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Author Topic: KREEP - Steam!  (Read 8449 times)
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« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2016, 08:15:05 AM »

Hi there!

The last two weeks were full of bad luck (health issues, disapproval from Valve, visit at a local veterinarian all kinds of things Sad ), and as a result my productivity approached zero. Actually it did reach it when it comes to Unified Theory my upcoming game, but thankfully I could pull myself together to complete and release the 1.2 update for Operation KREEP.

The 1.2 update:

Last time I've written a lengthy post about the contents and details of this update and not much has changed on this front, but I made some extra fluff for the game since.

A new box art kind-a thingy:

A new announcement trailer for the update:

I added trading cards to the steam build as it was mentioned (and requested) by many as a good value addition for steam games, because many players go crazy for collecting them. It was not a big deal to create them, but took surprisingly many tries to get every related content right and up for the requested quality bar (though descriptions and requirement docs. were decent).

The game itself hasn't been modified much. I found a few minor bugs and fixed them, some were new ones related to the new fine tunings and modifications, few were old ones hiding for a while now, but nothing major. And as a last minute unmissable colossal modification which happens with every single software close to a dead-line Roll Eyes, I enhanced the input buffering capabilities of the game and successfully incorporated a "buffered direction change tap" detection logic to make "tile lane changing maneuvers" possible. Seems to be working well, made the keyboard and dpad controls even more responsive and pleasant. It isn't actually that complicated, but sort-of interesting (I guess Undecided), so I'm thinking about writing a short post dedicated to the topic instead of delivering an inadequate explanation now.

I'm currently trying to promote the update and the game (press, youtubers, streamers etc...), but probably it isn't going to yield much results. I mentioned before this is not a big deal, I consider this an "experiment", so even if it does not show any return, the update was a rather small one to begin with.

Soon I'm going to have all my time devoted to my next game.

Next stop is the finalized look and the alpha release of Unified Theory which I've been neglecting for far too long now.
Stay tuned!

Level 10

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« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2016, 08:51:14 AM »

Great to see that you are still updating the game. I think it is important to continue nurturing something even if you know it might not yield much of a result!

Level 1

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« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2016, 12:45:29 AM »


Thx. Yep, "Software: Never Finished, Only Abandoned" and I think this is especially true for games! You always could and want to add more. That is why I love the english "release" word, since it's real meaning fits games/software so well. There is a point when you have to let it go.

Did it multiple times with KREEP, and I'm guessing I'm going to do it again in the future, giving it just a little more love Smiley

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« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2016, 08:34:58 AM »

Hello everyone!

In my last post about Operation KREEP, I mentioned that for the 1.2 update of the game I made some improvements to the input handling logic and hinted a near future deep-dive into this topic. Quite a while ago, right before releasing the Steam version, I wrote a similar post describing the input handling enhancements I made back than. Although it is a bit lengthy, if you are interested in the technical details of high level input handling logic I highly recommend it. Not a requirement though, since I'm continuing this post with its summary to level up your knowledge for easier digesting of the upcoming technical details.

Short recap

The game plays on a grid and all entities move complete tiles (no standing in between two tiles). Each "move" action by a player will actually take multiple frames to complete (precisely 12 which is 200 milliseconds under 60 fps). The players usually do not feel this (it does not feel laggy/bugging), since it is a quite fast and action packed game + 200 ms is not much and the overall rules/design of the game is deeply intertwined with grid based movement.

The initial movement handling logic was utterly simplistic. If a direction button is pressed the player moves towards that direction, with a silly hard coded priority for handling cases when multiple direction buttons are down: "Up" beats "Down" beats "Left" beats "Right". When a player is already moving and the corresponding direction button is held down it will be handled with highest priority, so continuing movement forward is considered "important/intentional".

Warning, warning incoming pseudo code:

void handleIdle() {
    if input.isPressed("up") {
    } else if input.isPressed("down") {
    } else if input.isPressed("left") {
    } else if input.isPressed("right") {
First pass of input handling in "Idle" character state.

void handleMoving() {
    if (input.isPressed(currentDirection)) {
    } else if (input.nonePressed) {
    } else {
        // this will handle direction change
        // the same way as in "Idle" state
First pass of input handling in "Moving" character state.

That is it. This simple control mechanism was really easy to code certainly but it wasn't intuitive nor responsive, and clearly intentional actions were missed out from time to time. It took me some time to realize that it was bugging many players and it could be improved a lot.

