Krysle Quinsen
« on: December 21, 2015, 12:00:22 AM » |
 Xenocrystalloid: The EradicationsHi, everyone. I have a game to present, it's 'Xenocrystalloid: The Eradications' while I don't focus on story and the like, I have a few lore embedded in the game system and item description. A Co-Op Action-RPG with Rogue-like elements. Fight through randomly spawning enemies while doing your objective the right way, either alone or with you team up to 7 members, consists of friends and mercenaries. Explore a set of randomized chosen area to search for and finish your objective and return home to be rewarded and restart or risk it all with another run for even greater rewards. Key Features- Dynamic Combat: Fight enemies with a weapon and the ability of choices in unrestricted attack movement and unpredictable AI decision creating fluid reaction gameplay.
- Set up your party up to 7 members: co-operatively work with unique mercenary with their own strength or with friends utilizing unique net code allowed lag-less cross-region gameplay.
- Extensive Character Customization: Choose a character whose have their own strength and create your own unique play style through a combination of multiple class affinity and a modded ability and perks to further customize them. Progressively improve their power and expand your arsenal by unlocking a new ability, perks and character.
- Dynamic Difficulty: The difficulty is tied to your progression and is scale with your party size, carefully balance your exploration and eradication to ensure a manageable difficulty. The harder difficulty mode will not only increase stats but they will react better and quicker and have a few more trick to fighting against you.
- Endless Replayability: Travel each area back and forth from a set of the randomized area with differentiated elements and may contain chest, trader or your objective.
StoryWhen the world's balance is tipped by crystal unbalancing only to be aggravated by warring factions and monster onslaught, supported by many factions, many warriors gathered up as a mercenary and try to lessen the problem by destroying a crystal while searching for a root of this problem. Here's a few screenshots  A gameplay trailer. For additional screenshots Imgur Download A Demo on the main webpage Combat was inspired by Star Wars: Jedi Knight series, ability-based off ARPG like Diablo, a targeting from RTS. And in order to make the game feel more unique and suit to story and lore, an objective is introduced. So, to say, it played like a Killing Floor Objective Mode, Payday. If you're interesting in my game or have a question then ask away.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 06:17:19 AM by Krysle Quinsen »
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 08:33:09 PM » |
As for today, 18 ability have been added, a gameplay preview GIF, projectile system update, QoL improvement, and a new description update. also being created: This GIF also preview 2 new ability. Perhaps I'll make more GIF. Projectile System will now use Y axis or gravity, which allow ability like Mortar to be made, and ability with homing ability will fly upward if target is elevated. The regular attack and Art ability will still snapping to ground however. As before, a projectile will always snap to the ground and doesn't use gravity or Y axis at all. Also, Host can now enable other players to enter travel node without needing host, as before Host need to move to travel node to move to another area (or Host is KO). Next update will add more content, probably more ability and new consumable.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 07:29:04 AM by Krysle Quinsen »
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 11:56:54 PM » |
Today, I would like to cover revive mechanic. (and GIF)  When Player or Mercenary's HP reach 0, they will enter incapacitate state, unable to do anything, but they can be revived by team-mates. Players will have time limit before dying and become spectator, while Mercenary and NPCs will not have time limit. Also, player have a choice to trade some Supply for self-reviving once per game. Once an area is safe (no enemy and not doing objective) all party member will be revived automatically.
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2016, 02:45:02 AM » |
Your combat system looks very interesting and dynamic. You have a comment a bit harsh in your Greenlight about the game graphics, I think the guy is missing the point, but I think what's true is that the game does look "generic" when you first look at it. I think the first impression in the first minute you look at the presentation of the game is : "Ok you fight random guys with a great combat system, what now". You reference Star Wars, and says Xenocrystalloid lore is a big thing about the game, I think it should become one of your big focus now. If you were fighting "Stormtroopers" the game would look immediately a lot more attractive, you have to find what are your "Stormtroopers". Make the character stand out, and explain why, I think it will be a great "plus" for your game. Edit : gonna check the demo tonight
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 02:55:01 AM by washk »
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2016, 10:03:06 AM » |
Your combat system looks very interesting and dynamic. You have a comment a bit harsh in your Greenlight about the game graphics, I think the guy is missing the point, but I think what's true is that the game does look "generic" when you first look at it. I think the first impression in the first minute you look at the presentation of the game is : "Ok you fight random guys with a great combat system, what now". You reference Star Wars, and says Xenocrystalloid lore is a big thing about the game, I think it should become one of your big focus now. If you were fighting "Stormtroopers" the game would look immediately a lot more attractive, you have to find what are your "Stormtroopers". Make the character stand out, and explain why, I think it will be a great "plus" for your game. Edit : gonna check the demo tonight Ooh, first comment. :D Thank you for pointing out, there isn't much anything else but a gameplay right now, as I wanted to make a good gameplay foundation first before focus on lore and story. I planned to focus on lore and story after this big content update, they're all still drafting and I'm not good at writing though. Also, I'll have to find a proper way to implement these lore into the game. Perhaps Lore on Loadscreen? Item/Ability Description?  Let me know what you think about my demo, be it positive or negative, so I can improve it.
