Level 1
« Reply #140 on: January 12, 2017, 02:04:25 AM » |
The concept sounds like a lot of fun, and its great reading over the progress you have made. Coming up with all the branches of story must be quite the work. If you are ready to continue, but someone else spotted a contradiction, they will point that out and it will restart nonetheless. Will you make it clear for the user what his contradiction was? How does this work? *It’s not really new, it’s just a reference to Westworld, wonderful stuff!
Westworld is awesome  ! " These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends"
« Reply #141 on: January 12, 2017, 04:07:40 PM » |
The concept sounds like a lot of fun, and its great reading over the progress you have made. Coming up with all the branches of story must be quite the work.
Thanks a lot! It's been a long road for sure, seeing the initial progress progress is kind of staggering, then it kind of slowed down. (well more like, most progress is not visual/visible in screens.) The narrative is and certainly will only keep getting more complex (I regret everything!). I've made a tool to help me with it and while for now it feels a bit useless (since everything is more or less linear) I'm hoping it comes in handy as the branches and conditions spread out. If you are ready to continue, but someone else spotted a contradiction, they will point that out and it will restart nonetheless. Will you make it clear for the user what his contradiction was? How does this work? Sorry I didn't make it clear. What happens is the Other1 will say there is "something wrong", and demand for the discussion to restart. When the discussion restart it is the same as always (everyone says what they have to say) but once the contradiction( Other1 knew about) is reached, the Other1 will automatically call it out. Thus Other1 will call an objection on Other2 (or you). Since the discussion restarts and AI objections happen at the end of a statement, it also means you could beat Other1 to the objection. When someone else demands the discussion to restart, Be doubly attentive because it means there is an objectable statement somewhere. *It’s not really new, it’s just a reference to Westworld, wonderful stuff!
Westworld is awesome  ! " These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends" After watching that, I just felt the need to add " working on the new narrative" in my vocabulary  Would have put it in my title If I didn't feel it might be misinformation. (I don't have a "new narrative"  ) Nice to see other people know about it.
Level 1
« Reply #142 on: January 18, 2017, 04:35:55 AM » |
It's been a long road for sure, seeing the initial progress progress is kind of staggering, then it kind of slowed down. (well more like, most progress is not visual/visible in screens.) The narrative is and certainly will only keep getting more complex (I regret everything!). I've made a tool to help me with it and while for now it feels a bit useless (since everything is more or less linear) I'm hoping it comes in handy as the branches and conditions spread out.
Yeah i saw it here. it looks really impressive and technically advanced, make sure to indeed backup the **** out of the complex branches. Sorry I didn't make it clear. What happens is the Other1 will say there is "something wrong", and demand for the discussion to restart. When the discussion restart it is the same as always (everyone says what they have to say) but once the contradiction(Other1 knew about) is reached, the Other1 will automatically call it out. Thus Other1 will call an objection on Other2 (or you). Since the discussion restarts and AI objections happen at the end of a statement, it also means you could beat Other1 to the objection. When someone else demands the discussion to restart, Be doubly attentive because it means there is an objectable statement somewhere.
Curious to see how this plays out. I will probably have to see it to fully grasp it.
« Reply #143 on: January 19, 2017, 03:30:18 PM » |
Funny you brought up that post about my editor; worked on it some more! -Entry 47- StoryTeller I felt full of energy and decided to further improve my “story editor”. I was using it to expand the narrative and was just scared of it breaking down, so Although it was functional, I decided it needed a new visit. Lot’s of convenience features were added. Added selection, so I can select multiple boxes and move them at the same time.  Made a serialization system to have the objects easier to manipulate. Case in point, added copy paste with it. Also added an auto organizer, not sure If it will be of any use, but I was obsessed with making one. Basically I can have all the boxes position themselves to “save” space. At the very least it looks organized. Man that is cool.Oh free form of the editor windows too. As I recently brought up I went through a computer change. On my new computer the window was really small and Instead of deciding to make the window bigger, I made it so It can be resized freely.  and made the section on the side now show the text in the boxes. Since its now resizable it can allow a more easiliy readable overview of the text contained in the boxes. To be quite honest, I was impressed with my own past self. Program still held up and was quite easy to expand. Guess it will become my new best friend as I keep expanding the narrative! Might even reach a point where I use it more than I code! Still got a bit more to fix on the coding side, but I like jumping from sub-parts of the project to another. Free-time to trial and now narrative! 
« Reply #144 on: January 28, 2017, 02:25:04 PM » |
-Entry 48- Progress in the narrative Got quite a decent part of the narrative for what id call an alpha. I’ve been working on getting a full sequence of the game (not final) running for a while now. Most of the updates on the narrative side have been fixing and creating features to get it running. With the lastest one expanding control, it’s starting to feel like a true story is going on. Time is fixed, when it needs to be, people are in the location they need to be, conversations start when they should.  Using fast forward on time, but you'd normally wait an actual while or talk to someone to make time pass.Also made transitions in and out of talking smoother. Not sure if noticeable or worth it, but saw it in other games and couldn’t help but feel, I need that too! Some more stuff needs to be ironed out, I’m using a lot of placeholder locations and I should be using more images but things are looking good!
