« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2015, 05:41:40 AM » |
Fantastic look sand! Really cool to see the tools in action. You may have mentioned this before, but how many are working on the project? It looks like you're making some very speedy progress.
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2015, 12:57:55 AM » |
Thanks a lot! We are 9 people working on it and we are working a lot and very fast in enemies, guns and classes. Our goal is to launch Immortal Redneck around September 2016, I hope we make it
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2015, 03:18:30 AM » |
New devlog! The fifth already! This time I'm finally talking about Immortal Redneck's guns, about three of them to be precise. Grandpa, the handgunI have already talked about the first one, Grandpa, the handgun. This time you can see a little more in action about it. The handgun is named Grandpa ( more about the background story here) has a strong recoil, but it’s a powerful weapon. We are not sure about the size of the magazine just yet, but there will probably be around 10 or 12 bullets. It’s design is rudimentary and almost impossible, but that’s intentional. The way it’s hold, the way you reload it and its hammer are plain stupid, and we love that, but we wanted it to look like it works, like it's a real handgun. Even if our animations are simple, every frame is special to us and we need everything to work together. So yeah: silly gun, clever concept. I wish I could insert the 3d model in real time we uploaded to sketchfab or the video of Grandpa shooting, but tigsource doesn't support it Here's a link to it. It was staff picked, and that made the team really happy. Mr. Tickles, the shotgunThe background story behind this one is my favourite so far: it involves the redneck's mom and dad and a cow called Betty. Basically, his dad thought it was a good idea to milk the cow in the kitchen, the cow panicked, knocked him out and her mom had to tickler the animal with Mr. Tickles. That's how she told the little redneck when he arrived at the kitchen and show such a spetacle. As you can imagine, the shotgun is a beast that makes a lot of damage, has a great spread but its range is really short. we are afraid it ends up overpowered, that's why we made a slow reload and we are thinking over the amount of ammo you can carry. Again, plese click here to check the 3d model in sketchfab and take a look at the gun in action. Dina, the dynamiteAnd last, but not least, Dina, the dynamite. The name is the redneck sister's name. Se is a very problematic girl with a bad temper, so you can understand why he thought it was a good joke to name a explosive after her. Theres not much to tell about the dynamite bundle: it explodes, it makes huge damage and blows up either on contact with an enemy or after a few seconds after you ignite the fuse – we don't have that effect implemented yet, btw. Again, take a look at our 3D model in sketchfab and see how our dynamite explodes. And more coming soonThose are our first three guns. Grandpa, Mr. Tickles and Dina are the most basic ones in Immortal Redneck because they are the starter class’ ones, but that doesn’t mean they are not powerful or useful. Each one of the classes in Immortal Redneck will have their own guns, but there will be others you’ll grab while playing, also. The stats of each class and gun will affect the way you play our game, so you’ll probably have favorites and you’ll use different strategies depending of which one you choose in each run And just so you don’t have to imagine what we are trying to do, look at this artwork. How much would you like an electrified whip in a FPS? Next week, if everything goes as intended, I'll show you how we are creating our randomly generated rooms.
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2015, 08:59:06 AM » |
Wow, this is looking great! I've never ventured into the world of 3D game development (maybe one day) so your post on the sand was very interesting and eye-opening to me. I have to say I'm absolutely loving the aesthetics of your game, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more.
