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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsTangledeep: 16-bit roguelike dungeon crawler, now RELEASED on Steam!
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Author Topic: Tangledeep: 16-bit roguelike dungeon crawler, now RELEASED on Steam!  (Read 54141 times)
Level 1

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« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2016, 12:53:44 PM »

Hey thanks for the continued awesome feedback.

* Creeping Death: Having it stay for an extra turn might make sense. Overall game balance is constantly changing as I'm tweaking numbers, abilities, etc. so I apologize that it's not all as tuned as I would like. It should feel like a pretty strong power.

* The lack of merchants (and thus a more reliable source of consumables) is probably the biggest thing right now w/r/t energy usage. But maybe I'll scale back some power costs too. I

* If the vine is having trouble with something you do have a few other damage tools right? Thorns, creeping death, ranged attacks? But yeah having a way to maybe alter it would be good. I agree.

* You know thinking about it, there's really no reason to have the pet disappear. I will just make it last forever or until it dies.

* Will look into the pet wander algorithm!

* UI stuff: Yeah the UI is still not in a great spot. Lots of bandaids since so much of it is my own scratch placeholder stuff. I've asked the lead artist / UX guy to work on the equipment/inventory screen first, after which we will work on other screens.
Level 10

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« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2016, 05:57:04 PM »

Overall, your proposed changes seem good! ^_^

Hey thanks for the continued awesome feedback.

Not a problem! ^_^

* Creeping Death: Having it stay for an extra turn might make sense. Overall game balance is constantly changing as I'm tweaking numbers, abilities, etc. so I apologize that it's not all as tuned as I would like. It should feel like a pretty strong power.

Balance issues aren't unexpected at this point, I daresay; indeed, that's a big part of the point of testing this early, it seems to me! ^_^

* The lack of merchants (and thus a more reliable source of consumables) is probably the biggest thing right now w/r/t energy usage. But maybe I'll scale back some power costs too.

Aah, I didn't realise that there were going to be merchants! (Or forgot.) In that case, I wouldn't worry about it too much just yet--let's see what the balance looks like once the player can purchase their choice of resources.

(Does this mean that I'll have somewhere to dump all those items that I don't use? Tongue (Aside from the altars, of course. Wink ))

Regarding the Vine's buff, I was thinking a bit more about the summoned pet, and it occurs to me that there may be a potential issue in later levels: as the game goes on, the enemies faced will presumably become more powerful. If the Vine remains unchanged, it will presumably become largely ineffective. If the Vine simply becomes more powerful to match, I fear that there's the risk that some of the challenge of those more powerful monsters will be lost.

What I suggest, then, is not one but a set of skills that alter the Vine--giving it more health, or a new damage type, or more attacks per turn, or a slowing effect, etc. This gives the player choices in how they buff each Vine, allowing them to adjust it to a given situation. With balance measures in place, the Vine would hopefully not become overpowering, or suited to all situations.

Level 1

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« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2016, 09:44:18 PM »


WIN: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-12-16.rar
OSX: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-12-16.app.zip

Find bugs? Why not make an account on my GitLab server and report them?!

There's a TON of stuff in this build that I can't wait to share! Among other things, I've named the game: Tangledeep, which will be the name of the labyrinth you're exploring. Here are the cliffnotes.


All new job: Sword Dancer!
The Sword Dancer is a graceful, mobile melee fighter inspired by wuxia and tai chi sword arts. The twist is that she also uses elemental powers, controlling the battlefield around her with fire, ice, lightning, and wind.

Lots of new combat FX!
Combat looks even spiffier, and getting better with every build! Enemies will now also visibly alert you when they are aggroed.

Brigand Rework!
I wasn't happy with most of the Brigand abilities so I redid over half of them. You'll now be using even more dirty tricks, like smoke bombs that obscure the battlefield (and give you bonus crit), explosive traps, throwing knives etc.

(this art is temporary, sorry!)

More Monster Powers
Monsters have toughened up, with a number of them getting new ways to ruin your day.


* Tons of new spiffy combat FX for various abilities, projectiles and impacts!
* New swinging vine animated sprite
* Animations no longer start at the exact same time every time; they will randomly be a bit more "staggered" which looks nice for most things.

