Well, it's certainly a neat, polished little platformer. But how does it fit as a B-Game? Seems way too tidy and the concept doesn't seem like anything outrageous.
I've been seeing this opinion echoed a lot, so I thought I'd share some history into the genesis of the project.
Originally, GreaterBeast and I were just talking about shitty old games, and we decided to fire up Photoshop and make some characters. We emerged with three 16x16 sprites:
We tried to think of the most ridiculous name for a game, and came up with "Barnacle". There was much debate as to whether the title should be simply "Barnacle", "Space Barnacle", or "Space Barnacle 2".
Wanting the game to be unnecessarily violent, the next step was to draw death animations for our characters:
After cobbling together a little engine and seeing these in-game, it was obvious that the best course of action would be to combine our static animations with explosions of bloody pixellated particle effects... and, in some cases, green and yellow vomit particles.
A story began to evolve. Our young hero and his father are traveling through an asteroid archipelago in their spaceship. They are shot down by a giant laser. The father dies and gives his gun to his son, asking that he take revenge. Unbeknownst to you, your father has been to these asteroids before, and a mysterious force resurrects his corpse as a cyborg.
The rest of the game just grew from there. Gibs with cheesy physics were added, as well as the scanline overlay, more enemies were designed, and additive blending began being used wherever possible, etc ,etc.
So really, I think it's a fairly B-title. Just because bloody, 8-bit style platformers with over-the-top chiptune soundtracks are currently in vogue doesn't make them an A genre.
Besides, think of all the elements in the game beginning with the letter B! Blood, Barnacles, Base jumping... the list could go on

And again, thanks for all the feedback from everyone! TIGs is a great community