Around the 1.1 (Steam) release, I made significant changes to this system, by introducing some smart checks to figure out the intentions of a player as best as possible. These rules included:
  • Checking the surroundings of the player character.
  • Taking non-walkable target tiles into consideration (making them a less preferred choice).
  • Taking dynamic blockers like other players, props or the KREEP, into consideration (just as important targets as walkable tiles).
  • Saving the elapsed time since the last press of each direction button to use it for prioritization (presses closer to the direction change in time considered more important/intentional).

These modification made a huge difference back than. At least the "testing committee" (a.k.a. friends) had an immediate positive reaction, although I still had some ideas for improvement I was thrilled by the results. For more details about these enhancements, please check the old post. I'm jumping onto new stuff now!

The missed tap

One thing that was still bugging me related to these movement controls and the overall responsiveness of the game is the "missed tap". Due to one move action taking 12 frames, the direction change evaluation logic runs "rarely" and it is easy to miss it by a frame or two. An occasional maneuver is trying to change "lanes", by moving one tile perpendicular to our current direction, but continuing in the original direction right afterwards.

Some players (including me), try to achieve "lane changing" by holding down the main direction button and tapping the perpendicular direction button. The perpendicular direction gets bigger priority, due to the press occurring closer to direction evaluation in time, so it would be selected as the new direction for the player.

But being a short tap the button state may be released one or two frames early and usually the following happens:

Based on my guesswork, trying to achieve "lane changing" with a tap fails 3 out of 4 times (may be even worse). This is not hard to detect and sort-of can be made sure to be not mixed up with different intentions, so here comes my solution.

Implementation details

Instead of saving only one elapsed time since the press of a direction button, two timers are saved for the last two states (regardless whether it is pressed or released currently). This way we can buffer the most recent changes and the preceding actions of the players related to movement (buffering input events and their timings).

struct BufferedInput
    bool pressed;
    float currentElapsed;
    float previousElapsed;
    void update(bool state, float dt)
        if (pressed == state)
            currentElapsed += dt;
            previousElapsed = currentElapsed;
            currentElapsed = dt;
            pressed = state; // pressed changed, timers swapped, current restarted...

That is the most crucial part of the solution. From now on we can detect the "missed taps" when evaluating the player movement, since we have all the required data. I think each game needs a little fine-tuning / trial and error regarding this part as timings and speed wildly varies between them, but my logic and my numbers may be useful:

const float FrameTime = 1f / 60f; // frame time in case of 60 fps
const float MovementTime = 12 * FrameTime;

bool detectBufferedTap(BufferedInput input)
    if (!input.pressed)
        var tapTime = input.currentElapsed + input.previousElapsed;
        if (tapTime <= (MovementTime - 2 * FrameTime))
            if (input.currentElapsed <= input.previousElapsed)
                return true
    return false;

This means that the game considers a situation a missed tap, when a direction button is released during evaluation, a press occurred at least 2 frames after leaving the last tile (last direction evaluation) and the button was in a pressed state for at least as much time as it was released during these x <= 10 frames.

Taking these "missed taps" into account with just as much priority as a pressed input button, while the player is moving and a direction evaluation occurs, reverses the 3 out of 4 failures, so approximately 3 out of 4 times (maybe even better) a short tap is enough for a tile lane change. Tried tweaking this logic and the numbers, but could not really improve the consistency further. I'm happy with these results though. And again, after this update, controlling the game felt much better than before!

Probably there won't be updates for (nor posts about) Operation KREEP for a long while, since despite my efforts the game could only reach a miniscule audience + I'm getting fully occupied by my upcoming game Unified Theory, but who knows what the future holds  Smiley...

Take care!

Level 1

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« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2017, 12:06:01 PM »

Year in a review 2016: Operation KREEP

This game has a special place in my heart by now Smiley . I know it is not a big thing and commercially it did not break even, but it wasn't it's ultimate goal in the first place (most of it was developed while I had a day job). I released it last summer on Steam, and so far with the other stores, sales and bundles combined at least it made some pocket money. As I mentioned before, I learned an awful lot about planning, production, pr, marketing, publishing and further maintaining a game (so the whole gamedev package).

During autumn, I made and released a small update for it and experienced the black magic of traffic analysis, visibilities, the wishlist, the discovery queue and the like on Steam first hand. KREEP was also discounted during the winter sale. Together these two events netted as much as the Steam release, which wasn't much but it is still nice. May be an important bit of info to all indies out there: there is a tracked average conversion rate of all wishlists on the whole Steam service (which is kind-of a low percentage for real Shocked ). Do not expect a bigger number than that for your game, even if you discount or update your game (you know, DOOM and XCOM2 is also discounted all the time Tongue ). Maybe in the long run it can be better with multiple discounts and updates.

