« Reply #100 on: December 12, 2015, 04:59:13 AM » |
Let's go with the answers! JIMYM GIMBERT: nah, prototype and test is not an option in terms of efficiency. But thanks anyway for the proposal! TREV: Thanks, mate! Visit the post once in a while. We post new stuff on a pretty regular basis! M4UESVIECR: Yay! Thanks! Check our last tiny changes that include some tweaks so now it seems a bit more like a classroom. But yeah, background is a secondary thing here. It's exactly that. I can't recall now the exact number of "events", but it was something around 240 approx. And no, absolute NO effect over game experience due to playable character chosen. You need to see them as "avatars" for you. TAMMIDEV: Thanks a lot! We're doing our best to get them right. Now the only one who still need changes in the CLASS illustration is RED. PIXEL NOISE: Thanks! (: Yeah, I'm OK with you! We have a REAL CHALLENGE with dialogues. Art&Dialogues will be key to success! We're collaborating with a COLLEGE HUMOR contributor to maximize results! (: You can check TONE, STYLES & REFERENCES And here you have an... EXAMPLE OF DIALOGUE Each dialogue presents two options to the player. Either can be right or wrong. Each one has a success and a failure outcome that depends on stats. Like this: Royal Girl dialogue (at the cafetería) – dialogue is divided in the same way it would be shown at the game.
ROYAL GIRL: “Hey, you, what’s your name, with the jeans. Can you help me?” ROYAL GIRL: “I’m confused here. They have served me this meal but I can only find one fork, one knife and one spoon.” ROYAL GIRL: “Where are the other seventeen classic silverware pieces?” ROYAL GIRL: “You know: the knife to exclusively cut foie gras, the small fork with no real use but making the regular fork feels manlier, and the other ones.” ROYAL GIRL: I need to know: how do you, the commoners, manage to eat with just these 3 plastic thingies? It’s so weird… yet fascinating.”
YOU: OPTION 1: “this surprises you? Oh, girl, let me tell you about a thing called spork. It will blow your mind…” OPTION 2: “I’m as surprised as you! As a matter of fact I’m also part of the nobility. I’m Sir Edward… uhm… Fork…ington III … heir of the dukedom of… Napkin…shire!”
OPTION 1 – SUCCESS: NARRATOR: And then, you spent one hour telling her all you know about sporks. Not sure if there’s actually that much about them ROYAL GIRL: “Oh, sporks, what a dumb yet marvelous invention!” ROYAL GIRL: “It’s admirable how you, the poor people, have managed to survive in such dire situations. Life gives you no silverware, and you reply with the spork.” ROYAL GIRL: “I will rather stick to my basic 17 silverware pieces, but now I’m intrigued. Not sure if I’ll regret this: but could you show me more of your non-royal world? I think we go to the same chemistry class…” (last bit is an example on how an event with continuity can throw a tip on where to find the same NPC)
OPTION 1 – FAILURE: ROYAL GIRL: “Now you’re just inventing words. ‘SPOOOORK’… you can’t just start to mix words and expect people to believe you.” ROYAL GIRL: “I know I have no idea about your silverware-less customs, but that’s not a reason to mock at me.” ROYAL GIRL: “You sure have no cutlery variety, yet you seem to yield a special fork to spear on people’s feelings…”
OPTION 2 – SUCCESS: ROYAL GIRL: “Really? A true Forkington from Napkinshire! I’ve heard about you. What a honorable lineage, indeed. Your family sure knows the subtleties of refined cutlery customs” ROYAL GIRL: “You know what? As a matter of fact, I was attending the yearly silverware fair!” ROYAL GIRL: “And truth to be told: is hard to find people who enjoy the elevated pleasure of eating in an overcomplicated manner… so maybe you can join me.” ROYAL GIRL: “oh, look at me! It’s talking about silverware and I get excited! Let’s do this: if you want to come with me, meet me at the swimming pool. We can go from there.”