* Monster density has been increased at floor 3 and below.
* Floramancer's Summoned Living Vine lasts forever (or until killed) now.
* Floramancer's Vine Swing now restores a little bit of energy when used.
* Champions now get ENRAGED at low health! They get bigger and do more damage, so watch out.
* Floramancer's Creeping Death now lasts an extra turn after spreading
* Tweaked Energy costs of various abilities downward
* Reduced stamina regen rate slightly
* Increased Energy regen rate slightly

* Long load time on switching floors has been fixed. This came from music loading on-demand instead of in the background and streaming in...
* Examine mode / mouse hover should work more reliable now
* Fixed some save / load game bugs
* Precision Jab no longer stops working after 8 uses
* UI overlay now refreshes when switching floors
* The hero should no longer spawn on top of various destructibles
* You can now swap a unique item with the same kind of unique item in the same slot (i.e. one Bottomless Brew for another)
* Champion slimes will no longer merge with non-champion slimes to become a non-champion slime.

* NEW dungeon layout type! (Currently found on floors 3 and 10)
* NEW JOB - Sword Dancer! Use graceful weapon techniques and elemental qi powers to carve your enemies apart with true skill.
* Job REWORK - Brigand. This class is supposed to be about dirty tactics, cheap hits, and taking advantage of your enemy's weaknesses. To that end a number of skills have been removed and new ones created. Try it out!
* Armor has been simplified. Medium and Heavy armor types now reduce damage and add to your dodge, while heavy armor mitigates more damage but offers no extra dodge. There are no more damage resistances (on player armor) to specific damage types like Pierce or Slash... it's just "Physical".
* Monsters can now have monster 'families' (such as slimes, bandits, etc.) which will be used for various things, like...
* New monster attribute: CALL FOR HELP. Monsters with this tag can call out and try to get their friends to help. Uh oh!
* Various monsters have new powers...
--> Fungal Toad's jump now hits you if it lands right next to you.
--> Jade Beetles will now use a powerful charge attack.
--> Mold-Infested Rats will now occasionally pull you closer.

* In the previous build, monsters were able to use an ability that caused them to 'wait' X turns. Salamander fire breath was actually summoning a bunch of tiles that, in turned, summoned the actual effect, while the salamander waited. In this build, strong monster powers can work a bit more intuitively: the monster can CHARGE an action, with 'danger' tiles indicating where that action will happen.
* More robust system governing monster powers in general. They can now be set to trigger only under certain conditions, such as by chance, within a certain range, health threshold, behavior state, etc.
* Lots of under-the-hood stuff for ability targeting and movement to support the Sword Dancer.
* Support for abilities to write flavor text in the combat log.

* An !!! indicator now appears above an enemy that is aggroing somebody (probably you)
* Summoned pets should stick even more closely to you and not wander out of sight
* Monsters should no longer spawn very close to the hero on cave levels (or any level)
* You will now see a message in the combat log when you learn an ability, such as via special item.
* Newly-learnt abilities should properly auto-add to the hotbar if there are open spaces
* When swapping positions or pushing another actor, the game will pause briefly to show the move
* During combat, effect procs now allow for animation time so you can more clearly see what's going on.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 10:11:51 PM by zircon » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2016, 03:47:10 PM »

Wow, that's quite a change-list! I've downloaded the new build, I believe, and intend to try it out fairly soon--perhaps Monday. ^_^

I like the new name! (I'll confess that it caused a little confusion at first: I received an email thread-notification for "Tangledeep", but didn't remember setting notifications for any such thread...)

Pixel Noise
Level 10

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« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2016, 07:14:29 AM »

Cool name!

Ughhh, I'm going to find time to actually play one of these builds, I swear. It's looking really cool, every new update sounds great and really interesting. The sword dancer is my favorite so far.

Pixel Noise - professional composition/sound design studio.

Recently completed the ReallyGoodBattle OST!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=vgf-4DjU5q
Level 10

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« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2016, 11:26:12 AM »

@Pixel Noise: This build is perhaps not a bad point at which to enter: While there are still some bugs, the gameplay seems to me to be starting to come together, and can be quite fun. Additionally, there are now three classes to pick from, each offering a slightly different experience.