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2015, 08:24:44 AM » |
Hi there! I'm Here again with another devlog about Immortal Redneck. I'll try to be brief this time, since most I'm showing is artwork. Most stuff in our game happens indoors, inside the pyramids full of rooms and full of enemies. But outside them, you improve your character and unlock new classes, abilites and more. You need gold for this, of course, and you only obtain it inside the pyramids. When you die, you get to spend it all, since once you get inside a pyramid again, you lose it all. The sarcophagusMore on this later. For now, enjoy our sarcophagus, the mystical coffin where you regenerate each time you die. We tried different faces and styles for the plataform where it rests. The final one is the, uh, final one. Different tests for the sarcophagus. We changed the head later.The plataform design testsThe final plataform with the almost final sarcophagusAnd this is the final sarcophagusThe skill treeTheres two crucial stuff outside the pyramids you'll need to keep on your mind all the time: the skill tree and the merchant. I won't say much about the merchant because we are not ready yet and because it's pretty obvious, so I'll tell you a little about the skill tree. Firts of all, it's a literal skill tree: it has a place outside the pyramids and it grows as you make your character stronger and it grows new branches when you unlock new classes. How do you make it grow? When you spend gold. Obviously, the tree itself needn't gold for anything, but the gods do. Here's a gif of how we want the tree to develop. It's an acacia, btw, a sacred tree in Ancient Egypt. And last, but not least: more conceptsWe are still working on the 3D envorinment outside the pyramids, so we can't show you much about it. But it would be really rude to just tell you about them, so I have some concept arts so you can imagine the inmense scale of the pyramids and the sense of awe the poor redneck feels everytime he gets out the sarcophagus. Of course, the final game won't look exactly like these concepts, but it will surely be a mix of all the ideas in them. Enjoy them and tell me about what you like or what you don't if you feel like it, please. Our first ideas about the game were rather different from where we are going right now, but I thought you'd like to see these futuristic pyramids. Once we knew we'd take the more ordinary egyptian atmosphere, we started making more concepts. In this one, you can see the merchant tent and the skill tree. This is the concept you probably have seen a lot of times in this devlog, since I posted it as an example many times. We wanted something big and esoteric all around the egyptian stuff And this is a door, but not an ordinary one. It's the door to the first pyramid. We should have drawn a redneck so you could understand the scale of this structure: it's about 20 meters tall. And that's all. I know I'm showing too much concepts and too little gameplay, but that's going to change soon. My next post will probably be about the randomly generated rooms, so I hope you like it. And this one too! Thanks for reading
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2015, 12:17:34 PM » |
Love these concepts & the overall idea, really goes back to FPS PC games from the late 90's
Will you be doing any sort of closed or open beta testing? *raises hand*
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2015, 02:59:28 AM » |
Love these concepts & the overall idea, really goes back to FPS PC games from the late 90's
Will you be doing any sort of closed or open beta testing? *raises hand*
We are planing to release a demo, so you can play it all you want Not a fixed date yet for it, but I will tell you the moment is ready for download :D
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2015, 03:59:11 AM » |
Monday! New devlog! Uh, sorry. This one is really short and is just a little more insight about our sand rendering tricks. I've already showed you a shader we created to render sand, and today I'm showing you another one that we are going to use to create some dissolving effect. The new shaderOur new shader has two values: one that allow us to make transitions from any texture to sand and another one that makes the object dissappear from top to bottom while using the world position as a reference. Thanks to it, we can make animations as cool as this one: We decided to add a sand particle while the object dissolves so it looks more dramatic. And by the way, the shader uses a noise texture. Easy to use in this kind of effects and easy to use. We use our other sand shader, tooTo make it better ingame, we wrote a script so we could use our other sand rendering shader. This first shader paints sand according to the vertex colors in a plane, so once the animation is in motion and the sand particle splashes, the script starts painting the vertices below the given object. Like this: This can be used to achieve other cool sand effects, like an enemy leaving a sand trail while moving. We’ll probably use it in a future creature because ir really looks nice: So, summarize......this effect is achieved with a few tricks: - the new shader that uses a noise texture to make a non linear transition,
- a sand particule system from Unity,
- our other sand vertex shader,
- a script that paints those vertices
- and the animation putting it all together.