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2016, 03:05:11 PM » |
So a few points from trying the demo : - That's a lot of work you put into your game already, and it shows
- It feels fluid, there is a good base to the movement and characters around (good speed, collisions seems ok), same thing with the combat system, it feels like it can become really good
- Jumping is a must in my opinion, even it has not special use, I don't know if it complicated to implement, but it will free the character movement, I just can't play a game where you can't jump.
- Give amplitude to the movements, when the character run, make his leg go further. When the character swing the sword make it a more ample movement, from high up right to midair it will feels more dynamic. Same thing when you hit from left to right. It's too horizontal, and a too short movement.
- The sword hits too low, it feels like you are aiming the legs of the enemy
- The hitbar of enemies would benefit to stand by itself on top of the screen, with no blue container. I like the way the health and damages are done.
- I would make everything "more" to give your game personality, "orks" with a redder skin, colorful outfits, sound standing out...
- The highlight when you look aim a crystal/orb is a bit small, it's a bit painful to aim at something.
Overall I think this talk would benefit your game greatly : I will come back for your next demos, I'm interested to follow the progress.
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2016, 09:41:51 PM » |
Thank you for feedback. - It's not hard to add jumping, but I'm not sure why it's needed in gameplay because there's no midair combat or platforming, unless jumping over small obstruct (rock) but not off cliff then I can do that.
- Not sure I understand, I have another running animation but doesn't blend well with running backward, so I used jogging one. By the way I feel animation speed is rather slow and it does feel like skating though. And about swinging, do you mean wider swing animation or something?
- I'll fix this, I think I moved hands down too much when making swing animation.
- While I prefer on bottom, but I'll add option to change the position and container, not sure top or bottom should be default though.
- If you mean more colorful and not brown/grey, then I agree, current outfits does bored me.
 - I can make a larger detector on cursor, so it's easy to click things.
For video, I'll see what I can do with it, I never thinking about screen shaking and some, but I'll see. By the way, did you play on tutorial or normal game and how many mercenary you bring?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:14:46 PM by Krysle Quinsen »
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2016, 08:57:00 AM » |
Today, I would like to cover about Multiplayer Network, a wall of text and no GIFs, though. The network design in this game is rather complex and unlike the others. It is designed to be playable on cross-region (SEA<->US) or with high latency situation, by making almost everything working on the client side and send a few information as possible. Therefore, can make desync feeling like NPC in a different place, or NPC is not dying after killing blow. This is done by marking NPC as updater either by host of one of client, whose will update their data, and NPC's data will be sent once in a while, especially position data which will be sent if a new position is too far from last sent position and, sync to everyone by forcing NPC to move there. (rather than teleporting them) NPC's attack are all client side, except attack by Allies NPC, or ability which is done by the updater. The ability also work differently, the ability will be created client side, and they will work and sync (sending ability information) depended on user and target, this is especially true on projectile based ability, where the projectile will be teleport to a certain target. This means if user or target is a Player it will always sync, except is another Client is hitting another Client in the Player's screen. (Client1 is a user, but Player saw Client1 hitting Client2, but Client1 isn't hitting Client2 yet, so, it won't synced by Player) For NPC this work differently, NPC with updater marked will sync if a target is Player, or any NPC while NPC without updater will only sync if a target is NPC updater or target is an ally. Although this only tested with another laggy friend, but I never tested cross-region yet. 
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2016, 06:58:18 AM » |
I updated the descriptions, as someone said my descriptions are rather confusing and boring, so I hope a new one are better. Also, I made a new gameplay trailer for my game, it's focused on gameplay aspect rather than showing everything and bored most people off, and a website. http://www.xecryst.comWhat do you think? I have taken down the old greenlight page, so I can relaunch and show it again to those who already vote No for my game, as someone suggested. As for the game itself, I have changed and add a lot of things, like new playable region, a Fire Region - Desert Canyon as you can see on the new screenshots, a heap full of network bugs and some mechanic problems. I think the new version is ready for a public press, but not sure if I should start charging money yet. Still, didn't decide on the price yet, probably 10-15$ price range. (I'm open to this, though)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 08:16:09 AM by Krysle Quinsen »
Krysle Quinsen
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2016, 06:42:03 AM » |
A new demo (version 0.91.0) is now released, you can download it from the website, http://xecryst.comLet me know if you tried it. As for now, I'm planning to put the game on Steam Greenlight along with press contact (at the same time) before I continue on the game itself, I think I'll add more area, or perhaps more enemy type first.