@zircon: Feedback!

I like the new Sword Dancer class! While it's not really my style, it seems pretty cool overall, and has some interesting-looking abilities.

Speaking of the new class, I almost managed to effect a full Floramancer->Sword Dancer->Floramancer job-switch (I want some of those abilities!), but died before I managed to pick up the last Sword Dancer ability that I wanted to carry over. I actually somewhat enjoyed playing the Sword Dancer during this run--although I think that this was in part because of the Floramancer abilities that I carried over.

I might have another shot at that job-switch...

As to the Floramancer's abilities, I really do think that Creeping Doom is improved--it really feels worth using now, and in fact became one of my staple attacks. Even more so was Bed of Thorns: it's extremely powerful during the first few levels (which I feel is appropriate), and seems to remain useful as far as I've thus far reached. I like that it affects creatures in the tiles directly surrounding it.

(That said, the sound effect associated with Creeping Doom is a little annoying, I find. :/)

I do think that I prefer having my summoned Vine stick around; it feels more useful, and more reliable, and perhaps gives a little more weight to paying attention to its health.

The exclamation point that appears when a creature becomes hostile is welcome: it provides a useful means of conveying a creature's state, I feel.

I like the change in how armour is handled--it's simpler, which I find leaves armour feeling more useful and more manageable.

On a general note, the gameplay balance is starting to feel good to me. The first floors are easy, but (based on one run, at least) at around floor five or six I start to feel that it becomes important to think about my moves.

As to bugs:

Every so often a tile seems to end up with a "phantom" object: hovering the mouse over it indicates the presence of a "Summoned Living Vine", but none is present; such tiles seem to show up as green on the minimap. Unfortunately, this seems to result in further issues:
  • The tile can be selected for targeted abilities and ranged weapons. I've only tried it with the latter, I believe, but doing so seemed to render the game largely unresponsive, leaving me able to open screens, select abilities, etc., but not act.
  • Perhaps related, every so often it seems to result in the character not being able to move. Going into the equipment screen and "using" an item seems to fix it most of the time (without actually using the item). It also looks as though I'm "pushed aside" somewhat, I think.

The information bar that appears when one hovers the mouse over a tile remains when one opens the equipment screen, covering the top part. (I'm not sure of whether I've tried it with other screens.)

When the player has accumulated quite a few items, the list doesn't seem to scroll all the way to the bottom. This can be worked around by using one of the dedicated sub-lists (such as by highlighting the "weapon" slot, such that only weapons are shown)--until that list grows too large, too.

Finally, in the job screen, attempting to scroll the "learned skills" list seems to instead scroll the "available skills" list, resulting in known skills that fall off of the bottom of the list being effectively unavailable.

Level 1

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« Reply #66 on: November 16, 2016, 10:28:04 PM »

Hey sorry I missed that feedback! My topic notifications got turned off somehow. Thanks very much as always - really helpful. Some of these issues have been fixed in the build I'm about to describe below (such as the 'phantom' summon tiles), others will be fixed shortly. The equipment/jobs UI is a big pain point for me right now as UI is my weak area and we don't have proper design for it yet.

NEW BUILD - 11/17/2016

WIN: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-17-16.rar
OSX: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-17-16.app.zip

First boss (WIP) on Floor 5. Crash/bug fixes. More quality of life improvements. Lots of new art. New ability type (toggle) which will be used for lots of stuff going forward. Jobs now influence stat growth.



* MORE sweet new combat effects!
* In-game status effect sprites should now align properly, in all directions, regardless of the size of the monster or actor!
* New in-game status icons when enemies are debuffed in various ways, and these debuff icons will cycle to show each status effect present
* Tile perspective enhancements

* Sword Dancer's "Dust in the Wind" now costs 20 Energy (down from 25)
* Slightly boosted player HP gained per level
* Slimes hit a little harder
* Player starting HP boosted slightly

