Oh man, this looks so wild


let's make this worth following then!
Okay so mechanic number one: Our shaman protagonist will be able to absorb and use 'abilities' of other things within the world. I'm expecting that this is mostly going to come off of enemies but also expect abilities to come from objects, events, NPCs, etc...
These abilities will be used for battle, puzzles, transport, possibly story...basically I want to assure that these aren't strictly limited to combat abilities.
Each ability will have a certain amount of charges based on...uh...based on how many I decide to give it I guess

Mechanically I've got it down to one button per 'chamber'. When chamber 1 is empty-->pushing button 1 projects an absorption field from the player, if something absorb-able is caught in the field then it is absorbed into chamber 1 with the appropriate amount of charges then--> button 1 will now activate the ability and take off a charge, when all the charges are used up then--> button 1 reverts to absorb-mode.
Players will begin with either one or two chambers (haven't decided) and will max out at twelve. Want those extra chambers?...explore, explore and explore some more

TLDR: glue twelve hungry Kirbys to a stick and you'll get the idea.
Anyways show>tell so here's some gifs of a few abilities...
Want to flatten things rolling-pin style? Then absorb our friend Rollzilla's powers!

Missing that speed-boost from riding the Derplidoci but your mount wont fit into your path? Absorb your mount's innate speed and have at it!
Did you find some ominously glowing meteorite hidden off the beaten path? Absorb it and get ready to unleash a true meteor storm!

Really been waiting to share this one, had the idea long ago but now it's up and running so....Yay!
Okay time to get mechanic two up and running...Cheers people!