« Reply #145 on: February 03, 2017, 03:59:00 PM » |
-Entry 49- New Skill, Hype!!!! Back to trial! As I presented in the beginning, I wanted the trials to have a bit of RPG to it. It is after all a battle for the truth or Alternative facts depending on if you are involved yourself. Ive previously shown “ Hold it”: which stops time for 10 seconds. Allowing to read, think or find the appropriate objection. There’s “ Wait wut”: which rewinds to the previous statement. You could of course go through the whole run and wait for that statement to come on the next re-run but you shouldn’t forget that “free” re-runs are limited. So it might come in handy. Now I finally added a skill that isn’t a “flow control”. Hype: “Don’t worry, I’ve got this!” it hypes up your next statement making it do double damage(subject to change)!!! It’s also a double edge sword! While hyped, being wrong will deal double damage to you too. Also doubles healings. You stay “hyped” the end of a run. No, this is not super saiyanRight now only the player has skills, but in the name of fairness, I want the others to also have some. (oh and do note I don’t intend on giving all skills to the player from the start; Hype is an art hard to master  ) Let me know what you think! feedback, suggestion, comment always appreciated!
« Reply #146 on: February 03, 2017, 09:43:33 PM » |
That smug face when he launch hype is on point, I really hope you find someone who can uphold the graphical flair you use in this.
However the whole wrapping around of the scrolling is disorienting, character are both on the left and the right, it break all frame of reference.
« Reply #147 on: February 04, 2017, 06:05:07 PM » |
That smug face when he launch hype is on point, I really hope you find someone who can uphold the graphical flair you use in this.
However the whole wrapping around of the scrolling is disorienting, character are both on the left and the right, it break all frame of reference.
Thanks a lot, fairly fond of the smug myself! Been on a passive lookout for artist, just to already have people in mind for when I'm ready. Also been practicing drawing myself for worse case scenario. As for the wrapping, I never noticed that. This happens because there's only 4 person, shouldn't be a problem when I add more people. The why, is because it's supposed to simulate a round table (bar). The back and forth is a bug I got so used to I forgot (well the objection one where it spins to get back on the same character). After a good second look, I think I see what you mean. After using the skill, camera goes from player to "guy in black" by going 2 left instead of 1 right. I'll have to look into that as it should always pick shortest direction. (exactly to prevent noticing character being on left & right) So wow, thanks! added stuff on my to do list!
« Reply #148 on: February 09, 2017, 04:57:26 PM » |
-Entry 50- Entry 50!!! We made it. More than a year of progress and updates, now reaching quite a milestone! Wasn’t sure what would be worthy, So I just went with expanding the thing that got the most “likes”… The stats! Not sure why, seems like people like to see bars fill up! I do too, don’t worry. I added some slick pop up for stat level up! Here’s a pretty meta demo!  So yeah, stats get experience by doing related actions. I decided to go with levels granting some new ability to the character. (although the level of the stat itself might also have some use) I previously said I’d keep the stat effects secrets but I guess the above spoils one! Still subject to change though but it’s something I always wanted. I want the action of “reading” to actually provide a short (very short & mostly snipped) of a story. Some of which being relevant to your situation. A smart player reading a story involving a certain poison might wonder if such a thing is possible. With the ability to receive tips, the player would have “introspection moment” after reading essentially a huge WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE  to the player that: Hey! this might be doable. We will see how that goes, it’s still in conceptual stage. With this, thanks to everyone who has been following (or lurking, I see you). Hopefully, this has been interesting and continues to be! I’m sure I still have some cool things in store but the core is kind of there. I hope I don’t have another 50 to go (like seriously this should have been done 20 updates ago!!) but If I do yay 100. Oh and to change things up: If you are interested into how I did stuff, please ask. Been seeing some implementation of other game and found it really interesting! So I’d like to do the same. So as always, feedback and suggestion appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:54:48 PM by Joh »
« Reply #149 on: February 09, 2017, 05:07:32 PM » |
Level 1
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2017, 08:42:34 PM » |
Congrats on 50 devlog entries! I've been following for a while and seeing all the progress you've made really impresses and motivates me to work harder on my projects! A while ago I mentioned the game to a friend of mine who is also a big Ace Attorney fan and he thought the idea was great. Every once in a while he'll ask me if this game is still being worked on. I think both of us really want to see this get better and better and are excited for a (distant future) release! On behalf of both of us, keep up the great work!
