it really *really* fun to play.

I sure wish it didn't end where it ended (but rather, unlocked some new level etc)
^ edit: WOW it is already like that! GREAT

A very enjoyable part if grabbing whatever drops from dead opponents.

At first, it wasn't clear that you die at the 3rd wound. Does the tutorial says that?


* maybe the stats-tokens given by necklaces should be marked as such?
Anything would do, e.g. a single black pixel in the middle of the square.
Not only it would be nice, but also it would also make it clear that the shown 'new weapons' stats already account for the bonus (it wasn't clear at first).

* Possible new damage effect: 'Cannot grab yellow dice.' (grabbed yellow dice are zeroed)

Question I've been asking myself during the game:

* it seems, if me and my opponent are both wounded in the leg, he goes first...
  Shouldn't it be me? Normally, I go first on draws.

* if the slower combatant grabs a blue dice and becomes the new fastest player,
  shouldn't he/she/it be allowed to grab the next dice?


Warballs! · spherical fierceness · 1P · free · arena fighter · challenging
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« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2015, 01:24:13 AM »

Thanks a lot for playing!

At first, it wasn't clear that you die at the 3rd wound. Does the tutorial says that?

Yes, between this and then. I should probably state it more clearly.

Nice idea with the necklace tokens! A lot of people complained about weapon stats preview, so, yeap, your thing would solve the problem!

As for the new damage type idea, it already exists as a weapon ability for hatchets.

* it seems, if me and my opponent are both wounded in the leg, he goes first...

No! If both the player and the enemy are wounded in the leg, no-one gets any benefits from that.

* if the slower combatant grabs a blue dice and becomes the new fastest player,
  shouldn't he/she/it be allowed to grab the next dice?

No. Otherwise this option would break the draft balance since it actually lets you grab two dice at once.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 02:33:03 AM by NikB » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 09:21:32 AM »

*Updated the game* (same link)

Stats-tokens given by necklaces are now marked as such:

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« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2015, 01:45:58 PM »

Thanks a lot for playing!

What, no! Thank you a lot! I'm having a GREAT time!

Played some more. And then some more. And then a lot more!
There is something in this game keeping be coming back. Finished "all" of it multiple times...

Here's a mini review, i.e. a few (useless) considerations:

RPGs and (literal) roguelikes can-be a lot different from each other, but three basic mechanisms tend to be shared universally:
  • EXP
  • HP
  • GOLD

You find them at the core even of "toy" roguelikes, I mean games which aim at rethinking the typical length and complexity of RPG / roguelikes, like this one (or Desktop Dungeons, to cite one success story).

But in this one,

  • EXP is substituted by objects upgrades,
  • GOLD is substituted by a very simple and neat 1:1 object bartering (super-cute!), and
  • HP, well, HP is replaced by one of the most amazing Wound Systems I've ever seen

Clearly finding smart ways to get rid of one or another of these elements is not unheard of, has been done before, but... all three in one go? I think it might be a first (for a game that still fits well in the category, anyway, as this one does).

And, that last point in the list, it's so-o-o-o-o neat! It's really satisfactory to play. So nice how each wound you inflict (or receive!) matters, differently but invariably A LOT. Comparing it to the traditional "fully functional until fully corpse" HP system, it feels so much more fun to play, and even more realistic, while keeping complexity to a minimum and abstraction to a hi-level.  

But the important part here is "fun to play". Trying to survive one's wounds until occasion recover (heal-up potions) is a real fun challenge, and so is, on the other side, reducing the battle worthiness of one's fierce adversary piece by piece, all the way to its final collapse. Plus, the sudden-kill power of the single fatal injury is a nice tactical element.

As for realism, probably, the most blatant inconsistency is that repeated wounds of the same type have zero effect (not even toward killing the poor thing), which may be acceptable for some kind of wounds (say, legs) but not really for others (e.g. chest or other parts full of organs which we require to stay alive). But, who cares: it has to be that way in this system and it's not too bad.

Minor detail about speed-value rule:

* if the slower combatant grabs a blue dice and becomes the new fastest player,
  shouldn't he/she/it be allowed to grab the next dice?
No. Otherwise this option would break the draft balance since it actually lets you grab two dice at once.

Well, actually, it would still total to 3 VS 3, right? It would occasionally play out as, e.g.:
A,B,B,A,B,A (B twice) instead of A,B,A,B,A,B, but still always three each.
But, I can see why you might not want that:
it would gives too much additional motivation to grab blue dices...  

Even if, now that I write that down, I notice that red and white dice are always grabbed first currently, so maybe giving an incentive to blue ones would only help diversifying strategies.

