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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsBarbearian - Fast-paced hack'n'slash action in a colorful hand-drawn world
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Author Topic: Barbearian - Fast-paced hack'n'slash action in a colorful hand-drawn world  (Read 76337 times)
Level 2

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« Reply #80 on: July 03, 2017, 10:26:23 PM »

Thanks for the compliments!

Will it be a system where the quests are sorted by level and you can skip over them if you're ready for the next set, or one where you have to finish all available quests and then the next batch pops up?

I've not decided that yet as I don't have enough quest content to get a good feel for it yet. I'm currently thinking that there should always (if possible) be a few different quests available, so you can try different one if one proves too difficult, but I'm not sure yet how that will work out. Also the 'quests' will probably be replayable, so you can grind them if you wish to get a few more upgrades before tackling something harder. All of this depends a lot too on how much good content I can make too, the more I can do, the more complex/interesting world I could do as well.

Level 2

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« Reply #81 on: July 08, 2017, 12:45:17 AM »

Put together a #screenshotsaturday gif. That's a 'quest portal'. It's what you use to activate quests and spawn a teleporter that takes you to the quest.

I guess I can do a progress update while at it.

Log Entry #27

I did much work on getting the world structure finished and now it's done. As in I have all the code in place in theory so I can start plugging in the content (at least until I realize I did it all wrong and nothing works. Smiley).  Nothing really exiting, just doing all kinds of little things I've been ignoring that haven't been essential for development, like getting rewards from doing quests and being able to navigate the world (without debug menus) and save working properly everywhere etc..

Next week it's time to start creating new levels again and integrating them to the game and trying to get a feel of how the 'economy'/upgrading and all that works. I hope I can get World 1 finished this month so I could maybe pass a version to a few friends again. Lots of small things to do, but nothing super major I think. Maybe could even do the first boss. Maybe. Let's see how it goes.

Level 2

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« Reply #82 on: July 17, 2017, 02:30:29 AM »

Log Entry #28

Last week I did all the levels for 'world 1' and I think they're pretty good for now. Final balancing is not of course done yet, as that'll be the last thing to do I guess. Also did few very simple new tools to help me keep track of all the levels and stuff. What else, I guess that's it. Quite happy with the progress. This week I'm thinking of doing lots of drawing, as there's lot's of temp that I want to make look better if I'm going to send some test versions to friends.

Also posted this on Twitter last week, it shows a peek of how the levels look in Tiled vs. the final game. That's one level that's fully designed in Tiled, but most levels are combined procedurally from multiple different maps done in Tiled to add a bit of randomization.


Level 2

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« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2017, 11:53:56 PM »

Log Entry #29

So I've been mostly drawing stuff this week. "Wasted" a day/two doing some research for music though. Tried to find some good references, but it's surprisingly hard to find something I like. A lot of indie games seem to have really similar "uninspired" soundtracks, but there's some gems out there too. I'm currently thinking that the battles need pretty high tempo music, maybe with some chip tune flavor as the game is a bit 'retro' in a way, but then again not full on chip tunes, that's again way too retro. Then something more mellow for the non-battle levels, something a bit weird, strange instruments... I dunno, need to think about it more! Can't plan too much as I don't even know half of the level themes yet anyway. Smiley

So, I got some of the things I planned done, but not nearly anything so I probably have to spend the beginning of next week working on visuals too. Then I want to try to set up the color schemes for world 2 and 3 so I can have some placeholder levels there too. And I don't know, well see what after that...

That's a working in progress .gif of a 'prisoner tube' I did. There's a little knight floating in there and you have to rescue them.

And also I did this... not going to explain... Grin I like it, but might get a bit lost in the grass as it's a bit small. Might have to change it later, but for now it'll do.


Level 10

C++ professional, game dev sparetime

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« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2017, 03:53:29 AM »

I love the tiny yellow crabby thing.

Snake World, multiplayer worm eats stuff and grows DevLog
Level 2

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« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2017, 10:00:20 PM »

Log Entry #30

Finished the prisoner tube thing, then moved on to finish off 'World 1' with drawing a few more props for a few places that I felt needed a bit more. Also did a I felt it has enough now so I could move on, so started working on the look of other areas.