* Jians will no longer spawn outside of the Sword Dancer's starting weapon
* Rooted enemies can no longer use movement/jump abilities.
* Fixed major crash/freeze bug with Floramancer pet
* When monster pets die, they will do the death fade out + sound so you know what happened
* Floramancer's Plant Synergy can no longer revive you after you've died
* Fixed bug caused by some weird combination of Plant Synergy and Creeping Spider's Mild Venom
* Fourth Sword no longer does ridic damage
* Scanline state now saves/loads properly
* You should no longer spawn on the first level trapped in stone
* The "examine" info bar will now close when you open character/equipment sheets (etc)

* First BOSS FIGHT - not quite 100% finished but it's mostly there! You will encounter it on Floor 5. Be prepared...
* Brigand new passive: "Detect Weakness". This is a passive skill that, once learned, will randomly reveal enemy weak points (if you're not in combat with them already). Attack these weak points for massive damage!
* Sword Dancer's "Thundering Lion" is now a TOGGLE as opposed to a limited-duration status. Also, toggle abilities are possible ingame now!
* Jobs now influence stat growth (Strength, Swiftness, Guile, Discipline, Spirit) on level up. The differences are not huge but do add up over time. The base/average gain is 1.5. Floramancer, for example, now gains 1.8 Spirit per level but only 1.25 Strength.
* Monsters now have the ability to heal other monsters! If they have a heal spell, that is.

* Red battle text (numbers, "WHIFF" etc) is now yellow or white
* Self-only abilities no longer require an extra button press to cast.
* When summoned stuff disappears, it will now fade out instead of suddenly vanishing
* New option: show jp/xp gain, pops up above character's head when you kill something
* If you have a ranged weapon equipped, you can now click on an enemy (within range) to attack it


Here's what's on the table:

The THAUMATURGE is coming as the 4th job! This class will be a traditional energy-based magic user with a twist. You will be able to learn "Metamagic" skills that change how your spells behave. Combining different metamagic abilities will yield new and unique combinations. For example, you could extend the range of a spell, change the targeting shape, or the 'trigger' (instant, reactive, etc...)

More art! Art is an ongoing process. Tiles, battle FX, polish, and enhancements.

UI (equipment, jobs, character sheet) is all placeholder and need some serious love. Workin on it!

Revamp to magic mods and champion mods. They will be better. I promise.

The town hub is coming too... And for that I'll need a more robust dialog system, buying/selling item UI and so forth.
Level 10

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« Reply #67 on: November 17, 2016, 11:04:41 AM »

I have the new build downloaded, I believe, and intend to try it soon!

* If you have a ranged weapon equipped, you can now click on an enemy (within range) to attack it

Ooh, I've been waiting for that! ^_^

The equipment/jobs UI is a big pain point for me right now as UI is my weak area and we don't have proper design for it yet.

Just to check: am I correct in thinking that the bug with the "learned skills" list hasn't yet been fixed? I want to hold off on my next attempt to dual-class Floramancer and Sword Dancer until it has been, since it prevents my reaching--and thus using--some of the skills thus accumulated.

The THAUMATURGE is coming as the 4th job! This class will be a traditional energy-based magic user with a twist.



I mean, I really like the sound of that class. ^_^

You will be able to learn "Metamagic" skills that change how your spells behave. Combining different metamagic abilities will yield new and unique combinations. For example, you could extend the range of a spell, change the targeting shape, or the 'trigger' (instant, reactive, etc...)

Ooh, I like that!

I do have one suggestion--although note that this may significantly increase the amount of work involved: in previous games that I've played that have provided spell-customisation, I've found that I generally prefer those in which the spells produced are distinct from each other, rather than simply looking like the same basic spell with different variables. For example, a basic "fiery missile" spell might look like a simple fireball; a range-extended one might look like a snake made of fire; a reactive one might look like a smouldering ember; a cone version might spew out "claws" made of fire; and so on.

As already noted, however, this does presumably call for quite a bit of additional art.

Level 1

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« Reply #68 on: November 17, 2016, 11:10:40 AM »

Yes the equipment / skill list bugs will be fixed, they are not fixed yet however.