Anyway, a bit of bug reporting:

as you probably know, the game does crash occasionally, and it gets confused sometimes.
I think for example that you are allowed to move one yellow dice to the next slot on the same line (leaving the original slot unoccupied), which also seems to confuse it.
Also, the "you can't grab yellow dices" rule seems to be broken by the AI at times, when you leave yellow dice to it for too long.
It is not clear what happens when only yellow dices are left, but I think they disappear? I think once I've seen one opponent grabbing a forbidden yellow die and turn it red.

Minor suggestions (feel free to ignore naturally):

  • maybe, in the character selection screen, don't reveal even the names of the still locked classes, except only of the one which will be unlocked next. Leave what comes next a mystery.
  • maybe, in the same screen, show the "full body portrait" of the inspected character (the one used in combat);
  • in the main combat screen, maybe let the player to reveal the special ability of current character, by clicking on its icon.
  • wording: "You hit XXX and miss" seems a bit counter-intuitive, as hitting usually implies successfully landing the strike. Maybe "You strike at"? But I'm no native speaker. Unless "hit" was chosen because it is shorter.
  • * stats display: great work on the necklaces! But, maybe make them on the left side would be better? because the necklaces are more persistent, more part of the character, than the weapon (which is exchanged a lot more often than necklaces are dropped).
    Also, maybe do the same on the potion stats? Marking them in the same way, or even, in a third way? Or maybe same way, but on opposite end, like this: () [] [] () () () ==> one necklace, plus two weapons, plus three potions stats.
  • interface: you probably considered this already, but are you sure you don't want to interpret a single click (not a drag) on a non-yellow dice as a shortcut to place it where it belongs? It would make it easier to play out
  • lastly: even a very simple attack animation would be so neat!

Naturally, the major suggestions are... to keep adding more!

  • More weapons, more characters, more objects!
  • more enemy types (maybe a few coming with special abilities, after the simple yet cute ways of characters and weapons), e.g.
    one with automatic reroll-on-any-grabbed-dice (a very chaotic monster!) etc
  • different dungeons/quests (each coming with its sequence of monsters, super-minimalist story line, etc),
    For example, a dungeon quest could be that you are attacked, instead of attacking, by a sequence of monster, in the castle of the good-ones' castle (you the player are shown on the opposite side of the mini-combat-screen).
  • maybe add "terrain", and graphically representing on the mini-screen, where now the green grass is seen, with terrain effects. E.g.: defensive terrain (e.g. uphills): "attacker you cannot grab a red die on your first grab", or something, or "combat order defaults to enemy here", etc.
  • in general, if monsters / terrain have an special rules, they should be displayed in the same way weapons's ones are, i.e. clicking on their icon (as the main character's specials).
  • better AI --
        or maybe just a bit of randomization, i.e: sometimes, but rarely,
        AI just goes for the highest die of a random available color. <== edit: THIS! the more I play the more I realize the even a small chance, 5-10%, of the AI doing that, e.g. grabbing say a blue dice when red ones are still around or whatever, would make me play a lot more on my toes. I'm sure that even when the occasional randomish move played by AI is an error, is will just make the game more exciting and at the same time the AI feel more human. Yes, a little randomness in games AI often has the effect of making us human players see purpose in these move, and the illusion is usually impressively convincing. I encourage you to try!

Wow, I cannot stop digressing on this game.

I was wondering how it would look like in a player VS player mode.
I'm not saying that it should be 2P, but one designer cannot but wonder how that would look like.
There's some asymmetries in the game system, like who has initiative if speed is a draw, or, more importantly, when yellow dice / yellow stats placement should be revealed, but nothing insurmountable.

On a similar line, a table-top transposition would be a bit difficult to do smoothly, because there's no easy way to roll the color of a die. Maybe have a opaque bag of dices (say some 30) of various color, and you grab a handful (six) at random, and throw them? But even "decrease the value by one" is a bit unpleasant to do with real dice...
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 07:40:38 PM by mtarini » Logged

Warballs! · spherical fierceness · 1P · free · arena fighter · challenging
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« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 06:17:29 PM »

I tried out your game and I have a few critiques.

First, I have a Surface Pro Tablet and this is the kind of game I would love to play on it.  I would be nice if the game was completely playable from just the left mouse button.  It would probably make a Android / IOS release easier in the future. 

Second, the outcome of combat seems predetermined each time you choose a dice.  It would be nice to show the user as it is happening the consequences of the battle currently after each time you choose a dice (makes it easier to understand what happens).   

