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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsJarvis - Hack 'n' Slash | 2d Platformer | Metroidvania
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Author Topic: Jarvis - Hack 'n' Slash | 2d Platformer | Metroidvania  (Read 40766 times)
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« Reply #180 on: November 02, 2017, 09:37:55 AM »

The combat looks really satisfying, it's quite fun that such a small character can zip around the screen and do huge melee attacks.

Level 1

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« Reply #181 on: November 02, 2017, 09:50:33 AM »

I agree! The speed of the character and the attacks are really awesome!
Level 2

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« Reply #182 on: November 08, 2017, 07:31:40 AM »

Phew been so busy. Sorry for delayed replies.

@SchrieFighter & Ishi: Thanks! The tiny and fast style reminds me of Yoda dueling Dooku from Star Wars Ep 2 whenever I play test. Tongue
@KeinZantezuken: Yeah if you're in a hurry it is a viable option. Just make sure you don't dash into a group of enemies!
@io3 creations: Due to Jarvis abilities he is the only one left who can save the kingdom. However being weakened by losing most of his power he has to gather soul fragments.
@thefoolishbrave: Yeah I did intentionally try to avoid the cool, stylish, dark, serious hero type for this game mostly to sepearate from other protagonists of action games out there Smiley
@Pixel Noise: Absolutely! I hope I get more time soon to think about it some more.


Added vegetaion to the ruins area:

Still some annoying repetitive brick patterns that I'll hopefully have time to remedy.

Also it turns out growing a bunch of vegetation leads to an infestation problem:

I am afraid of snakes so I'm just going to let them stay.

And the biggest change...
I trashed the old spell input system for a brand new one that blends better into combat.

Instead of holding the Spell button and entering a combination of directions you simply treat it the same way as melee actions. You hold ONE direction then press Spell button to cast the spell mapped to that direction. This means you can sneak in your spells pretty much wherever you want without worrying about inputting the wrong combination.


You can hold up to 3 spells at a time, mapped to Up, Down and Forward(Backwards being the same as Forwards). Also I am still wrecking my head about how to do the UI but you will be able to customize your spell load-out and their direction mapping(think of it as equipping a weapon to a slot) giving you a bit of choice in play style and hopefully coming up with some interesting spell combinations that go well together.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 07:55:41 AM by chrilley » Logged

io3 creations
Level 10

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« Reply #183 on: November 09, 2017, 01:01:20 PM »

@io3 creations: Due to Jarvis abilities he is the only one left who can save the kingdom. However being weakened by losing most of his power he has to gather soul fragments.
I don't recall that part being mentioned but that would certainly be good in terms of setting up motivation.

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« Reply #184 on: November 14, 2017, 11:05:57 AM »

Haha yeah. There are a lot of parts that hasn't been mentioned yet. Even this late in progress there are still things not fully decided upon!

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« Reply #185 on: November 14, 2017, 12:32:44 PM »

I'm still really in love with this combat. The look of it reminds me of Zero from the Mega Man series, and that's not a bad thing! lol
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« Reply #186 on: November 16, 2017, 09:45:34 PM »

The two regular slashes were heavily inspired of Zero's combo and the uppercut was a mix of Zero's Ryuenjin and Ken's Shoryuken Smiley

Update: Here are two new spells!

Meteorite Shower and Holy Light (It's almost as if I spent an entire 5 minutes thinking up those names...)

The meteorites divides into four pieces when hitting a surface and once more when those shards land, like a mix between a Cluster Grenade from Worms and the Asteroids from... well Asteroids! Due to its random nature you'll never know for sure of the result but at least you can be sure to hit most foes once and knock them back, possibly setting them up for a follow-up.

The beam while devastating takes a ton of energy and also has a start up time. While you use it you are immobile and open to attack so make sure your back is clear. Due to its energy consumption you can't keep it up for long before depleting your energy completely. Also if you look at the gif, you can see that most of its cost went to simply summoning it!

