Christian Knudsen
« Reply #180 on: May 06, 2016, 02:32:36 PM » |
That's pretty damn awesome. Hope it's not too late for news outlets to pick up on it to help push the campaign over the edge!
« Reply #181 on: May 06, 2016, 03:08:50 PM » |
That's amazing
Michael Klier
« Reply #182 on: May 06, 2016, 10:45:00 PM » |
Yes we have finally worked through all the paperwork! It's Official. Mind blown
Sound Design, Audio Implementation, Music Reel Twitter Working on
« Reply #183 on: May 06, 2016, 11:11:45 PM » |
congratulation.. I hope you guys gets 90k in 45 hours. Its amazing to see that you guys have a lot of supporters. The graphic also has been improved a lot of past.. Looks amazing.
« Reply #184 on: May 07, 2016, 07:59:53 AM » |
Backed as I'm a big fan of JRPGs, even working on one currently. Good luck with your KickStarter
« Reply #185 on: May 07, 2016, 08:51:35 AM » |
So happy to see you're being successfully backed! I've been watching from the shadows for a bit. Can't wait to play this game for myself!
« Reply #186 on: May 07, 2016, 03:33:42 PM » |
Would recommend changing the title to something more urgent like "X HOURS LEFT ON KICKSTARTER"
Hopefully it will get a few more clicks! Plus you're already Greenlit!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 03:38:53 PM by eidobunny »
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
« Reply #187 on: May 07, 2016, 03:42:35 PM » |
good call!
« Reply #188 on: May 08, 2016, 02:47:56 AM » |
Wow, that's going to be a tight one! 18 hours left! You'll probably make it but man, this must be pretty stressful for you guys.
« Reply #189 on: May 08, 2016, 06:26:18 AM » |
Maybe send a last minute bomb to your mailing list? It's going to be close. You made about 12k yesterday and you need 15k more today. It's also mother's day today so it could be a hard sell, you need to do everything you can! I will do my part when the final hours are winding down.
If you get extraordinarily close you might have to consider dropping your own money to cross the finish line. It could be worth it if you're like 5k off to collect the 85k, as long as you have that much credit to spare. If you do, don't drop it too early (other people will have less of a sense of urgency) or too late (if there are last second complications). I would say about 30-60m before your time's up in case you need to call your bank for credit approval or something.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:38:31 AM by eidobunny »
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
« Reply #190 on: May 08, 2016, 08:50:55 AM » |
We unfortunately don't have any savings we could throw at the campaign to save it in the last moments. sent out 1 final newsletter per your suggestion though! gotta get back to refreshing the KS page and chain smoking now
« Reply #191 on: May 08, 2016, 09:29:11 AM » |
Sidekick is showing an 80% chance of success.'d say your chances are pretty good. The last minute grassroots sense of urgency is going to raise a bunch of money tonight. I'm so happy that projects are still getting a good amount of support on Kickstarter. I have mine planned for October and it's just constant anxiety of whether people are going to still be into it by then. The success rates of these types of projects has degraded so much over the past years that I'm scared what another year will do to them.
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
Christian Knudsen
« Reply #192 on: May 08, 2016, 10:15:58 AM » |
The last day will have to be 150% of the best day, which basically never happens, sadly. The last days never bring in more than the first.
It's a pity the Bioshock Infinite stuff wasn't secured earlier when news outlet would have had time to pick up on it (and also not in the weekend). The good thing is that all that is now already in place for a relaunch -- and since news outlets haven't written about it yet, it would still be "news" to them. Normally relaunches would have to shoot for a lower target, but you've got a big gun in your arsenal now that would help in a big way. Relaunching with the Bioshock hook and maybe even a demo to potentially bring in a few let's players would probably be quite successful.
« Reply #193 on: May 08, 2016, 10:35:36 AM » |
Best of luck with the final 10 hours! If you won't succeed I think you should make a relaunch soon, I'm sure that you'd be succesful then. I've seen many relaunches which took their original momentum and translated it into making a good comeback. But that's a discussion for later, let's hope you make it now.
« Reply #194 on: May 08, 2016, 11:09:36 AM » |
They've already raised 6k today and only need 12k more. It's an uphill battle but I think the sense of urgency in the final hours could push them over the edge. The sooner they hit $80k the better.
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
Christian Knudsen
« Reply #195 on: May 08, 2016, 02:02:31 PM » |
Looks like an angel backer just swooped in with almost $5,000! This is gonna be soooo close!
« Reply #196 on: May 08, 2016, 02:35:55 PM » |
It just made it as far as I'm concerned. Only $3k with 6 hours to go and it's been making $500 per hour even without any particular urgency. The final couple hours will bring success, I'm sure of it!
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
Christian Knudsen
« Reply #197 on: May 08, 2016, 02:42:50 PM » |
Just jumped another ~$1,000!
(I hope some of these aren't troll pledges that are gonna pull out again...)
« Reply #198 on: May 08, 2016, 03:17:28 PM » |
Congratulations Becca, Taylor, and Moritz too! You must have been pulling your hair out for the past 3 weeks, I can't even imagine the suspense leading up to this moment!!
♫ December, ♫ ♫ December. ♫
b∀ kkusa
« Reply #199 on: May 08, 2016, 05:40:37 PM » |
Congrats ! (even if it happens that there are troll pledges and that the kickstarter happens to be unsuccessful , you can just relaunch a kickstarter as did Dimension drive , which relaunched the kickstarter with success in a day.)