« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2015, 03:36:54 PM » |
Yeah there are a few anatomic mistep but these are monster anyway and the visual shapes works for what they are gooing for, it's closer to fashion figure than escher girl.
Also the coloring without contouring is absolute killer! it really pops the life! Assuming it works as greatly with a real background
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2015, 05:21:08 PM » |
looooooove this!
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2015, 05:27:03 PM » |
Looks amazing, great concept!!!
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2015, 07:15:29 PM » |
TAMMIDEV: Hey! No prob! We're here to seek feedback. It's important to note that the colored chars right now are the playable chars who're deliberately a bit more bland than the NPCs. Still we're trying to make the colors more vibrant indeed. I agree that they'r somewhat bland, yeah... About being "kiddy", not sure what make them that way. How would you define that flaw? About Darkness: we liked the third concept, but we're going with the fourth one. Pretty similar, but with the tie. It's an accesory that adds depth to the design and no other char has a tie, so it's kinda distinctive. And it's not human/monster dating  It's monster/monster dating. It's like "highschool movies' tropes" + "monster tropes" with dating sim mechs + witty/absurd humor. At least we're looking for this. Similar to what you can see in the example of dialogue (: Don't worry! We love to see your feedback, positive or negative. As you point out, it shows that the project is enough interesting to generate some debate and feedback. I'm sharing all this with the artist. Now is the time to make changes. CANNED TURKEY: agree! Well, it depends on the character. On the BLUE one, I see it like if her is at 3/4, so the curve is basically her butt. Not a prob there. But it's definitely weird in the RED one. That one is under rework. The pose was strange and we're looking for something more natural. JIMYM GIMBERT: true we aren't looking for full anatomic perfection. It's deliberately stylized. But it's also true that sometimes is TOO stylized. We're working on that. And that's completely true: as a dating sim, we're aiming for fashion figures before escher girls :x Now they're color tests. But we will add lines! Exactly as you infer: no-contouring will crash when mixed with backgrounds. So lines will be. Also it looks more commercial. We like that. Let's not start a debate on tagging "commercial" as a positive criteria DDD: JAMESPRIMATE: Thanks! What do you like the most so far? (((: LULULUPRIMAL: Thanks! Any char design you like specially? Do you also like the mechs and narrative so far? (: SOON: a second interation on each character. Note that it's prior to these comments, so there are changes that aren't done yet (RED char pose, for instance).
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2015, 07:28:14 PM » |
Lol I'm afraid I'm making you afraid with being too close to artsy talk, I'm sorry, you were already good, so no complex, I should have shut up lol. This si why I put huge disclaimer first last time lol. Damn I apologize lol. hint: I drop art for game design 10 years ago, i'm not half as good as you because I didn't train, so forget what I said!
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2015, 07:50:00 PM » |
JIMYM GIMBERT: I wasn't sayin' that about the commercial stuff in that sense xD Don't get that intense! :x I was just trying to dodge a controversial reading on my comment! But it wasn't related to your previous comment. I mean, I had said the same thing to any other person :O C'mon, it wasn't my intention. Sorry if it sounded kinda aggro or something u_u And you're probably a lot better than me. I'm not the artist on this project :D He's
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 08:10:16 PM by BeautifulGlitch »
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2015, 08:12:22 PM » |
I'm always intense  ... I didn't take it as such either  no aggro Yeah the artist is very good!
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2015, 08:03:32 AM » |
Woah, so cool so far! I think that my favorite ones are the YELLOW one (3rd or 4th design) and the BLUE one.
So now next step is to see them with lines?
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2015, 06:43:14 PM » |
Rafa: Thanks, mate. Those two are close to completion right now! We're talking about maybe changing the eyes of the blue one. Not exactly. Tonight or tomorrow I will upload a second iteration on lineless color and then, probably, the designs with contour. Also... ICONS! (small funny face icons for each character!)