I hope you like how we are using the sand in the game. I hope I can show you a little more ingame stuff in the near future, but these things, they take time. I'm changing the game percentage to 20% since we already have a pre-alpha demo working. I can't share it with you just yet since it's really early stuff, but again, I want you to play it as soon as possible, so I'll keep you updated. Meanwhile, you can take a look at our screenshot saturday's screens. It's pre-alpha and shadows aren't working as we wanted, but we couldn't wait anymore! As always, please tell me what you think about it so we can make a better game
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2015, 05:29:50 AM » |
Looking really great! I'll be following!
Level 1
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2015, 08:53:01 AM » |
The sand looks so good. Watched the gifs too many times.
It's all good.
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2015, 12:15:29 PM » |
Loving the look of this so far. It has a definite vibe of Team Fortress 2 crossed with Serious Sam about it visually, but still manages to look unique. It would be great if there was some sort of multiplayer mode, even just a straightforward deathmatch, but given what you've said so far it's understandable if you focus on the single player.
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2015, 08:14:52 PM » |
Catchy title, slick art, and interesting devlog!
I especially appreciated the post on the sand shader, I really like how your technique fills sand into the floor cracks. Thanks for sharing!
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2015, 01:10:01 AM » |
The shader of everything turning to sand is great! Can't wait to see some enemies in the game.
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2015, 06:05:59 AM » |
Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions, guys! It means a lot for us. Loving the look of this so far. It has a definite vibe of Team Fortress 2 crossed with Serious Sam about it visually, but still manages to look unique. It would be great if there was some sort of multiplayer mode, even just a straightforward deathmatch, but given what you've said so far it's understandable if you focus on the single player.
We'd love to develop a multiplayer, and we have some ideas for it, but our resources are limited and we are focusing on the campaign. Once it's done (or we win the lottery and can hire another ten more people to do it), we'll see what's next
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2015, 05:58:26 AM » |
Hey! New devlog today about the drops in Immortal Redneck. It's easy to understand that a game that's both an arcade FPS and a roguelites needs drops so you can survive. We have five types of drops: guns, ammo, health, gold and scrolls. Guns, ammo, healthGuns are dropped either by killed enemies or by opened loot chests in special rooms. If you want to know a little more about how we are planning them, you can read this previous devlog. Ammo replenish your bullets, shells, etc. and is dropped by dead enemies in two sizes: small and big cans. No matter the size of them, you'll always pick ammo for each of your guns, but in differente quantities: the primary gun take most, the secondary/special a little less and the third/heavy one, even less ammo. We have to work the numbers yet on this matter, but that's the idea. Health is as simple as it gets: heal you up when you pick it and is kind of rare. It's represented by a tasty crocodile steak, so yeah, you kill monsters and eat their meals. GoldNow, the most importante drops. First, gold, Immortal Redneck's currency. We have three types of coin that will grant you different amounts of gold and they are dropped by killed enemies, again. Gold is used to buy skills and to unlock new classes in the skill tree and to buy better guns in the merchant. More about it here. ScrollsAnd last, but not least, the scrolls. This is the most roguelikish aspect of our drops, since scrolls give you a different ability or state. They can be both good and bad for you, though: there's a chancee you pick one up and it increases your health, but also a chance that it makes the whole screen pixelated and you can't see well. This might seems as a kind of annoying feature, that's why we are going to test the shit out of it so it's not unfair and you just feel there's a risk each time you pick a scroll. We want this tension to be part of Immortal Redneck's momentum: being surrounded by enemies, killing them and thinking a scroll might help you, but fearing it can also be a bad idea. And what kind of scrolls do we have? I'll give you some: - Explorer: Reveals the whole floor map
- Heavy Duty: One more weapon slot
- Pay Day: Win more gold with each drop
- Bullseye: You hit harder with each shot that hits an enemy. If you miss, the counter resets and starts
- Tortoise: Hits in your back don't damage you
- Second chance: If you get killed, you instantly reappear where you died.