I got the second color scheme/level theme into relatively good shape. Needs more themed props and such, but the basic colors an plants etc. are something I'm happy with. This week I think I'll do pass on the third level theme as well and the second one still needs stuff. I'm currently enjoying drawing stuff, so might as well continue as there's so much stuff still needed. I'm thinking maybe 5 main level themes would be enough for the final game, but it also depends on if I get the gameplay to stay interesting that long. I hope so.

Here's how the second level theme looks.


Level 10

C++ professional, game dev sparetime

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« Reply #86 on: July 31, 2017, 04:49:58 AM »

I love the colors of this image. [edit] Just noticed that this is nearly exactly a copy of my previous post. So... erm... good work! <insert something creative here/>

Snake World, multiplayer worm eats stuff and grows DevLog
Level 1

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« Reply #87 on: July 31, 2017, 05:30:42 AM »

Great progress with the visuals so far!

Regarding the music, I think a retro feel combined with modern elements might work well, such as a hybrid of chiptune and orchestral.

I can compose a few demo pieces if you would like, just to give some ideas for now?

Sbeast - Composer / Cover Artist / Guitarist
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« Reply #88 on: July 31, 2017, 08:29:55 AM »

Your game vaguely reminds me of Braveheart HD on the iPad. I used to play that game for a long time. Of course yours has nicer graphics. I'm looking forward to an iOS release!

Level 2

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« Reply #89 on: July 31, 2017, 08:47:55 PM »

I love the colors of this image. [edit] Just noticed that this is nearly exactly a copy of my previous post. So... erm... good work! <insert something creative here/>

Thanks! No need to get creative, I'm always happy to get any replies/encouragement to my posts. Smiley

Great progress with the visuals so far!

Regarding the music, I think a retro feel combined with modern elements might work well, such as a hybrid of chiptune and orchestral.

I can compose a few demo pieces if you would like, just to give some ideas for now?

Thanks! I'm not sure orchestral is the right choice. It has to be something pretty energetic and high tempo I think for the battles, as they're pretty fast and hectic, but we'll see. Still haven't locked anything down.

Thank you for the offer, but no need, I would not want you to work for free and I can't really afford to hire anyone at this point either.

Your game vaguely reminds me of Braveheart HD on the iPad. I used to play that game for a long time. Of course yours has nicer graphics. I'm looking forward to an iOS release!

Thanks! Never heard of that game, I'll check it out. Smiley

Level 2

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« Reply #90 on: August 04, 2017, 08:56:44 AM »

Log Entry #31

Soo... the week is over, log entry time! I moved on to draw stuff for world 3, did a lighting pass on it and drew all the necessary basic props etc. to make it look good in basic form. Looks ok now, so that's done. I don't know if I should screenshot it though. It's a bit difficult to judge what to show now that I'm actually producing content, as I don't want to spoil the whole game here! Let's leave it a "secret" for now. Smiley

Then I worked a bit more on setting up the overworld structure. I came up with some ideas how the story could flow through there too, I hope I can get all that done properly without too much compromise. It's nothing much, but just so that there's some meat in the story too so the game doesn't feel too sterile.

And today I did a few new enemy spawners and made a new skeleton enemy (or actually recycled old desigh I had that was left unused previously).

Next week I'm planning to do a few new level elements to World 2 and one new 'captain' type of enemy. And depending on how fast I can do those, it's time to really start putting together "final" world 2 levels.

Level 2

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« Reply #91 on: August 05, 2017, 07:56:23 AM »

So instead of screenshots, here's a few of the props I've been drawing past week or so. The trees are from 'world 2' which has kind of an autumn feel I guess (seen in the earlier screenshot). The bones are from 'world 3' theme. That blue balloon thing is one of the lamps/lights.

In other important news, I like drawing trees. I don't know why, but I just do. And with that, I'm out.


Level 2

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« Reply #92 on: August 11, 2017, 05:27:38 AM »

Log Entry #32

Alright, let's see. I made a new tower/cannon structure to World 2 and did some drawing to add new wall type to it too to add some more world specific flavour. Then I did a new 'captain' type of enemy for World 2. It could use some more gameplay though, it's just a another basic melee enemy. Not sure what I could do there, but that'll wait for some other day/week/month. Then I made first versions of most of the levels to World 2 too, but just initial versions to lay out the basic progression. Not the most productive week this time, but progress is progress!