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2015, 02:44:10 AM » |
TAMMIDEV: Hey! No prob! We're here to seek feedback. It's important to note that the colored chars right now are the playable chars who're deliberately a bit more bland than the NPCs. Still we're trying to make the colors more vibrant indeed. I agree that they'r somewhat bland, yeah... About being "kiddy", not sure what make them that way. How would you define that flaw? About Darkness: we liked the third concept, but we're going with the fourth one. Pretty similar, but with the tie. It's an accesory that adds depth to the design and no other char has a tie, so it's kinda distinctive. And it's not human/monster dating  It's monster/monster dating. It's like "highschool movies' tropes" + "monster tropes" with dating sim mechs + witty/absurd humor. At least we're looking for this. Similar to what you can see in the example of dialogue (: Don't worry! We love to see your feedback, positive or negative. As you point out, it shows that the project is enough interesting to generate some debate and feedback. I'm sharing all this with the artist. Now is the time to make changes. Ah yes, but maybe you can then combine the 3rd and 4th Darkness design? I like 3 because the white shirt comes out under the vest and makes his legs a little shorter making them feel a less 'absurd' length but still long enough. I think it's easy enough to copy paste that part to the 4th? I think it's mostly the blandness and the lines not varying in width much that gives it a 'kiddy' feel to it. I think however you guys are already on a path to improve it and will be no major hurdle. Thanks for being cool about feedback ^^
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2015, 05:01:23 PM » |
TAMMIDEV: I see, the shirt thing. I will share it with the artist. Please note that next progress designs were done before getting your feedback, so they lack this detail! But blandness translated into what? We need some specifics there! About the line... is weird, because there's actually no line there. So you might refer to the "no-line". It'd make sense, since no line can be perceived as more bland :O We will share the line versions soon. Please check further progress and tell us which is your opinion. Let's see some progress on the previous work. Sorry the delay. It can seem like we doesn't listen to your feedback. Thing is, for instance, what I'm sharing now was done way before first batch of feedback. We're working on that! Sorry >__> YELLOW: it's slowly starting to work! We like it so far. We might try the "shirt" thing that Tammidev suggested! BLUE: we're pretty satisfied with this one too! GREEN: main issue with the zombie is that he doesn't feel enough "zombified" yet RED: the trickiest one. We're not happy with this one yet. It seems wrong. A bit bland, less appealing. What do you think?
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2015, 06:12:00 PM » |
Character design is heavily driven by the concept of the character, maybe you should put a description of the character that highlight what you are trying to achieve, because right they are all "good" because the "art is great". Great "expressive" art should be the goal of the design. For example: green is a zombie, there is many way to express a zombie, what specific zombie goal you try to acheive? a scary guy would be more wonded, a potential mate might be a bit more idealized, maybe the "ill" one would play with color more to create unease and maybe he is the zombie also because it reflect the type of relationship you will have with him (concept derive by concept  )? That said original fire is a killer! (smaller head (more "fashion" which is in tone with fire), better movement in the hair, striking pose, smalleer chest that make a better dynamic triangle that give movement with the asymmetry) Although I know nothing of the character, teh new design seems to have contradictory design "tell" though. Also what are those pose? the neutral idle? neutral is never idle, they push toward the main traits of the character, fire scream hand on hip to me lol.
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2015, 10:18:19 AM » |
JIMYM GIMBERT: that's a tricky question, and here's why: playable character lacks a personality, since their actions and decisions are primarily marked by player's choices. So we are just searching for something enough appealing and clearly less polarized than NPCs (who fits into classic highschool stereotypes). So in the end, truth is that these designs are mainly for guidance through further illustrations, but they will be used only on a character selection menu, like this one: probably some promo art. But as said before, the main use is to guide the artist when doing all the illustration where these chars will appear. So the pose is not that important. Our main goal with that is to enhance the attractiveness while remaining enough natural. We're always looking for designs that convey clearly these people are monsters (but with no need of exceeding that to the point of losing humanity in the design). Because main goal is to make them remain appealing. Truth is that NPCs are the ones who need to be more attractive. We're not happy with the RED design yet :c
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2015, 02:39:31 PM » |
Even then they don't have full personality they should have a strong concept and flavor to describe them, in my opinion. Look at nintendo characters, they don't have personality but strong traits. Using "persona" you can create typical personality to help the design even though they don't have one, it help the player projecting himself into it. You know like I want to be nice one, the flamboyant one, the hot blooded one, etc ... A hook, just like clothes in fact, you dress base on what impression you want to convey, a sexy dress is not the same as a casual one, they have different "personality". Attractive can mean anything. You can always push the npc toward more specific design yet keep a more iconic striking look for PC. Just my 2c 
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2015, 11:29:41 PM » |
Yeah, I feel you.
