J.W. Hendricks
Freeware Ninja
Level 10
« Reply #80 on: October 21, 2007, 03:11:53 PM » |
Bobobo Bo Bobo. That's just messed up
The artist formally known as "Javet."
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2007, 08:21:58 AM » |
Since Angel Egg, Serial Experiments Lain, and FLCL have been mentioned, I'll list some that aren't as twisted and are more coherent but still retain a level of uniqueness that you might be interested in: A Tree of Palme - A science fantasy story with a Pinocchio-like character, Palme, whose pursuit of his desire to become human nearly destroys civilization. I like how alien it's world can be at times. Memories - AnimeNfo's description: "Three stories accompany each other in this film. The first is Magnetic Rose, whereby the crew of a deep-space salvage ship investigates an opera broadcast over the emergency channel, and find far more than they bargain for. Second is Stink Bomb, where an everyday lab tech accidentally takes the wrong cold remedy, with fragrant consequences. And finally is Cannon Fodder, where a young boy and his family go about their daily business of war with a distant enemy." Fantastic Planet - It isn't anime, since it's a Franch/Czech film from the early 70s with an animation style somewhat similar to Monty Python's choppy, paper cutout animations. Giant, blue aliens keep humans as pets. One of the humans runs away with one of the aliens' thought projecting learning devices, brings it to a tribe of feral humans, and that's when the real conflict begins. It has another unique alien world, which has a nice 70's abstraction style to it. The DVD version also has some shorts that the director, René Laloux, made with the help of psychiatric patients. Among other things, Laloux also directed Time Masters, which I've heard is good but haven't seen, and Light Years (a.k.a. Gandahar), which I enjoyed. I own the later two but only rented the first, although A Tree of Palme is worth owning. They might count better as odd than effed-up for the the tastes of some, but they're good choices for when you want "something completely different".
« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 07:21:18 AM by ithamore »
Please help TimW, a longtime promoter of indie gaming everywhere and an old friend of TIGSource, to write about indie games full-time.
Level 6
Pixellin' and Gamedev'n
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2007, 12:21:17 PM » |
Hey, Memories... What a great collection of stories that was. I laughed so hard with Fetid Bomb, it's awesome on so many levels...
Fucked up (also kinda sucks by the way) is a piece of turd called "Ninja Resurrection" in America, don't know if that's the name of the show in Japan. It was marketed here as a pseudo-sequel to the classic gore-fest Ninja Scroll. It's fucked up, badly... There was this scene where a guy cut his finger with a short sword, the finger then crept like a worm and introduced itself into a woman's vag00. I was like O.o
Also on that same anime you see some of the weirdest decapitations. I remember some dude getting his head chopped off in a diagonal angle, and the upper part of the head stuck to the wall, slowly drifting to the floor while leaving a small trail of blood and brains. They even kill kids in this show LOL. It's kind of hilarious really, violence SO OVER THE TOP it's almost funny.
The series is shit otherwise, but worth the ticket just for good laughs (pretty much like Labyrinth of Flames, which was mentioned earlier, although Labyrinth is hilarious for ecchi content and cheap sexual situations).
See ya around!
« Reply #83 on: October 25, 2007, 02:01:22 AM » |
Whilst there's plenty of awesome fucked up manga & anime, there is also just plain terribly fucked up manga & anime.
Back in the day when myself and my friends would hire out every single anime title in the local videostores I had the pleasure (pain?) of watching 'Armageddon': the single most confusing, awful, incoherent (and resultingly, hilarious) movie I have ever watched. It's as if they couldn't decided who to rip off, so they just ripped off every single anime/sci-fi cliche and jammed it into 90 minutes of complete nonsense.
*being attacked by a giant monster* 'We have to escape'! *speed off in a space ship, entering time-travel* 'Oh no! We're stuck in a time-loop!' 'We have to break out!' *they break out of the time-loop* 'We made it!' *appear infront of a giant death-star-esque space fortress* 'It has impenetrable defences! We have to defeat it!' *they defeat it, straight away, at the sacrifice of a minor character's life (who had just been introduced moments before)*
^the above happens in literally two minutes.
The main character also does a lot of belly-blasts.
« Reply #84 on: October 25, 2007, 10:51:34 AM » |
« Reply #85 on: October 25, 2007, 02:38:31 PM » |
« Reply #86 on: October 27, 2007, 06:14:22 AM » |
Whilst there's plenty of awesome fucked up manga & anime, there is also just plain terribly fucked up manga & anime.
Back in the day when myself and my friends would hire out every single anime title in the local videostores I had the pleasure (pain?) of watching 'Armageddon': the single most confusing, awful, incoherent (and resultingly, hilarious) movie I have ever watched. It's as if they couldn't decided who to rip off, so they just ripped off every single anime/sci-fi cliche and jammed it into 90 minutes of complete nonsense.