I think next week will spent mostly on working World 2 levels into shape and then maybe doing one pass on difficulty balancing. Then I could maybe start making plans for the first boss I'm going to make. That's going to take a lot of work.

Action gif from world 2! ...just noticed that the new wall type there (the purple branchy thing) explodes into wood chunks... Smiley


Level 2

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« Reply #93 on: August 18, 2017, 09:35:51 PM »

Log Entry #33

Non-progress update! I took some days off this week, so not much work got done. I did get some story ideas into more solid shape, so that's good. I also did a bit of work to finish off the first pass of World 2 (one new level and some tweaking) and designed the first boss to the point where I can start prototyping it. So next week, it's time do that.

Level 2

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« Reply #94 on: August 25, 2017, 04:41:51 AM »

Log Entry #34

So I've been working on Boss 1 this week. I'd say it's now 2/3 complete (was hoping it was done, but when am I ever on schedule). Looks pretty cool, but doesn't still play that great. Need to work on it more next week. Also lots of little things need to be taken care of before I can leave it. They all add to a lot of time.

Also next week: all boss related things like what happens when you complete it (story wise etc.), how do you enter the boss level... systems integrating it into the world in general, now it's just a separate test level. That's going to take some time, but that'll be done for all other bosses I hope at the same time so it's no repeat work on them.

No .gifs, saving boss spoilers for later I guess.

Level 0

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« Reply #95 on: August 25, 2017, 06:22:52 AM »

Log Entry #32

Alright, let's see. I made a new tower/cannon structure to World 2 and did some drawing to add new wall type to it too to add some more world specific flavour. Then I did a new 'captain' type of enemy for World 2. It could use some more gameplay though, it's just a another basic melee enemy. Not sure what I could do there, but that'll wait for some other day/week/month. Then I made first versions of most of the levels to World 2 too, but just initial versions to lay out the basic progression. Not the most productive week this time, but progress is progress!

I think next week will spent mostly on working World 2 levels into shape and then maybe doing one pass on difficulty balancing. Then I could maybe start making plans for the first boss I'm going to make. That's going to take a lot of work.

Loving the art style! Looks great!  Smiley

Action gif from world 2! ...just noticed that the new wall type there (the purple branchy thing) explodes into wood chunks... Smiley

Level 2

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« Reply #96 on: September 01, 2017, 04:25:40 AM »

Log Entry #35

Time for a progress update. Boss 1 is finished! And I'm really happy with it too. It will later need balancing when all things are in place, but for now it's done. All functionality and effects are in place and I think it plays pretty well. Sound is missing though, but I'll do that when I do a full sound pass on all other places too some time later.

Then started integrating the boss flow into whole world (i.e. how you get into the boss and how you get out). The boss entry is now done, but I haven't yet begun with what happens after the boss. I suspect that will take a good part of next week as I have to draw a few larger things to set it up and make it suitably cool. I hope I get it done next week. Then after that, I don't know yet, possibly a pass on upgrade systems and I have to redo the HUD at some point too.

Special tree that I drew and animated this week too.

Also, a bonus screenshot. This is the current look of the "world 1 quest hub", i.e. you select your quest there. Those stones are things that will teleport you to your quest and that red button takes you back to the main world hub.


Josh Bossie
Level 3

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« Reply #97 on: September 01, 2017, 08:47:28 AM »

You weren't joking about being colorful - I love the look of this. Getting major Bastion vibes from this. Keep it up!

Level 2

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« Reply #98 on: September 01, 2017, 11:06:49 PM »

You weren't joking about being colorful - I love the look of this. Getting major Bastion vibes from this. Keep it up!

Thank you! I love colors, and I guess it shows in my games... Smiley

Bonus #screenshotsaturday .gif showing the tree in its natural setting + a demotivational crow.


Level 1

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« Reply #99 on: September 06, 2017, 02:14:59 PM »

Mostly it's just landscape (3D mesh) and sprites/grass on top, so that's mostly 2-3x max. I don't use a depth buffer at all, all the sprites are back to front sorted on the CPU and drawn with one drawcall.

That's interesting. I thought you were using simple sprites for the tiles of the landscape. Are you building the 3D mesh and just mapping the UV of the texture instead? Has the landscape a real third dimension as in are you able to use that for lighting?

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