End of Year Rant

So...2017 quest is finishing up. The Boss has been beaten back once again.
Along with our thanks and gratitude, a little post-launch-mayhem follows.
We Finished the game!Wow. Thy Sword was our second game so far. Lots of lessons learned, many still to come.
There's nothing quite like the feeling when you press the "publish" button. Joy, exhaustion, doubt, hope and lots more.
All in one epic package.
Made our own game!Like many other stories here, we did it our way. As indies, we often times find the underdog position challenging,
but also empowering in a way. we CAN do it our way! Compromises are made every day in life. With this game we can
honestly say we managed to bring our vision to life, although it took a few years.
Indie Fellowship rocks!Couldn't have done it without you guys. Sniff.
Shed the invisibility cloak!You can make the greatest of games, but it sure helps if people know about it.
This proved to be one of the hard ones. Steam has changed its formulas over the years, and visibility
is hard to come by, at least on a tight budget. With limited marketing resources we depend on influencers and indie press.
We knew that we were in it for the long haul and not for headlines to sell games...
But it's still oh so quiet in the hallways of press coverage.
If you own the game and like to leave a short review that would help us out in a huge and epic way.
Thank You all and see you next year. It will be epic. 