Media :
14.06.2015 :
[old version with aircrafts instead of vehicles] :
[old version with aircrafts instead of vehicles]
17.12.2015 :
03.01.2016 :
Overview :
- The game is an open-world racing shmup in which you have to move from island to island in the Hyperbelt, a long geographically enclosed sea filled with islands that are only reachable with a dedicated compass.
In each island you have to fight your way through Guardian enemies to make them drop a Frequency Chipset, which is a device you plug into your compass leading you to the next main island.
- Each main island has a central city where you can buy items and customize your gear.
In the city there is an Information Exchange Center, Laboratories, Shops, Galleries...
Story :
Your goal is to make yourself a way to Nausicaa, the last island of the Hyperbelt, to find a treasure left by Rogue, the only man known to have conquered that sea.
You will encounter Marines, Bounty-Hunters, and Guardians, all trying to stop you for a reason you have yet to discover, as that treasure is believed to contain more than just wealth and power.
Driven by Rogue's last words, Hunters are setting to find Nausicaa and discover what has Rogue left for human kind to discover.
[I'm keeping the story away from the dev log, as it would spoil and ruin the feeling of discovering what the Monokai treasure is]
Story-telling :
- Story is told through a set of Logs that are accessible from the Menu, these Logs hold information about the world such as its geography/history, creatures that reside in it, Enemies you meet, or information about other Hunters like you.
Whenever you meet a new creature, enemy, or find a new place, the corresponding Log is updated with new information that you can check anytime.
As such, there are no dialogues to tell the story, it's all about exploring the world and collecting data about it.
- Types of Logs include:
> Enemies Log
> Geography Log
> History Log
> Hunters Log
> Creatures Log
> Bounty Log
> Pictures Log
> Maps Log
> Achievements Log
- Note that some Log Entries aren't collectible in the game world, this includes data about some other Hunters you don't get to meet in the world, or some information about history or geography. The only way to get these kinds of information is through the Information Exchange Center in cities, in which you can exchange Log Entries with new ones.
- Also note that finding out about the geography and history of the world is crucial if you want to reach Nausicaa; its positions isn't prescribed in any Frequency Chipset.
What you get to do :
-Roaming:The route to Nausicaa is considered almost impossible for most players to finish, and as such there are other routes like finding treasures in far away places, or discovering secondary islands and what information do they hold.
-Creatures Catching :Catching creatures that are heard to only spawn on certain areas in the world, can be then sold to Laboratories in some cities or to Zoos.
Catching them is done via purchased capsules of different types based on what kind of creature you're catching ( fast, slow, small, big...)
-Treasures Hunting :More info to come.
-Bounty Hunting :More info to come.
-Racing:More info to come.
-Photographing:Taking pics of some creatures and storing them in the Pictures Logs for later reference or to sell them to Laboratories or to Galleries.
Links :
Tumblr dev log : page :