Level 1
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 03:48:18 PM » |
 Hey guys! Soo I've decided to take a break from Dash & ATLAS and work on something I can complete in a much shorter time. FiendTower a platformer roguelike where you travel through a tower combating enemies, avoiding traps, and uncovering secrets This is a continuation of a game that myself and a buddy from a Discord server worked on in a week. I've since remade it solo. If you'd like to try out the original check out my itch.io page! I did the graphics and some of the background systems while my partner did the main mechanics. If you'd like to see screenshots on a semi regular basis please follow me on twitter @grogrog! --- In the original game you had the ability to jump, flash, throw shurikens, as well as a hard to master wall jump. With FiendTower I've been playing with different options for the character, including a melee attack, a wall cling, and alternate items (which shuriken will fall under). I want the game to be difficult and precise, but something that is able to be mastered.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 05:31:01 AM by Grog »
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2017, 04:34:03 PM » |
Hey Grog,
Just browsing through the devlogs from today and I wanted to tell you that this looks really cool so far. Keep it up!
Level 1
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2017, 02:59:42 PM » |
Hey guys! Been working on some behind the scene boring stuff, but do have some cooler stuff to show as well! I've added a melee attack and an item system, more or less inspired by Castlevania. Your main attack is not the most effective things in the world, but you will be able to pickup items to round out your abilities.   So far I have three items: Shurikens: Basic ranged projectile (consumes ammo) Needles: Pierces through enemeies (consumes ammo) Knife: You throw the knife and it has to be picked up before it can be used again. I have a more ideas that I plan to add over the next few days and will share them as they come!
Level 0
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2017, 03:57:58 PM » |
Looks cool dude. I really like the rolling fog effect you did.
Ryan Taylor
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2017, 05:00:53 PM » |
The graphics look great. The gameplay looks great. This is just great!
I cannot wait to play the final release
Games Released:* debris Thank you, Ryan TaylorGame Developer
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2017, 05:07:43 PM » |
The spinning jump animation reminds of metroid  Looking good so far
Logan Hart
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2017, 08:13:23 PM » |
Awesome idea! I also think that the art has a great retro feel to it, but one that hasn't been tried before, if that makes sense. It's retro but refreshingly new. 
Level 1
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2017, 03:11:27 PM » |
Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it! I have been working on some items and had some headaches with that. Should have some stuff to show soon. Made a new basic attack and took a previous animation and made it the aerial attack. Going to make it so that if you're jumping and attack you'll get slight upward momentum, and if you do it while falling you'll pause in air (as it is now). I also worked on a new intro pre-tower scene. This is where you'll start when you die, giving you a brief cooldown period and an area to get familiar with basic controls. There will be one more screen that is a hub area with possible unlocks (portals to further areas) as well as the main portal to start your climb. 
Pixel Noise
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2017, 04:15:59 PM » |
Awesome! Been really enjoying Dash & Atlas, and this looks great too. Nice work all around 
Level 0
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2017, 12:39:21 PM » |
The new attack animations look sick. Nice work. In the gif it took me a second to realize that those shadows were trees in the foreground. Not a huge problem at all, but maybe some camera movement with parallax scrolling would help?
Level 1
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2017, 10:39:49 AM » |
The new attack animations look sick. Nice work. In the gif it took me a second to realize that those shadows were trees in the foreground. Not a huge problem at all, but maybe some camera movement with parallax scrolling would help?
Thanks a lot guys! In regards to the trees I've gotten mixed reactions on them. Will see how they fair in the long run. I've made them a bit smaller in the meantime. Here is a screenshot I took for screenshot saturday ( @grogrog :3). The forest area leads into a hub area that then lets you start the ascent up the tower, and will have some other goodies in the future.
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2017, 11:04:54 AM » |
This looks like amazing fun! It reminds me a little of a lower-bit Super House of Dead Ninjas. This game is right down my alley.
Level 1
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2017, 11:10:46 AM » |
Oh wow! I forgot about that game! Checked it out and was worried I was copying in some way. Buttt there are enough differences haha. Also totally forgot to post that screenshot... 
Level 1
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2017, 03:53:42 PM » |
It's been a while! But I've cleaned a lot up, added a new enemy, added a fair bit of polish. Here's a short run from the game:  - New parallax BG - Lanterns with drops - Skeleton enemy - Hit flashes + blood - Persistent blood I've also added some simple shadows below some objects: 
Pixel Noise
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2017, 06:45:03 AM » |
I like the new background when you're up in the tower - really like the cloud shapes/colors.
Level 1
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2017, 05:16:07 PM » |
I like the new background when you're up in the tower - really like the cloud shapes/colors.
Thank you!  I've added a status effect to the web shots these enemies shoot, they now can stun you. I ended up adding some options to the way attacks are handled. For example these web shots don't give the player any invulnerability. On top of this I've given the saws reudeced hitstun when they do damage, allowing multihits. I think it creates a cool/powerful seeming effect, and is absolutely brutal when combined together.
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2017, 11:10:23 PM » |
looks like a good start for a nifty little game!
One thing that Jumps out to me:
The colors of the parallax clouds don't really make much sense in terms of actual atmospheric perspective. Usually the further away you get, the closer to being the actual color and value of the sky things become. But you have it completely reversed there. Because of this, my eye jumps way out to the horizon, because the contrasts and saturations there are telling me that is important, and it is stealing my attention away from the gameplay.
I think if you reverse the colors you currently, have, putting that pink one toward the front, and the darker ones behind, it would make both more visual sense, and be less distracting for gameplay!
Level 1
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2017, 05:37:26 PM » |
looks like a good start for a nifty little game!
One thing that Jumps out to me:
The colors of the parallax clouds don't really make much sense in terms of actual atmospheric perspective. Usually the further away you get, the closer to being the actual color and value of the sky things become. But you have it completely reversed there. Because of this, my eye jumps way out to the horizon, because the contrasts and saturations there are telling me that is important, and it is stealing my attention away from the gameplay.
I think if you reverse the colors you currently, have, putting that pink one toward the front, and the darker ones behind, it would make both more visual sense, and be less distracting for gameplay!
Thanks a lot, and I appreciate the feedback! The idea is they are being lit by the moon, meaning the further back clouds would be receiving more light.  Added new gross floaty eye enemy! Plan on making him drip some blood as well. Idea is a medium-high health enemy that doesn't provide any immediate threat as it's slow moving, but will be consistently on you. Hitting him knocks him further back, further delaying how long he is a threat to you.