The combat system has really heavy depth, but seems very difficult to get a hang of when your first playing.  The tutorial tries to explain things, but it would be nice if it was more intuitive.  For example, I'm guessing damaging an already damaged body part doesn't do anything, but it isn't clear (there is a message stating the body part is already damaged, but it doesn't give any indication of what that means).  There is also no indication of how much accuracy is required to target a spot of the body.  The combat system might be easier to follow with a more guided approach, first choosing the dice, next allow the player to select which section of the body you are targeting (and maybe show something to indicate how hard it is to hit a body part based on accuracy).  Then allow the attacker to reroll and resolve the combat.

One more issue I had was I didn't realize when I picked up a weapon I lost the one I was using, I was expecting that it was in an inventory of sorts. 

The graphic style and the music are wonderful by the way.  I would love to see this expanded to a dungeon crawl type game instead of a straight run of battles. 

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« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2015, 12:19:23 AM »

Allright, a lot of people have been continually asking me whether I'm aiming to release Malleus on Mac. The answer is 'basically, no', but... you can help me do that.

Please note that the game is developed in Game Maker: Studio. It's an awesome tool, but the free version is limiting you in many ways. I mean, you have to purchase Pro version in order to port to Mac. What's more, Mac Module is required to actually do the thing.

Why am I even talking about this? Well, Malleus is free and has no budget. Porting will cost me $99.99 [Pro version] + $99.99 [Mac Module], which is quite a significant amount.

Yes, I want to say that you can support the game, as well as my future projects (since I'm definitely planning on using Game Maker: Studio in future) via simply purchasing Malleus on itch.io. The game is still free, but you can actually buy it, yes.

Any support will be truly invaluable. Thanks for reading & understanding.
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« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2015, 02:10:33 AM »

Thanks for that 2-pages-long comment! It's really helpful and motivating!

I think adding your speed-value rule will make the game more confusing, especially for the new players. What's more, It doesn't drastically change things (apart from making blue dice a priority, which is weird) and it will require an AI rewrite.

So... no. Sorry, you didn't convince me.

Yes, a lot of people report the crushes. But I can't replicate any of them. I just don't know what to do. I guess I need video reports to actually fix something, eh.

Loved some of your minor suggestions, especially the one about character ability revealing in-game.

As for the major suggestions:

At some point I wanted to implement tree view, which would make enemy's choices really smart (even very close to human's), but... I didn't really want them to be smart. That would be no fun. They are predictable, and that adds some determinism to the game. Giving them random behavior will actually make it way harder.

I would love to add more content, but I need some player's advice to navigate in the sea of game's design. That's why I'm looking for specific ideas, regarding almost everything.

Feel free to share your monsters (mini-bosses are also planned), items and classes design!
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« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2015, 09:53:31 AM »


you're right, the bugs are very elusive.
I've tried consistently replicating them for you but no luck. Sad


Feel free to share your monsters (mini-bosses are also planned), items and classes design!

Here's a list of half baked ideas:


bow-and-arrow: stats about as sword, but slower: 0,2,2,2.
Special: can interrupt the dice picking any time and go immediately to confrontation.
This is an attempt to make ranged feel different (see Metaphor, below).
How to activate: just click on the weapon icon instead of picking a dice.
A problem: if you "shoot" (activate the special ability) as the slower player, enemy got one more dice than you.
   If are the faster player, instead, it would be convenient to keep picking dice.
   Either way, it is never convenient to "shoot"!
Solution: you also get a free yellow die when you "shoot"!
    (instead of the die you would have picked)
Text: "attack anytime to interrupt draft and get an extra yellow die."
Note: the *heavy* version (more damage, less speed) could well be renamed "crossbow"
Note: [edit] thinking about it, I image that a possible strategy with this weapon will be to wait until there is one dice left, then "shoot", to get a random yellow dice instead of that lousy last dice. This should feel a lot like "point black" shooting! BTW I tentatively decreased the stats, but tuning is surely needed.
Metaphor: [edit] the dice draft is kind of the phase where the two combatants approach, studying each other and planning their move. A ranged weapon can put a premature end to that phase, by shooting (or attempting to do so). However, the outcome can well be that the target jumps at the shooter and strikes first, etc. The two fighters are supposed to be a few meters apart anyway.

sword-and-shield: stats: 1 to all, i.e. much lower than sword.
Why: shield slows you down; 1H weapon is less accurate and powerful; the shield does not even guarantee protection unless skilfully used.
Special: you can place green dice (accuracy) to increase defense
Metaphor: you are being accurate... with the shield
Notes: tuning is necessary, naturally, but white is more useful than green so ability to use green for white is a good advantage, compensating low stats.