I agree on the spell FX thing. Visual polish is enormously important to me... this game needs to look amazing. The new combat FX we've been doing look great (IMO) and I want to do that for all jobs.
Level 10

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« Reply #69 on: November 21, 2016, 07:25:18 AM »

I've played a little of the new build, but have encountered two bugs, the latter of which has stopped play for now:

First, it seems that when I die and attempt to restart the game, I end up stuck at a black screen with nothing happening. I've confirmed this happening when I die as a Sword Dancer, but not as other classes. Specifically, I died, clicked the mouse to continue, then selected a class to start a new game. The screen went black, and stayed that way.

Second, the Floramancer's summoned Vine seems to be a little broken. :/ Specifically, it wanders about more or less randomly, and no longer seems interested in fighting for me. I did see the "aggro" exclamation-mark appear over it a few times, seemingly arbitrarily, but I didn't see it attack as a result of this.

On a more positive note, I like being able to simply click on an enemy to attack with a ranged weapon. Thank you for that! ^_^

Yes the equipment / skill list bugs will be fixed, they are not fixed yet however.

Fair enough!

I agree on the spell FX thing. Visual polish is enormously important to me... this game needs to look amazing. The new combat FX we've been doing look great (IMO) and I want to do that for all jobs.

Excellent! ^_^

Level 1

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« Reply #70 on: November 21, 2016, 08:00:46 AM »

Can you send your saved game files or upload them somewhere? That's a bad bug... should be savedGame.xml and .dat.

The second one I have fixed locally. Sorry about both of these.

Right now I'm working on overhauling a lot of UI code. Equipment screen is totally new and there will hopefully be other redone UIs as well.
Level 10

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« Reply #71 on: November 22, 2016, 06:27:17 AM »

Can you send your saved game files or upload them somewhere? That's a bad bug... should be savedGame.xml and .dat.

Hmm... Does the game autosave at some point? The "options" menu doesn't work properly for me--I see sliders and check-boxes, but no labels, and I'm not sure about buttons--perhaps due to my use of WINE (I might be missing some UI package, or some such thing). As a result, I haven't been saving manually in any way. (And I close the game via Ctrl-F4, if I recall correctly.)

Would I get a valid save-file if I reproduced the bug as described above (all the way through to the black screen), then used Ctrl-F4 to quit?

The second one I have fixed locally.

Ah, fair enough!

Sorry about both of these.

Not at all! Bugs like this are not unlikely during so active a period of development, I suspect.

Right now I'm working on overhauling a lot of UI code. Equipment screen is totally new and there will hopefully be other redone UIs as well.

Ah, excellent! ^_^

Level 1

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« Reply #72 on: November 22, 2016, 09:51:11 AM »

Ohh I misunderstood, when you say restart the game you meant like hitting "Enter" at the game over screen right? OK.

If it happens again send the Unity log...


With regards to options not appearing, what resolution are you using? This could indeed be a WINE thing. I will (eventually) be making a proper Linux port tho.
Level 1

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« Reply #73 on: November 22, 2016, 11:13:02 AM »

Why does the player sprite only face one direction all the time? And they never seem to do attack moves or anything but stand there jerking up and down? It bothers me.
Level 4


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« Reply #74 on: November 22, 2016, 12:35:40 PM »

Cause none of that stuff doesn't add as much to the gameplay compared to things like new enemies and attack effects.
The game is really early in development too and it's much more important to put dev time towards things like new enemies and effects which add a lot more than other character angles or detailed attack animations.

Also, this is generally the style of these types of games, so you're basically the only one who gets all bothered

Level 1

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« Reply #75 on: November 22, 2016, 12:56:32 PM »

Why does the player sprite only face one direction all the time? And they never seem to do attack moves or anything but stand there jerking up and down? It bothers me.

Well, Fervir said it perhaps a bit more bluntly than me, but he is also correct. My top priority is getting a wide range of characters, battle FX, monsters, NPCs, etc. We also need item icons, portraits, skill/spell icons, status effects and much more. BUT once I'm satisfied we have all of that then I would do directional sprites for the hero and then maybe simple walking/attack animations.