A small announcement regarding the game:
It is currently taking part in the "Pixel Dungeons" Indie Gala bundle. If you are interested in trying it out, now you can get a Steam key for it + keys for 11 other indie titles on Steam dirt cheep Wink .
I know bundles have a rather bad reputation these days, but they sort-of allowed me to get the game on Steam in the first place + it is now in the Steam library of thousands of players, which probably would have never happened otherwise. I know bundling your game probably means, that it is not selling well (heck it usually is an equivalent of a 75%-90% discount), but you get some word out about your game and you get a lot of new players, even if it only yields a tiny revenue.

I'm also working on a Linux/Mac port. There have been multiple requests for both builds + having cross-platform development experience and a build pipeline in place is valuable in the long run (I know, that both users combined are still less than 10% of all desktop gamers), though I'm still fighting with the Linux build Durr...? Sad , but slowly getting there.


Level 1

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« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2017, 10:24:53 PM »

Hi everyone!

Haven't written for months now about Operation KREEP. It is time to revisit this old buddy bud bud of mine!
Yes, as the title suggest, it is cross-platform time Wink ...

Not official, but soon...

Nope, sadly no official release yet Sad , but the Linux build is ready and tested (at least on my Nix machines) and the MAC build is ready for testing too. This means, that in a week or two an official release can happen, although a little piece of the puzzle is missing.

I require additional pylons!

I have two PCs, so I tested the Linux version of the game on two Ubuntu versions, but more would be nice (zillion distros Sad ) + I HAVE NO MAC MACHINE Sad ...
This means, that the MAC build essentially never ever been started! I would really love to release the cross-platform builds, players already asked for them, but without sufficient testing it is not going to happen. Buying a MAC would be a somewhat logical investment at this point, but Operation KREEP (and my whole game development venture for that matter) is on an extremely tight budget as it is not profitable so far, so I will try to postpone that a little.

Feedback, results, "compensation"

Based on the differences between the builds (almost 0 code change, only packaging varies), I think a few simple checks would suffice. Whether installation works (files copied, icons set etc...), whether the game starts and basic configuration settings checks (settings work and are saved to correct application data folders) + a short test play round just for fun Wink .

I know it is shady to ask for free QA for a product, but this is the reality of the situation I'm in Undecided . If you would like to help out I thought about sharing a limited amount of Steam/itch.io/IndieGameStand keys for the full game as a "payment".

I put together a short form to ease reporting results: KREEP, apples and penguins
If you dislike sharing any personal information, but still would like to help out, please simply post results as comments here or contact me by e-mail:
[email protected]

I guess contact info of a cheap&used MAC reseller in Hungary could help too if you know any Smiley .

Demo builds


Porting tech stuff

Just a little tech talk as closing words. The windows version of the game was made in C# using XNA. Two really cool projects were born to both preserve and enhance XNA in the last few years. MonoGame and FNA. Both are great and well established/tested at this point, but I choose FNA for porting Operation KREEP to Linux and MAC. My reasoning was the following:
  • Around a year or two ago when I was using MonoGame to work on my Linux machines I encountered some difficulties. MonoGame on Nix platform was using OpenTK for window, input and OpenGL context management and as I know, that library had it's fair share of bugs and there was no real support/contribution/fixes for it for a long while.

    Remark: as I know the MonoGame team changed to SDL2 lately, the same library FNA uses under the hood so it is probably not the case by now.

  • MonoGame favors a per-platform build approach, which looking at all the possible target platforms (desktop, mobile, consoles) is a logical choice, but requires managing and building multiple executables for each target. FNA from the get go approached this with a common desktop runtime, so one build works on all major desktop platforms (only packaging has to be taken care of per target).

    Remark: if I'm not mistaken, last year a "common desktop" build was introduced for MonoGame too, so technically it could work the same way as FNA for desktop.

  • The FNA developer Ethan Lee had laser focus on cross-platform desktop XNA development and delivery, and the wiki for FNA had a really nice documentation about both working with FNA (differences and extras compared to XNA) and packaging + delivering games using it for Windows, MAC OS X and Linux. This documentation seemed really helpful and complete.

All in all I suspect both libraries could work perfectly for publishing your games to the three major desktop platforms, but I wanted to give FNA a try too. I was pleasantly surprised, most things worked like a snap without much fiddling.

That is it for today, in a few days I'll post a new video & blog entry for I am overburdened. If you decide to help MUCH LOVE, SUCH WOW Smiley and thanks awfully!

Take care!

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