Maybe you just started uploading a new build or something? On a related note, having to refresh to restart the game, even in a test build, isn't ideal.
Thanks for taking a look. Nope, nothing I'm doing to make it not load.... odd. Not sure what the issue there is. I know I need a reset command or something ingame. It's coming, just been focusing on AI code more than doing the UI stuff I need to.
The game looks good and I mostly liked how the ship controlled.
I didn't like how far the camera zoomed out. I understand wanting to see the target ship, but at a certain point my own ship becomes too small to really see properly and that's not great. This camera style also made me unsure which ship was mine at first.
I'm glad you liked the looks and control. The camera may zoom too far out even fullscreen, but I did notice it a lot more when running in a browser. Browser isn't the target for the game (xbox1/ps4/steam target), but it makes it easy for people to look at a quick dev build. Out of curiosity, what is your desktop rez? I would imagine on a 4k monitor it would look really micro

I never understood the weapons. One seemed to fire sideways and have incredibly short range, so it was useless against an enemy I could never get close to.
I was worried about this being so out of context for the game. The full game is an RPG which will ease you into it w really easy ship, controls, tutorial popups etc. I posted the controls, but I'm just like you and would always skip right to the demo link
The primary side flak cannons, hold down fire and they will keep traveling forward until you release fire and they will detonate. During that time you can steer the projectiles. The other weapon is a forward pulse. Hold down fire to ready it and release to launch it.The hold down and release mechanic will be taught to the player in the beginning and reused for lots of control systems. But I can easily see how a difficult battle in which you have 1-2 seconds before the AI is nailing you isn't the best time to learn it, lol.
Thanks for looking at it. I do appreciate the feedback.