BTW I didn't understand how the sabre currently works. It reads something like: "reroll dice pool before draft" but I didn't see anything happening, or maybe I didn't understand what was supposed to happen. (EDIT: found out! you can click on the weapon to reroll all dice... but, is it broken? you can do that an unlimited number of times so getting a winning combination, if one exists, becomes a matter of patience?)

Also, idea for the maul. It doesn't single-hit kill the boss, that's ok.
But in that case it should at least stun it, negating counter-strikes, to partially compensate. Otherwise that weapon is too ill-fitted the boss, making it a very poor choice overall.
How to: a message reads "the devil is smashed to the ground, but gets back up", or something. The player is probably expecting something to happen the first time, wondering if the beast will die or no (I did), so it is fitting to throw a message saying that no, it didn't die, but at least... it has felt it.


(monsters should have stats and their own special ability, which is revealed by clicking on them).

(are stats linked to monster type, currently?)

(it is ok that the energy increases with the dungeon level, but mosters of a given type, e.g. goblin, should have the same stats . Maybe increased by modifiers: large goblins, chefiatan gut...)

flame demon:
Special: it rerolls any dice as it picks it up. Unpredictable, difficult.
Notes: ai strategy can still be kept the same, as it is AI's interest to negate better dices to player.

zombi: (or, gelatinous cube?)
Special: ignores wounds effects. (Is killed by any third wound).
How to: however you strike it, instead of collecting, say "*guts", it just collects generic "*wounds" (with no effect).
Note: this also means that repeated wounds at the same location do count. E.g. striking the "*gut" twice produces two "*wounds". This partially compensates the tremendous ability of not decreasing monster's performance after hitting it
Note: not even face-hits kills it in one go, then. Three wounds. Resilient beasts!

Wraith (or, rotting zombie):
Special: does not accumulate wounds. "Any new wound substitutes the previous."
Note: can only be killed by a face strike!
Note: no need to explain anything to the player: the 'note' above is a mere consequence of the text.
     A little puzzle for the player, if you will (the wraith might seem unkillable at first)
Note: the single wound being sustained has normal effect.


10-foot pole: does nothing. Humorous reference to that overrated object in D&D.

blink spell (or, flare spell, or, cantrip):
re-roll all dice still to be picked (they don't change color).
Note: used anytime, instead of picking a dice, when there is any number of dice left.
Note: particularly useful to reroll the last dice before using it, if you are losing initiative, or to break draws and profit from the difference, if you are winning initiative.

poison gel: consume it to make your next hit fatal, but not immediately fatal: enemy will still strike back as normal, dies at end of turn.
Text:: "your next hit is fatal, at end of turn."

For the next two points...
It's not like I want to insist.
It's your game, naturally. I understand that.
Still, let me illustrate my reasons.

Random AI:

Giving them random behavior will actually make it way harder.

(naturally, not completely random, but randomish, e.g. 10% chance, and still get the highest valued die of the randomly chosen color)

I know, a bit harder, but I think also funnier and more interesting!

  • It's fun to be surprised by AI.
  • True, it is totally ok that the AI is suboptimal, it will feel like you are... outsmarting a real opponent.
    But it AI errors are 100% predicable, and always in the same way, the it is not that fun anymore:
    you memorize the behavior pattern once and for all, and it feels like you are just... exploiting a bug of a broken robot instead.
  • Sometimes the randomish AI move would be an error saving player's life, which is also a fun twist
  • My bet is that is makes it feel 'real'

Also, as you said, "best move always" AI, would be not only undesirable, but very work-intensive to code.
What I propose is, instead, immediate to code.

In summary:
Don't: make it always do the best move (difficult),
Neither: make it always get it wrong the same way (current),
But: make it possible that the best move is made, on occasion.

Speed-value rule:

I understand that you don't want to confuse players. Luckily, you can state it as a simple rule:
"Whenever you surpass your adversary in speed, you get to pick another die"
(here "surpass" means: you were slower, but now are faster).
That's it.

Beside, I think it makes perfect sense.
As I told you, I was actually confused that I didn't work like that in my first games.
I.e. when I recovered my initial speed disadvantage (during draft) I expected to see consequences accordingly.
Finally, I don't think the strategy, therefore AI, should change that much, or at all.

What I'm claiming is that the current AI heuristic (go for white/red first, if any left, then, blue/green) would still be more or less as optimal as it was before (that is, reasonably close enough). A bit less, yes, but not substantially differently.

