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Pfotegiest was having a good time. He looked depressed at me and his last words were "you sold us out".
I have lots of time to reinforce everything he said and plan to. Every last thing he said should be accounted for. I'm never coming back to this place.
I'm sure as heck not going to go to the hospital again, when it's inconvenient for me, they'll make every condition I have worse and find other strange ways to ruin things.
When he repeatedly said bunny he wasn't thinking about costumes, or wealthy people, or animals.
He didn't care about video games. If there's anything left untouched, uh, remember that, it matters to me and it should matter.
Loop this last paragraph only. Someone who says or expresses something interprets their own meaning. That meaning is how other people or persons should interpret it. Repeat this until the interpreted meaning is the same as the input.
Alright. Now, you ask someone what the interpretation is unless you know them. They might actually have the same mind as you. They're someone you grew up with for example. That sort of thing. Otherwise, you need to be willing to avoid conflicting behaviors, without reassurance you understood.
Nobody enjoys parties quite as much without me.
All positive things get grandfathered in and the dangerous crap that might be harmful can fuck off and be forgotten. Did that translate well enough?
Certain base needs like life, health, emotional well-being, and nurture are pretty much universal. So, you only need to give someone a chance to deny it for the time, if you have some to offer. Humanitarian efforts should be reinforced, whether there are robots involved or not. You can look for any non-satire typed institutions to draw inspiration from and stay away from dangerous conflict zones before they've been peacefully secured.
Like I obviously meant, I want to go back to the hospital but my mom's pretty much holding the door shut, if only with her words. Someone needs to come and ring the buzzer. Then they can cure me and make things better.
I can't recover or enjoy anything like this. So if anyone knows what is causing the problems, they should participate in figuring out how to set it all right. And they can send someone to ring the buzzer. Then I can start thinking about doing something enjoyment-worthy.
It's alright to intuit optimistic things when the subject is slightly positive in nature. And if you have an inquisitive mind you can always look up any negative things you might have overlooked.
Loop this last paragraph only. Someone who says or expresses something interprets their own meaning. That meaning is how other people or persons should interpret it. Repeat this until the interpreted meaning is the same as the input.
Quote this at anyone who managed to ignore reading it. Then make them read it as stated. After that it should be easier for the points of view to align smoother. But it's ok for people to think a little differently, but this opposite-world thing is too much.b
I look forward to continue playing with you...
I'm just going to call it now this Elon Musk stuff looks like bullshit. He picked such a satirical name like Tesla. With the stuff already done to me it should be obvious I wasn't really functioning. I hope the automatic cars are real someday. And hopefully, the woman at the hospital was just a paid actor too, because I was too scatterbrained to say anything about going in before her while I was there.
Fuck, my head's tingling. I'm sure that's..... my brains getting eaten. Fucking cure this !
If you take things in a more literal way now, I'm in perfect health. My body will return to a youthful state as soon as the experts weigh in and provide the necessary treatment.