Most roguelikes have nowhere near the level of visuals that (thanks to Fervir and our other artist OceansAndrew) we have already been able to achieve, even early on. Most are pure ASCII, text and numbers. Those that aren't use very lo-fi graphics with minimal if any animations at all, no battle FX, etc. Even doing idle animations is a big step above probably 95% of roguelikes and that kind of polish is important to me. Take a look at some of the top rated, most beloved roguelikes around to see what I mean:



Granted these are all extremely good games. But I think even with no attack/walk animations or directional sprites, Tangledeep will end up looking a lot more pleasant and polished, which is really important to me!

P.S. One of the merchants you will encounter soon, say hi!

"Buy something, nya~"
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 03:01:22 PM by zircon » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #76 on: November 23, 2016, 10:20:32 AM »

Ohh I misunderstood, when you say restart the game you meant like hitting "Enter" at the game over screen right? OK.

If it happens again send the Unity log...


I ran the game quickly (this bug is very reliable on my machine), and here's the resultant log file, I believe:

Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 840M (ID=0x1341)
    Vendor:   NVIDIA
    VRAM:     2047 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in  0.062 seconds
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: Z:\home\thaumaturge\Desktop\ImpactRL\Build11-17-16_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)
desktop: 1366x768 60Hz; virtual: 1366x768 at 0,0
<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

<RI> Touch support initialization failed: Call not implemented.


UnloadTime: 1.739600 ms
SwordDancer(Clone) (Animatable)
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

2 had corridor with no internal tiles after corridor gen (0.0, 0.0) (0.0, 0.0)
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

Can not play a disabled audio source
(Filename:  Line: 432)

Picked track dungeontheme2
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

0 is IRL_DungeonMusic2_LP
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

SwordDancer(Clone) (Animatable)
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 13.530900 ms

Unloading 158 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2074.
Total: 34.192200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.320300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.151900 ms MarkObjects: 32.388699 ms  DeleteObjects: 1.327900 ms)

Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: b9 -> priority: 1

With regards to options not appearing, what resolution are you using? This could indeed be a WINE thing. I will (eventually) be making a proper Linux port tho.

I believe that I'm running it in Windowed mode, with a resolution of 928 x 696.

A Linux build would be nice to have, I daresay! ^_^

P.S. One of the merchants you will encounter soon, say hi!

"Buy something, nya~"

Kitty!!! :D

Um... I mean... *ahem*

Uh... I like it! ^_^

Level 1

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« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2016, 10:17:13 AM »

NEW BUILD! This one has some extensive changes so I fully expect there to be bugs that I've missed, but any play testing is of course sincerely appreciated.

WINDOWS: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-30-16.rar
OSX: http://zirconstudios.com/game/Build11-30-16.app.zip

OVERVIEW: All the UI code has been completely redone. Several interfaces have been redesigned from scratch, such as equipment, UI, and job, plus there is now a new skill book UI (s) where you can view/use abilities and equip support abilities. There is now a basic title screen and character creation process! Also, the champion mod system has been reworked. Champions are much more interesting now, capable of spawning with various unique powers that require more planning and battlefield awareness.

New champion abilities (electrified, frozen, toxic)

Passive/support ability swapping

Character creation 1.0


* Summoned pets will now remember their summoner on load properly, and not aggro him/her/it
* On load, monsters will continue respawning on floors with the monster-attracting gem still intact.
* Monsters that normally restrict their movement to a small area will be more inclined to wander about in caves.
* Anchor/swing vines spawned by Floramancer's "Aura of Growth" will no longer stack up on the same square
* Anchor vines should no longer slow enemies you aren't in combat with

* Monster champion system has been totally overhauled. There are now "Champion Mods" which, in addition to adding raw stats, grant new battle powers to the monster. For example, "Toxic" champions will spawn spreading poison clouds, "Turtling" champions conjure energy shields, and "Electrified" champions call random lightning strikes! You can view a monster's mods by hovering over them with the mouse, or using the "x" (examine) key.

* Champion monsters have more flavorful names, too!

* You can now select from 2 feats when you start the game. These are innate active or passive abilities that will help you in your adventure! There are just 6 for now but expect to see lots more.

* Passive abilities must now be EQUIPPED from the skill sheet (S) to have an effect. You can have up to 5 passive abilities equipped at a time, from any mix of jobs.