Here is why:
Say am at speed disadvantage: this means that my adversary already picked the best die A.
I could pick the next best die B directly (usually, red/white), OR, pick the blue dice, win speed, then B.
This is convenient only if I planned to get the blue later anyway, which is not very often, as blue dice are the least useful ones (see below).

Here are the reasons why I think the game would improve by adding that rule
  • it would decrease the current overrating of base speed weapon stat: currently, it fully determines, alone and without any possible countermeasure,  the entire draft order, which is invariably an enormous advantage;
  • it would make blue dice, which currently are by far the least desirable ones, a bit more desirable. Currently, they (partly!) affects only the strike-order (and not draft-order), which matters anything only when you manage to make your strike negate an otherwise effective counterattack, i.e. not very often after all;
  • it would make strategies more diversified, mitigating just a bit the "always go for white/red, no matter what" effect;
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 09:50:08 AM by mtarini » Logged

Warballs! · spherical fierceness · 1P · free · arena fighter · challenging
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« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2015, 02:18:04 PM »

mtarini, IMO your Speed rule sort of breaks the combat logic of the game. Basically the way it is now nothing changes until combat resolves. So it doesn't make sense that upping your Speed for an attack would have an impact on your previously resolved attack (since the previous attack decides initiative for the next one).

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« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2015, 06:23:42 AM »

Mmm... I think you are getting this wrong.

What you seem to think it is:
(A) "whoever won initiative in the previous round picks the 1st die (and, always, 3rd, and 5th)"

What it actually *is* now:
(B) "whoever has the highest initial speed stat (unmodified by dice) picks the 1st die (and, always, 3rd, and 5th)"

What I propose:
(C) "whoever has the highest current speed value (modified by dice) picks the next dice, followed by the opponent, then repeat"

While (A) could work better than the current (B), I'm pretty sure that (C) will work better than either ones, from the point of view gameplay (apart from being more logical).

(specifically: 1st, it makes the strategies more variegated: a bit less always the same; 2nd, it balances the game better: currently, blue dice are a bit too inferior compared to other dice, and blue stats is too superior compared to other stats)

But either way it is a small change, I don't think that either (A), (B), (C) would "break" the combat logic.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 08:28:16 AM by mtarini » Logged

Warballs! · spherical fierceness · 1P · free · arena fighter · challenging
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« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2015, 02:34:05 AM »

As for the last month, I haven’t been procrastinating, honestly. I made some progress!

^ I finally made some pop-up hints to make it easier for new players to understand
complex mechanics.

^ And yes, character portraits.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 04:01:08 AM by NikB » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2015, 06:16:13 PM »

Great! I keep playing from time to time. It is still fun to play.

To make it challenging for me, I used to play it as a vegetarian traveler or rogue (i.e. I disallow myself from ever eating meat). But now, I feel that's too easy too so I always play a vegan traveler or rogue instead (disallowing myself from ever eating meat or cheese, i.e. anything at all). Very fun: try that!

I win maybe 50% of the times.

Anyway, a few more suggestions for you:

New object: Scroll of Distill Magic [very rare]: on activation, merges together any currently carried necklaces into a single unified necklace which combines all bonuses (clearly, it's good to to save inventory space).

New feature: Depicted Blood. I was thinking it would be cool if each wound (on either you or the monster) appeared as a single red pixel in the super low res character, at the appropriate location.

New weapon: Lava Sword: very low stats. Every time it parries an attack, it permanently removes one Attack point from the opponent. Every time it is parried, it permanently removes one Defense point from the opponent. (either case, up to -1).

New object: Chest Plate: negates any damage to the chest only (unlike armor, does not shatter).  
(could also be called: "Mitril Shirt").

Bug report: if your opponent has both head and chest wounds, removing his rightmost die will also re-roll the next die on the same line (if there's any).

« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 06:21:25 PM by mtarini » Logged

Warballs! · spherical fierceness · 1P · free · arena fighter · challenging
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« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2015, 03:01:49 AM »


nice game ! I hadn't realised at first that you don't heal between fight. ough...

some suggestions (even I haven't played that much. So I might have missed few things):
- It'd be nice if some monsters had specific hit locations (with special effects). For exemple if you could slice a "deep horror's" tentacule.
- On the other way, some monsters could indulge you special injuries (soul, poison, mouth,...)
- A little bit of story would be nice (one sentence, told once in a while. Maybe through objects, or told by the caracter)
- I'd be nice if dice which have been rerolled were marked
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 05:54:43 AM by flap » Logged
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