OPTION 2 – FAILURE: ROYAL GIRL: “Sir Edward Forkington III from Napkinshire? You won’t fool me with such a cheap trick!” ROYAL GIRL: “I used to spend my summers in Napkinshire. My family and the Forkington family are close friends and I personally know little Edward.” ROYAL GIRL: “I must say your gimmicks impress me less than your weird cutlery, little boy”
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 05:48:20 AM by BeautifulGlitch »
« Reply #101 on: December 12, 2015, 05:07:41 AM » |
THIIIIIIIIIIRD ITERATIONChanges: > SLIGHTLY more like a classroom. Basically: chairs. But backgrounds are super secondary, so we didn't break an arm doing this. And we keep in mind revisiting backgrounds later, with a clearer mind, to see if we can do any significative updates > Complete reword on RED FOURTH ITERATION!!Changes: > Face stitches on BLUE > Bone on the wound of GREEN > New expression (still not the good one) and hair effect for RED WHAT'S NEXT? THERE'S A LOT OF STUFF COMING UP!- We're also working on the 2nd event illustration. The location is... THE GYM
- We already have some sketches from event illustrations 3 and 4. Locations are... AUDITORIUM + BATHROOMS
- We're closing the playable chars models. GREEN is still tricky. We applied the different ideas, like the debris; but still not satisfied. There's the chance we keep the simple "not so zombie" version. Once is done, we will post the final models
- We're working on the MORNING/AFTERNOON map with the 6 locations
- I will share the GDD chapters about the stats, locations and endings
- I'm working on structure and content for a landing page to showcase the game. Same for a website for the studio
- I'm working on the biz document
- I'm working on the BIG PLOTLINES of each NPC
- I will share with you the NPC descriptions
- I will update the first message to act as an index, linking it to the most relevant message with significative info about the game
- I will answer to your last comments!
There's something you specially want to see? (:
« Reply #102 on: December 12, 2015, 05:11:43 AM » |
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 05:44:23 AM by BeautifulGlitch »
« Reply #103 on: December 12, 2015, 05:20:22 AM » |
FLOW- The game has 3 macro-stages. Each macro-stage is a “day”.
- Each macro-stage (a “day”) has 4 micro-stages called:
--> “Morning” --> “Noon” --> “Afternoon” --> “Evening” - This way, each micro-stage happens 3 times in a game session. The exception is the “Evening”, since the third time is replace by “Last Choice”
- Additionally, there are two more micro-stages:
--> “First choice”, which happens at the beginning of the game session --> “Last choice”, which happens at the end of the game session instead of the third “evening”. - This means a total of 13 micro-stages
- The “Evenings” and the special micro-stages are substantially shorter (not counting the endings as part of the “Last Choice”). Therefore, we can say that there are 9 core stages.
- At each micro-stage each of the players plays his/her turn. Later we will explain what means a "turn" in each type of micro-stage.
- “Morning” and “Afternoon” are location-based micro-stages. “Noon” is an NPC-based micro-stage. And “Evening” is a menu-based micro-stage. Now we will see what this means.
Here’s a representation of this flow: It is clear? Sorry if not. This is meant for internal use :I But obviously there's no prob on sharing it with you :D Now I'm working on a description of: > First choice > Location-based stages > NPC-based stage > Menu-based stage > Last choice It's also useful to see a , which -as said before- is the main inspiration (design-wise) for this game FIRST CHOICE
“First Choice” is a light and funny way of giving the players some customization and variety. It’s comprised by only one choice to be taken which will result on a variation on stats. Instead of all players starting the same, they can start with some stats higher than other ones. It can also be the time ( need to be studied) to raise the probabilities of encountering some NPCs over other ones. Goals: - Add some variety/difference among players.
- Let them define themselves and make that to have an impact on the experience.
Requirements and recommendations: - It has to be short and fast.
- It has to be somewhat intuitive and coherent (regarding the relation between the choice and the consequence on stats).
- More than one player can make the same choice.
- It should be kinda engaging and fun.
- It can be related to the main narrative.
