I was going to post this next week, but have reconsidered.
It would be nice to see at least 1 person (besides me) finish
"Mario Inna Space" Playguide
Only read the following after you've played the game, and are about to give up. The following contains spoilers.
1. Holes have been designed so that:
a) You should always jump from the edge of a cliff (never in the middle of land)
b) You should hold right the entire duration of your jump (regular or long)
The gameplay is really just a question of whether you do a regular jump,
or a long jump (jumping with shift held).
There's nothing stopping you from using your own approach,
but be aware that large holes can only be cleared by 1 long jump, from the edge of a cliff, holding right the entire time.
2. The position and size of the holes is ALWAYS the same.
Keep a history of your succesful jumps, always jumping from edges, and you'll eventually win.
i.e. 2 regular jumps, 1 long jump
After dying, when the camera pans back to the beginning,
you can deduce what jump you should have made (regular or long).
The position of the earth, and the repeated land masses
can help identify where your failed jump occurred.
3. If you do reach the flagpole, DON'T WALK INTO IT.
Like any Mario game, that gets the least points.
Instead, do a long jump (hold shift) straight up until the flag appears.
Strategic use of the land can give you ~50 pixels of extra height.
If you do finish "Mario Inna Space",
post your "greatest height" here.
All shall bow at the church of your greatness.
p.s. A YouTube speedrun would ruin the mystery.