*being attacked by a giant monster* 'We have to escape'! *speed off in a space ship, entering time-travel* 'Oh no! We're stuck in a time-loop!' 'We have to break out!' *they break out of the time-loop* 'We made it!' *appear infront of a giant death-star-esque space fortress* 'It has impenetrable defences! We have to defeat it!' *they defeat it, straight away, at the sacrifice of a minor character's life (who had just been introduced moments before)*
^the above happens in literally two minutes.
The main character also does a lot of belly-blasts. I actually saw that one too. Worst crap ever. Main character's name is "Delta Boy", and I think the evil dude is called something like "Killer X". Amazingly bad. Felt a lot like a really awful american morning cartoon. But it's actually Korean.
« Reply #87 on: October 27, 2007, 08:07:04 AM » |
Fantastic Planet - It isn't anime, since it's a Franch/Czech film from the early 70s with an animation style somewhat similar to Monty Python's choppy, paper cutout animations. Giant, blue aliens keep humans as pets. One of the humans runs away with one of the aliens' thought projecting learning devices, brings it to a tribe of feral humans, and that's when the real conflict begins. It has another unique alien world, which has a nice 70's abstraction style to it. The DVD version also has some shorts that the director, René Laloux, made with the help of psychiatric patients. Among other things, Laloux also directed Time Masters, which I've heard is good but haven't seen, and Light Years (a.k.a. Gandahar), which I enjoyed. I own the later two but only rented the first, although A Tree of Palme is worth owning. They might count better as odd than effed-up for the the tastes of some, but they're good choices for when you want "something completely different". Yeah, something completely different is right....this was one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen, I found it at the library and watched it with some friends of mine...am I thinking of a different movie or is this the one where the astronaut guy, um...has sex with these animals from outer space or something? I just remember a lot of crazy fucked up shit going on in this movie...
\\\\\\\"Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors. The date of my death and length of my life were fated long ago.\\\\\\\"
« Reply #88 on: November 09, 2007, 10:02:44 PM » |
No, skaldicpoet9, there isn't an astronaut guy, and the humans only get funky with each other. However, whatever the aliens are doing during their rituals is completely up to interpretation. If you're interested, the original trailer, an English version of Fantastic Planet, and Light Years are available on YouTube.
Please help TimW, a longtime promoter of indie gaming everywhere and an old friend of TIGSource, to write about indie games full-time.
« Reply #89 on: January 22, 2010, 02:49:08 AM » |
Gintama is a great anime/manga, in my opinion. The anime has not been serialized outside of Japan, probably because a lot of the jokes are based on Japanese words/celebrities/historical figures/customs that people outside of the country wouldn't know what they were talking about. Still very humorous with interesting albeit strange plots (Not a linear story, a different plot in every episode or so). There are also a lot of great fight scenes and nothing too inapropriate (a bit of coarse language). Follows a lazy samurai named Sakata Gintoki in a world taken over by aliens (Amanto) who have outlawed samurai. Gintoki works as a jack-of-all-trades with his apprentice Shimura Shinpachi, and an Amanto named Kagura. Gets better in the later episodes, you don't miss much by skipping past some. I reccomend watching episodes 1-2 to learn who the most prominent characters are.
In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
« Reply #90 on: January 22, 2010, 03:34:24 AM » |
Paprika got really weird after a while, though I don't think it's on the same level of fucked-up-tivity as some of the other titles mentioned.
"If there's two ways to interpret something and one is stupid, pick the other way."
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2010, 04:30:43 AM » |
« Reply #92 on: January 22, 2010, 06:28:05 AM » |
sorry for any duplicate mentions
Gantz is pretty sick and twisted, the manga is even more detailed.. too bad they never expanded the anime to the length of the manga.
I know it's mainstream but Full Metal Alchemist definitely gave me some story WTF moments, especially in the beginning and near the end.
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service - If you cant't take graphic nude dismembered corpses then stay away from this manga
MPD Psycho - Same as above
« Reply #93 on: January 22, 2010, 06:54:46 AM » |
How can anyone watch Gantz and not go into ragemode? Basically the entire storyline of the Anime can be summarized by this: "Shoot you bloody idiot, that thing just deconstructed 20 of your friends on an almost molecular level aka SPLAT, so the possibility of it wanting manhugs is next to zero. Shoot, damn it. Shoot. Oh great, it just gibbed another one, that's cool and why is that bestiality chick naked again?".
Obviously of demonic ancestry. In that case, can I get my wings please?