Ideas: Players choose a hobby/extracurricular activity/something that can be translated into some strengths (high stats), weaknesses (low stats) and common interests (probability of encountering specific NPCs). A random and kind of absurd question is asked to the players. It has several answers, like a quiz but with a funny twist. Each player must choose the answer they prefer. Let’s avoid boring and standard questions such as “How do you define yourself?” and go for more playful stuff such as “ You are forced to have sex with one of these animals. To which one would you make sweet ol’ love?” If the question is too absurd of abstract, like the one proposed before, add some explanation to the possible answer. Example of an answer for the previous question: “ A white shark. If I have to fuck an animal, at least let’s make it EPIC (raise boldness)”. Good thing about this is that we can make not one but several possible questions, so it adds some surprise to each game session. A twist on this is to also add (if enough funds and/or time) questions whose answer are small doodles/illustrations. Example: “Which is your favorite book?” and then there are fake and funny book covers. Damn, I love this addition just because I love fake book covers <3 What do you think? (:
« Reply #104 on: December 13, 2015, 07:52:33 AM » |
Love the new versions on the class event. BLUE has some truly Bambi eyes! This "first choice" thing it is interesting. But it might become a challenge, doesn't it? You're talking about several six answer questions with a funny twist that still have to make sense to some extent so the player can feel that there's a real coherent consequence to his decision. It sounds kind of difficult to achieve! Good luck and share some examples once you have some.
« Reply #105 on: December 13, 2015, 12:46:48 PM » |
I think that the questions could easily work, as long as the mood of the choices (or character of the choices, rather) are easily discernible. The shark question seemed like a good example, though I hope players will answer honestly, rather than trying to go for the funny answer. Unless you make them all funny!
Also, just watched a lets play of the Yawgh. If this game is as random as this, it is going to be a TON of fun (Random as in having multiple choices and instances)! Watching the Lets Play brought up a question... Can two players pursue the same NPC in Monster Prom? It would be REALLY cool if two friends could go after the same person with one winning out.
« Reply #106 on: December 13, 2015, 02:46:24 PM » |
I'm really absolutely loving the art on this
« Reply #107 on: December 14, 2015, 04:52:26 AM » |
RAFA: You're right on spot, Rafa. It might be difficult and we will prepare some first examples to test. We will upload them here as soon as we can.
M4UESVIECR: ideally, we're aiming for funny questions and funny answers! It's a challenge, since they have to be discernible as you point out. We want both things, but truth is that we prioritize fun over discernibility. There's two levels on that. You can be so discernible that players choose well aware of the consequence ahead. Or you can be less discernible so they're not sure but enough discernible so once they see the result they say "Oh, I see now! It makes sense!". We can go with the second thing (it also adds a funny surprise moment). But the highest priority is that this little experience results enjoyable and funny to share with friends.
Sure, even all the players can go for the same love interest. We have all the internal ruleset on how a player can "win" over another player. We will eventually share it here. Answering you I thought that it will be cool if we prepare an explanation (a visual PDF, a video, a text section on the website...) of different "game modes". The game is always the same, but a game mode is based on the player dynamic, meaning that each mode will describe a different way of playing the game (exploring freely with no need of achieveng a success ending, aiming for secret endings, pursuing the same NPC in a competetively way...) I think it could be a funny and clear way of showing to the people the possibilities of the game. It sounds like the right thing to do, huh?
THEFOOLISHBRAVE: hey, dude! Thanks for your kind words :D
« Reply #108 on: December 15, 2015, 03:34:28 PM » |
LOCATION-BASED STAGES (MORNING + AFTERNOON)These micro-stages are the most similar to The Yawhg’s turns. There’s a map with some locations that can be visited. There’s also a menu with these locations. In order, players choose a location they want to visit. Each location has a standard event that affects one or more stats (always the same). If learnt, this can be used later in a strategic manner (“I want to raise the stat x, so I will go here”). This event is automatic and player has nothing to do aside reading it. After that, a second event happens. This one is different each time and it might involve or not involve one or more NPCs. There’s no way (aside exceptions) to know if we’re encountering a NPC and which one. This is almost random (some circumstances can affect probability). This event always lead to a situation where a choice need to be made. Then the player will be handled 2 options. No option is right or wrong. Both are tied to specific stats. If the requirement is met, the outcome will be successful. If not, will be a failure. So we can say that each event has (there might be exceptions, of course) 2 options and 4 possible outcomes: - Option 1: success outcome
- Option 1: failure outcome
- Option 2: success outcome
- Option 2: failure outcome
The outcome is some final lines (text) and another update on the player stats. To sum up, the flow on this kind of stage goes like this: Map → choose location Standard location event → first stats update Special event → 2 options Choose option → failure/success (depends on stats) Failure/success → second stats update REPEAT FLOW WITH ALL PLAYERS → Next stage Later we will define which are the locations and the stats. The Yawhg: an example of how the map could beThe Yawhg: an example of a "special" eventThe Yawhg: an example of a point where a decision has to be made!
