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Author Topic: This Is Not A Place To Advertise  (Read 14894 times)
Community Friendlord
Level 10

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« on: April 03, 2016, 12:31:35 AM »

As the first step in trying to clarify this section of TIGForums, I will be deleting any threads in the Creative section that exist only to show off your game.  There are other places in TIGS for this, and you are encouraged to use them.  If you are posting a thread about a specific topic and using, conveniently, your own game as an example, I will probably judge it UNWORTHY.  If your thread's topic is applicable to other people's endeavors, then by all means mention your game, but consider having other examples on hand as well.

I will begin by going through older, inactive threads, and slowly be working my way up.  This will be an intentionally leisurely process so that if a topic is active it will not be stepped on.  

If you're posting a thread that is essentially "here is my game, let's talk about it", that is bad.  If you are posting a thread that is "here is how my game handles _____, and I'd like some feedback", that is good.  There are a lot more of the former, than the latter.  Notice how the former has no replies while there is an actual discussion going on in the second.  That is what I'd like to cultivate more of.

New threads posted henceforth will be found UNWORTHY instantly.

If you are looking for places to showcase your work (or bask in the glow of others'), check these out:

So what are you working on?
Pitch your game topic
Art Workshop Subforum
DevLogs Subforum

And as always, please refresh yourselves on the Forum Rules which has a big ole' spot about this stuff.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 12:59:12 AM by Capntastic » Logged
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