« Reply #94 on: January 22, 2010, 08:28:26 AM » |
The Girls Dreams Dogs is probably the most disturbing thing I have ever read- I couldn't make it past the first two chapters.  I'll just leave the plot summary someone else wrote for it, the poor soul: Girl is walking her dog in the park. She finds a girl who's having sex with a dog in the park. The girl who's having sex with a dog gets raped by the original girl's dog. The two girls become friends and switch dogs. They fall in love with their new dog mates. The original girl marries her new lover(pictured above) The dog gets run over and dies. She goes into a deep depression and starts having sex with random dogs and strays. She gets caught having sex with a dog by her old friend, who's jealous that she's gotten a new friend. Her old friend tries to humiliate her by having sex with these two big dogs. Her new friend tries to stop them, but the old friend tells her she has to sleep with "the homeless men under the bridge". She sleeps with about 10 homeless men. The original girl gives birth to a stray dogs baby, but it obviously comes out dead, looking like a lump of meat. She thinks it's punishment for cheating on her original "lover" dog. She runs into the middle of the street and gets run over by the same bus that killed her lover. She becomes brain dead and paralyzed, confined to a wheelchair.
The End.
« Reply #95 on: January 22, 2010, 08:33:24 AM » |
Most manga is pretty predictable, I liked bleach to start with, it appeared to be a deep story about traumatised dead people. Then it suddenly turned into fight after fight after fight, with the same dialogue and attitudes, which is what most manga appears to be.
Gantz does have some good art, and it has a sex scene with a giant 50 foot woman made up of lots of little women.
Hentai Kamen is pretty fucked up, the guy gets super powers from sniffing and wearing womens underwear on his head, his outfit is obscene, and his punishment to villians involves him rubbing his crotch in their faces.
« Reply #96 on: January 22, 2010, 09:12:58 AM » |
Let's not forget about Rapeman, the Japanese superhero who rapes evil women into becoming good. Seriously.
« Reply #97 on: January 22, 2010, 09:44:10 AM » |
The Girls Dreams Dogs is probably the most disturbing thing I have ever read- I couldn't make it past the first two chapters. I'll just leave the plot summary someone else wrote for it, the poor soul: Girl is walking her dog in the park. She finds a girl who's having sex with a dog in the park. The girl who's having sex with a dog gets raped by the original girl's dog. The two girls become friends and switch dogs. They fall in love with their new dog mates. The original girl marries her new lover(pictured above) The dog gets run over and dies. She goes into a deep depression and starts having sex with random dogs and strays. She gets caught having sex with a dog by her old friend, who's jealous that she's gotten a new friend. Her old friend tries to humiliate her by having sex with these two big dogs. Her new friend tries to stop them, but the old friend tells her she has to sleep with "the homeless men under the bridge". She sleeps with about 10 homeless men. The original girl gives birth to a stray dogs baby, but it obviously comes out dead, looking like a lump of meat. She thinks it's punishment for cheating on her original "lover" dog. She runs into the middle of the street and gets run over by the same bus that killed her lover. She becomes brain dead and paralyzed, confined to a wheelchair.
The End. = thread win just wow
Level 6
« Reply #98 on: January 22, 2010, 08:07:51 PM » |
There's also that show that was aired on a children's channel, where it was super-happy at the beginning, and the beginning and opening themes were all upbeat. It was where this pre-teen finds some super-magical star creature, and it's all super, and then she meets a depressed other-pre-teen (also has a star creature) who's all unhappy, and she cheers her up a bunch. Thennnnn: They meet other people with star creatures, who are training theirs to commit genocide and... Yeah, in the end, all the main character's friends get killed or commit suicide, and the evil people all get brutally murdered by the main character's star creature while she's watching.
Really, though, the most disturbing part of that was how at the beginning of every episode there would always be the "BLAHBLAH KIDS STATION" logo. That's Narutaru, my favourite manga/anime  It is so very very fucked up. Children should just not be doing that sort of stuff to each other. Although it doesn't actually end like that, so it's not much of a spoiler. Here's how it actually goes (although I would strongly strongly recommend actually watching or reading it): [spoiler]The end of the anime is when Hiroko (cute 12 year old girl with pigtails) is raped by her classmates with a test tube, then discovers that she's in control of a gigantic monster, and uses it to get an extremely brutal revenge against the bullies. 'Extremely brutal' meaning disembowelling one of them with a demon talon through her vagina. Hoshimaru (the cute star-shaped mon) strangles Hiroko to death to stop her from killing the protagonist's father. The manga ends a significant time later, after a great deal more attrocities. The above is the turning point in the manga where it starts being more open about how dark it really is[/spoiler] It's an interesting series, because it's not just fucked up - it has extremely happy and uplifting stuff too. Then the horrific stuff kicks in and it has all the more punch because you let your guard down while watching the characters fly around having fun. Has Battle Royale been mentioned yet? (edit: Why is there no spoiler tag? :-/ )
Carrie Nation
« Reply #99 on: January 22, 2010, 09:39:13 PM » |
Wow Cactus, that Amigara Fault comic, that was crazy.
I may be biased because I have awful claustrophobia but that fucked me up pretty bad.