« Reply #151 on: February 10, 2017, 01:03:36 AM » |
Cool concept and congrats on the 50th devlog entry! Watching games grow is very inspiring, keep the updates coming, hit that 100 mark man 
« Reply #152 on: February 11, 2017, 11:45:13 AM » |
Oh boy... guess its time to change signature again :/ cheers! Thanks! Congrats on 50 devlog entries! I've been following for a while and seeing all the progress you've made really impresses and motivates me to work harder on my projects! A while ago I mentioned the game to a friend of mine who is also a big Ace Attorney fan and he thought the idea was great. Every once in a while he'll ask me if this game is still being worked on. I think both of us really want to see this get better and better and are excited for a (distant future) release! On behalf of both of us, keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot. A two for 1 ! always nice to know people are (still!) interested! I'll keep up to good work and I'm looking forward to an hopefully not too distant release. Cool concept and congrats on the 50th devlog entry! Watching games grow is very inspiring, keep the updates coming, hit that 100 mark man  50 is a lot, never thought I'd get so far (mostly because I didn't think it would take so long) And I guess I'm making the same mistake hoping I don't make it to 100  Still got quite some growth to go through! Again thanks all  Been making a lot of progress lately (motivation boost!) hopefully I got some more update soon.
« Reply #153 on: February 11, 2017, 11:59:08 AM » |
NO!!! it's meant to say this project is a killer, aka great
« Reply #154 on: February 11, 2017, 05:00:13 PM » |
NO!!! it's meant to say this project is a killer, aka great
Don't worry, I took it as a positive comment! I thought It was more of a display of cheer and happiness (like the character in the image) Was joking about changing it since all that joy suddenly crashes down (wouldnt want that to happen!) Project being a killer is much simpler, just as positive although a bit more hidden of an interpretation to me  I'll take it! PS. wouldn't have change the signature, these thing take time! It is a bit misleading though (no cute stuff here) so i'll change it again someday 
« Reply #155 on: February 18, 2017, 07:06:07 PM » |
Best kind of progress Is stealth progress! Or maybe I just didn't want to go beyond 50  Just thought I'd share my lastest piece of Art: My boy went to Space!  Now he obviously didn't, but its not like I know where he actually was, so I can't really object either. A wise man once said: thats the piece of ArtI do like to do some art sometimes, wish I was better but I think this one came out alright.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:53:48 PM by Joh »
« Reply #156 on: February 18, 2017, 08:18:04 PM » |
I like your art, they have some flair
« Reply #157 on: February 24, 2017, 03:45:54 PM » |
Thank you! -Entry 51- Flag activation and Stat branching. Funny thing to realize! While I did make a system to take in stat (or flag) values a long time ago. I had actually not made a system to change/set the flag & stat (Guess I forgot) So now I did, allowing some branching narrative based on your stats or flags activated. Here's a little test of it.  In this case, talking to Tyson triggers a flag that is checked when talking to Jason. It's not like I actually changed what Jason says. It's just that a certain "If statement" in what Jason should say makes him say something different when the flag was triggered. I expect it to be quite useful for when it comes to acknoledging some little moments, like your answers, or the things you did personally that don't really affect the whole story, but might make some later interaction make no sense. With this, 51. Good to be back!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:52:44 PM by Joh »
« Reply #158 on: March 02, 2017, 03:28:30 PM » |
-Entry 52- Reaction pops! No better way to give the game a bit more life! If the character sprite expression doesn’t cut it, a little animation could help! Not sure how exactly i'll use them but seemed like a sweet useful feature.  They also work during dialogue.  Thats it for today!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:51:16 PM by Joh »
« Reply #159 on: March 11, 2017, 03:27:13 PM » |
Entry 53 -Weapon Clash- There was already the location clash, when you can set the murder location assuming you have the evidence to back it up. Now you can do the same with weapons!(Always nice to be able to make partial reuse)  Changing the murder weapon should reset the Weapon access. So if you change the weapon, you should go through the weapon access again to see and know who had access to it. (Location doesn’t have that because the game can automatically cross-link who has been in the scene of the crime based on whatever was said.) From a logical point of view, no point of discussing access to weapons unless they are relevant to the case. Oh and now you can't suggest the status quo. (well you can but it will count as a cancellation). Fun little story: When I was testing the clash, I tried claiming the knife did it. (which it did) Backed it up with evidence (which was valid) and the group still rejected my proposition! Turns out I had gattered a lot of suspicion. Reset my suspicion and the same proposition passed just fine. I had totally forgotten That I set it up so Others do let their suspicion guide their judgements! (relationship too)! With this I believe I’m fairly advanced in the trial mode. Still have: -Other section. (keeping it for later) -Integration of meltdown. (they exist, but nothing triggers them yet) -More skills (yay!) -Intro! Just a section that sets up the status quo (default location, weapon, time of death & potentially other stuff) at the start. Outside of gameplay-Variance. The Trial is created based on the facts of the game, but it still fits a template. It Has to. I want to have multiple switchable templates for varied presentations. -Balancing. It’s really hard to generate situations you can win without Others lying for NO REASON! I mean, if they are all innocent, without lying they should be able to stay safe from OBJECTION. At the same time, If the one Person that could be made quite suspicious happens to get healed a lot, Your way to victory kind of gets cut out. Balancing how much lying, how much thruth, how supporting of each other the cast is will be interesting. As always, feedback and suggestions are appreciated!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:50:08 PM by Joh »