Wow, thank you so much for the feedback! That is so incredibly helpful. I remember you!! You gave me feedback on a game like a year ago! That is so cool that you so consistently give such great feedback! Seriously thank you so much.

Did you have a prototype here before? I remember a game like this where you had to eat junk and avoid veggies, but I don't know what it was.
Haha I was going to write 'no that wasn't me' then I remembered that I did post a prototype like that! It was this one: is so cool that you remembered that!
Anyway, I was surprised by the animation of the pig. I really liked it. It did seem a little jerky sometimes when I jumped, but it was mostly good.
Thanks!! I'll look into the jumping animation.
If you press against a wall, you keep running even though you're not moving.
Yeah, that's a problem in some spots because of how the blocks are set up. I plan on fixing that once I've finished designing all of the levels. I think that caused a lot of the problems in your playtesting unfortunately. I didn't realize it would be so exploitable! I'll definitely fix that by the next build I put online.
If you run off a ledge and there's a wall right in front of you, you hover in mid-air rather than just falling into the hole between the ledge and the wall.
Good catch.
The platforms that you can jump through didn't look like platforms at first. They're thin enough that they look like cables/wires/paths/whatever (like the lines in Super Mario World that platforms move along).
Yeah that is definitely placeholder art. I should have made the placeholder at least a little more readable! Will definitely fix that.
The level design seemed all right. My only real issue with the levels I played was the ease with which I could get into unwinnable states and have to restart. That was a little annoying, but not too terrible.
I've been worried about this concept, even asked people about it on twitter. I'm still struggling with it. I can't think of a more elegant solution because it's a puzzle game. I know that was a big criticism of escape goat 2, but that never really bugged me about that game. I tried to make it as easy and quick to restart as possible to alleviate that.
The "Grape shot" thing was unclear at first. Maybe it would be a good idea to force the player to shoot at a distance. I got through the first level without realizing the grape was a projectile, because I used it while right beside the blocks. I figured it out quickly next time I got it, but it was a bit weird to win a level and not realize exactly what I'd done.
Makes sense. I'll see if I can help that, but I don't think I can force the player away from the blocks before shooting... I'll see what I can do though!
Jumping bugged me a bit. I would've liked at least a little bit of control in the air.
Coffee made turning around on tiny platforms annoying because the pig would go flying even if I just tapped a key.
I can try to play with the feel a little bit, but all the levels are designed around how she controls so I don't know how much I can change her actual trajectory.
The falling blocks, when they've fallen, sometimes seem to get their collision boundaries messed up. The pig stood halfway inside them when on top. It's pretty inconsistent. In level 35, only one block had that issue.
Nice catch! I can fix that.
"Sticky" is awesome. Loved it. That first level with it was a really nice intro to that mechanic too. Nice work.
Thanks!! :D
The image for "heavy" looks like it's spraying blood.
Uh oh :O
"Float" is pretty cool, but some of the jumps seemed to be almost pixel-perfect. It'd be nice if the pig floated just a tiny bit more.
Actually, I think that's a perfect solution.

Bouncing in level 25, I was just under the edge of the ledge near the doorway and when the pig's head hit it, she turned left and flew in that direction for some reason. It was easily reproduced but seemed too weird to be intentional. Sometimes similar things happened when landing on yellow-coated ground.
Thanks, I'll try that.
Pressing against a wall with the jello power sometimes caused it to be placed inside the wall.
This will get fixed with the whole block layout thing I mentioned at the beginning, so that's good.

I could jump while running against the side of a brown block, as if I was on a ledge. I used that twice in level 32 and it almost seemed necessary (I got a triple-jump out of it). It was the only way I managed to beat level 35 as well.
Oh no! That's not how you're supposed to beat those levels. Will definitely need to fix that! (would have fixed it anyways, but that is some serious incentive. Those two levels are probably the hardest puzzles and I'll try to make them last.)
Why can't the pig fall into one-block wide pits? Level 34 just shows off weirdness in the game mechanics and doesn't actually have any challenge. I wasn't a fan of it.
I think I agree with that. I'll play around with it and probably end up removing it.
I got some crazy slowdown in levels 31 and 35.
Did you try changing the quality? If it still has slowdown I will certainly work on that.
Overall, I really enjoyed this. The variety of powers was great, and the level design was good, apart from the ease with which levels can become unwinnable. I played through the entire game in one shot (except level 27, which I didn't manage to beat, and level 31 where slowdown made it pretty much impossible to finish). I think some of the later levels could be made trickier. The difficulty curve kinda gets strange near the end, but it never got really bad. For the most part, I liked this a lot. Nice work.
Thanks so much! I'm definitely planning an re-ordering the levels, especially at the end. Thanks so much again for the feedback, I can't tell you how much it's helped me! Seriously it means a lot that you took the time to play it, and made such comprehensive and well thought out notes!