Someone just said me "everyone in the entertainment industry will rip you off". I believe many people are dishonest but i always lived in Italy, where dishonesty and jerkassery is somewhat rewarded. But i also believe that not everyone is like this. And if everyone but ripped off my ideas... what kind of chaotic world would be in? It can't be and i also believe that there is no way that the person in front of me is probably like me and not one kind of asshole ready to steal me goods. but it may depend from the environment you live in. This is the Internet, something that is open to be seen from almost every part of the world. Every country has its own faiths, costumes and culture. And i'm an insecure guy. What do you think about statements like that? Do you feel comfortable about showing off your ideas? Do you think the guy that will post after you, congratulating about your works, will actually steal your works? Or it's just a totally unfounded fear?
Hello all. This was a thread i wanted to create even time ago. It just raises one of my many worries.
I, as a digital artist, have always wondered whether it's a good idea showing off your original ideas or not.
Since this forum is a alchol-less virtual "lounge" of game designers and aspiring ones (like me), it's obvious we're showing off ideas of how our games will look like. I've got an issue, though.
I've met some professional artists that said "before ever being a successful author you will get a lot of your ideas stolen by others"... "people will always be ready to rip-off your unprotected intellectual property, no matter what, your ideas will be stolen" or even "If your idea is good, be sure people will be ripping off you". Wow, that's very pessimistic, but i've also something to state... sorry for the incoming rant.
I live in Italy. Now, i firmly believe that among italian people there are the most dishonest jerkasses you can ever find in your life. Remember "Jerkass Homer"? That's a lot worse. Especially among enterpreneurs. I know some people who should actually be behind the bars for not treating their employees in a legal way. They'll do illegal things, won't regret it and nobody will actually try to punish them, partly because they don't care or because they can't affort lawyers. Others are just unbelivable jerks. Just
like these in this ten years old story i've read time ago.
These people are everywhere, sure, but, in Italy, it seems that your only options, if you want to be an illustrator, an animator or a comic book artist, are these jerks... If you're lucky you may enter Bonelli in Italy and there the situation is a tad better but there are still problems.
No wonder an italian co-directed Kung Fu Panda 3 instead of directing this italian piece of crap that looks like barely four times better than Foodfight!... No one who wants to grow professionally with these people! And one of the "original" italian dubbers of that movie is... well, she probably went to bed with Berlusconi (Bunga Bunga) in exchange of fame and success... something common in the "right wing" part of the italian's environment. It's not completely sure but i believe it because there is extreme corruption among these politicians and Berlusconi also owns mass media in Italy. Luckly, this is not common among ordinary people like us and many people loathe people like him.Now, why this kind of rant when i could have only asked whether you feel comfortable or not with showing off your creations? I, i'll say this openly, am trying to justify my own distrust over people. But also want to be faithful, not everyone can be a jerk in this world. Therefore, i'm kinda challenged over this and i've a personal experience that made me fearful of showing off my stuff.
I was working with someone who wanted me to make concept arts for an animated TV series that i don't know if it will ever see the light of the day and he, at some point, asked me if he could use one character he saw from my illustrations as a character in his cartoon. I politely but also bluntly told him to not to. But when i saw he was insisting over it (he even said he was "defining" the story), i even suspected he was working on it without my permisson. Suspecting this i immediately asked him to not to, in a more upset manner. To avoid further risks, i removed a lot of illustrations from my deviantART depicting original characters. I've never known if this person was really attempting to take one my idea without permisson, though but it can be a possibility.
the deal could have ended better, though (i was paid less than i should have been previously).
These professional artists i was talking about, anyway, may seem too scaremongers from a positive person's point of view but i suspect that they speak in this way because they did really have problem with thieves of ideas. Especially because, as i've written before, i've temporarily attended an environment where dishonest jerks lurked like coackroaches in your basement.
On the other hand, my comic book art mentor also says me that i shouldn't be worried too much over these, as ripping off ideas doesn't happen as often as some say: he said that we "youngsters" are too afraid ot showing off stuff. While i'm afraid of people who rip-off ideas, i would really like to agree with him.
Honestly, when i see artists who made recognizable pieces of works and seeing their creation processes, i really can't imagine how they actually ripped off someone else's idea. When i see Cave Story, i see a lot of homages and not actually rip offs. When i saw videos of The Iconoclasts, i thought that, according to the person who spoke to me about people ripping off ideas, The Iconoclasts is 100% surely getting ripped off by someone else. I didn't see this is happening anywhere at all.
Undertale? I just see a bunch of characters i never saw anywhere at all. Shovel Knight's characters are just too stereotyped to be a rip off... And there are others.
Maybe some of these may have ripped off something but... seriously, if everyone rip offs each other... WHAT CHAOS OF A WORLD WOULD WE LIVE IN???
Sure, if you're not careful, your idea might get stolen, but is that so normal to you?
I mean, when i post in forum like these, i'm probably communicating with the whole world. Probably i'm communicating mostly with USA but it's a forum opened to the world public (aside those where Internet is blocked by dictatorships). Do you really think people are actually going to rip off your ideas? How common do you believe it is? What are your thoughts about this?
Sorry for the lenghty posts but i apparently can't summarize stuff properly so i write in papyruses. I don't want to purposefully appear insecure because... well, i'm very insecure, and i have my own personal reason to be like this.