So what do you guys do when, you thought of thought man thats a cool idea, start working on it and a month or so later you come across a game thats basically your idea and everyone likes the game etc?
Would you just continue with your game....and run the risk of being called a copycat. (The idea not the look or anything else really)
Would you stop development and work on a more run of the mill idea (Since there are tons of these types og games they are all "copies of the same ideas" anyway).
Surely this must happen a lot. What to do?
Just get over it and carry on?
Did this happen to you?
I copied a game about AI copying you and improved upon it drastically over a year ago (still making commits even yesterday). Nothing's original and IMO the Western culture has a weird fetish for "idea people".. as if those people aren't standing on the shoulders of giants. And those giants also borrowed from other people. It's silly, IMO, to give credit only to one person and even their inspiration without acknowledging a huge chain of creative breakthroughs leading to that invention.
Unless, in my slightly sarcastic opinion, you're making a Metroidvania. Indie has scene enough of these

What's your game?
Ditto what Silber said. I cancelled a small project connecting to the LoL API for 2-p ranked matches because Riot came out with it on their own faster than we could develop it. It was a good learning experience nonetheless.
I listened to a GameDevConference talk about MMOs in China - Corp A makes Game A1, then Corp B makes Game B1 which clones A1 and improves upon it. Corp A then makes Game A2 which takes B1's improvements back into their game and adds new one.
Who do you think innovates faster Corp A & B or Westerner keeping their idea secret?