* More support for ability in-game 'flavor text' (written to log)
* Abilities can now have one sound effect play to cover the entire effect, even if there are multiple animations generated
* Lay the groundwork for new job traits (passives/stats) to unlock as you master your job. This will give you extra benefits that are NOT carried over from one job to another, giving you incentive to select the job you like even if you've mastered all abilities from multiple jobs.

* On the "Game Over" screen, hitting escape will now restart the game.

* Game now has a title screen and basic character creation!
* Massive overhaul to underlying UI code.
* Equipment and Inventory UI have both been redone from scratch. More work to be done but these should be much more useful and focused now. Equipment is for weapons, armor, and accessories, Inventory is for usable items.
* Job Sheet (J) has been redone. This is now used to view in-depth info about your current job, learn/master new abilities.
* New UI sheet, Skill/Spell Book (S), which is where you can use abilities and equip (?!) new Passive abilities... See CONTENT above
Level 10

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« Reply #78 on: December 01, 2016, 11:33:11 AM »

Quite an update, I feel! ^_^

I've played for a little while--I haven't yet gotten very far, but do have a save to go back to (I hope)--and once again have some feedback:

First of all, It's good to have my summoned Vine working again! :D

I like the new character-creation system, and feel that you have a good start to it. It's a nice, RPG-ish experience. ^_^

The main menu is just lovely; even the title is pretty, being both in a lovely colour and a nice font (to my eye, at least). ^_^

The new inventory screens seem rather more manageable than the old, I think: the increased space increases the ease of reading (the increased space-usage offset somewhat by having two columns), and the icons add both a bit of visual interest and an aid to quick recognition, I think. Similarly, I like the new layout for the job-screen.

On the other hand, it might be nice to have a bit more space between the options shown in menus (such as in the character-creation sequence), both for increased legibility and to provide a bit of buffer-space to reduce ambiguity when picking via the mouse.

Perhaps more saliently, hovering the mouse over an option produces tooltips (when available), but doesn't seem to actually select items. As a result, pressing the mouse-button selects whatever the hand-cursor is highlighting, regardless of where the mouse is--something that tripped me up a few times. This is perhaps most problematic when selecting a character-class, since the mistake only becomes clear when the game-proper starts, a few screens later.

The new character-screens (equipment, inventory, job, etc.) don't seem to resize to fit the current aspect ratio--for example, they seem to extend beyond the sides of the screen when one plays in a 928x696 window. (I've recently dealt with something similar on my end, as I recall--if you like, I should be able to provide some pseudo-code that might be useful to you. That said, the utility of my code may depend heavily on just how similar your UI system is to the one that I use.)

I do still think that it would be worth making all character-screens available from a single, central screen, perhaps via tabs.

As to gameplay, I feel that it's a little too easy to target an ally by simply clicking on them at range. Worse, once one has gained the aggression of said former ally, one may find that at melee range they seem to still be treated as allies, meaning that mouse-clicks simply move the player towards the character, swapping positions with them. (I'm inclined to suggest that clicking on a distant ally simply move the player towards them, even with a ranged weapon selected. If one really does want to attack an ally, this can presumably still be done via hotkeys.)

The new champion abilities are a nice addition, I think--although I'll confess that I haven't yet had enough such encounters to be confident of more detailed feedback than that.

I encountered a bug in the text-colouring: a creature (a champion, I think) was described in the log-text more or less as: "<color=yellow>[text]</color>" (where "[text]" represents the text that was presumably supposed to be coloured).

Finally, the new story is interesting--but if we're ascending towards the surface, why do the staircases that allow progress seem to go downwards...? o_0

Level 1

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« Reply #79 on: December 01, 2016, 02:17:47 PM »

Great points re: mouse control. I play almost entirely with keys as is the Roguelike tradition so the mouse control should be improved. I will make it so clicking an option selects it, clicking AGAIN will confirm it (if already selected).

UI scaling is a thorn in my side. For now if possible try to play at 16:9. It should scale properly to any multiple of that.

Tabs in the UI - definitely, it's on the list. I wanted to get the new wireframes and functionality in, but I agree that tabs would make life easier.

Hurting own pet: I'm going to just make this impossible Tongue
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