TANGLEDEEP IS OUT NOW!After two years in development and a lively devlog on these very forums (which I then transferred to Steam via patch notes during Early Access),
TANGLEDEEP is now officially out on Steam! As of this post it is the
#1 game in Popular New Releases, even above the remaster of Final Fantasy 12!
For those that don't know,
Tangledeep is a dungeon crawling RPG inspired by the finest 16-bit RPGs. It uses tactical, turn-based exploration and combat with a Final Fantasy-style job system and a procedurally generated dungeon full of unique characters, deadly monsters, and lots of treasure to find. Explore the labyrinth and discover the secrets behind its mysteries!
There are a dozen playable jobs, over 100 skills, hundreds of items, and all sorts of wild Champion monster mods, magical item properties, Item Dreams to power up your gear (Disgaea style), a magic grove, a turtle that heals you, and Goldfrogs, among many other things. Oh, and you can capture nearly any monster in the game, raise it as a pet and even breed it with other monsters!
LAUNCH TRAILERIt has been an absolutely wild ride and a wonderful experience. All the posts in this thread are preserved for posterity, so please enjoy seeing how this game started...
STEAM PAGEhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/628770/Tangledeep/