Phew been so busy. Sorry for delayed replies.
@SchrieFighter & Ishi: Thanks! The tiny and fast style reminds me of Yoda dueling Dooku from Star Wars Ep 2 whenever I play test.
@KeinZantezuken: Yeah if you're in a hurry it is a viable option. Just make sure you don't dash into a group of enemies!
@io3 creations: Due to Jarvis abilities he is the only one left who can save the kingdom. However being weakened by losing most of his power he has to gather soul fragments.
@thefoolishbrave: Yeah I did intentionally try to avoid the cool, stylish, dark, serious hero type for this game mostly to sepearate from other protagonists of action games out there
@Pixel Noise: Absolutely! I hope I get more time soon to think about it some more.
Update:Added vegetaion to the ruins area:

Still some annoying repetitive brick patterns that I'll hopefully have time to remedy.
Also it turns out growing a bunch of vegetation leads to an infestation problem:
I am afraid of snakes so I'm just going to let them stay.And the biggest change...
I trashed the old spell input system for a brand new one that blends better into combat.
Instead of holding the Spell button and entering a combination of directions you simply treat it the same way as melee actions. You hold ONE direction then press Spell button to cast the spell mapped to that direction. This means you can sneak in your spells pretty much wherever you want without worrying about inputting the wrong combination.
You can hold up to 3 spells at a time, mapped to Up, Down and Forward(Backwards being the same as Forwards). Also I am still wrecking my head about how to do the UI but you will be able to customize your spell load-out and their direction mapping(think of it as equipping a weapon to a slot) giving you a bit of choice in play style and hopefully coming up with some interesting spell combinations that go well together.