Those are the good ones, but our bad scrolls will take you jump, make you slow, change your weapons randomly and such things. Be prepared! So that's it for today. If you want to read a longer, less summarized version of this devlog, visit our official page. And as always, thanks in advance for you comments and insight about our game. It's always really helpful.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 02:43:12 AM by YaW »
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2015, 12:41:18 AM » |
I think those 'this could either be very helpful, or very unhelpful' drops are part of the risk/reward mechanics of most roguelike games. Will the buffs/debuffs be temporary, or permanent?
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2015, 02:02:54 AM » |
I think those 'this could either be very helpful, or very unhelpful' drops are part of the risk/reward mechanics of most roguelike games. Will the buffs/debuffs be temporary, or permanent?
It would depend on each particular one! You can win a double jump that works until you die or a temporary blurry vision, for exmaple. Thanks for asking, man :D
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2015, 02:26:31 AM » |
I'm sure there's some non-game breaking permanent debuffs that could work! Every time you jump, for instance, you take some damage. Or, the clip-size for your current weapon is halved. Nothing that would mess the player up on the spot, forever, but something that might affect their longevity and force the player to pick different strategies on the fly. I'm sure that'll be a fun thing to play-test, and try different effects out.
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2015, 03:33:05 AM » |
New devlog! Let's talk about one of our enemies, the Warrior. What about the Warrior?The Warrior is one of our first enemies and also one of the strongest: if he hits you with his giant mace, you’re gonna really feel the pain. It might seem like a small, fatty creature, but it’s actually more than two and a half meters (about 8,2 feet) tall. The redneck’s 1,8m (5,9 feet), so it’s huge in comparison to the player. Since I'm showing it alone and with almost nothing else to compare but our 'pharaonic' blank scene for testing, it doesn't look big at all, but believe me: it will look like that in the end. It’s a very simple enemy. It’s that kind of monster that you can easily kill with some distance and patience, but that you need to keep an eye on. If you leave one or two warriors moving around freely, they’ll end up surrounding you in the worst possible time and hitting your sorry ass hard Creation processLet's go straight to the point. The first thing we did after having 3D model inside our sandbox/test scene in Unity, was to implement his two planned states: looking for the player and going for it and try to hit him. We are using Behavior Tree, btw. Here’s the monster, just like that, without any other stuff and with a simple animation. Since the Warrior was our first monster, we did everything from scratch. It was a slow process, but it was worthy since now we can recycle some of the nodes we created for him with another creatures. So we started by making him move with a node to initialize it and another one to make him move towars the player. Obviously, to find you, the Warrior would have to move around looking for you, so we added a wander behavior to the mix. Like this. We also have a selector that chooses between the branch with the highest priority and the other ones. If the Warrior fails to see you, it will just patrol randomly until he does it. Now, he has to attack the player. He's a melee enemy, so the first thing is reaching you and then try to hit you. Achieving this was a little tricky because we wanted him to start attacking a few steps before he was at your side so it all looked more natural. The problem with this is that it would make the behavoir tree too complex, but we solved this by adding a custom node and modifyin the seek behavoir a little bit. Here's the result: Now the monster feels a lot more responsive and smart, even if the animation here is not final. Sorry about that. We had to made a little modification so The Warrior would search for the player while attacking. Without this little change, it would be really easy to just to circle around him and kill it. Look at this silly thing without this change active: To solve it, we modified the last selector so it could spin if the condition given – the player being in front of the enemy – it’s not achieved. This is the behavior tree with this stuff done: And this is the Warrior, just trying to maniacally try to smash your face in: It’s was easier said than done (or at least, that’s what the programmer told me, lol), but the results speak from themselves. Our idea is that the Warrior is not a hard enemy by itself, even if it makes tons of damage, but when you have a more creatures in a single room, a few Warriors can be a real pain in the ass. Just like here. And that was it! Hope you like The Warrior and have something to say about it, whether good or bad, haha.
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2015, 04:18:42 AM » |
very cool!