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« Reply #187 on: November 21, 2017, 11:40:58 PM »

I've mostly been working on bosses and enemies lately(classified for now!). I am doing a little bit of work on cosmetic stuff for rooms too. Here are a couple of waterfalls that I started animating recently:

Level 2

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« Reply #188 on: November 26, 2017, 09:52:25 PM »

Two new spells: Fire Stream & Frost Missile

Fire Stream: The poor man's "Holy Light" spell(see earlier gif). It slowly eats away your opponents health while draining your energy. It does considerably less damage than Holy Light but it also costs much less to sustain. It also has no energy start up cost.

Frost Missile: This is a remake of the homing fireball spell. It now creates an ice missile for every enemy on screen and stays locked to its target until either the enemy or the missile runs out of health. One shot can strike an enemy several times before disintegrating. Its not particularly strong damage-wise and its cost multiplies with every enemy on screen but it's great for stunning large groups of enemies or reaching airborne threats.

Another tiny addition that you can barely notice in the .gif above is Energy Regeneration. Based on your ranking, your magic power will slowly recharge. The higher rank, the faster it charges. You need to be C rank or above for it to charge however. No idling around while grabbing a cup of coffee! Basically another reason to keep that ranking meter happy.

Level 0

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« Reply #189 on: November 27, 2017, 03:16:35 AM »

I like how flashy and fast paced the combat looks in this game. If I have one criticism though it would be the enemies look a little too easy and don't put up much of a fight. Then again I don't know what kind of difficulty you're aiming for.

Level 2

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« Reply #190 on: November 30, 2017, 01:01:01 PM »

Thanks! Yeah the enemies are still a bit too easy. I still end up dying though. While they could be more challenging the gifs are a tad misleading since I record several takes and tend to pick the ones where I did not get struck by them Tongue

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« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2018, 03:21:14 PM »

Woop woop - New year, New stuff!

Tweaked combat a bit, both the lag times, damage and such.

Once obtained a certain skill you'll be able to channel your inner Mega Man X:

Just a couple things that I did recently, it's been a few busy months and once again I find myself putting together a test build, that I hope to release this time...(third time's the charm?) I have some boring issues still to clear up however!

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« Reply #192 on: February 18, 2018, 12:26:54 AM »

Lookin good Chrilley keep up the good work  Coffee

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« Reply #193 on: February 26, 2018, 11:39:37 AM »

Thank you flipswitchx! Doing my best! Smiley

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« Reply #194 on: February 28, 2018, 07:47:09 AM »

Here's a few other things that I put in as well:

Windmill Attack
Though weak damage output it is useful for crowd controlling light-weight enemies or safely shred incoming projectiles.

One of my favorite follow ups is the dash cut.

Item Stash
While you do have limited inventory space you can still collect stuff and dump it all back in town.

While making this I found out that it was surprisingly easy to make lists with icons.

This is just something I wanted to have as an extra for the game. You can read up on some lore or get some details on the enemies you've beaten.

I'll come clean and admit that I just wanted an excuse to make a bestiary!

The rest of the time I spent on staring contests with odd critters...

« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 03:52:40 AM by chrilley » Logged

Quantum Potato
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« Reply #195 on: March 03, 2018, 06:27:11 PM »

Looking good mate

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« Reply #196 on: March 11, 2018, 05:03:22 PM »

Thank you quantumpotato!

Here's some more stuff I am pretty sure I haven't showed here yet:

Thrust Attack

A powerful follow-up to the Dash Attack that "impales" enemies and brings them along for the ride.

While the larger foes won't budge they'll still eat every bit of damage.

Whirlwind Spell

It pushes light enemies back while dealing medium damage and unlike the Incinerate spell, this can be summoned in mid-air. The fragments that fall back down also deal damage giving it a larger reach.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:12:26 PM by chrilley » Logged

Level 2

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« Reply #197 on: March 21, 2018, 10:30:23 PM »

Map Update

You can toggle between 3 display modes by pressing the Map key.

Bouncy Jewels

I replaced the default pinball movement for a custom one, I also added a bit of glow to them.


I might have gone a bit overboard.


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« Reply #198 on: March 30, 2018, 05:41:36 PM »

Following! I love the effects, and how satisfying the combat looks!!

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« Reply #199 on: April 01, 2018, 04:30:39 PM »

Thanks for the kind words! The fact that anyone care enough about this to follow the progress makes my day! Smiley

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