« Reply #110 on: December 15, 2015, 03:38:17 PM » |
The art is still very good
« Reply #111 on: December 15, 2015, 06:33:32 PM » |
The art is still very good
Thanks! We already applied color to these ones, but we're not 100% satisfied with the results, probably because of the lines. Rectifying it right now. There's still some art stuff to upload here. But the artist is going on holiday vacations from this weekend to Jan 2nd, so it will be good to stash some art material so I can upload it here during those days!
« Reply #112 on: December 16, 2015, 05:57:35 AM » |
Wow the zombie ones are really creative! The way he brushes his teeth, haha XD
« Reply #113 on: December 16, 2015, 09:53:08 AM » |
Wow the zombie ones are really creative! The way he brushes his teeth, haha XD
Yeah! Our current objective is to infuse each illustration with life. They have to be cool and also have a twist. The YELLOW one will also have an interesting twist. The AUDITORIUM ones are a bit more "normal". But the YELLOW one was too basic, so we also changed that one. The GYM ones are 100% ready (ok, not 100%, some of them need small changes). I will start sharing the process soon. The artist will take a holiday break soon, so truth is I'm stashing some content so I can keep this alive meanwhile. And we already have sketches on the OUTDOORS illustrations. We're trying something different there! The last ones will be the LIBRARY ones, which will be even more different! :D
« Reply #114 on: December 16, 2015, 03:32:43 PM » |
THE BIG QUESTION: Do you think "Monster Prom" is a good name for the game? Other option was "Monster Love". Any opinions? Any ideas? Any proposals?
On January I want to prepare the logo so we can create the social media channels, but I need to be sure about the name!
Another thing: I thought that now I will start to show you the art in other way. We have 4 events near completion. This means 16 different illustrations. I will share the evolution of each one with you. Just did that and realized it let me see the big picture better! Is that OK with you?
« Reply #115 on: December 17, 2015, 03:07:25 AM » |
I think Prom is better than Love because Love is so general and Prom sounds something you can work towards. Curious to see the rest of the illustrations
« Reply #116 on: December 17, 2015, 09:51:52 AM » |
I think Prom is better than Love because Love is so general and Prom sounds something you can work towards. Curious to see the rest of the illustrations Yeah, thing is "Monster Love" is too generic maybe. But it might be more powerful and universal. "Monster Prom" is more specific but it maybe people don't know what it is a "prom" outside US. But yeah, if you think "Monster Prom" is better, we can go with that!
b∀ kkusa
« Reply #117 on: December 17, 2015, 10:13:15 AM » |
Monster Prom sounds good. Even if it's a less common tradition outside of North America, thanks to Hollywood it's known worldwide. could suggest Monster Graduation, but Monster Prom sounds better.
« Reply #118 on: December 17, 2015, 03:45:43 PM » |
Monster Prom sounds good. Even if it's a less common tradition outside of North America, thanks to Hollywood it's known worldwide. could suggest Monster Graduation, but Monster Prom sounds better.
"Monster Graduation" would be misleading because these people are more into flirting than actually studying! :DDD Yeah, so maybe "Monster Prom" is enough universal already. Thanks! (:
« Reply #119 on: December 18, 2015, 03:36:00 AM » |
Yeah, Monster Prom sounds better. So... how many "events" will be?
Thanks for organizing all the data. It's cool when devs keep it all organized. Much more easier to navigate!