Hello sorry to double post but I have made a significant development decision. Originally this project was spawned out of an interest to make a sort of social experiment of a mmorpg after watching some friends playin runescape but the more I've given actually thought to the design of this game the less interested I have become in supporting multiplayer and here's y:
◕~ Few people even use in game communication in mmos for anything other than trading and instead opt to use skype or discord. Even if I did alter or limit how players could communicate I think most would at least partiality circumvent that.
◕~ I like the character I made and don't want to provide customization but I feel that making a multiplayer game would require some way to differentiate players from one another.
◕~ I like the idea of having smaller enterable rooms but to have that in a multiplayer game would present a particular challenge with unity.
◕~ How on earth will I do hosting for a mmo?!?!?!?
◕~ I don't have concrete idea of what mp would add to the player experience but I think it could easily damage some narrative things.
◕~ I don't know if a strange game like this would ever generate a large enough player-base that multiplayer would work as intended and I have even greater doubts that the community would last and hosting would stay cost-feasible.
I don't like the idea of my game having an expiration date.◕~ I don't really play much of any multiplayer games. ( ’ ~ ’)
So basically what this means is I am removing networking from the player but I will continue to keep a lot of functions separate so in the future It would be easy to go back on. I plan on continuing the project as an rpg exploration game. I hope this change does not upset anyone but I think it is for the best of the game and it is better to make this decision earlier rather than later.
On a more positive note...
Art & Slime Update!I have wrked on making some new art assets and on improving slime. I thought that the effects of the player on the slime was not visible enough so I made the slime color-reactively glowy.
Here are some images and

EXTRA BIG SCREENSHOThere is a video.