Let's say this: playable characters have some light treats on classic movie protagonists.
YELLOW: the shy not so confident guy GREEN: the misterious silent type BLUE: the quirky, happy girl RED: the hot-headed, energetic girl
btw, common devlog ettiquete would be to add a link to the last update on the body of the thread + put the first sketches on my first comment and leaving only the most recent IMGs in the thread body That feels right
b∀ kkusa
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2015, 05:06:34 AM » |
YELLOW: the shy not so confident guy GREEN: the misterious silent type BLUE: the quirky, happy girl RED: the hot-headed, energetic girl
I'm not getting the feeling that yellow is an adapted color for a not so confident guy (especially for the character you designed) since yellow tends to represent confidence, happiness.
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2015, 05:43:11 AM » |
Ah yes, I'm very interested in the line versions. Yea you're right. What I think is interesting with the sketches is the varying line branching and thickness. So with the no-line variants it feels more lacking. I agree with @bakkusa that yellow feels like a very confident character. I actually got the impression that shadow was this kind of mischievous character. (can you tell I like his design haha).
Green actually looks more like a grumpy type than a mysterious silent type. I think the type you're going for wouldn't try and look someone in the eye. I like Red's first expression, the pose feels more 'out to getcha'. Blue makes herself smaller with her pose, so I'd say sweet over happy.
Level 0
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2015, 06:41:59 AM » |
I love it!
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2015, 06:46:45 AM » |
Bakkusa: so how would you characterize this specific character (don't focus on color but on design preferibly!). Maybe a silly positive guy? As said before, there won't be any characterization on these chars narratively (since their actions will be the player's actions and in the end a player can do the same stuff with the YELLOW one or with the RED one). The only characterization will be on "event illustration". What's this? Let's say the player goes to the classroom. There will be a wide range of events available there and player will choose how to act. But all them will be represented with a "generic CLASSROOM illustration". This will be an illustration where we will see the specific playable character the player is using in a classroom. So there will be 4 classroom illustrations with each one of the playable characters. And I think there will be a slight characterization (one of them will be drawn focused on studying while other one will be drawn bored, playing with a pen). There is when it will be interesting to inprint some personality on the playable characters. Tammidev: I will answer you later. I'm being late for an event right now! Sorry u_u EVERYONE! We are trying to add some "zombification" to the zombie. Thing is the highest priority is to keep him "appealing". So not sure if going with some of these 3 options or just keeping the original now. What do you think? 
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2015, 01:19:42 PM » |
TAMMIDEV: tonight or tomorrow we will probably upload the versions with lines. First we want to solve some issues, like the "zombification" one. What do you think about that? What you say about the sketches is tricky. It's the classic reason why sometimes we like the sketches more than final version. Since they're on pencil, there are certain imperfections that seem really cool (like differences on thickness). But on a final version, with ink and color, it tends to look simply bad ): You need some simmetry and regularity to keep it simple and appealing. As said before, to Bakkusa, now is the time to share with us what do you think about playable character personalities. Since their traits won't have an impact on narrative, we can adapt a lot more to what you think (since there's less planned on that). So maybe you can help us to figure out these small traits on them that will be reflected on the "event illustrations", you know?
I totally agree on BLUE being kinda sweety. We're now between two designs. You will see that the other one fits even better with that definition of yours.
RED is giving us some headaches. But it seems we're finally getting there. We're going with stuff we did on the sketches. An expression that feels a bit more hot-headed and cocky.
KEEPER: Thanks, mate! (: