Interesting phenomenon how so many projects, groups, and even individual people are using Discord servers to promote their content. Anyone know when and why that started to become a thing?
No, I get it, Discord is a bit strange, to me especially the servers that have thousands of people but are pretty quiet in spite of that. I think it's a reaction partly to the unorganised chaos of twitter, and a progression of 'old-school' phpbb-style forums like these. IRC and chatrooms has been around forever but Discord made it so accessible, and also effective as a broadcast tool. I'm apart of a number of Discord servers and they function as a notification service for me. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but I think that's okay.
I launched a brand new trailer a few weeks back! Totally forgot to write about it here. It got picked up by Rock Paper Shotgun, and I got a post written about my game on Eurogamer for the first time, that was cool. And my Steam wishlisters have doubled since June, and that's really nice to see.
I've also just done another devlog video about these new hypnotising llama monsters that featured in the trailer, and also a new speeding-up-time system:
In my last game, The Cat Machine, which was also made in Unity it was very easy to add time speeding up, setting Time.TimeScale directly was good enough. The Eldritch Zookeeper's approach to this needed a bit more hand-holding. As well as manipulating Time.TimeScale, I'm also altering fixedDeltaTime, to change how intensely the physics all gets calculated. If you leave the fixedDeltaTime the same (0.02, usually, and by default) and you increase Time.TimeScale to 4, your physics calculations are four times as much per frame, and every visitor/monster has rigidbodies and colliders, which can be quite a CPU overhead. So I increase (non-linearly) fixedDeltaTime as the Time.TimeScale increases, and I account for the difference in the movement and animation updates, so the game simulation speeds up, it acts as similarly as possible, but it also doesn't massively increase the computation required.
It's tricky to get right! But being able to fast-forward and not hang around waiting for something to build, or be researched, or to have enough money to buy the next big thing you want to buy, is just a nice thing to have around.